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Why do women work when they could just be living off some dude, confused MGTOW wonders

Well that's no way to find a husband!
Well that’s no way to find a husband!

Over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one recent convert to the MGTOW philosophy admits that there is one thing about the females that’s really baffling.

Namely, why do any of them work, when they could just use their magic hoo-has to snag some poor dude and live off of him, lying on the couch watching Jerry Springer amidst a pile of bon-bon wrappers?

[H]ow does MGTOW explain working women? Why do women work low or pseudo status positions for employers that are primarily public facing? I feel like the women who work at Waffle House / Starbucks / whatever probably have a more consistently stressful time of things than I do working a STEM job, they’re paid less, and they’re burning SMV time working a plebian job.

Why do women work low and pseudo status positions like these? How does MGTOW explain women who opt in to these arrangements when they could likely bf/marry/B.D.Govt their way to a less stressful life? 

In case you’re not intimately familiar with misogyny-speak, SMV stands for “Sexual Market Value,” which, these dudes believe, starts declining for women after they hit the ripe old age of 25 or so and start getting all old and ugly. And “B.D.Govt” means “Big Daddy Government,” always ready to help a girl out with some of that sweet, sweet welfare cash.

Happily, the subreddit’s regulars are more than willing to mansplain the puzzling fact of women having jobs.

A fellow called NormanDaNubcaek has a whole long list of reasons.

-They may have squandered their childhood/teen years, already putting them at a disadvantage to serious students

-They don’t want to put in the initial effort getting the proper training (Think instant vs delayed gratification)

-STEM actually requires critical thinking skills

-The job, while perhaps stressful, is regular and simple (more repetitive work vs less work that is more complex)

-Their jobs already have a lot of women, so they just join the pack, or other women recommend them to join

-They already have massive debt from a garbage degree and can’t afford to go back to school

-They used to be supported by a man, but now have to earn their own living until the next guy comes around.

Lostapwbm has a somewhat more detailed explanation, and one that is slightly more rooted in consensus reality, if not always in the rules of grammar.

“Poor women have always had to work,” he writes.

Housewife is typically a role that only the wife of a successful or frugal man, and feminism is a vanity project of rich white women.

So why can’t these Starbucks ladies “bf/marry their way out” of the working world? First, he explains, there’s the problem of man-access.

[T]hey don’t have access to a man of sufficiently higher economic status that she can go from working woman to housewife/lady of the house.

And then of course there is the problem of these women being such stuck up snooty you-know-whats that they can’t appreciate the perfectly decent men right there under their nose ISN’T THAT RIGHT KIMBERLY SOME DAY YOU’LL REALIZE I WAS THERE ALL ALONG WE WERE MEANT TO BE oh whoops.

A lot of women aren’t attracted to the type of man who would lift her out of her lower economic status. He’s boring/lame/has no game. He just wants to move up his job, pay his bills, and basically live a drama-free life.

Well, ok, but what about living off of Big Daddy G?

Women dependent on the government (B.D. Govt as you put it) are in that category of drama-lovers. Three kids by two guys, ex-boyfriends are drug addicts/dealers, whatever you prefer, but the takeaway is these women don’t want a less stressful life because they emotionally feed on that drama.

Wordjedi agrees that these Starbucks baristas are a bunch of stuck up rom-com lovers holding out for some imaginary perfect dude but ha ha the joke’s on them — if they sleep with too many Mr. Right-Nows while waiting for Mr. Right, they’ll get so burned out on dick that something something cats box of wine.

Yeah, I’m having a little trouble summarizing this one. You try:

Remember that women still flock to romcom movies in droves. They still really think mating is equal, that two people who were meant to be together tritely run together through a meadow and embrace.

Until she finds her perfect six figure hunk, a girl’s gotta have some random stiff dick in her now and then, right? Especially when she’s had a few drinks so has an excuse not to give a fuck? ====> hookup culture.

Unfortunately, people give less and less of an (emotional) fuck for each random hookup. Bye bye, perfect romance. She’s bored with dick by the time she meets him, if she ever does. ====> box wine + cats + Starbucks barista 4-evah

The explanaiton proffered by good_man_gone is if anything even less cogent. He starts out by suggesting that any women you see working just weren’t pretty enough to score themselves the high-quality beta bux.

“I never in my life have seen a perfect ten flipping burgers for 7$ /hour,” he declares, with an almost audible wink.

But then he goes on to suggest that almost any gal — even those who are perhaps not that pretty — can find a man dumb enough to marry her up or at least buy her a couple of drinks at closing time amirite fellas?

And still there is plenty of guys out there who will happily marry the 3s or 4s and give them money. Smv is key here. Better looks = more free stuff and money. But fugly chicks get free drinks too you know.

I have to admit I was guilty of that in the past. You know when the pub is about to close and u are hammered and suddenly your brain tells you “go ahead buy her a drink, yeah the fat small chick over there do it”

I guess the real lesson here is to never ask MGTOWs for an explanation of anything.

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9 years ago

Their cars will also have “I have a small penis” written on them.

But how but we know if they actually have a small penis, or if they just pissed someone off with their poor parking skills?

Your idea of a boobocracy is very sexist. Women are more than just some random body part. Women can’t and shouldn’t be defined by their breasts.

9 years ago

Walter’s “cockocracy” is nothing more than a standard-issue wank fantasy of the type that guys have when they’re into small penis humiliation. I see it all the time when I’m doing phone sex work.

9 years ago


I am honestly not interested in SPH. I get that a lot, but I’m seriously not into it.

9 years ago


Without going into further detail, I very much recognize this specific kink as well.

9 years ago

I mean, he’s funny at first, but it’s so monotonous that it gets old. You obviously can’t have an actual conversation with him, but he doesn’t do anything funny if you poke him, either, he just keeps blathering about penises.

9 years ago

Tons of Manosphere anxieties also show up as sexual fantasies. Financial exploitation, cuckolding, sperm-jacking…

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Walter’s first post in any given month is hilarious. After that, it very quickly becomes tiring.

9 years ago

Women only marry men with small dicks today because of the patriarchy.

This makes no sense at all.

My system will eliminate the patriarchy and free women from the oppression of small dicks.

I don’t think you know what oppression means.

9 years ago


…hypergamy, dominatrix stuff, race play stuff, pedophilia, extreme promiscuity, extreme chastity, control fantasies, sexual violence, misogynist humiliation, dehumanization, slave/master fantasies…

I’m suspecting the manosphere is just one big pile of wankers.

9 years ago

Women only marry men with small dicks today because of the patriarchy.

This makes no sense at all.

Agreed. Out of the list of characteristics that I care about in a partner, anything to do with genitalia doesn’t even make the list.

Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


And here I thought a flashy sports car was the vehicular signifier for men who feel inadequate. Golly gosh. I am overwhelmed by your sartorial sense, too.

Nobody N. Particular
Nobody N. Particular
9 years ago

Wow, I come back to see if my comment got approved and find myself reading The Longest Manifesto.

Okay then.

9 years ago

There are times when I honestly start wondering if Walter isn’t one of the regulars here playing an elaborate game. I mean, the Walter persona is obviously a front for the actual troll, but while Walter doesn’t intend to be funny, the troll intends Walter to be. It’s very postmodern.

There’s a liberal arts dissertation in here.

As a certified two-time Garbage Degree Holder™ (English Lit and Journalism, from two of Canada’s best universities), I could get behind this.

Just peeling back the layers of irony alone would be a dissertation unto itself. Maybe several.

Also, Walter? There’s a problem with your whole phallocratic vision, and his name is Jonah Falcon. He owns the world’s largest (verified) penis, and other than what’s in his pants, he’s hardly what you’d call a Mr. Big. He’s a struggling actor, actually.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bina

As a certified two-time Garbage Degree Holder™

As we now live in a world where people recognise the need for proper waste management and recycling, a degree in garbage is a highly prized and valuable qualification.

Over here the Chartered Institute for Waste Management accredits a number of graduate and post graduate degrees at our top universities.

9 years ago

dhag85 – Well, wanking over something and having genuine fear of it are not mutually exclusive by any means.

9 years ago

Walter’s back? Well, speak of the devil and he will appear.

Anyway, here is a real cockocracy for you!

9 years ago

On topic, do they know that a lot of guys also work in menial, low paying jobs? Do they know that men have to support themselves? Many blokes also have to work while studying and many blokes also work more than one job. Not every man can work in a high paying job. Also, guys also work as baristas and waiters. Half of the many baristas who have made my coffee are guys. In fact, the barista that trained me was also a guy.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | January 31, 2016 at 6:18 pm
@ Bina

As a certified two-time Garbage Degree Holder™

As we now live in a world where people recognise the need for proper waste management and recycling, a degree in garbage is a highly prized and valuable qualification.

Over here the Chartered Institute for Waste Management accredits a number of graduate and post graduate degrees at our top universities.

This kind of reminds me of one of my favorite tweets of all time:

“Pick-up Artists and Garbage Men should switch names.”

9 years ago

LG ,
Definately what Walter is up to.

9 years ago

Hey, long time no post!

I’ve come to the conclusion that either Walter is the most bizarre troll ever, or he’s here specifically for one reason. And I will manage to type that out after I can stop that thought from escaping (I should never drink vodka, because I can’t manage to keep a single thought from fleeing my brain when I do).

That reason being: He’s here to try to get us to admit that the value of men is tied to their dick size; so then later he can come back with… “See, men are judged based on dick size, so women should be able to be judged based on (etc) thing” It’s a ‘Gotcha!’

Maybe it’s just me, but there are too many parallels between ‘Women are valued based on ‘random trait’ and ‘Men obviously should be valued based on other ‘random trait’ and that is just nature and the way things should be.

Not sure if that made complete sense, but like I said… vodka! And that’s only after a single shot! I’m sure regular Mammotheers can get the basis of this arguement- if not, then I really messed it up!(Also, because I’ve read this site too much, I can never, ever have an ellipsis using two dots- I have to go back and make sure there are at least three)

Hey, look, Edit! This is the type of parallel that I’m talking about!

” For thousands of years we’ve pretended that men have value beyond their dicks, and look at where it’s gotten us! War, environmental devastation and the list of horrors go on and on. These tragedies happen because men think our ideas matter. We think we matter. We don’t. Our dicks matter and that’s all. ”

Anybody else seeing the link between that and “Women’s only value is their genitalia”?

9 years ago

Didn’t manage to edit in time, but if I’m right, the reason he keeps appearing is because he can’t seem to get anybody to agree with him. And he can’t leave us alone until he finally gets that single person to agree with him. Too bad that the average commenter here is too smart to fall for that obvious trap.

(Trigger Warning, Self-harm)
Also, if Walter is telling the truth about his life and beliefs, I feel so very sad for him and his depression. Walter, you need to find other things to focus on than hating yourself- and this is coming from somebody used to self-harming- because the only thing that helps is focusing on something unrelated. To me, anyway; but either way, focusing on the thing that makes you so unhappy will never, ever manage to make you any happier. Find your happy, Walter, and trust me when I say that what you are doing isn’t it.

9 years ago

I skipped over most of it after you-know-who appeared. Really not in the mood.

So-called “garbage degrees” (I’m assuming it means mainly liberal arts stuff) won’t help much to get a job on their own, but sometimes it will get you an edge in combination with another degree.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Well, i suppose that size of cocks is just a barnyard argument to get all the hens.

As French, we are said to be grouchs (grouches ?), but it looks like MGTOW people also take a long time grouching to many things. Thus, i wonder how grouchy can be a french MGTOW person. I also wonder if we could convert the energy used to grouch in some kind of usable energy, we may have a solution to non-renewable energies replacement…

Anyway, we have a proverb in France saying that “il n’y a pas de sot métier” (rought translation : there is no [ableist word] job). And with such unemployment rates, almost anyone who can grab a job does it. Are those MGTOW not, under the pretense of wondering why women work, complaining that women steal work from them ? Does it not hit them that it is easier to live nowaday with two salaries rather than just one ? Common sense, not a prerequisite for being a MGTOW, apparently.

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Late to the cockocracy discussion but has anyone considered the danger that this might lead to a dick-tatorship?

9 years ago


I think it’ll turn out ok as long as we have a real leader in the cockpit.