UPDATE: Roosh has announced that he is cancelling all the meetups. For more see my post here.
Roosh Valizadeh may be getting exactly what he wants. The scuzzball pickup artist and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity,” best known for his semi, demi, sort-of-satirical article advocating that rape be made legal on private property, has ignited a firestorm of controversy in the media and online by announcing plans to hold meetups for his fans in 165 locations worldwide this coming Saturday.
As someone who’s been watching Roosh for many years, I can certainly understand the outrage. Roosh is a thoroughly despicable person — a misogynist, racist, homophobe, and anti-Semite who has self-published a series of books of pickup artistry that many observers see as rape manuals.
He teaches his followers that a “no” from a woman is usually just an indication to keep trying; he fills his books with “field reports” of his own sexual experiences that often seem indistinguishable from rape. (That’s why some people describe him as a confessed serial rapist; he’s never been charged much less convicted of rape, as far as I know.)
And then there is that piece of his extolling what he sees as the benefits of legalizing rape on private property. (He now claims it was satire, but was unable to explain to the BBC what exactly he was supposedly satirizing.)
Unfortunately, some of the media coverage of Roosh and his planned meetups has been sloppy and misleading; assorted rumors about the events are flying around online.
This post is intended to give you solid information about Roosh and his meetups and to correct some of the misinformation floating around.
If you need more information about Roosh himself and his beliefs, please take a look at some or all of the posts of mine listed below. The headlines are pretty self-explanatory, and I carefully document every point I make in them.
Pickup guru Roosh V: End rape by making it legal
Are Roosh V’s “Bang” books how-to guides for rape?
Roosh V has a little trouble with the concept of “no.”
Roosh V: “Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men.”
Roosh the PUA dude: Women are “lubricated holes that exist mostly for a man’s sexual pleasure.”
Why pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh is dangerous to women
Domestic violence laws are a crime against nature, according to pickup artist Roosh V
Roosh V: Gay marriage is part of “a degenerate march to persecute heterosexuals” and destroy society
Roosh V denounced as degenerate “muzzie” by white supremacists he’s trying to woo
Roosh V Is Angry That the BBC Has Portrayed Him as the Monster He Is
Oh, and I almost forgot this one:
Roosh V: It’s just a matter of time before one of my fans commits a mass shooting
And these are just some of my posts detailing many terrible things about this terrible man. See even more here.
Now that we know what sort of person Roosh is, we can move on to asking just what exactly he’s trying to do with all these meetups he’s scheduled around the world. I can’t answer that completely, but let me offer several caveats and warnings.
Whether you are planning something to counter a meetup in your area, or simply trying to understandwhat’s going on, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Roosh loves to troll
While it’s abundantly clear that Roosh means most of what he says — including the horrific things he’s said about rape — he is also a bit of a troll, and he’s clearly stoking the fires of the current controversy in order to get more attention for himself ad his noxious ideas. He’s also using the controversy in order to find new “SJW” villains that he and his followers can defame and harass.
Roosh is almost certainly NOT coming to your town
Roosh is planning 165 meetups; there is only one of him.
He originally said, in a FAQ on the upcoming meetups, that he plans to attend the one in Washington DC. But after the Australian media got wind of his planned meetups, Roosh stoked the firestorm by tweeting that he had booked a plane ticket to the land down under. Later, he followed up with tweets suggesting that he might instead travel there by boat in hopes of avoiding the authorities.
He was almost certainly trolling. My guess is that he will indeed be going to the DC meetup, but only Roosh knows for sure.
He is not planning “‘rape should be legal’ meetups,” as the Toronto Sun claimed in a headline
The meetups, as Snopes.com has pointed out, seem to be informal get-togethers for his fans, not demonstrations or seminars or pickup bootcamps or anything much beyond a way for his readers to meet in person. Roosh no doubt hopes that the events will help solidify his fan base and make them more committed to him. They are also pretty clearly intended as a publicity stunt, and in this they have succeeded wildly.
The truth about Roosh is damning enough; there is no need to exaggerate or invent.
Roosh wants his critics to overreact and embarrass themselves in public
In a FAQ for the upcoming meetups, Roosh urges his readers to record any “crazy feminists” who show up
with your camera, upload the footage to Dropbox, and then send it to me at [email protected] afterwards so we can tear them up. …
I will exact furious retribution upon anyone who challenges you in public on that date (remember to record them).
Roosh is also planning “retribution” against journalists and presumably anyone else whom he thinks have maligned him
Earlier today, on his forum, Roosh announced the start of what he called “OPERATION BULLHORN,” a “counter-operation” against “lying reporters” who have presented him as “pro rape.”
Where did this worldwide mob get the idea that we are meeting to discuss rape tactics? Through the media. Dozens of reporters have now blatantly lied about all of us being “pro rape” and have a “rape advocacy platform.” They have frothed up a crazy mob that is ready to dox and assault. We must hold journalists fully accountable for their incitement.
For this operation, locate all media articles written in the past week that contained the lie that we support rape and harm against women. Then collect as much as you can of the following information and post it in this thread:
-Name of reporter
-Name of media outlet he/she works for
-Most likely city of residence (don’t publish addresses but save them for possible future use)
-Twitter account URL (if available)
-Their Facebook profile URL (if available)
-Their photo (uploaded to a service like imgur.com)
In the forum thread — now locked to all but forum members, but still up on Google cache — Roosh’s fanboys have started tracking down and posting info on a number of journalists. What Roosh intends to do with this information is not yet clear.
Roosh and his fans will almost certainly try to track down the personal information of any anti-Roosh activists they manage to capture on video as well. Roosh recently announced that he had finally identified the woman who so famously dumped a beer on him during his visit to Montreal last summer. So be careful.
Roosh is making the meetup locations for some of his events private
In a post today on his Return of Kings site, Roosh declared that “the world is moving against us,”and announced that he would be making a number of the planned meetups private.
Since this meetup was never intended as a confrontation with unattractive women and their enablers, I’m moving to save as many of these meetups as I can before Saturday so that men can still meet in private away from a loud, obnoxious, dishonest, and potentially violent mob. …
In the next 24 hours, many meetups will be made private. …
We’re not going to be able to privatize all the meetups that are being threatened with protest, but we’ll save the ones that are in the most critical danger.
For those organizing against Roosh, this may actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Instead of a potentially ugly confrontation with a handful of Roosh fanboys looking to provoke a fight (that they can capture on video), the protests can be reframed not as a protest centering around one guy and his followers but as a public rebuke of the rape culture they embody.
At least that would be my preference. If you have other and possibly better ideas, feel free to post them in the comments below, or share what you’re already planning.
Whatever you’re planning to do (or not do) on Saturday, be prepared.
Be safe! Lock down your social media presence online. Doublecheck your privacy settings, and don’t reveal anything you wouldn’t want Roosh’s fanboys to find. If you’re going to protest in person, go with friends.
Know what you’re talking about! Accusing him of things he’s not actually doing plays into his hands.
Be aware that whatever you do may get recorded and posted on Youtube; avoid tactics that may not play well on camera.
Again, if you think I’m wrong about any or all of this, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Unless you’re a Roosh fanboy; we don’t really need you stinking up the place.
“But I mean, Roosh *is* a convicted violent sex criminal,”
He’s not, actually, as far as I’m aware. He’s admitted committing crimes but never been charged and convicted with anything. Which is really too bad, because it could make shutting him down much easier.
Yep, looks like it’s official.
Remember that thread we had where a TRPer was getting pissy that women didn’t know how long their dicks are?
And I mentioned it’s because men exaggerate the size of their dicks all the time to impress
each otherwomen?I don’t think so, myself. For one thing, he’s relying too much on other people’s negative messages about him. I think he really does want to start some kind of asshole revolution, but it won’t get off the ground if more people buy his books for hate-reading than as actual gospel-seekers. In the end, his “revolution” would just fizzle out, because there will be more people informed as to what a hateful shitgolem he is, and ready to beat the golemshit out of him or his followers, than followers of the shitgolem himself.
In fact, I’d say it’s fizzling already.
Dang, I have two comments in moderation, probably due to links. Long story short:
I don’t think the “journalists doing research” market is big enough to make a significant amount of money.
Another valid point against this being as big as it seems.
I was gonna mention that, perhaps, some of the places are decoys to start fights to be taped but I think that’s giving him too much credit.
@ Bina
Indeed, hence the pissing contest with Milo (who has had a few mainstream TV gigs lately).
I was just wondering whether his desperate craving for relevance had a commercial as well as ego motive. Remember his attempt to break into video game criticism (what, you forgot that? But he was going to be the next big thing; he said so on his website that no-one looked at!) as his PUA stuff went past its sell by date?
TITLECARD: The people we hired to get around the moderation filter have been sacked. The remaining comments have been done at the last minute, and with great expense.
Thanks for this, I’m sharing the link with many friends who are hearing about him for the first time and are angry and bewildered about it.
What I think would be absolutely awesome would be if protesters collaborated with local animal shelters and arranged adoption events near the sites of the meetups.
Yeah. Mind you, how much does he earn from one of his poorly attended seminars? I imagine selling just one book would make a big blip on the Roosh Inc. income received chart.
Apparently, it has been cancelled. Aww. Shucks.
I assume you’ve all seen this.
I think the main danger is that women going about their business unaware might happen on a tiny groupsicle of Rooshies, with all the unpleasantness that would entail. Anyone is liable to be identified as the enemy, I would think, and harassed accordingly.
In my own fine city, on the very same day, there will be a parade of Vikings pouring out of the castle to locations around where they will proceed to tell viking-ish stories to all comers.
They have promised not to reenact our last encounter with the fleetmen, back in 1040, when Sven Forkbeard burnt the place to the ground, all but a single church.
Much more fun than Roosh-wannabes.
@ lightcastle
Oh, job done. Nice one to all concerned.
Stand by for tweets about ‘violent’ feminists silencing poor defenceless men. Bonus points if he uses the phrase ‘safe space’.
G’night all, well done.
It’s Roosh. I went through this in Montreal/Toronto. He loves his “disinformation” campaigns. So maybe, maybe not.
He’s locked down the forums, so who knows.
The only thing I really can see him being rattled by would be Anonymous getting his email list. Then he can’t actually arrange private meetups. Otherwise, he just goes back to it being private independent meetups, because he got all the publicity he needed.
(And, as you say, he gets to claim being silenced by evil SJWs, and then if the meetups do happen, he gets to claim victory.)
Not to mention some of his hate-readers might put the books up elsewhere for other people to hate-read for free.
OK, now I just don’t know what to think. *Throws up hands in frustration*
Rapey Rooshie tucks tail. Ha, ha. Best news I’ve had all day.
I’ve added it to my latest blog entry, BTW.
Thank you for posting the link. Too bad it seems you were in moderation.
Its still going ahead, just going underground
So, anyone happen to know someone (or a few someones) that are part of Anonymous? While it’s convenient when Roosh puts all the info regarding his ‘super seeekret plans’ on the ROK site for anyone and everyone to read and share – some even making coordinating plans for ruining his – if he wises up about posting them where all can find out, and stops doing that entirely…for the safety and amusement of everyone who knows him for what he is (a has and willing to be rapist who is rapidly approaching total irrelevance dude who feels that wiping his ass and other basic hygiene is such a burden upon him to bother with – AKA no good for anyone and will be forever alone for good reason) keeping tabs on any large or small group meetups would be a good thing.
As long as no one has to do things that are clearly against any applicable laws to find such information, that is.
Nice! Who wants to set up 165+ meet ups to do that?
Looking at Twitter, Anonymous seems to be on the case.
so now roosh has cancelled the meetups due to safety concerns … oh, the irony. amazing. how this situation played out will only confirm his and his sad little disciples’ notions of being the most victimized group in the universe. i already see them whining “but but but … free speech!!!1!1!!” (what they think it is/should be, because they don’t understand hate speech and incitement) etc., and how everything is a feminist conspiracy. lol
Diamond Dogs Coke Spoon – oh, they’re going underground now … sooper seeekret spy stuff. hahaha
I do LOVE that he can’t explain what exactly he’s supposed to be satirising.
Perhaps he’s a satire of unbalanced, narcissistic sickos who, when confronted about how awful their ideals are, backpedal and claim their work is all “Satire”?