antifeminism concern troll harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert misogyny racism threats TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Just Another Day on Twitter: Horse-Obsessed Concern Troll Edition

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In this, the inaugural episode of an occasional series I’m calling Just Another Day on Twitter, we will meet a very concerned Twitterer who showed up in my mentions today.

Jemoi1, you see, is unhappy that I suggested the other day that Richard Dawkins’ recent tweets about Chanty Binx, the red-haired Canadian feminist who’s become a favorite target of MRAs and others of their ilk, would almost certainly worsen the harassment that she’s been facing on a daily basis for nearly three years.

“[B]y accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims,” Jemoi1 tweeted at me, claiming to be a harassment victim himself. In a followup tweet, he accused me of chasing page views “while ignoring victims of harrassment.”

As I pondered whether or not to bother to respond, I clicked over to Jemoi1’s Twitter feed. And this is what I saw.

jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 1h1 hour ago @DavidFutrelle @szvan as a real harrassment victim fuck you for associating dawkins tweets with harrasment View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 1h1 hour ago @DavidFutrelle @szvan by accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims. View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @caraellison someone needs to tell you how ugly you ar.e please dont appear on the internet. put a trigger warning somewhere View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @caraellison bleah. damn you feminist are shitty ugly creatures. bleah. i just pucked. take it off the internet or put a trigger warning. View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz if only your mother would have ignored that dogs cock and instead of fucking him would have just give him food hahaha View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz remember the time your mother suckked a dogs dicck in the street after drinking wine. hahaha. so funny. facts-no-oppinions

As you no doubt noted, I blanked out the names of those he was targeting as well as some of the more obscene language.

There are literally hundreds of tweets like these — angry, obscene, scatological, abusive.

Jemoi1 is a little bit obsessed with horses.

@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz hahah. youre so funny. just like the time a horse shat and pissed in your mouth and you starting swallowing hahahahah

And with other people’s mothers.


Oh, in case you’re wondering, when Jemoi1 refers to “racism,” he (naturally) means racism against white people. This is the main theme of perhaps a third of his tweets.

Despite his obsession with racism (against white people), he is happy to drop the n-word into his own Tweets. Here’s one lovely example:

jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 8 Aug 2013 @LatinoFIFA dumb nigger.fuuuck you and you dead family you bitch.slave.pussy.bitxch.phoney.gfaggot

While most of his tweets target feminists and those he deems anti-white racists, Jemoi1 also has some strong feelings about e-sports, spamming a number of professional e-sporters with the same vicious, vaguely threatening message:

In a couple of cases, he moved past mere threatening language and simply sent his targets death threats.


jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 8 May 2012 @FlyingColour i will kill you

It seems to me that if Jemoi1 were truly concerned about the victims of harassment, he would have long ago DELETED HIS ACCOUNT.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

Oh, that’s a splendid pair of names.

Are you familiar with the Peculiar Crimes Unit series? I’m loving the historical details about London.

9 years ago

Eggyhead Troll accuses David of pissing all over victims of “real harassment” (no doubt a close cousin to Legitimate Rape). Proceeds to really harass the fuck out of…well, everyone he comes across, apparently.

As usual, these people have no clues about their own numerous and glaring ironies.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ victorious p (that would be a great name if you take up a rap career)

I’ve heard of it but haven’t read it, don’t do much fiction. I do love the idea of mysterious London though. I lived in London for 15 years and I was fascinated by stuff like that (probably goes back to ‘Neverwhere’).

There’s actually quite a lot of real life mysterious London though; especially connected with the military. There are various subterranean bunkers obviously and I liked pointing out to people the antennae on an otherwise innocuous house on Theobalds Road. That’s where the nuclear submarine fleet used to be controlled from before they moved to Northwood.

I have a key for the old door that leads into The Temple from Fleet Street. I used to tell curious kids it was the back way to Diagon Alley.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

Oddly enough, I did take part in a comic-book themed epic rap battle last year, though my rhymes were faltering at the end.

If you ever do get the urge to read them, I think you’ll enjoy them. The first book focuses on the Palace Theatre during World War II, and the second on the underground rivers of London. Plus you get to enjoy lines such as “Bryant had suggested that, as a longtime support of Tottenham Hotspur, [the pathologist] was used to seeing things slowly fall apart.”

9 years ago

Well, none liked any of their tweets… that’s practically harassment, right??

9 years ago

@ victorious p (that would be a great name if you take up a rap career)

Or Vicky P, perhaps?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Notorious Vikki P Shizzzle

Oh, love me a lost river. One of my (many) annoying habits is pointing out that Holborn and Walbrook have the same derivation for their names (a stream that came through a hole in the London Wall.

I like that line. I’m always envious of people who can construct a great sentence. One of my writer friends was engaged in a political discussion and came out with something along the lines of “Like a once great football team dreaming of their time in the Premiership you harken back to a golden age when you were relevant”. How do you follow that!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ninja’d by Katz

9 years ago


Helsinki – Kolmen sepän patsas (Three Smiths statue) in Helsinki next to Stockmann department store.

I would be FOREVER in your debt. You’ll get daily cat pics in your email for 2 months.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

If I keep collecting rapper names, I might actually have to learn how to rap beyond the white-girl flow I had last year.

9 years ago


Oh wow…that’s pretty much the second or third most cliché meeting place in all of Helsinki.* ^_^ I’ll be there with my hair in a braid and ready to do some espionage.

* The most clichéd place to meet in Helsinki is “under the clock” of the main entrance to Stockmann’s department store, and the other second or third choice is the compass rose at the main railway and subway station, both almost right next to the statue of the Three Smiths.

9 years ago


Is there ANY way at all you could put fedoras on the three smiths without being arrested? Hahahahaha.

9 years ago


I don’t think it would be very easy to achieve I’m afraid. Not only would I have to go and buy the fedoras (fedorae?), but the statue itself is tall enough that it would be an arduous climb. Still, I do like your thought process a lot and I’ll see what I can do. 😀

9 years ago

Can you put 4 or 5 scarecrows by the statue, wearing trenchcoats and fedorae? So many possibilities!

9 years ago

Can you set up a lemonade stand for men only? Oh god please do that.

9 years ago

I will see what I can achieve. The problem is that it’s a really popular place, especially on a Saturday evening, so any sort of thing that might obstruct people would probably get shut down pretty quickly. Any small pieces of mischief that don’t cause too much trouble to regular passers-by ought to be just hunky-dory though. 😀

If all else fails, I will of course be the eyes and ears of WHTM at the gathering place, though. And I will make sure to relay all information to those interested.

9 years ago


Psst… don’t forget to identify yourself to other WHTM’ers with this sooper seekret code: “The red fox trots quietly at midnight.”

9 years ago


The countersign will be: “Yet the owl will mark his passage.”

9 years ago

I am so curious to know whether they will say the secret greeting in English or if they’ll improvise a translation!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Re: choosing the right codeword

9 years ago


I don’t actually know your gender but if you’re a man could you stand around and hope someone will ask you about the pet store? Then you say “Yes, follow me!” and walk off with a group of fedoras behind you. You could probably take them wherever you want since they’re used to blindly following the leader. Take them out for ice cream maybe?

9 years ago


I’m not sure which I’m dreading more. I’m sure that the translation would be funny enough, especially in Finnish. (Seriously, “pet shop” in Finnish is “eläinkauppa”) However, the prospect of a bunch of guys whispering such a non-sequitur to one another in the gloom of an early February night is so surreal as to belong in a Luis Buñuel film. 😀


The idea of taking them to a nice place for some ice cream is definitely appealing. I’ll see what we can find. And yes, I am indeed male and in my early 30s so I should pass for a fedora wearer quite easily.

9 years ago

Oh that’s so perfect. I would die of happiness if I could see a picture of approximately 5 Rooshbags in full get-up, crammed into a small ice cream joint looking up at the camera flash, slightly sweaty/shiny from the brisk walk. Hahahaha. Bonus points for ice cream traces around their mouths.

I can’t live like this, I need to get some sleep now. :p

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ dhag & monzach

Take them out for ice cream maybe?

An actually pet shop surely? You can have more fun if they think it’s a genuine mistake; you could string it out for ages.

Also, seeing puppies might make them nicer people.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


It has just been made very clear to me that you should *never* buy puppies from a pet shop or a puppy farm, but instead check out your local animal rescue centre.