
UPDATE: The pet shop is closed? Roosh V claims he’s cancelled his meetups; apparently he’s just organizing them secretly now

So sorry to hear it
So sorry to hear it


Everyone’s favorite pickup artist guru Roosh Valizadeh has announced that he is cancelling all of the 165 meetups in 43 countries he had planned for this coming Saturday.

I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6, especially since most of the meetups can not be made private in time. While I can’t stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return Of Kings meetups. The listing page has been scrubbed of all locations. I apologize to all the supporters who are let down by my decision.

Huh. Should we take him at his word on this? Roosh, in addition to being a terrible person, is also a bit of a troll. It wouldn’t exactly shock me if Roosh’s alleged cancellation turned out to be nothing more than a ruse, that the meetups are still on, and that he’s simply moved the planning for his meetups out of the public eye.

[EDITED TO ADD: It looks like this is indeed what he’s doing, organizing them secretly on the Roosh V forum, now closed to outsiders, at least according to sources with accounts on the forum.][EDITED AGAIN: Here are some screenshots (not mine) of his forums showing some of the places where they’re still trying to organize meetups.]

[EDITED AGAIN 2: REDDIT BOOGALOO There’s a stickied post in the Red Pill subreddit inviting all properly credentialed red pill alpha dogs to come to these super secret alternate meetups.]

If he really has cancelled them, the question becomes: did he do it because he was genuinely afraid for the safety of himself and his fanboys? Or did he take a look at all the protests being scheduled and realize he would look foolish if, in location after location around the globe, tiny groups of Roosh fanboys faced off against big crowds of mocking feminists? Hell, maybe he realized that in a lot of the locations he announced he was going to have trouble getting even one person to show up.

Will we ever learn where the pet shop is?

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Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

@ PI:

Agreed. Especially when it’s the Daily Mail. You just have to look at the “Don’t Miss” sidebar on the very article about Roosh to see that they are very much enablers of his worldview.

9 years ago

The UK’s Daily Fail (aka the Daily Heil) is indeed a cesspit and I absolutely agree that it is wrong to try and shame someone simply for not being rich. In Roosh’s case it’s arguably at least pertinent, perhaps – isn’t his own fabled social-sexual-and-financial success part of the package he’s actually peddling? (like when the Catholic church complains that they get condemned for child abuse and argue that it’s disproportionate when after all it happens in other circles too – and of course it does, except that the church explicitly presents themselves as uniquely morally superior and moral arbiters for the world)

9 years ago

It turns out that you were right about Anonymous doxxing Roosh. Thanks for the tip!

In the comments section of David’s latest Mammoth article (“Check out my piece on Roosh…”), someone provided a link to Anonymous. I see that they are discussing Roosh there, mostly in highly unflattering terms. I also see that they are said to have doxxed Roosh–even though I don’t see the evidence.

Anonymous has a few websites–it’s kind of confusing. But it’s Anonymous, and they don’t have a strictly linear approach.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… Egh. Roosh is horrible, but death threats, doxxing and paparazzi-ing are all horrible too.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Erm, that’s “Egh” as in “Gross,” not “Egh” as in “I’m not sure.” Onomatopoeia make for vague posts.

Sheila Crosby
9 years ago

As opposablethumbs says, I wouldn’t shame anyone for being poor. But it’s a bit different with someone whose schtik includes much, “I’m successful and awesome and you should emulate me.”

But the threats are plain despicable, obviously. Even when it’s Roosh, I try to to wish anything worse than legos on them.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
9 years ago

I went along to the supposed “pet shop” venue in Edinburgh last night, and am pleased to report no sign of the pro-rape crew, but several hundred feminist counter-demonstrators*, of all genders!

*In intention, anyway – not our fault none of the pro-rapists turned up!

9 years ago

I went along to the supposed “pet shop” venue in Edinburgh last night, and am pleased to report no sign of the pro-rape crew, but several hundred feminist counter-demonstrators*, of all genders!

Good stuff, and good for Edinburgh. I’m wondering if any of the meetups did happen, albeit in private locations. Am still waiting to hear word…

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