antifeminism concern troll harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert misogyny racism threats TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Just Another Day on Twitter: Horse-Obsessed Concern Troll Edition

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In this, the inaugural episode of an occasional series I’m calling Just Another Day on Twitter, we will meet a very concerned Twitterer who showed up in my mentions today.

Jemoi1, you see, is unhappy that I suggested the other day that Richard Dawkins’ recent tweets about Chanty Binx, the red-haired Canadian feminist who’s become a favorite target of MRAs and others of their ilk, would almost certainly worsen the harassment that she’s been facing on a daily basis for nearly three years.

“[B]y accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims,” Jemoi1 tweeted at me, claiming to be a harassment victim himself. In a followup tweet, he accused me of chasing page views “while ignoring victims of harrassment.”

As I pondered whether or not to bother to respond, I clicked over to Jemoi1’s Twitter feed. And this is what I saw.

jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 1h1 hour ago @DavidFutrelle @szvan as a real harrassment victim fuck you for associating dawkins tweets with harrasment View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 1h1 hour ago @DavidFutrelle @szvan by accusing people you disagree with of harrasing you are pissing on the experience of real harrasment victims. View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @caraellison someone needs to tell you how ugly you ar.e please dont appear on the internet. put a trigger warning somewhere View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @caraellison bleah. damn you feminist are shitty ugly creatures. bleah. i just pucked. take it off the internet or put a trigger warning. View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz if only your mother would have ignored that dogs cock and instead of fucking him would have just give him food hahaha View conversation 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz remember the time your mother suckked a dogs dicck in the street after drinking wine. hahaha. so funny. facts-no-oppinions

As you no doubt noted, I blanked out the names of those he was targeting as well as some of the more obscene language.

There are literally hundreds of tweets like these — angry, obscene, scatological, abusive.

Jemoi1 is a little bit obsessed with horses.

@jemoi1 Jan 28 @youropinionz hahah. youre so funny. just like the time a horse shat and pissed in your mouth and you starting swallowing hahahahah

And with other people’s mothers.


Oh, in case you’re wondering, when Jemoi1 refers to “racism,” he (naturally) means racism against white people. This is the main theme of perhaps a third of his tweets.

Despite his obsession with racism (against white people), he is happy to drop the n-word into his own Tweets. Here’s one lovely example:

jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 8 Aug 2013 @LatinoFIFA dumb nigger.fuuuck you and you dead family you bitch.slave.pussy.bitxch.phoney.gfaggot

While most of his tweets target feminists and those he deems anti-white racists, Jemoi1 also has some strong feelings about e-sports, spamming a number of professional e-sporters with the same vicious, vaguely threatening message:

In a couple of cases, he moved past mere threatening language and simply sent his targets death threats.


jemoi1 ‏@jemoi1 8 May 2012 @FlyingColour i will kill you

It seems to me that if Jemoi1 were truly concerned about the victims of harassment, he would have long ago DELETED HIS ACCOUNT.

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9 years ago


9 years ago

I hear @jack of twitter is no longer worth a billion dollars, as twitter stock falls. I hope he has a good long look at this account and ponders how much harassment is affecting him personally.

Investors might finally be noticing that twitter is an unmoderated cesspool, and a vast number of much coveted new users are just trolls with multiple accounts.

Of course, the trolls will tell you it’s because @nero was unverified.

9 years ago

I’m surprised he even bothered to pretend to be concerned.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

Wow. Accusing you of harassment? There’s a fair amount of cognitive dissonance right there. Given the flavour of zie’s other tweets, it’s almost like that first one was written by a completely different person. Hm. I’ve never trusted those Twitter eggs…

9 years ago

Feminists are so ugly he pucked?!? That sounds… painful. Or possibly related to some kind of hockey kink…

9 years ago

**Trigger warning**
Tweets are publically visible.

9 years ago

Whoa. Roosh is trying to do a worldwide meetup thingy this Saturday.

We will have 165 meetings in 43 countries for our international meetup day on February 6, 2016 at 8PM local time. Hosts have been instructed to wait at the meeting point from 8:00-8:20pm before moving on to the final location. If you arrive at the meeting point at 8:21pm, you will miss the meetup. Arriving on time within the window is absolutely paramount.
To identify your fellow tribesmen, ask the following question to a man you suspect is there for the meetup: “Do you know where I can find a pet shop?” If you are asked this question, answer in the affirmative: “Yes, it’s right here.” You can then introduce yourself and get details about where to proceed at 8:20. If you ask someone for the pet shop and they appear confused or actually try to direct you to a real pet shop, they’re not there for the meetup.

Oh. My. God. I’m so upset I don’t live in Stockholm anymore. Any Stockholmers here gonna go to Medborgarplatsen for this epic failure? I just can’t imagine keeping a straight face when some weirdo sneaks up and goes “hey… do you, uh, know where I can find a… umm… pet shop?”

I am laughing already. PLEASE let there be at least some video of this after the fact. Oh god.

9 years ago

At least trolls make themselves easier to find by not taking the time to upload a profile pic.

9 years ago

How very unsurprising. Concern trolls are the same as all other trolls. That’s why I poke them and get them to show their true colors.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ dhag

I need to get a replacement for my Norwegian Blue Parrot so this could get messy!

9 years ago

@ Kathleen B

Shame he doesn’t puck off.


8 – 8.20 pm? How late do pet shops stay open, anyway?

Lovely to imagine the dudes sliding up to people and muttering “the eagle flies sideways over Belgium”.

Better than any PUA chat up line.

9 years ago


These are the spots for the UK:

Cardiff – Beside female statue in front of Hilton Cardiff on Friary Road.
Edinburgh – Covenanter’s Memorial in Grassmarket
Glasgow – George Square. Meet by the tall obelisk statue.
Leeds – The center of Millenium Square
London – Royal Airforce Bomber Command Memorial, Green Park (Hyde Park Corner side)
London – In front of Royal Exchange beside horseman statue (outside “Bank” tube station)
Manchester – In front of the main entrance to Sinclair’s Oyster Pub
Newcastle – Beside Grey’s monument
Shrewsbury – Frankwell car park, bottom of the pedestrian walkway.

It’s like a fucking spy movie! Hahahahahahaha. Unbelievable.

9 years ago

Whoa. Roosh is trying to do a worldwide meetup thingy this Saturday.

We will have 165 meetings in 43 countries for our international meetup day on February 6, 2016 at 8PM local time. Hosts have been instructed to wait at the meeting point from 8:00-8:20pm before moving on to the final location. If you arrive at the meeting point at 8:21pm, you will miss the meetup. Arriving on time within the window is absolutely paramount.
To identify your fellow tribesmen, ask the following question to a man you suspect is there for the meetup: “Do you know where I can find a pet shop?” If you are asked this question, answer in the affirmative: “Yes, it’s right here.” You can then introduce yourself and get details about where to proceed at 8:20. If you ask someone for the pet shop and they appear confused or actually try to direct you to a real pet shop, they’re not there for the meetup.

Oh. My. God. I’m so upset I don’t live in Stockholm anymore. Any Stockholmers here gonna go to Medborgarplatsen for this epic failure? I just can’t imagine keeping a straight face when some weirdo sneaks up and goes “hey… do you, uh, know where I can find a… umm… pet shop?”

I am laughing already. PLEASE let there be at least some video of this after the fact. Oh god.

I love it, love it, love it. Like I can’t even begin to list the ways I love it because there are too many.

9 years ago


I’ve been smiling since I saw this. If I were in Stockholm I’d go to the square with a little foldable table and some chairs and occupy the spot. With a sign that says “pet store”. Hahahaha.

9 years ago

Roosh found the woman who threw beer in his face back in August. Someone tipped him off yesterday.

She’s openly stated she did it on her twitter acct. His forum is busily doxxing her, as much as they can for someone who is pretty open about her info. I hope she’ll be ok.

9 years ago


Is the meeting in Stockholm the only one in the Nordic countries? If there’s one in Finland, especially in the Helsinki area, I might actually try and do an espionage mission. 😀

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

> “You’re harassing people by pointing out they’re inciting harassment against others!”

> Proceeds to harass a bunch of people and send them death threats.

Sounds like an expert in his field to me.

9 years ago

I love that there is all kinds of secrecy and secret codes. Why? Presumably because of the threat of beer throwing feminists? But then they put all the details and instructions on a public site.

It’s adorable.

9 years ago

Maybe someone could turn this into a stealth pet adoption scheme.

Wait, hold that thought. I don’t want these guys to own pets.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ dhag

It’s like a fucking spy movie!

Well maybe Austin Powers.

Even their Tradecraft is rubbish.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

George Smiley is rolling in his grave.

ETA: Or simply sighing in brief disgust.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ victorious parasol

You’ll be pleased to know that, within the Le Carre universe, George Smiley is enjoying a happy retirement as the chair of the Fishing Rights Committee.

I can imagine him raising a wry smile at our MRA friends’ antics though.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ah, ninja’d by edit 🙂

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

It’s certainly more entertaining to picture George Smiley giving a wry smile.

Though now that I’ve started reading Christopher Fowler’s Bryant and May series, I’m starting to imagine what would happen if Roosh’s followers accidentally crossed paths with the Peculiar Crimes Unit.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ victorious parasol

I like ‘Bryant & May’ as character names. I’ve always wanted to use ‘Chalfont & Latimer’ (after the Tube station)

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