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Professional women could kill men for fun and “would prob get away with it,” MRA warns

Woman doctor, possibly contemplating murder
Woman doctor, possibly contemplating murder

So a little over a week ago, a drunken idiot in Miami attacked an Uber driver and trashed his car after being refused a ride. A video of the incident quickly went viral on YouTube; so far, it’s racked up more than five million views.

To the denizens of the Men’s Rights subreddit, this is somehow a Men’s Rights issue.

Because, you see, the drunken idiot in question was … a woman! And not just any woman — a young, thin, conventionally attractive woman who happens to be a fourth-year neurology resident a local hospital, and who also, apparently, happens to remind more than a few MRAs of every woman who’s ever turned them down for a date.

The headline given to the Men’s Rights subreddit post on the subject was basically catnip for angry misogynists: “Bratty rich doctor gets drunk and makes a huge fool of herself trashing Uber car, assaulting the driver then gets off when Police arrive.”

Naturally, the Mens Rights Redditors are furious that the woman — who’s been suspended from her job — isn’t going to spend the rest of her life in jail, because the “white knight” Uber driver decided not to press charges.

“Reverse the genders,” one commenter sniffs, “and [the charge] would be attempted murder.”

Actually, if you reverse the gender of the assailant, it would be misdemeanor assault and misdemeanor public intoxication. At least that’s what one drunken man was charged with after his much more violent assault on an Uber driver last November. Video of that assault got less than a tenth of the number of views the “bratty rich doctor” video got.

And that earlier video didn’t inspire anyone to vomit up an angry wall-o-text attack like this:

Ovendice 20 points 4 days ago* Welcome to the 21st Century Female. I'm surprised there aren't hundreds of videos like this because this is how most women behave now. Because of the work I do (I've been doing corporate sales for almost a decade now) I have to deal with women, professional women at that, and most all of them are like this. Doctor's offices, dentist offices, hospitals, attorney's firms, insurance companies, real estate companies and on and on and these are supposed to be the 'best' women. Lol No, they're the worst; in fact the higher their status the more HORRENDOUS they are. It's that exact same level of insane arrogance that says, "I'm untouchable. I can say and do anything I want and no one can do anything about. Even if I'm just a secretary, but if I have a better job than you? I am GOD and you are an ant. And if you're male and you get into ANY kind of disagreement with me at all, I'll just call the police and say you were harassing me because anytime there is a dispute between a male and a female the male is INSTANTLY blamed and attacked and removed, as we've seen in those videos experimenting with a couple fighting in public. And of course because of VAWA. Hell, most of the time cops aren't even necessary, there's usually 5 white knights ready to jump right in and beat you to a pulp if you so much as smart off to a female. Meanwhile she can treat you and talk to you like a piece of shit, assault you, even kill you if she wanted to and would prob get away with it, thus why she calls the man a piece of shit in the video. And the very fact that men can do nothing to defend themselves or even complain is why she's doing it- she's untouchable and she is getting off on her power. In a way though, she IS right, he and most men ARE 'pathetic pieces of shit' because most men have ALLOWED it to get this bad, not even caring about their own rights! This of course is a direct result of 50 years of Feminism and ZERO accountability: THIS is what a Feminist looks and ACTS like!

Welcome to the 21st Century Female indeed.

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Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

It will be fun to watch MRA heads explode in rage if Secretary Clinton wins the election and becomes the leader of the free world. They may have to flee the country in droves since they hate women in authority so much.

9 years ago

A strange and moving thing happened today, on my way home from my volunteer work.

I went to the trams after work, and on the platform a guy came up to me. Fairly young, tall, black dude. He asked if I just came from the volunteer group and I said yeah. Then he introduced himself, said his parents moved to Sweden (based on his name I’m guessing from Eritrea or Ethiopia) before he was born, so he was born a Swedish citizen. About 15 years ago, the family had moved to Syria for work.

His Swedish was good, not perfect, since he had grown up in Syria and spent most of his life there. When the situation in Syria became too unstable, the family had simply thanked their lucky stars they had Swedish passports, and moved back here again.

He gave me one of the tightest hugs of my life and thanked me for helping “[his] people” in these times. This is 2 days after a teenage refugee stabbed a worker to death in a shelter, 30 minutes from the platform where we stand, waiting for the tram.

Things will get better soon, right?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

dhag85 | January 27, 2016 at 1:21 pm
Sorry if I’ve missed something here, but what’s the evidence that this woman is a feminist?

Did they, once again, forget that they’re supposed to pretend as if they don’t mean “all women” when they say “feminists”?

Ah, but see, she’s a bad woman. She did bad things. Therefore, she’s a feminist.

Because all bad women are feminists. And all feminists are bad women who want to murder and abuse men.

9 years ago

Aww. Made me tear up.

Stay strong.

9 years ago


That’s lovely 🙂 People are awful, but they are also amazing. Things will get better if we keep working at it.

9 years ago

Just as David found peak reddit yesterday, I think we’ve found peak white brogressivism as well!

First he does this

A Channel 12 News reporter, Monique Griego, stopped Harris on his way out of the meeting. “How did this meeting fix anything?” her cameraman asked. “It doesn’t fix anything,” Harris replied. “We’re on a pathway now to making things better.” Griego thanked him and moved on to speak to someone else.

Harris then turned to the New Times reporter and said, “Nice tits.” Then, he said it again. (The New Times has audio.)

Then he has a meltdown that looks pretty damn similar to the meltdowns our sealion trolls have from time to time

Asked on Wednesday what he would do to combat sexism as well as racism, Harris lost his mind. “I’m going to slash my wrists,” he said. “Better yet, I’m going to throw myself out of a fucking window, except I’m on the first floor…I’m one of the best goddamned people in the state.”

“I’ve given up my law practice. I’m down here six, seven days a week. That’s what my commitment is. I support NOW, the women’s organization—goddamn!—are you shitting me? Are you going to write this up?”

9 years ago

Ah, but see, she’s a bad woman. She did bad things. Therefore, she’s a feminist.

Because all bad women are feminists. And all feminists are bad women who want to murder and abuse men.

Was it WTF Price or someone else who was here a few months ago saying that many women he knows in his liberal leaning city self identify as feminists. But they’re nice and don’t hate men, therefore they must not be feminists even though they identify themselves as such. Because feminists are bad. Therefore a woman he likes can’t be a feminist.

Such is the logic of manospherians.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago


[…] Trudeau’s 50/50 gender split cabinet didn’t end sexism in Canada. Role-reversal in a single scenario doesn’t mean anything if you ignore the underlying systems.

Well, you could make an argument that by explicitly selecting an even gender split and by being public about doing it and why, he’s drawing attention to the underlying systems rather than ignoring them. It’s a symbolic gesture, at least.

And of course it’s not going to end sexism in Canada. But part of the idea, much like ‘affirmative action’ programs, is that this sort of thing helps to normalize having women in such positions. As long as it’s kept up, over time it may become more common to do this sort of thing, and more women may get involved.

It will take generations (it’s taken generations to get this far), and some people will have to be dragged kicking and screaming all the way, but the very fact that someone who could be elected Prime Minister was willing to do that was a positive step.

Maybe I just feel like finding what rare nuggets I can sift out of human nature today. I just got a call from my University Alumni Association asking for donations, which this time were being explicitly put towards the He For She campaign, focusing on women’s university scholarships and improved programs down to elementary school. The poor student making the calls was almost depressingly surprised and happy that I agreed to contribute, making me suspect that she’d got some rather nasty comments earlier on in this particular set of calls.

9 years ago

@Jenora Feuer

Well, you could make an argument that by explicitly selecting an even gender split and by being public about doing it and why, he’s drawing attention to the underlying systems rather than ignoring them. It’s a symbolic gesture, at least.

Oh yes, I wasn’t trying to imply that Trudeau was ignoring the underlying system when he made his appointments, but more that these things do not happen in a vacuum, and any meaningful interpretation of a role reversal (or equalization) requires proper context. If someone were to claim that sexism in Canada was over because we have a gender equal cabinet, it would be using similarly bad reasoning as the MRA-style “If the genders were different, reactions would be different!” hypotheticals – just from a different angle.

Overall I’m a huge fan of Trudeau’s move; far from ignoring systemic gender inequality, I agree it quite explicitly acknowledges them.

9 years ago

And as the manosphere accuses women of being able to get away with murdering men this happens in the real world

David I think this is worth its own article

9 years ago

I would love it if Clinton became President and the MRAs all fled the country, but I have to insist they go somewhere where there are no people, and no infrastructure. I cannot in good conscience inflict them on any other country, and they don’t deserve to live off the work of other people.

No, no. They’ve gotta start all over from scratch, and build everything from the ground up, without other races to exploit, or any women, except the ones who volunteered, who would of course have to receive a great deal of counseling , probably in the form of: “Hey! There’s no infrastructure, indoor plumbing, or Starbucks there! Are you sure?”, before they’d be allowed to join them.

9 years ago

According to Ovendice, anything bad a female does is attributed to feminism. Likewise, anything a female does that may refute this assertion is evidence that all feminism is inherently bad; to him, even if he can’t find anything bad about a female, that’s proof she is bad. Why? Because All Women Lie All The Time and All Women Are Inferior And Evil TM.

When someone’s that fanatical, it’s impossible to reason with them. You just hope they’ll snap out of it soon enough.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Ah, but see, she’s a bad woman. She did bad things. Therefore, she’s a feminist.

Because all bad women are feminists. And all feminists are bad women who want to murder and abuse men.

I got into a discussion earlier tonight with a man who had an interesting view on that.

He used the term “simp”, which I hadn’t come across. When I asked, he said that a simp was a male feminist; that is, “someone who believes that women are always right and that men are worthless until they accept that.” To him those two terms were synonyms. He also said that these “male feminists”, whomever they are, expect men to apologise for being men.

I left him unenlightened. There’s only so much you can do with a person who follows us-good, you-bad logic.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ fabe

This is getting to be a depressingly common story. It’s almost at the stage the journalists could have a Word template and just change the names.

I’m not sure about “romantic overtures”. We don’t know exactly what happend of course; but even if he was positively charming (rather than someone who just made some crude attempt to hit on a woman) this just feeds into the “woman rebuffs nice guy” MRA/MGTOW/incel crap.

This guy murdered a woman for having the audacity to say “No”. There’s nothing romantic about that.

9 years ago


No, no. They’ve gotta start all over from scratch, and build everything from the ground up, without other races to exploit, or any women, except the ones who volunteered, who would of course have to receive a great deal of counseling , probably in the form of: “Hey! There’s no infrastructure, indoor plumbing, or Starbucks there! Are you sure?”, before they’d be allowed to join them.

That should be easy for them, after all men build and invented everything ever. 😉

9 years ago

@ Lkeke35

If we shipped those fanatical, violent MRAs (more like Men Dominance/Dictatorship Activists*) to other countries and they got their way, they’d murder everyone they think is inferior and enslave the rest for entertainment.

*I’ll probably say that from now on.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ fabe

all men build and invented everything

Ahem, all white men. All that stuff you see in Africa, Asia and the Middle East? Natural rock formations (or possibly aliens)

9 years ago


Of course how careless of me, yes it was the white man who invented everything including inventing .

9 years ago

@ fabe

Didn’t you know? Math, logic, architecture and all the other Good Things didn’t exist until the White Men came along. Then, then, the Inferior Wimmens and Races, overcome with envy, have been trying to tear down all the Good Things the White Men have ever done.

9 years ago

If I had a dollar for anytime an MRA/MGTOW/libertarian/anyotherinsufferableasshat threatened to go Galt and didn’t do it, I’d have enough money to retire and buy a mansion with a swimming pool full of male tears.

9 years ago


Yup I hear that some wimmens even try to take credit for the man things. Like some people say a mere female created the computer code that sent man to the moon.

9 years ago


If we shipped those fanatical, violent MRAs (more like Men Dominance/Dictatorship Activists*) to other countries and they got their way, they’d murder everyone they think is inferior and enslave the rest for entertainment.

That’s part 1. And this book is fantasy. In real life, most of them (with notable, dangerous exceptions, of course) aren’t actually going to get out of their computer chairs to do that.

Part 2 of this fantasy: Then they murder those MRAs who look different from them. Then those MRAs who annoy them. Then those MRAs who are their brothers ’cause Mom loved them best. Then only one MRA is left. He’s won!

Ooh, it turns out that this is a dystopian fantasy. Bummer.

9 years ago

If MRAs could organize a third grade picnic they might be dangerous. Fortunately, theyre inept.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ lea

If MRAs could organize a third grade picnic they might be dangerous. Fortunately, theyre inept.

When I first learned of MRAs through this site, that was my opinion.

However I have now moved to the position that they’re not just amusing idiots, they actually present a clear and present danger (to women).

There have been too many post here about MRA inspired or affiliated murders for me to just laugh them off now. I actually regard them as terrorists in the legal, not just figurative, sense.

9 years ago


Well, yes, the ones (obviously a huge chunk) who live in a high-tech, difficult-to-get-off-the-grid society won’t dare to enact their fantasies because they know they’ll get caught.

Many of them are somewhat content with whining online, and many others are just too lazy, lacking the Man Balls TM, or the resources to build their utopia.

I have no doubt that many of them would at least try and “succeed” to various degrees* if they came across the perfect opportunity. However, I think that many/most of them are waiting for the prefect opportunity to magically fall into their laps. (Some of which have, unfortunately, been media-inspired.)

*I also think that they’d have somewhat of a better chance if they were shipped to vulnerable countries where it would be easier to control the populace. Note that this is the aforementioned fanatical and violent men “getting their way.”