men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA pussy cartel pussyconomics red pill reddit yeah totally sure right

Women will soon have to offer threesomes to get any male attention, Red Piller predicts

More prophetic than we thought?
More prophetic than we thought?

On a somewhat lighter note than my last post, here is a lesson in, er, economics from the Red Pill subreddit.


Yeah, I’m not sure that “logical” is the word you’re looking for there, champ.

If this screenshot is blurry — someone told me they were having problems with this — here’s the text:

thebears1986 67 points 1 year ago 

Women used to maintain a pussy cartel. To get any pussy you had to get married. Men want pussy so they got married. The cartel broke down a bit and women started giving access to pussy after engagement. Then the effort was lowered some more and the couple only had to be “going steady”. Next was “in a committed relationship” and eventually the “3 date rule”. Today you just swipe right on a smartphone.

Women currently sell into a hyper-competitive sex market where once they were buyers with a huge upper hand. The market is flooded and prices have dropped to $0.00. Gone are the days where they could demand any sort of commitment in exchange for access. Women still want men so they provide extra services to the men to compete for attention. Naked pics are extra services they use to keep up with the many women competing for the man they want. Either they send the pics or the guy moves on to the women who will.

I think the next major innovation will be women grouping together to offer threesomes to men in exchange for attention. Once naked pics become normalized they will have to do something. This is the next logical step.

H/T — I think someone on the Blue Pill subreddit linked to this recently; I can’t find the post

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9 years ago


I think I’m starting to realize that women can’t ever “win” with MRAs because women aren’t the thing MRAs care about. “Feminism” it big scary quotes is the enemy; women are just the faces and bodies of it. Good Women are good because they are against “Feminism,” and Bad Women are bad because they are for it.

On the one hand, it’s kind of obvious. On the other hand, it explains a lot. If a woman is a feminist, or not explicitly anti-feminist, they’ll find some reason to hate her because they hate what they think she represents.

Kinda nice to know that some of their fears of the Big Bad Feminism infesting everything they know and love with the idea that women are people are legit. ^_^

9 years ago


MRWimps also ignore the pertinent issue that women don’t have to prove that the child support is going to the children, instead of, say, luxury purses. Too many truly selfish women view their children as cash machines.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

The phrase “pussy cartel” is reminding me of the card game Pit, where you trade cards in a simulation of commodities trading. I should really stop trying to imagine what the Red Pill edition of Pit would be. The modern version of Pit includes cocoa. I’ll think about that instead.

9 years ago

@Epsilon “MRWimps also ignore the pertinent issue that women don’t have to prove that the child support is going to the children, instead of, say, luxury purses. Too many truly selfish women view their children as cash machines.”

I’ve seen that and it’s a horrible thing. Which is why I don’t understand why these “MRA” dudes (I can’t bring myself to say “men’s rights activists.” They’re not) are so focused on videogame critics and cartoon characters (a lot of them rant about Lisa Simpson wtf)

9 years ago

Red pillers really can’t even begin to imagine a situation in which a woman might genuinely enjoy having sex with them.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Collateralized Pussy Obligations backed by subprime vaginas threaten to collapse the entire sexual marketplace!

9 years ago

Red pillers really can’t even begin to imagine a situation in which a woman might genuinely enjoy having sex with them.

Well, given that they’re Redpillers, I can’t even begin to imagine a situation which a woman might genuinely enjoy having sex with them either.

9 years ago


I found out that the MRWimps and their “Game” was rigged against women when I said I was (and still am) “saving myself” for marriage awhile back. There were no, “Oh, how nice,” comments or any advice to be found; they were all insults. At the time, I thought they were all trolls and dismissed them. It wasn’t until recent my rediscovery of the Red Pill subreddit and the finding this website in recent days (yay!) that a lot of MRWimps *believe* their garbage. Or at the very least, they want to believe it and are trying so hard to substitute it for reality.

You’re right that with many of them that feminism is The Enemy that must be destroyed. I can understand their discomfort with the word feminism to some extent; where I come from, “feminism” is strongly linked with the *really* radical feminism lesbian separatist movement that’s near my neck of the woods. But of course, there are many contexts and branches of feminism, and the “basic and normal” (i.e., First and Second Wave) feminism philosophies are just called “common sense” in my area. 😉

9 years ago

Oh, darn. Couldn’t edit on time. I forgot to mention earlier: “and parts of Third Wave feminism” in the last parenthesis.

9 years ago

Women are the Quantum Slut; simultaneously in the position of having sex way too much and being way too stingey with their sex-bestowing.

Big difference is that, while in Quantum Mechanics you make a measurement in order to collapse the wave function, in Quantum Sexchanics the wave function collapses perpetually based on what annoy the angry misogynist most at the given moment.

Schrödinger’s Slut!

And of course, when she gets old and spinstery, she’ll have Schrödinger’s Cat to keep her company.

Hey, even a maybe-nonexistent cat is better company than these bozos.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

In terms of commodities, vaginas are more like a Veblen good for these guys. The more inaccessible it becomes, the more they view it as the ultimate alpha luxury status symbol, and the more theIr demand goes up. It must drive them crazy to be awash in porn and Tindr all the time and still be unable to get women to sleep with them. Even when they do manage to get laid, sleeping with women who actively seek out recreational sex doesn’t bump up their Alpha Score very much. Hence the complaint about modern-day vagina being devalued and worthless. If everybody’s driving a Mercedes, how can you keep score?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Victorious Parasol | January 28, 2016 at 7:57 pm
The phrase “pussy cartel” is reminding me of the card game Pit, where you trade cards in a simulation of commodities trading. I should really stop trying to imagine what the Red Pill edition of Pit would be. The modern version of Pit includes cocoa. I’ll think about that instead.

That sounds kind of fun. Have another game rec in exchange: Fluxx. I was introduced to it by one of my college professors.

Fluxx is an odd one, because you can’t explain the rules of the game to people that well.

The only rules are: 1. The rules change depending on what cards people play and 2. you have to collect “goal” cards by having “keeper” cards.

And the rules can be anything from a “Everyone now draws two cards on their turn instead of one” to a “You have to speak in an English accent from the rest of your turn or else you forefit a Keeper card”, depending on what version you’re playing.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

When did this happen? I wonder if this dingdong is aware that people have had to get married, without engagement, because women got pregnant first. And that this has happened throughout history and long BEFORE history, too.

There’s this philosophy in which people believe that the world and other people don’t exist and that only yourself is real. The world ends when you die.

I am pretty sure it’s popular among the manosphere.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Oh, yes! We have a Fluxx deck around here somewhere. Great fun. Haven’t played in forever, it seems like.

Pit was a blast to play as a kid because you’re SUPPOSED to yell loudly and try to make yourself heard over everybody else.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool

‘Solipsism’; as you no doubt already knew.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Then the effort was lowered some more and the couple only had to be “going steady”. Next was “in a committed relationship” …

Aren’t those two names for the exact same thing?

9 years ago

There’s this philosophy in which people believe that the world and other people don’t exist and that only yourself is real. The world ends when you die.

It’s called solipsism. It’s not a particularly good philosophy, partly because it presents an unfalsifiable model of reality, and tends to promote a particularly pernicious form of close-mindedness.

I suspect that the people who take on that sort of view and then don’t later reject it as being stupid are the sort who don’t usually face consequences for bad behavior.

9 years ago

Wow, I think they may have missed the pertinent historical fact that marriage is primarily a property contract, and that until 1902 women couldnt vote let alone own their own property, and the way their property was distributed was thrugh marriage.

The rage expressed is ironically because marriage does not any longer control women’s sexuality because it no longer controls their economy, therefore they are technically free sexually and socially. They no longer depend solely as they once did on a man’s permission to exist. Suffragette tells us that those women knew that their best weapon was to commit crimes agaist property, men’s favourite thing.

Men who controlled the property, controlled the fertility and natch the vag connected to the valuable brood mare. Clearly that deal didnt work for women otherwise marriage would have continued to be a voluntary state for economically free women, and it would be thriving for hetero women. Its interesting that same sex marriage is on the rise.

Marriage is too riven with patriarcgy to work for many women. iAnd it never really controlled their sexuality ( genomic testing tells us this) certainly never as well as the social shame that gave us those ever loving shame labels, slut, whore, hussy, slag, slattern – we know these are the ones that give it away for free. Bitches and cunts are the ones you have to punch to get it. Men think “if it’s not controlled by us then we have to attack your sexuality as dirty or frigid” so you have no where to go but get back in the box we have for you.

These guys are afraid because the will not inherit the legal or social control that gave us the “definitions” of feminity and female sexualitythat are so out of sybch with what women want. So now they need to make women fearful of their “devaluation” in order to make them comply. Pretty transparent. I think their level of anger tells us how successful their plan is…what they really need is to learn how to get pussy based on merit not threat, intimidation shame or fear. Old habits die hard.

9 years ago

…That being said, I don’t think manospherians are solipsistic for the most part. They just tend to think that the feelings of entitled dudebros are the only thing that matter, not that they’re the only things which exist.

9 years ago

I know a story regarding someone who was an unbearable University-style solipsist about twenty years ago, constantly irking the bejeebers out of everyone else in any of his classes – he was enrolled in computing, rumour was it was because he couldn’t get into philosophy. They wouldn’t put up with the poor standard of his arguments.

One day after he’d been badgering someone else who had been having a rough time, and wouldn’t let them alone (‘I’m not doing this to you, I’m doing this to me!’) the guy lost his temper and thumped him.

The sputtering was ignored and the comment was:

‘You did this to yourself, you know.’

9 years ago

Now you have me wondering if anyone has repeatedly punched (even just light taps) a solipsist while saying “Stop hitting yourself!”

9 years ago

Who are these men who talk to women, give them attention etc if women send them naked pictures?
Am I living in a different reality?!

I have an impression that most of these men are delusional, residing in a universe they constructed in their minds, in which all women do is trade their photos and have sex with mysterious “alpha” males while men try to get naked photos from women and have sex with them the way supposedly “alpha” men do it.

It could be mind construct influenced by porn in which women crave for sex. Porn can give you a general impression that women have sex constantly, with so many men, just not with you. And that makes you angry…

“I think the next major innovation will be women grouping together to offer threesomes to men in exchange for attention. ”
In my experience, I don’t have to offer sex to men to get their attention. I get other people’s attention with a good advice or kind words, with my cooking, with analyses I make for my work colleagues and so on…
So I presume this only happens in their heads.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

…That being said, I don’t think manospherians are solipsistic for the most part. They just tend to think that the feelings of entitled dudebros are the only thing that matter, not that they’re the only things which exist.

It’s more about how they don’t understand history and think only their experience and what they seen is fact more than anything, if you understand.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Jackie: Oh, the whole “As a cishet white dude, my experiences are universal, and if I don’t see something happening, it’s not really happening!” thing?

I don’t know if there’s a word for that.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Three words: false consensus effect.