antifeminism concern troll harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert misogyny racism threats TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Just Another Day on Twitter: Horse-Obsessed Concern Troll Edition

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In this, the inaugural episode of an occasional series I’m calling Just Another Day on Twitter, we will meet a very concerned Twitterer who showed up in my mentions today.

Jemoi1, you see, is unhappy that I suggested the other day that Richard Dawkins’ recent tweets about Chanty Binx, the red-haired Canadian feminist who’s become a favorite target of MRAs and others of their ilk, would almost certainly worsen the harassment that she’s been facing on a daily basis for nearly three years.

“[B]y accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims,” Jemoi1 tweeted at me, claiming to be a harassment victim himself. In a followup tweet, he accused me of chasing page views “while ignoring victims of harrassment.”

As I pondered whether or not to bother to respond, I clicked over to Jemoi1’s Twitter feed. And this is what I saw.

jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 1h1 hour ago @DavidFutrelle @szvan as a real harrassment victim fuck you for associating dawkins tweets with harrasment View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 1h1 hour ago @DavidFutrelle @szvan by accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims. View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @caraellison someone needs to tell you how ugly you ar.e please dont appear on the internet. put a trigger warning somewhere View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @caraellison bleah. damn you feminist are shitty ugly creatures. bleah. i just pucked. take it off the internet or put a trigger warning. View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz if only your mother would have ignored that dogs cock and instead of fucking him would have just give him food hahaha View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz remember the time your mother suckked a dogs dicck in the street after drinking wine. hahaha. so funny. facts-no-oppinions

As you no doubt noted, I blanked out the names of those he was targeting as well as some of the more obscene language.

There are literally hundreds of tweets like these — angry, obscene, scatological, abusive.

Jemoi1 is a little bit obsessed with horses.

@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz hahah. youre so funny. just like the time a horse shat and pissed in your mouth and you starting swallowing hahahahah

And with other people’s mothers.


Oh, in case you’re wondering, when Jemoi1 refers to “racism,” he (naturally) means racism against white people. This is the main theme of perhaps a third of his tweets.

Despite his obsession with racism (against white people), he is happy to drop the n-word into his own Tweets. Here’s one lovely example:

jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 8 Aug 2013 @LatinoFIFA dumb nigger.fuuuck you and you dead family you bitch.slave.pussy.bitxch.phoney.gfaggot

While most of his tweets target feminists and those he deems anti-white racists, Jemoi1 also has some strong feelings about e-sports, spamming a number of professional e-sporters with the same vicious, vaguely threatening message:

In a couple of cases, he moved past mere threatening language and simply sent his targets death threats.


jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 8 May 2012 @FlyingColour i will kill you

It seems to me that if Jemoi1 were truly concerned about the victims of harassment, he would have long ago DELETED HIS ACCOUNT.

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9 years ago

The meet-the-PUAs plans are shaping up nicely. Bizarrely but nicely.

But Sheila Crosby brings up an ominous question about these guys:

Am I being OTT, or does it seem possible they’d agree to provide mutual alibis for rapes?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bernardo

Philip Zimbardo

Would you be surprised to learn that he was very good friends with Stanley Milgram?

9 years ago

Well I don’t have a parrot, but I do have an actual dog-whistle (the dog itself would have to stay at home, not being of a size and disposition to pass unnoticed on public transport 🙂 )

9 years ago

Yay, there’s Roosh meet ups in Australia, what a surprise (not). I wonder where they’ll be?

Not looking up any Roosh sites to find out

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Huh, I don’t see much point in trying to protest or sabotage ROK meetings. I you want to infiltrate those meetings for online mocking purposes, go ahead (consider your own safety first).

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

So you can tweet about killing specific people on Twitter and still have an account? Tweets like the ones featured on this post are exactly why I will never join Twitter. It supports death threats and threats of violence with zero consequences.

9 years ago

@Arctic Ape

Mocking and documenting would be my priorities.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Jemoi1 ? Could be translated in Imyself1 from french. As in “I, myself, is one harasser”, i guess. Involuntary irony or obvious self-centered egotist ?

On Roosh, is he going in France too ?

About Dawkins, who still pretends to be a feminist, this is raising the following stuff : what is the difference between a misogynist man and a self-declared feminist man ? The former says : “Go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich” while the latter says : “Go back to the kitchen and make me some cookies”. Hmm, indeed, that is a huge difference…

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

I just read the Brometheus Rex blog post Kat posted on page two and found this quote to be rather hilarious:

It’s exciting to talk to someone [Roosh] who in a lot ways has already arrived at the place you want to be.

Really? You want to be bitter, lonely, depressed and outraged that you have to actually wipe your own butt to get a woman to sleep with you?

9 years ago

Talking of Roosh, if any British Mammothers would care to sign a petition to keep him out of Scotland, it would be much appreciated .

9 years ago

@occasional reader

I’d say in this case the difference between an anti-feminist and a self-declared feminist in this case is that the anti-feminist says “women should stay in the kitchen”, while the self-declared feminist says “how dare women complain about being stuck in the kitchen when some muslim women have it even worse”.

9 years ago

By the way, anyone still on the fence about Dawkins? No?

Just in case, he also retweeted this:

comment image

9 years ago

I guess he’s mad that David is disrespecting is own very legitimate harassment. How dare you call mere disagreement harassment! I’LL show you real harassment!!

9 years ago

WRT The MacGyver test: The rules aren’t particularly objectionable, aside from mandating that women be romantically interested, but it’s so MRA to respond to a test requiring women to exist with a test requiring men to be competent and heroic.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago

> dhag85
Oh, indeed, you have a point, at least for Dawkins. The law of the Worse is strong with him.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I really, really like that MacGuyver test. Requirements 1, 3 and 4 are very interesting from a feminist perspective; requirement 2 is just something that appeals to me personally.

– Movie does not require the absence of the mother for the father to be portrayed as a competent dad.

This is important because it challenges the assumption that women are the default caregivers.

– Honest hard-working man is in a successful and/or leadership position and/or is not a chump.

I can’t see this being a challenge to the patriarchy, but I’m in favour of it because I dislike the “This Loser Is You” trope.

– Female protagonist shows interest in the male protagonist before he is the hero.

With all respect to katz above, I think this can be rewritten as “the female protagonist is not a trophy to be won.” One doesn’t get the girl through being the hero, one gets her through being a person that she likes and wants to spend time with.

– Male protagonist solves problems in creative ways, and only uses violence as a last resort to accomplish his goals or mission.

Fucking yes.

9 years ago

What does this test have to do with MacGyver though?

9 years ago

Why do we need a male Bechtel test? The tropes listed are examples of generally lazy writing, not evidence of sexism against men.

The incompetent, bumbling dad trope in particular is more harmful to women than men because it reinforces the expectation that women do the domestic work, even if she has a full time paid job.

9 years ago

What does this test have to do with MacGyver though?

Srsly. Last I looked, wasn’t that a TV show about a single guy, no kids, being able to improvise his way out of a seemingly intractable problem, using just two cans, a rusty razorblade, a string, and a chewed piece of bubblegum? What does it have to do with fatherhood?

Meanwhile, I’m thinking a lot of fun could be had with Roosh’s full list of venues, if any brave souls out there are willing to go, if only to spy and report on the proceedings (which will no doubt be mighty pathetic).

9 years ago

PS: That cartoon is hideous. But the woman in it isn’t wrong. Dude is both sexist AND racist. Because, presumably, his “point” was that women here have it good compared to women in Muslim countries. It’s sexist to assume that feminists are complaining about nothing, and racist to assume that Muslims, being often brown, are worse to women! Also, as I’ve pointed out before on other threads, THERE ARE ACTUAL MUSLIM FEMINISTS.

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
9 years ago

OT and I’m guessing David might have this in the hopper, but Dawkins is Dawkinsing again.

9 years ago

Also, Roosh’s little scheme has made the news in Scotland:

On the website advertising the event, Roosh V writes that it is time for his supporters to “come out of the shadows and not have to hide behind a computer screen for fear of retaliation”.

“Come out of the shadows”…guffaw. So, Roosh basically admits that he and his hangers-on are a bunch of cowardly troglodytes.

9 years ago

Also, Roosh’s little scheme has made the news in Scotland

– Bina

For once, reading the comments was uplifting 🙂

9 years ago

Re: the continuing Dawkins meltdown:

Great Flying Spaghetti Monster, Richard.

I haven’t been following his behavior for some time, and I was under the impression that he admitted in the Pharyngula comments on “Dear Muslima” that he understood that he was arguing a logical fallacy. But no, he goes right back to the same well.

I’m imagining a different cartoon: In one panel, a woman is asking men to please not proposition women in an elevator, alone, in a foreign country, at 2 (4?) in the morning, because it’s creepy and scary for the woman. In the other panel, is a drowned child refugee. The cartoon reads, “One of these things offends Richard Dawkins. The other is a 3-year-old boy who drowned while his family tried to escape a brutal war zone.”

A high-school teacher introduced me to the RAWA in 2000. Back then, pretty much the only people who gave a flying fuck about them and their cause were feminists. This “I care more about the plight of women in oppressive societies than feminists do” is complete bullshit.

It is sad that the legacy Dawkins will leave will be that of the dull mind of a bigot rather than the sharp mind of a communicator of science.

A poster at Pharyngula makes the point that Dawkins has been against feminism all along. Richard Dawkins: knocking down the easy targets and straw-manning since 1998 (TM). He truly has found his people.

9 years ago

@Dr Hoveiny

Thanks for the link. I saw these tweets but only after the original one had been deleted. I wonder if Dawkins will ever stop to think why it just happens that he now finds himself on the same side as people who would link to nazi propaganda.