![Well that's no way to find a husband!](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/waitress_phixr.png?resize=580%2C586&ssl=1)
Over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one recent convert to the MGTOW philosophy admits that there is one thing about the females that’s really baffling.
Namely, why do any of them work, when they could just use their magic hoo-has to snag some poor dude and live off of him, lying on the couch watching Jerry Springer amidst a pile of bon-bon wrappers?
[H]ow does MGTOW explain working women? Why do women work low or pseudo status positions for employers that are primarily public facing? I feel like the women who work at Waffle House / Starbucks / whatever probably have a more consistently stressful time of things than I do working a STEM job, they’re paid less, and they’re burning SMV time working a plebian job.
Why do women work low and pseudo status positions like these? How does MGTOW explain women who opt in to these arrangements when they could likely bf/marry/B.D.Govt their way to a less stressful life?
In case you’re not intimately familiar with misogyny-speak, SMV stands for “Sexual Market Value,” which, these dudes believe, starts declining for women after they hit the ripe old age of 25 or so and start getting all old and ugly. And “B.D.Govt” means “Big Daddy Government,” always ready to help a girl out with some of that sweet, sweet welfare cash.
Happily, the subreddit’s regulars are more than willing to mansplain the puzzling fact of women having jobs.
A fellow called NormanDaNubcaek has a whole long list of reasons.
-They may have squandered their childhood/teen years, already putting them at a disadvantage to serious students
-They don’t want to put in the initial effort getting the proper training (Think instant vs delayed gratification)
-STEM actually requires critical thinking skills
-The job, while perhaps stressful, is regular and simple (more repetitive work vs less work that is more complex)
-Their jobs already have a lot of women, so they just join the pack, or other women recommend them to join
-They already have massive debt from a garbage degree and can’t afford to go back to school
-They used to be supported by a man, but now have to earn their own living until the next guy comes around.
Lostapwbm has a somewhat more detailed explanation, and one that is slightly more rooted in consensus reality, if not always in the rules of grammar.
“Poor women have always had to work,” he writes.
Housewife is typically a role that only the wife of a successful or frugal man, and feminism is a vanity project of rich white women.
So why can’t these Starbucks ladies “bf/marry their way out” of the working world? First, he explains, there’s the problem of man-access.
[T]hey don’t have access to a man of sufficiently higher economic status that she can go from working woman to housewife/lady of the house.
And then of course there is the problem of these women being such stuck up snooty you-know-whats that they can’t appreciate the perfectly decent men right there under their nose ISN’T THAT RIGHT KIMBERLY SOME DAY YOU’LL REALIZE I WAS THERE ALL ALONG WE WERE MEANT TO BE oh whoops.
A lot of women aren’t attracted to the type of man who would lift her out of her lower economic status. He’s boring/lame/has no game. He just wants to move up his job, pay his bills, and basically live a drama-free life.
Well, ok, but what about living off of Big Daddy G?
Women dependent on the government (B.D. Govt as you put it) are in that category of drama-lovers. Three kids by two guys, ex-boyfriends are drug addicts/dealers, whatever you prefer, but the takeaway is these women don’t want a less stressful life because they emotionally feed on that drama.
Wordjedi agrees that these Starbucks baristas are a bunch of stuck up rom-com lovers holding out for some imaginary perfect dude but ha ha the joke’s on them — if they sleep with too many Mr. Right-Nows while waiting for Mr. Right, they’ll get so burned out on dick that something something cats box of wine.
Yeah, I’m having a little trouble summarizing this one. You try:
Remember that women still flock to romcom movies in droves. They still really think mating is equal, that two people who were meant to be together tritely run together through a meadow and embrace.
Until she finds her perfect six figure hunk, a girl’s gotta have some random stiff dick in her now and then, right? Especially when she’s had a few drinks so has an excuse not to give a fuck? ====> hookup culture.
Unfortunately, people give less and less of an (emotional) fuck for each random hookup. Bye bye, perfect romance. She’s bored with dick by the time she meets him, if she ever does. ====> box wine + cats + Starbucks barista 4-evah
The explanaiton proffered by good_man_gone is if anything even less cogent. He starts out by suggesting that any women you see working just weren’t pretty enough to score themselves the high-quality beta bux.
“I never in my life have seen a perfect ten flipping burgers for 7$ /hour,” he declares, with an almost audible wink.
But then he goes on to suggest that almost any gal — even those who are perhaps not that pretty — can find a man dumb enough to marry her up or at least buy her a couple of drinks at closing time amirite fellas?
And still there is plenty of guys out there who will happily marry the 3s or 4s and give them money. Smv is key here. Better looks = more free stuff and money. But fugly chicks get free drinks too you know.
I have to admit I was guilty of that in the past. You know when the pub is about to close and u are hammered and suddenly your brain tells you “go ahead buy her a drink, yeah the fat small chick over there do it”
I guess the real lesson here is to never ask MGTOWs for an explanation of anything.
Don’t listen to these haters. They just aren’t ready for the truth.
Let me explain my ideas.
You see, there are two kinds of people with penises in the world: Bigs and Smalls. Bigs have big penises and Smalls have small penises. It’s essentially a caste system based on penis size.
Bigs will be the privileged caste. They will be given preference in all jobs, receive a stipend from the government and solely considered for leadership positions in government and business. Within the Bigs there will be two groups, Normals and Supers. Normals will have cocks that are 7-9″ while Supers are men with cocks bigger than 9″. Supers will have all the same benefits as Normals, but will serve as religious leaders and show the spiritual superiority and supremacy of big dicks. They will receive a much higher stipend and will be stationed in temples all over the country in order to allow members of the local community to worship and appreciate their big dicks.
Smalls will be the lower caste. They will receive no stipend from the government and are barred from any kind of leadership position. They will be allowed to start their own business, but must sell it to a Big after one year. They will be expected to work menial labor jobs, but Smalls with exceptional skills will be allowed to work as doctors or engineers, although with a greater tax burden as punishment for taking away a high ranking position from a more deserving Big.
Housing will be determined by cock size, not money. The more cock you have, the bigger the home you will be allowed to live in. People with 8″ or more will be allowed to live in luxurious mansions, while men with dicks smaller than 4″ inches will have to live in shacks in the forest or in the city sewers.
People born without penises will exist outside the caste system. They will have all the privileges of a Big but will not receive a stipend. They will also be allowed to take high positions within the state religion, but the position of temple idols will be reserved for those with large penises. They will also be able to buy homes using money instead of penis size.
Now I know what you’re thinking, “That seems like a very brilliant and intuitive way to set up society, Walter. But, how will that stop misogyny?” The answer to that is very simple. You see, the human male is unhappy because it doesn’t know its place. In the case of MRAs they are all obviously Smalls, but because no one has ever told them that they are not as good as Bigs, they think they are somehow on equal footing with Bigs! It’s a dangerous delusion. Because when they find out that life isn’t working out the way they imagine that it should they lash out at women. The cockocracy breaks them of the illusion of being on the same level as Bigs and changes their expectations into something more appropriate for a Small. Once that happens misogyny will disappear.
Sadly, the cockocracy requires too many political and religious changes to ever be implemented.
Oh Walter, never change. This is amazing.
I dunno, I’ve seen George Osborne, David “Pigfucker” Cameron, Pope Francis I and Justin Welby. I think we don’t need that much change: the massive cocks are already in charge.
Oh, he is. I would never question Moocow’s mighty manmeat maximisation. However, by Walter’s sorting algorithm I count as a “normal” and am thus part of his master race.
Note to self: that’s yet another master race I’m apparently part of. Ho hum.
Damn! That wasn’t just amazing; without any exaggeration, that was the funniest society-overhaul proposition I’ve ever read, and probably ever will read. I’m in awe of your exceptional logic.
I will save a copy of your proposition, so I can immortalize it and share it with the men in my life.
Good day to you, Walter. I know for sure I did! 😀
…but is definitely not a stupid obsession!
Anyway, I foresee an inevitable collapse of this system when all the “Smalls” get sex reassignment surgery (I apologize in advance for not knowing the preferred term for this kind of procedure), thus all people would be either “Bigs” or “Bigs-without-stipends”.
Also, when you buy a home “using penis size”, you should have to chop off part of your penis to pay for the home. Otherwise it’s not “buying”.
Oh my giddy aunt.
Walter must have learned the old-fashioned version of All things bright and beautiful and decided that verse 3 didn’t give enough Godly guidance on who could expect to be the rich man in his castle and who would be outcast as the poor man at his gate.
With his “system”, everyone would know in advance what their destiny was without having to wonder how they had pleased or offended a deity. The evidence* would be right there in the genitals.
*Only grumpy poopyheads will question why this should count as evidence of anything.
I don’t think that’s a legitimate concern. Getting sex reassignment surgery wouldn’t change your caste. If your cock is damaged in an accident or changed during surgery, then you will just be judged by your previous measurements.
Hmm perhaps buying is the wrong word. Let’s say, you’re assigned housing based on your dick size.
Enh, call me curmudgeonly, but I’m not convinced a society built entirely around penis worship will end misogyny. It’s the same principle as building a society around gun worship and expecting that mass shootings will – oh wait, we already have that.
Re: STEM careers, I don’t even have a STEM degree (my degree was in landscape architecture), but I have a STEM career. I can confirm that it’s not a magic ticket to a six-figure salary. Job security is in no way guaranteed, in the era of outsourcing and globalization. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve seen jobs go overseas to someone willing to do the same thing for less pay. I was lucky enough to find a position with stringent security regulations that doesn’t allow non-US workers direct access to sensitive data, but every day I work with talented, ambitious developers and QA from all over the globe. Competition is fierce. Having a STEM degree isn’t some kind of magic talisman that will protect you against job loss, especially if you’re arrogant, Dunning-Kreugerish, and difficult to work with (namely: you think women are inferior, you’re a cowboy coder, and you have a poor grasp of office politics and harrassment). Those types of employees are always the first to go.
Anyway, society needs people with those “garbage” degrees (I assume he’s talking about liberal arts and the social sciences) in order to understand itself and avoid making the same mistakes over and over.
You say your hypothetical society would eliminate misogyny when, in fact, it has misogyny built right in.
This part, right here, actively discriminates against women and trans men. You say that they exist “outside” the caste system, but by defining the relationship of people without penises to people with penises, you are putting them into the caste system. This is definitely not going to end misogyny. Men with large penises will view women as being “lesser” and will probably feel entitled to their time and attention (something we already see today). Men with small penises will probably be angry that, in a society based on penis size, someone without a penis has a higher rank than they do and they will probably lash out at women (another behavior that we already see today).
Assigning housing based on penis size also puts those without penises at a significant disadvantage as they will have to spend the bulk of their income on housing.
Your plan would not end misogyny. It would reinforce it.
Yeah, I’m sure people in this weird fucking society would be ok with a penis-less person saying “worship me! for my penis, which I recently lost in an accident, was humongous”. :p
Yeah, it’s difficult to see how men who allegedly are angry at women because they have small penises would suddenly not be angry at women if they were also horribly oppressed in all other aspects of society on top of still having small penises. I’m starting to think the troll hasn’t thought this through.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
Entirely true. I think the issue might be that people who used to have a golden ticket (white, male, cis, straight, better off) are now looking for a new one to replace it, and are panicking because the world is becoming a place where there are no golden tickets for people like them any more. They’ve become just another person and this is not something they like.
I say they, I mean me as well, because I’m as white, male and STEM as they come. We. I should have said we.
I remember a discussion with a teenager who was being taught to play a tabletop wargame. He was really fired up about it at first, until he realised that for each of his units there was a specific counter available to the opponent. As he began to appreciate that he wasn’t just going to curb-stomp a helpless opposition he became less and less enthusiastic, until he made his excuses and left. He didn’t say why, he might not have understood why, but it was as clear as if he’d stated it himself: “If I don’t have a guaranteed victory, what’s the point of playing at all?”
That’s the mindset that these people go into STEM with, I think, and it’s sad because it makes them shitty scientists. Nobody is going to truly love the wonders of the cosmos if they’re just here to pick up a golden ticket; and unless you truly love the wonders of the cosmos you’ll never amount to anything as a scientist.
dhag85, you are my favourite person.
Exactly! They aren’t magically going to stop being angry because someone tells them that they are, in fact, a lower status individual. From what I’ve seen of the manosphere, these men seem to think pretty highly of themselves. (Think of all the “nice guys” out there who talk about how wonderful they are.) They probably aren’t going to take too kindly to being told that they belong on the bottom of the heap. They’re going to be more angry and will lash out even more.
EJ and dhag85
Misogyny will be eliminated because the source of misogyny is certain men not knowing their place. Once their place has been established and they understand the proper pecking order, their feelings of entitlement and anger towards women will disappear.
Also, Smalls won’t feel entitled to women because they’ll know that as a Small they are entitled to nothing but contempt. Bigs will not feel entitled to female attention because people with dicks in this society will be focused on penises and how they relate to and interact with each other. Basically, both sides will be taught that they are not entitled to Female attention or that they are superior to women. So the societal factors that help cause misogyny will disappear.
Now, there will still be some entitlement and negative feelings, but those feelings will be from Bigs towards Smalls and vice-versa. For example, Bigs will feel entitled to submission from Smalls or Smalls will be resentful/jealous towards Bigs for being superior. Both groups will be too busy worrying about their dicks to send any hate towards women.
They will stop thinking highly of themselves once they’re given an objective reason for why they’re inferior. Then all the lies will stop and they will come to terms with who and what they are. They will find peace and happiness!
I’m not just talking out of my ass. I have personal experience with this. I used to be angry at women and such, but once I realized that I was inferior and trash because of my small penis, my life became much better and now I have no anger towards women at all. I hate myself and my penis and am very jealous of hung guys, but I have no anger towards women. I know some of you might think that’s bad, but you have to understand, that for a person with a small penis, that’s our role in life.
There is also this thing where worshipping and lavishly compensating people based on rare physical attributes tends to encourage entitlement and insulation from the consequences of their behavior. But hey, it’s not like athletes ever partake in bullying, gang rape, drug and alcohol abuse, and assault, and get off scot free with “boys will be boys”.
In Walter’s society, we’d hear “oh well, large penises will be large penises”.
That really sums up the mindset of all these MRAs/RedPillers/PUAs, doesn’t it? They want to play life on the easy level. If reality won’t cooperate, they’ll simply redefine reality so that they always come out the winner. I love the way Paul Elam is always spinning AVfM’s latest abject failure as a decisive, smashing victory against feminism.
Then there’s the RP “field reports”, where they describe interactions with women that either frames normal, courteous behavior like offering a sip of soda as submissive and degrading (and therefore evidence that RP works), or they recount a real-life incident where a woman wasn’t suitably submissive, followed by a lengthy fantasy account of what should have happened (presented as factual, of course). It’s the Maggie Simpson Steering Wheel approach to human behavior: pretend like you’re in control all the time, even when the car is patently doing something else.
As you said, it’s hard to understand and appreciate the wonders of the universe if you’re always at the center of it.
That’s unpossible.* I know for a fact there are people out there with larger penises than me. :p
*Sorry, random Simpsons reference for no reason.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Here’s the thing, all of their aggression will be focused on people with small dicks. Not women. Only the people who deserve to be shit on will get shit on in this society. It’s really a wonderful solution.
Shorter Walter: If we just tell certain groups of people that they’re inferior, and we oppress them horribly, we will create a perfect society.
Oh yes! Those “field reports” are simply amazing to read if you’re going into it with no knowledge of the TRP nonsense. I read a few of those things years back and I just thought it was a page full of google-translated gibberish.
No, if we recognize that men with small penises are inferior we will create a perfect society.
That’s literally exactly what I said.
You said “groups of people”. Like I was some kind of nazi or something.
I would love to see you share this theory at the RedPill forums, where they have an entire cult dedicated to declaring themselves the Prize (despite the fact that they’re objectively useless, whiny, rapey, and ignorant). Let us know how that goes. I’ll bring popcorn.
Also, a society that completely ignores women is INHERENTLY MISOGYNISTIC. Would women have equal access to these plum jobs and McMansions, or would they be reserved exclusively for the owners of big penii?