In this, the inaugural episode of an occasional series I’m calling Just Another Day on Twitter, we will meet a very concerned Twitterer who showed up in my mentions today.
Jemoi1, you see, is unhappy that I suggested the other day that Richard Dawkins’ recent tweets about Chanty Binx, the red-haired Canadian feminist who’s become a favorite target of MRAs and others of their ilk, would almost certainly worsen the harassment that she’s been facing on a daily basis for nearly three years.
“[B]y accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims,” Jemoi1 tweeted at me, claiming to be a harassment victim himself. In a followup tweet, he accused me of chasing page views “while ignoring victims of harrassment.”
As I pondered whether or not to bother to respond, I clicked over to Jemoi1’s Twitter feed. And this is what I saw.
As you no doubt noted, I blanked out the names of those he was targeting as well as some of the more obscene language.
There are literally hundreds of tweets like these — angry, obscene, scatological, abusive.
Jemoi1 is a little bit obsessed with horses.
And with other people’s mothers.
Oh, in case you’re wondering, when Jemoi1 refers to “racism,” he (naturally) means racism against white people. This is the main theme of perhaps a third of his tweets.
Despite his obsession with racism (against white people), he is happy to drop the n-word into his own Tweets. Here’s one lovely example:
While most of his tweets target feminists and those he deems anti-white racists, Jemoi1 also has some strong feelings about e-sports, spamming a number of professional e-sporters with the same vicious, vaguely threatening message:
In a couple of cases, he moved past mere threatening language and simply sent his targets death threats.
It seems to me that if Jemoi1 were truly concerned about the victims of harassment, he would have long ago DELETED HIS ACCOUNT.
I have been watching so much Fallout 4 that I am likely to answer anything remotely like a code phrase with, “Sorry, mine is in the shop. ”
I am looking forward to seeing this thing fall apart in glorious real-time slo-mo.
Hey Falconer, is that your real picture? If so, you could really show those guys a thing or two about how to wear a hat!
“We’d like to see the dog kennels, please.”
@Alan Robertshaw: Here in Victoria, Aus a law was passed requiring pet stores to source their animals only from rescue, breeding cats and dogs for profit is now illegal.
The pet stores have done just fine surprisingly, they just have people camp out the shelters to adopt the pets they think people will pay for.
Depends on how good they are:
That looks like John Boyega with the hat Photoshopped on, tbh.
Unless Falconer IS John Boyega…
@ mortarius
That’s, sort of, great news. This is something people (wonderful brilliant, compassionate people) are currently agitating for generally.
@ Pandapool
Hmm, well Falconer does seem to know a lot about Star Wars.
I want to say about the OP “it takes one to know one.” But very clearly this is a case of “it takes one to know nothing.”
Briefly returning to the main post topic and the featured harasser’s horse obsession to point out that in fact, when a woman f***s a dead horse it usually IS the patriarchy’s doing:
The Queen-Horse Copulation Ritual of the Asvamedha-Yajna
With you there, we’re all there.
I cannot wait for your field report.
I had a really weird glitch in my play through (I told Jackie about this and even wrote a short ficlet about it) where
[SPOILERS] I finished the main quest with the Minutemen, and Deacon’s stuck in this loop where he’s constantly asking me about that phrase thing, and Glory’s apparently dead, and Des is referring to her as dead but she’s still wandering around the HQ and won’t talk to me like wuuuuuut. [/SPOILERS]
It was 9spoopy729me. :OOOOO
Best quote:
About 35 guys showed up at each of his two talks in Canada. Somehow I don’t think that Roosh could have financed his worldwide tour (on which Canada was a stop) by giving lectures to 70 guys in each country. Also, there are his day-to-day living expenses when he’s not on tour. How could his income from his books and his tours keep him financially afloat! (Bang, his biggest seller on Amazon, sold 985 copies on that website.) He doesn’t appear to have a job either, so Mommy and Daddy must send him money.
Bonus favorite quote:
Check out the 1-star reviews, with titles such as “May be the worst book of my life” and “Truly awful.” And the 2-star review titled “You will HATE the author after reading this book!!!”
Roosh: He’s not for everyone.
I feel like Monzach’s field report from Roosh’s international meet up day (squee!) has almost as much comedic potential as the Sarkeesian Effect breakup.
I’ll get the popcorn.
@Alan Robertshaw:
No, it’s not me, it IS John Boyega in a(n actual) fedora, as part of a shoot for the British arm of GQ.
I wish I looked as good as Boyega.
@Paradoxical Intention:
Re: Revenant Glory. Maybe she was inspired by that oversight in Space Mutiny, in which a character who is 1) very recognizable and 2) very very murdered shows up in the background of a later scene.
Man, I’m not sure who I’d go for in F4. The people who are doing the Right Thing don’t have the chops to really change anything, and the people who do have those chops are assholes.
@ Falconer
Didn’t the issue of how you identify a GQ reader crop up a short while ago? Well, now you know it’s clearly not me.
An ACTUAL fedora? Because I saw him make a similar face in a non-fedora and I thought it was that picture.
(At least I was half-right.)
What an outright amateur.
You’re suppose to have separate sockpuppets for concern trolling and regular trolling. Though judging by the regular trolling they are not a big believer in the “work smarter, not harder” maxim.
Okay… So the Ottawa meetup is in the lobby of the Arts Court gallery, which is an actual art gallery. I’m wondering if I should email them, to let them know what will be happening, and who will be hanging out inside of their space.
I feel like artists will probably not be down with Roosh V’s world view.
Why would you even choose that spot? I mean, you’re near the Byward (one of the few places that seems to stay open later on at night) but still?
I hope they’re not planning on going to Zaphod’s, that place is 4x too cool for them.
“I think it’s really nice of you to give that dead girl another chance.”
Wow I hope that she is actually ok. What’s with people and doxxing? What good does it do for anyone, especially concerning this situation?
Is shoot them an email, at least, just to let the place know who exactly is going to be there (as in, let them know about all the terrible shit he’s done).
Their Chicago meetup is a couple of blocks from, well, not a full pet store, but a doggy day care called BARK BARK CLUB.
I’m tempted to go but alas I suspect someone would recognize me. Even if only Matt Forney shows up.
Reminds me of the classic from Reddit:
“When does the narwhal bacon?”
“The narwhal bacons at midnight!”
The OP would probably never use words like that in meatspace, but feels entirely free to use them when anonymity and the absence of consequences are assured.
Is there a Minneapolis/St Paul meetup? I like to tell myself none of the manospherians we mock live in my area, but I’m sure some of them do.