men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA pussy cartel pussyconomics red pill reddit yeah totally sure right

Women will soon have to offer threesomes to get any male attention, Red Piller predicts

More prophetic than we thought?
More prophetic than we thought?

On a somewhat lighter note than my last post, here is a lesson in, er, economics from the Red Pill subreddit.


Yeah, I’m not sure that “logical” is the word you’re looking for there, champ.

If this screenshot is blurry — someone told me they were having problems with this — here’s the text:

thebears1986 67 points 1 year ago 

Women used to maintain a pussy cartel. To get any pussy you had to get married. Men want pussy so they got married. The cartel broke down a bit and women started giving access to pussy after engagement. Then the effort was lowered some more and the couple only had to be “going steady”. Next was “in a committed relationship” and eventually the “3 date rule”. Today you just swipe right on a smartphone.

Women currently sell into a hyper-competitive sex market where once they were buyers with a huge upper hand. The market is flooded and prices have dropped to $0.00. Gone are the days where they could demand any sort of commitment in exchange for access. Women still want men so they provide extra services to the men to compete for attention. Naked pics are extra services they use to keep up with the many women competing for the man they want. Either they send the pics or the guy moves on to the women who will.

I think the next major innovation will be women grouping together to offer threesomes to men in exchange for attention. Once naked pics become normalized they will have to do something. This is the next logical step.

H/T — I think someone on the Blue Pill subreddit linked to this recently; I can’t find the post

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Sofia van der Linde
Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

Monitoring what women do with childsupport would merely create an expensive misogynist institution. If a child is neglected then the parent who pays up can report this within the current system without any woman receiving childreport losing her privacy. Treating everyone who receives child support as frivolous and neglectful will not help children. It will actually up the chances of conflict between the parents.

9 years ago

@ Bina

re: Schroedinger’s Spinster/Cat.

My cats and I take our virtual hats off to you for that one.

9 years ago

NOW I understand why being agender draws so many attacks still –
(in realspace, I do not twitter neither facebook et al).

And the related – I do never want any children nor anything to do with other people´s – attacks were also never restricted to faithheads!

I am not in the market, and never was , reason enough to force me in MRA-logic.

9 years ago

Eh, women in developed countries have more sex without marriage these days because they have access to reliable birth control and the ability to raise children outside of marriage without the real and imminent prospect of starvation and death of their children. As the real consequences of sex outside marriage have lessened in severity, so has the stigma. (Sex is still by no means risk free or stigma free.)

But it’s interesting that these guys think the price of pussy has ‘fallen to zero’, yet they still can’t get laid…

I’m fat and ‘post-wall’ and damaged goods from all kinds of perspectives so in their reckoning I should be offering threesomes AND a toaster plus knife set, but I still get laid without offering even nekkid pics.

9 years ago

I never truly appreciated how… literal the word “objectification” was until I encountered this trash-heap – they really do see women as just things, sex to be bought and sold. It’s revolting.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Pussy Cartel? That’s my band name.

9 years ago

I came out as genderqueer yesterday and got two very enthusiastic lurve sessions from my two cis male lovers. From this, I conclude that offering men sex with two genders at once works just as well as offering them a threesome. Makes sense when you think about it.

9 years ago

Congratulations LG! Very brave of you!

9 years ago


I think the two most important reasons why my parents and grandparents turned out to be reasonable were: they were exposed to various kinds of people, and that despite having fanatical Christian fundamentalists for relatives, they had at least one reasonable religious parent.

My father hasn’t been very forthcoming in his past because of his abusive father, but from what I know there were and still are Christian fundamentalists* on his side of the family, as well as a *minimum* of one cad and one promiscuous, manipulative female. The juxtaposition of said female and male relative–both of whom were chronic liars and treated the opposite sex as sex toys to be used and dumped–and the fundamentalists heavily shaming the female, caused my father to realize the double standard and fanaticism of said fundamentalists.

My mother’s side was a different story. Her parents had the “moderate” type of personality, though her sister was the wild child, who went on and did drugs and slept with at least one man who later cheated on her. Her sister got pregnant in high school, too, so that made my mother determined to not sleep with, party with, or marry (cheating) jerks. My mother’s family also had quite a few Christian fundamentalists.

*Well, at least the ones on my father’s were the type to refuse going to the doctor and pray the disease away, particularly cancer.

9 years ago


Well, yes, it does make sense. Sounds like you snagged a few good ones!

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
9 years ago

Sorry for the late replies, I was busy with school!


What comes up at school a lot is just generally a lot of “get back in the kitchen jokes” or the female students feeling like crap because the path for a game artist is full of sexism and a bit of racism. It’s mostly students and maybe a few teachers who I think need to realize how stupid they sound, but the industry as a whole needs a wake up call.

Let’s put it this way; none of the guys talk about the indie game Undertale because it apparently has powers to make your penis shrink due to it’s post-modern powers and the fact it stomps on the power fantasy that is present in most RPGs.


Yes, I am a man, you are correct. What I’m not sure about though is if I’m really a dragon, a demon, or some other animal… Wait, this is not a furry discussion!

Anyways, after reading through your comment, I think that your last paragraph is probably my strongest asset because I am a generally happy, active person. I’m rather unconventional, but many people have argued that this is more of a strength than a weakness.

I think the other advice though is something I should consider, although how does one ignore someone who’s in the same room as you and won’t shut up, even if everyone else in the room would be better if they weren’t talking.


Yes, they have.

No, I don’t try to engage them, but then again, how does one deal with the loudmouth in the classroom who constantly drops crass remarks and thinks his shit doesn’t stink?

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

No, I don’t try to engage them, but then again, how does one deal with the loudmouth in the classroom who constantly drops crass remarks and thinks his shit doesn’t stink?

I would contact the school authorities and tell them that he’s being abusive and disruptive in class. File a complaint if necessary. Keep doing it until you overcome the institutional reluctance to care about it.

It’s worked for me in the past.

9 years ago

These misogynists, they can’t make up their minds about anything!

Do women have complete, malevolent control of the sexual market, whereby they control men with their pussy powers? Or do we have completely undervalued pussy that has flooded the market by being just too available? Do we have some deep insatiable need to control everything and destroy society (and therefore should to be dominated by intelligent men)? Or do we have some deep insatiable need to be subservient to domineering men (which is being underserved by our feminazi regime)? Are we emotional, irrational children that can’t control our feelings? Or are we unfeeling monsters incapable of love?

Spin the wheel of misogynist rationalization, folks! Remember, as long as it makes you piss yourself with rage at your computer keyboard, it doesn’t have to make any sense!

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Why do I suspect this guy is a porn addict who can’t hard over anything other than a threesome in a room with Pepe the Frog wallpaper?

Not that there’s anything wrong with being into that sort of thing.

Chris O
Chris O
9 years ago

I have a feeling these guys are taking something besides Red Pills.

9 years ago

Thanks for that information. It sounds like your parents think things through–and don’t forget about the emotional side of any situation either.

@Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Ick, classroom jerks. You’ve gotten some good advice here.

Another way to go is to enlist the help of others. See if you can have a private conversation with one or more of the female students. Casually drop into the conversation that the jerks are getting on your nerves. See if they can back you up when you speak up. And really, speaking up doesn’t have to be more than saying, “Oh no” when a jerk starts his jerkery. Then you can laugh. If one more person starts laughing, you’ve got a group. And if two or three start laughing? Even better. Keep it light. Keep it funny. You want these guys to be able to save face while backing the eff off.

Good luck! You are in my thoughts.

Username Subject to Change
Username Subject to Change
9 years ago

This is the dumbest sentiment ever. All the dating instagrams I follow get dic picks on the daily, unasked for. These must be the entitled assholes that send them. Newsflash-you aren’t getting laid because you’re a fuck boy with an awful personality.

9 years ago

Dibbs on a name! I decided to make it SFW rather than P***yCartel or something

9 years ago


yeah, MRAs always conveniently ignore the fact that marriage is very beneficial to men — married men have better health, men tend to be harder it by the end of relationships — and a lot of women throughout history have not had a choice about if they got married or who they got married to and it was kind of a raw deal for them

9 years ago

And here I thought ‘pussy inflation’ was ‘pushing men out of the market’. Now suddenly there’s a deflationary crisis? Are all my vaginal stocks and bonds worthless now? I can’t keep up with today’s rocky mons market, is there maybe a nice diversified labial portfolio I could invest in, something a bit less vulnerable to clitoral instability?

9 years ago

I’m pretty sure a large part of marriage’s “benefits” comes from the fact that being married is something you do when you have one or more steady incomes to pay for it. >_>;

Poor people who’d like to get married remain unmarried when they can’t afford it. And being poor tends to lead to lower well-being in general.

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