UPDATE: Roosh has announced that he is cancelling all the meetups. For more see my post here.
Numerous We Hunted the Mammoth operatives have informed me that Roosh Valizadeh, the pickup artist and rape legalization proponent who is apparently trying to start a second career as a “neomasculine” cult leader of sorts, is planning dozens of meetups around the world, from Birmingham, Alabama to Taiwan, all scheduled for next Saturday.
While the meetups aren’t literally secret, Roosh is organizing them like a CIA operative planning covert ops. Or at least like a ten-year-old boy playing secret agent.
On his blog, he tells his fans that in each city where a meetup is planned,
Hosts have been instructed to wait at the meeting point from 8:00-8:20pm before moving on to the final location. If you arrive at the meeting point at 8:21pm, you will miss the meetup. Arriving on time within the window is absolutely paramount.
Ok, Secret Roosh Spy Army: Write “be on time” on a post-it note. Memorize it. Then eat the post-it note.
If you find you cannot memorize these instructions the first time, prepare and eat as many post-it notes are necessary until you can recite the instructions out loud without referring to your notes. NOTE: Do not actually recite the instructions out loud, as feminist spies may be lurking nearby.
To identify your fellow tribesmen, ask the following question to a man you suspect is there for the meetup: “Do you know where I can find a pet shop?” If you are asked this question, answer in the affirmative: “Yes, it’s right here.”
Ah, the old “where’s the pet shop” ploy, one of the all time spy classics!
You can then introduce yourself and get details about where to proceed at 8:20. If you ask someone for the pet shop and they appear confused or actually try to direct you to a real pet shop, they’re not there for the meetup.
If the person you have spoken to looks like they might be a secret feminist, and giggles at you, YOUR MISSION HAS BEEN COMPROMISED! Shout “abort, abort! The pet shop has a sale on canaries!’
This will alert any other Roosh agents in the area that your cover has been blown. Flee the scene immediately, preferably with your hands waving in the air above your head, shrieking.
In another post, Roosh answers some questions that have come up about his super seekrit meetups.
First off: There will be no girls allowed!
Q: Can I bring a female friend, girlfriend, lover, or wife?
A: Absolutely not. This meeting is for heterosexual men only.Q: Can I come if I’m a homosexual or transsexual?
A: No. This is a meeting for heterosexual men only.Q: What should we do if a pretty girl shows up and begs to be a fly on the wall?
A: Get her number and then tell her to buzz off. Do not allow women to attend the meeting.
Do you see what he did there in the last answer? The bit about buzzing off? BECAUSE FLIES BUZZ.
Q: What if crazy feminists show up?
A: Record them with your camera, upload the footage to Dropbox, and then send it to me at [email protected] afterwards so we can tear them up. If accosted during the meetup, travel to the final venue in pairs or triplets using an indirect route so the final location is not compromised (make sure you are not followed).
I’m sorry, I have to post this:
Secret Roosh Agents need to be constantly alert!
Q: Have the hosts been vetted? What if they are a secret feminist agent?
A: Again, this has never happened before, so the risk is minuscule. If you remain anxious or fearful of green-haired female activists or male feminists, simply don’t give out your last name or company name during the meetup.
Alternately, and I’m not sure why Roosh didn’t suggest this, give a fake name. Some suggestions, mostly borrowed from here:
- Bo Nerr
- Cole Onnick
- Dick C. Normus
- Dougie Style
- Homer Sexual (Note: May get you kicked out of the meetup. See above.)
- Lou Stools
- Max E. Pad
- Frank Lee Underwhelmedbythesefakenames
And then there’s the question that every new organization faces:
Q: Is this a white nationalist meetup?
A: No. This is a meetup for men of all races and backgrounds who read ROK and my blog. The Tribal Meeting is not a white nationalist organization.
And one more little clarification:
Q: Do permanent tribes have a consistent message that ensures purity of neomasculine thought during the meetings?
A: There is no universal program. Each tribe is encouraged to interpret neomasculinity to suit their local and immediate needs.
Oops, almost forgot this one!
Q: Are you concerned that agents within the various Alphabet Soup groups (CIA, FBI, NSA, CID, NCIS, ETC) may try to infiltrate the tribal meetup?
A: The tribe is apolitical and does not attempt to challenge governmental authority, so I don’t believe we’ll be targeted for infiltration. That said, keep an eye on possible agent provocateurs who advocate for illegal activities out of the blue.
For example, this man, who has been known to advocate making rape legal on private property.

Oh, and bring your cameras!
Up to now, the enemy has been able to exert their power by isolating us and attacking with shrieking mobs, but we’ll be able to neutralize that tactic by amassing in high numbers come February 6. I will exact furious retribution upon anyone who challenges you in public on that date (remember to record them).
As it turns out, there’s a meetup in Chicago that I could make it to without too much trouble. I plan to attend disguised as a pet store.
How exactly would I pull this off? Well, this woman accidentally cosplayed a hotel, so I think I could manage.

Stay safe everyone! And stock up on fake mustaches.
No shit. That’s why we’re all laughing about it.
I haven’t read everything pertaining to this post, so I’m hoping someone can fill me in: I’m seeing some attention around these meet-ups – on Twitter and Facebook – and they’re being framed as ‘pro-rape rallies.’ My understanding is that these aren’t ‘pro-rape rallies’ so much as ‘smallish meetings for fans of a website which has encouraged rape and the legalization thereof, among other awful things.’ Right?
Anyway, there seem to be a number of people mobilizing to protest the NYC happenings, which likely means that they won’t happen at all – basically, RoK may have just unwittingly, vicariously planned a bunch of anti-rape-culture protest events.
I’m kind of tempted to cruise by the Starbucks on Olympic Blvd just to point and laugh, but that would mean dealing with traffic in West Los Angeles on a Saturday night, and frankly I’d rather stay home and read a book.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but lol.
Right. They’ve been going around Twitter and stuff amongst communities that don’t really have the full history of Roosh and his “movement,” so they’re blowing the whole thing out of proportion and envisioning mobs and rallies instead of one dude wandering around in a trenchcoat.
But they’re right that Roosh fans, should they show up, could be dangerous, so I’m not going to tell them to chill out.
This could be amusing.
Mike, what katz said.
There is a reason David and others here have basically replied with “just mock them for being pathetic”. Sadly, Roosh’s drive to be “a big deal” basically worked because most of the media coverage and a lot of the social media “protest” stuff is in response to these “pro-rape legalization rallies” that don’t exist. Lots of it involves banning Roosh from entering countries he wasn’t going to anyway. Or stopping the meeting, which they won’t be able to do because you can’t really stop 3-5 people meeting for a drink. Roosh will claim victory for the events happening despite all the powers of “Eeeeevil Femministz!!” and milk this for 2-minute hate for a while.
Endless mockery would have been better.
@Dr Hoveiny
That Instagram page is priceless.
So Roosh isn’t in Poland anymore. Looks like they were closing in on him there too. I wouldn’t like to face off with some Polish skinheads either so he probably snuck out of there real quite before the shit hit the fan.
Anyhow, now he’s back in DC (the murder capital of America) where he’s a lot safer. I love the pics of him pimpin’ that money. I counted 4 $100 notes and 3 $20 notes so that’s $460 that I can see. The rest is probably singles so there’s not more than about $500 in there. Bet the car isn’t his either.
Happy pimping Roosh.
This is a bullsh*t article, very typical of today’s naive men and women. So man people are so gullible and easily mislead.
The media have been lying from the beginning, and you all have just walked righted into it, and honestly should be embarrassed.
The facts are the following:
– Roosh does not condone rape and has made that expressly clear
– This a general men’s meet up, and that’s pretty much it
– There is no “legalize rape” theme, and there never was. The media, and so-called social justice warriors (SJWs) have lied from the beginning and misrepresented the entire premise
– The article in question on Return of Kings was a satire piece; there is no validity to any statement made claiming it is otherwise
I’ve met the guy myself, and he is an ok guy. No reasonable man, including myself, Roosh, or other guys on the sites condone rape or crossing those lines.
The whole idea of that is preposterous, and there’s no merit or evidence to prove otherwise.
Pretty par for the course these days: sensationalism and finding a “boogey man” makes for a great cause for pandering to emotion and creating a problem where one does not exist. Never check the facts, right?
Just get upset and call for violence and hatred against some guy you’ve barely known for all of 30 seconds, right? Right.
If you can’t even bother to read the facts, then you most certainly should not be fanning the flame of sensationalism.
I admire how he uses your easily mislead hatred to profit. 🙂
Oh good, a Roosh troll. We needed a troll today.
I’m so happy to hear that Roosh has left Krakow. That city is beautiful and much more so without him dragging his greasy beard and greasier nether regions through its streets.
@Roosh fanboy
never check the facts, huh? Look to the newer article that collects a part of the blogposts on this very blog documenting Roosh’s heinous shit and then tell us again that we don’t check the facts. And you can put your “satire” where the sun doesn’t shine and Roosh is too lazy to wipe.
The one in my nabe does not appear to have gone under deep cover, and the local NOW chapter is mobilizing a synchronous meetup at the same location.
@GetItGoing–GTFO. Srsly. Get it Gone.
Get it going,
1. Who here has called for violence? Quote please.
2. Roosh admitted to committing rape in Bang Iceland. It’s kind of hard to deny that Roosh is pro-rape when he’s an admitted rapist, isn’t it?
3. What do you mean by “Roosh is an okay guy?” Okay to whom? I’m guessing you’re a man and also a potential or actual paying customer. Of course he seemed nice to you. A rapist who hates me because I’m a woman, not so okay to me.
Get going, get it going. Go all the way to an uninhabited solar system please.
Please explain to me how a book designed to help you get laid is satire? Then why buy it? If I bought a how-to book about say carpentry or plumbing or a self-help and found out one chapter was satire, I would be mighty pissed off and demand a refund.
> Calls us “gullible and easily misled”
> Came here to defend Roosh, who makes money off of the “gullible and easily misled” men who hate women but still want to have sex with them.
The irony, it burns.
I do believe that some of us have pointed out before your post went through that yeah, the media is blowing this out of proportion.
Only after he was called out for his “legalize rape on private property” article. And even then, he still won’t (or can’t) explain what exactly he was “satirizing”.
This is something that we can actually agree on, and this was something that we actually discussed before you knee-jerked your way in here. Way to come in here and not read the source material before shooting your mouth off.
I love it when assholes just try to go “it’s satire!” when they get called out for their bullshit, and then try to act like that explains everything and makes what they’ve said completely reasonable. I fondly refer to this phenomenon as “Schroedinger’s Douchebag”
Except when aforementioned douchebags drop this excuse, it still doesn’t defend what they said. What they said is still shitty. What they said is still fucked up. And it shows that they have no fucking clue what satire actually is.
Satire is meant to punch up at those in power, not punch down on those who are already being beaten. Roosh’s attitudes (that he later said were “satire” in an attempt at Schroedinger’s Douchebag) are sadly prevalent in today’s society, and it puts every female-presenting person at risk.
So, Roosh can claim “satire” all he wants, but he’s still a piece of shit, and you’re gullible as hell if you’re willing to go “oh, I’m a rational human being and he said it’s satire, so it’s okay, so stop getting upset about it!”
And even if I take you at your word (or Roosh’s) that he didn’t mean it and it was all “satire” (and I don’t), what you’re saying is he made the equivalent of a rape joke, which is never okay.
Except Roosh is an admitted rapist.
In his book “Bang Denmark” he describes going home with, and raping, a Icelandic girl who was too drunk to consent, and stated that he knew that this would be considered rape in America (and it’s also considered rape in Iceland), but did it anyway.
Emphasis mine.
So yeah, he does condone rape, he sells books describing raping women and tries to market this as “game”, and if you’re supporting him, you really should be made aware of that.
Except we did, and there’s a whole backlog of posts here about Roosh being a rapey, racist, douchebag.
And the fact that David also made a point to call out some of the sensationalism does nothing for your strawmanning though, amirite?
Yeah, it’s not like we have a backlog documenting his shitty behavior, right?
How’s that “e-book hustle” working out for him? Is he still mooching off of his sister and complaining that he has to wipe his ass before a woman will get anywhere near his genitalia?
Do misogynists sincerely not understand what satire means? I can’t tell.
Apparently they think that satire means “I can say anything I want and then call it this magic word and no one will be offended!”
When it’s actually “exaggerating something to the point of nonsense in order to make a point about systems or people in power”.
So unless Roosh was satirizing himself, it makes no sense to call what he said “satire”.
For some reason this really reminds me of that episode of Drunk History about the Klan.
Enlighten us all: What is Roosh satirizing?
I await your response with bated breath. Please hurry.
::Reads posts::
Paradoxy, did anyone ever tell you how awesome you are?
@katz and @lightcastle – Thanks for the replies.
@GetItGoing – “I’ve met the guy myself, and he is an ok guy” is a really hollow line of argument. Lots of people who do and say terrible things seem perfectly “ok” in public – that’s part of how they get away with being terrible. This is, I think, especially true when it comes to people who are terrible on the internet – at this point it’s practically a cliche that the most noxious, hateful trolls tend to be pretty mild-mannered offline. If you’re gonna form an opinion on the guy, how about basing it off of his published writing, rather than assuming he must be a decent, reasonable person based on his “ok” public persona?
@Paradoxical Intention – “Schroedinger’s Douchebag” is genius. That said, I don’t really agree with your definition of satire – “exaggerating something to the point of nonsense in order to make a point about systems or people in power;” I think that satire can be directed at anything, powerful or not. It’s totally possible to satirize powerless people/systems/things, it’s just that that kind of satire really, really sucks.
Anyway, regarding this particular instance of so-called “satire:” as with many things, Lindy West put it really well; but, I can’t find the original tweets so I’m gonna try a mangled, paraphrased version (apologies to West). Basically, she tweeted about how Roosh had proposed that rape should be decriminalized, and someone replied with ‘and in 1729, Jonathan Swift proposed that the Irish should eat their own babies’ to which she replied ‘that would be a great comparison if Swift regularly advised people on how best to eat babies and was also known to eat babies himself.’
Well Roosh is receiving threats such as ‘We will kill you if you come to our city’ so called the police to where he is currently living. He’s discovered what so many women have endured. (This is wrong even to a rape apologist, no one should feel threatened in their home.)
The tabloids scuttled in for the dirt but also quote some of the tweets and a neighbor’s comment.
On the lighter side he is also getting some decent mockery like BBC’s Hardeep Singh Kohli, who tweeted of Glasgow’s collective reaction ‘It’s a city with a moral compass and a degree of self esteem. Try it sometime…’ This was in reference to the Glasgow meeting. Apparently Glaswegians have sent more threats and ridicule than all other locations, being very direct people.
This. Kudos, Mike, for putting it so well.
I’ve met some South African people who, back in the old days, did some terrible things and who have never expressed regret over the matter. They’re utterly affable people in person, who are kind to their kids and support some good charities and so on. The same can probably be said for Guantanamo Bay torturers, Rooshite rapists or any other of the assholes that populate our world.
What people are like when they’re with those they regard as human, and when the cameras are on them, is very different from what they’re like when it matters. You are who you are in the dark.
Fucking hell; so he actually DOES live in his “mother’s basement”? I was beginning to think that whole stereotype was getting a bit tired and indescriminately-applied; and yet here’s the king of PUAs actually doing that. What’ll I encounter next; a burglar with a mask and a sack over his shoulder labelled “$wag”?
I could stand to hear it more often. 😉
(No, but seriously, I’m sick as hell right now and I need the moral uplifting.)
I got it from Urban Dictionary.
It could be, but then again, what Roosh did still isn’t satire unless he was directing it at himself.