a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding cultural marxism evil single moms evil SJWs homophobia Islamophobia literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism

Memeday: “You got your racism on my Men’s Rights Activism…”

An AVFM meme found on the Feminist Hypcrisy Facebook page
An AVFM meme found on the Feminist Hypocrisy Facebook page

Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth, and today we’ll be looking at some memes I found on a Facebook page called Feminist Hypocrisy.

At first glance, this page looks like any number of other Men’s Rightsy Facebook pages.

There are the requisite jokey memes mocking feminists. (“What do you call a basement full of feminists?” one caption asks, over the picture of a donkey. “A whine cellar!”) There is a post about Anjali Ramkissoon, the Uber-driver-attacking (female) doctor who’s become something of an obsession amongst MRAs in recent days. There are memes on such Men’s Rights hobbyhorses as the evils of child support — like the one above, which the folks at Feminist Hypocrisy borrowed from A Voice for Men.

Indeed, the admin of the page seems a bit preoccupied with this last issue, in particular with the specter of men being forced to pay for children fathered by other dudes.


Yep, it looks like some Men’s Rights Activists are as obsessed with cuckolding — or, more crudely, “cucking” — as any internet Nazi. Or maybe even more so:



(I had to censor that one a little.)

Now, when the internet Nazis talk about “cucking” there is almost always a racist angle to it — the cuck-er invariably being black or brown and the cuck-ee white. Sometimes this “cucking” is meant literally, other times figuratively — with the internet Nazi squad especially pissed at white “race traitors” who support immigrants said to be “cucking” Western Civilization by, well, not being white.

Guess what? It just so happens that Mr.Feminist Hypocrisy is also racist as hell.


Look how seamlessly the Men’s Rights activism slides into this blatantly racist meme. Bigotries flock together, after all.

Poking around amongst the rest of the memes up on the page, it quickly becomes evident that Mr. Feminist Hypocrisy shares quite a few of the preoccupations of your standard issue internet Nazi — from the terrible oppressions faced by white Christian dudes …


… to, uh, whatever it is we’ve got going on here.


Huh. I thought Obama was supposed to be a secret Muslim, not a secret gay Jew.

There are many more racist memes on the page, including a number too crude and violent to repost here.

And then there are a few memes that seem utterly inexplicable, at least to me; if anyone can decipher the meaning of this thing, I would greatly appreciate it. (The readers of the Feminist Hypocrisy page seem to have been as baffled by it as I am; apparently that’s former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s head photoshopped onto someone else’s body.)

It would be nice if we could just dismiss the Feminist Hypocrisy page as a weird outlier in the world of Men’s Rights Activism. But it’s not. The page has nearly 20,000 “likes” on Facebook. Its posts draw comments and shares.

And the way I found it in the first place? I was looking through a list of Facebook pages “liked” by A Voice for Men, and there it was.

On a less depressing note: My headline today was inspired by the classic commercials for Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups which some readers here will remember from their childhoods. Here’s one of them:

Turns out that chocolate and peanut butter do indeed taste great together. Racism and Men’s Rights Activism, not so much.

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9 years ago

Since the phrase “n****r rich” is a thing that exists, I think it’s safe to say racism is a big part of it.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ paradoxy

spend upwards of ten times that much on a purse

I was actually chatting last week to the tanner who provides the leather for LV handbags. It is the finest leather in the world, but you might be amazed at how much it actually costs per bag.

(Or maybe not, I’m sure you know how Veblen goods works)

Chris O
Chris O
9 years ago

Quoth the Raven: “Whaaaat?”

These memes are so insane I can’t even put it into words.

9 years ago

The comments were still full of people whining about how totally unfair it is that homeless people might get free housing when the rest of us have to pay for ours.

Well, I could just become destitute, and then get free housing! I don’t see any downsides. Other than losing basically all of the conveniences and comforts that my current income provides. And becoming the target of the ire of middle-to-upper class shitheads who will wish suffering on me. Sounds like a dream life.

9 years ago

@Chris O:

Please read the comment policy, describing things like this as “insane” isn’t kosher here.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

There’s also the fact that toys, clothes, and electronic goods are relatively cheap thanks to globalization, while the things that can help people climb out of poverty, like education, childcare, and health care, have skyrocketed in cost. This graph illustrates just how much costs have diverged over the past decade:

Sure, poor people can afford a microwave, but they can’t afford to send their kids to college, or find quality child care, or get needed medical attention for a sick child. Upward mobility is more about access to institutions than it is about material possessions. There are blue-collar workers who spend thousands of dollars on top-of-the-line snowmobiles and boats, and there are millionaires who drive beater cars and wear threadbare clothes.

I also don’t understand why people focus so much on steak as a symbol of welfare fraud. Steak isn’t necessarily expensive depending on the cut you get. Flank steak can feed a family pretty cheaply. I really dislike the way finger-wagging right wing moralists think poor people don’t deserve decent food and that living exclusively on lentils and rice is a sign of financial discipline. (Their daily $5 Starbucks coffees, of course, are beyond reproach.)

On a side note, I’m amused that the kid who went to college and learned to hate his race, faith, and heritage is wearing a UNH sweatshirt.*

*For non-USians, University of New Hampshire is a state school in one of the most conservative states in the northeastern US. State motto: “Live Free or Die”

9 years ago

I just hate the mentality that poor people are poor because they’re immoral and lazy, and that the only thing stopping them from bootstrapping is that they like to rely on handouts.

I have a idea for a reality TV show where people with that mindset have to live on welfare for 6 months . They can’t access their bank accounts during the 6 month period but they do start with 2 months of what the average welfare family has. From there they’re on their own.

9 years ago

Malcolm Gladwell did a study that found in certain cases it’s cheaper for taxpayers to subsidize housing than to let that person be homeless.
It was called Million Dollar Murray, if anyone wants to look into it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Ugh, borked the link to the graph.

EDIT: never mind, seems to be working now! It’s from the Atlantic Monthly if anyone is interested:

9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

There’s also the fact that toys, clothes, and electronic goods are relatively cheap thanks to globalization, while the things that can help people climb out of poverty, like education, childcare, and health care, have skyrocketed in cost.

Wow. That’s… incredibly depressing. How could people insist that capitalism is the solution to poverty in light of something like that?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ fabe

Channel 4’s copyright lawyers have asked me to have a word…


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger | January 29, 2016 at 7:09 pm
I just hate the mentality that poor people are poor because they’re immoral and lazy, and that the only thing stopping them from bootstrapping is that they like to rely on handouts.

The research on how poverty effects people says just the opposite. That scarcity makes people have to expend all their mental energy on scraping by. You want people to put in lots of time and energy on job hunting and education? Give them enough aid so they don’t have spend all their energy figuring out how to jump through the bureaucratic hoops in order to get amounts of aid that are so small that obsessive penny pinching is still required.

This is a pretty good summary of the current psychological research on the matter

I have to say, this entire post is spot on. Very well said.

And thanks for linking that study. I am well aware of the mental effects that being poor has on people (first-hand experience), and the idea that “Well, just focus on your job search and quit whining about bills, lazy scum” from people who have most likely never worked that hard a day in their life is just a slap in the face.

At least when that comes up in the future, I have a link.

Not that this will get through to the bootstrapping brigade. I read a story on how giving homeless people homes actually costs the government less money than all the various costs associated with homelessness does. The comments were still full of people whining about how totally unfair it is that homeless people might get free housing when the rest of us have to pay for ours. The money spent on social safety nets is no more the point than opposing welfare programs than journalistic ethics is the point of gamergate.

I think there’s this misconception they have that all the houses that the homeless people are going to get are going to be just as good, if not better, than theirs, and that gets their dander up.

What they don’t understand is that those houses are more than likely going to be bare minimum, most likely unfurnished, tiny apartments, not super fancy Cribs-style mansions.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants | January 29, 2016 at 8:00 pm
There’s also the fact that toys, clothes, and electronic goods are relatively cheap thanks to globalization, while the things that can help people climb out of poverty, like education, childcare, and health care, have skyrocketed in cost. ” rel=”nofollow”>This graph illustrates just how much costs have diverged over the past decade.

I’ve seen that graph:

Here’s where I’ve found it if anyone wants to take a look at the article.

9 years ago

@Rockstardinosaurpirateprinces: If you’re wondering where FB’s hilariously awful double standard incidents come from there’s a couple of answers.

Firstly moderators for Facebook are outsourced in a similar fashion to 1990’s call centres, I was reading an article about such a centre in North Africa staffed mostly by young men with little experience of the cultural contexts they are moderating, so it was easy for them to recognise “nudity= not ok” (regardless of context), but memes like these are harder to recognise as obviously not ok due to cultural and language barriers (hell these memes are pretty unintelligible to us).

Secondly Facebook tries to remove as much of the mods judgement as possible by issuing very strict style guides to be enforced rigidly. Trying to define at what point someone’s nudity has become “lewd” is always an exercise in absurdity (underboob is nudity in some US states and not others).

Thirdly: Sexism.

Username Subject to Change
Username Subject to Change
9 years ago

From what I understand the amount a vagina stretches during and after childbirth is genetic, women who have wider hips have an easier time “snapping back” so to speak, while women with a narrower pelvic floor(or whatever it’s called) may not. It’s actually an evolution thing, birth became harder for humans when they gained the ability to walk upright.

It seems to me like the people who create these memes have never spent more than five minutes looking after a child. Children are like terrible puppies that can open doors and locks, love how these losers breeze over it like it’s so easy being a single parent. Even with the minute amount of child support they get from these deadbeats.

9 years ago

As a person of east Asian heritage, I feel so left out by these racist memes. These MRAssholes keep going on about black men who are out to “steal” all white women, or Muslims who are trying to flood “white countries” in order to rape white woman; well what about east Asian men? Why don’t we get a racist, delusional, and paranoid narrative? For example: Chinese men are attempting to cuck successful white men by flooding Europe and North America with waves of university graduates; or the popularity of Korean dramas is a conspiracy by South Korean men to steal white woman by making them wet.

If MRAs are going to act like white supremacists they should at least try to do a good job. Stop rehashing old memes and try to create new bigoted conspiracies. Be creative.

Username Subject to Change
Username Subject to Change
9 years ago

Dreadnought OR Koreans are planning to brainwash white women with the influx of their adorable, adorable skin care and cosmetics. TONYMOLY FTW

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

That graph really brought home to me why my generation is doing so much worse than our parents. My dad was lucky enough to come of age just after WWII, when housing was cheap, education was reasonably priced, and jobs were plenty. As for me, I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to afford a house, retire before age 75, or send my kids to college without putting them into massive debt. Rent and childcare alone eat up 85% of my paycheck right now. Oh, and our health insurance premiums went up 46% this year. Yay. So many of my generational peers are in the same boat: middle class, quietly drowning financially.

Inequality is baked into capitalism. Yes, capitalism might be more efficient at distributing goods to a greater number of people, but it also requires a pyramid system in order to work. Not only that, free-market capitalism and the profit imperative require continuous, unchecked growth (which invites comparisons to cancer). Socialism seems like a more sustainable system in the long run. There are certain services that government can provide more efficiently, equitably, and economically than private entities, who are beholden to shareholders and analysts and don’t always act in the best interest of consumers.

9 years ago

Once upon a time, I, a (dirty) foreigner, “stole” a White American Woman TM. I haven’t received any abuse at all in retaliation for this. Is it because:

a) I’m white?
b) she’s arguably somewhat hispanic?
c) they didn’t come up with a conspiracy theory for this scenario yet?
d) something to do with cuck?

9 years ago

I just hate the mentality that poor people are poor because they’re immoral and lazy, and that the only thing stopping them from bootstrapping is that they like to rely on handouts.

I have a idea for a reality TV show where people with that mindset have to live on welfare for 6 months . They can’t access their bank accounts during the 6 month period but they do start with 2 months of what the average welfare family has. From there they’re on their own.

I remember several years back of hearing about a challenge where well-off people who had never been poor would live on a typical poor person’s budget for a limited time period… maybe two weeks? I wish I could remember more. Anyway, a lot of the participants dropped out early, complaining that it was too hard. And that’s *with* most of the advantages that middle or upper class people have still intact.

9 years ago

@Username Subject to Change

Exactly! I mean Paul Elam makes thousands off his site, the very least he can do is provide new racist memes for his audience to get enraged over instead of rehashing the same narrative. I mean, it’s 2016 not the 18th century.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ snowberry & fabe

The experiment has been done a lot over here. The first one I remember was when MP Mathew Parris tried living on benefits back in 84. The most recent was that thing I linked to above.

It’s all very artificial though. No matter how authentic you try to make it, the participants know the date they can return to their previous comfy life. Real people don’t have that and that must be a factor. I can tolerate all sort of discomforts so long as I know it eventually will end.

9 years ago

people couldn’t go two weeks? damn and my show called for six months

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Yeah, and real people don’t have the luxury of saying ‘I quit’.

9 years ago

I think that it’s because stereotypes of East Asian man don’t threaten their fragile masculinity. Traits like nerdy, small penis, polite, and small in stature, unpopular with women. And of course in the manosphere, all racial stereotypes are unassailable truths.

Stereotypes of black men, and on the hand, are really threatening. Big penis, tall and athletic, tough and thuggish, popular with women.

That’s my take anyway. Everything boils down to sexual conquests and dominance with them. They just don’t see East Asian men as threats in that department.

Of course, I would “cuck” racist, misogynist manospherian asshats with Lee Byung-hun any time. I’m a misanderer like that.