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Professional women could kill men for fun and “would prob get away with it,” MRA warns

Woman doctor, possibly contemplating murder
Woman doctor, possibly contemplating murder

So a little over a week ago, a drunken idiot in Miami attacked an Uber driver and trashed his car after being refused a ride. A video of the incident quickly went viral on YouTube; so far, it’s racked up more than five million views.

To the denizens of the Men’s Rights subreddit, this is somehow a Men’s Rights issue.

Because, you see, the drunken idiot in question was … a woman! And not just any woman — a young, thin, conventionally attractive woman who happens to be a fourth-year neurology resident a local hospital, and who also, apparently, happens to remind more than a few MRAs of every woman who’s ever turned them down for a date.

The headline given to the Men’s Rights subreddit post on the subject was basically catnip for angry misogynists: “Bratty rich doctor gets drunk and makes a huge fool of herself trashing Uber car, assaulting the driver then gets off when Police arrive.”

Naturally, the Mens Rights Redditors are furious that the woman — who’s been suspended from her job — isn’t going to spend the rest of her life in jail, because the “white knight” Uber driver decided not to press charges.

“Reverse the genders,” one commenter sniffs, “and [the charge] would be attempted murder.”

Actually, if you reverse the gender of the assailant, it would be misdemeanor assault and misdemeanor public intoxication. At least that’s what one drunken man was charged with after his much more violent assault on an Uber driver last November. Video of that assault got less than a tenth of the number of views the “bratty rich doctor” video got.

And that earlier video didn’t inspire anyone to vomit up an angry wall-o-text attack like this:

Ovendice 20 points 4 days ago* Welcome to the 21st Century Female. I'm surprised there aren't hundreds of videos like this because this is how most women behave now. Because of the work I do (I've been doing corporate sales for almost a decade now) I have to deal with women, professional women at that, and most all of them are like this. Doctor's offices, dentist offices, hospitals, attorney's firms, insurance companies, real estate companies and on and on and these are supposed to be the 'best' women. Lol No, they're the worst; in fact the higher their status the more HORRENDOUS they are. It's that exact same level of insane arrogance that says, "I'm untouchable. I can say and do anything I want and no one can do anything about. Even if I'm just a secretary, but if I have a better job than you? I am GOD and you are an ant. And if you're male and you get into ANY kind of disagreement with me at all, I'll just call the police and say you were harassing me because anytime there is a dispute between a male and a female the male is INSTANTLY blamed and attacked and removed, as we've seen in those videos experimenting with a couple fighting in public. And of course because of VAWA. Hell, most of the time cops aren't even necessary, there's usually 5 white knights ready to jump right in and beat you to a pulp if you so much as smart off to a female. Meanwhile she can treat you and talk to you like a piece of shit, assault you, even kill you if she wanted to and would prob get away with it, thus why she calls the man a piece of shit in the video. And the very fact that men can do nothing to defend themselves or even complain is why she's doing it- she's untouchable and she is getting off on her power. In a way though, she IS right, he and most men ARE 'pathetic pieces of shit' because most men have ALLOWED it to get this bad, not even caring about their own rights! This of course is a direct result of 50 years of Feminism and ZERO accountability: THIS is what a Feminist looks and ACTS like!

Welcome to the 21st Century Female indeed.

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9 years ago

More proof that anti-feminist men are afraid that feminism might lead to women treating men the way men have treated women for the last few millenia.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Am I the only person slightly disappointed that this post turned out not to be about lady assassins?

Miss Andry
9 years ago

It must suck to live in Bizarro World where men are instantly blamed and punished.

9 years ago

He’s surprised that there aren’t more videos of women behaving like this?

Somehow all the phones are out of battery when ALL the women kick off?

Lack of evidence for a wild accusation is quite telling, matey boy.

9 years ago

Hmmmm… In a world where white dudes shoot up schools, theaters and whole fucking countries when they feel like it, this is so ridiculous that there are layers of funny.

On the surface it’s just kind of silly. Then I realize that even if the author doesn’t believe his own bullshit, he thinks other people will. And either his fellow MRAs do believe him or they play along just to have some sort of hateboner circle jerk.

That’s funny.

9 years ago

There should be a rule that when MRA’s and other woman haters play the “what if the genders were reversed” game, they first must actually Google whether or not there have been situations in which the genders were, in fact, reversed. Because seriously every time there’s at least one. But then, that would require misogynists have the ability to recognize that the world exists outside of their own experiences and knowledge, so I won’t hold my breath.

9 years ago

the higher the status the more HORRENDOUS they are

Sounds like a large number of people with high status, not just women. And since the vast majority of people with high status are men, and you actually get pretty far with status if you’re an entitled fart weasel, I’d say it’s far more common in men.

9 years ago

It’s funny because I saw the title of the post and wondered “will this be the definition of professional that includes me or the one that doesn’t?” and then

Even if I’m just a secretary, but if I have a better job than you? I am GOD and you are an ant.

Ovendice was nice enough to clarify. Yes, even us just a secretaries are guilty of these vile acts of misandry.

In other news, a few weeks ago I witnessed a man strike a woman as she tried to get on public transit; and, when she yelled out, claim that he’d only just tapped her shoulder to get her attention. Everyone – including, shamefully, myself – looked at anything other than their confrontation. No one intervened. No one even acknowledged it was happening.

Sweaty Examination Goblin
Sweaty Examination Goblin
9 years ago

That reddit post… seems to be capable of being summarized as “wahh wahh I can’t be a shithead to women without consequences! WAHHHHHHHH”

9 years ago

But they didn’t get their panties in a wad over the billionaire guy that did the same thing weeks earlier. I mean I’m not surprised they didn’t I just don’t get how they can be so obviously hypocritical and go sailing past the point which is maybe no one ever should attack anyone.

9 years ago

It isn’t as if entitled men ever get away with raping and murdering women and kids. Oh…wait…

9 years ago

Ha ha!! Alan Robertshaw. Hilarious comment!! 🙂

9 years ago

I would have pressed charges but really, had the situation be reversed, he’d have been praised in those quarters as an ambitious beta upriser.

9 years ago

Shorter: Wasn’t it nice when women were so terrified of men, they were all polite and respectful to every man they met (as if such a time ever existed outside of the 1950’s sitcom)?

I think they actually believe that life will be better for everyone if women abandon feminism and resume a subjected role. That women would be happier with those limitations. They don’t understand that an instinct to be nice to everyone is driven by internalized fear or self-destruction of some sort, and that the “doting male husband/father figure” was as much a tyrant as anything else. I don’t understand how they can’t see it.

EDIT: oh man, that picture. She looks like she’s patiently waiting through the male nurse mansplaining the job she’s about to do while jerkbag onlooker bro is casually getting cigarette ash all over her scrubbies. I’d be contemplating murder too.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Since she’s a woman, I suspect she’s going to face a lot more social consequences than the complaining MRAs realize. Boys will be boys, but the gals just can’t handle their booze, y’know what I mean?

9 years ago

I think it’s pretty safe to say that had the video been of a woman murdering a male Uber driver, she would have been charged with murder pretty quickly. You can’t argue that because someone didn’t get jailed for being a drunken mess, they wouldn’t be jailed for anything at all. Well, you can if you’re an MRA, I guess. Since that’s what passes for logic in their world.

Notice the guy ranting is in sales. I’m guessing the men he deals with have the same “ugh, a salesperson” attitude as the women. He just doesn’t notice because MRA confirmation bias is a powerful thing.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

“THIS is what a Feminist looks and ACTS like!”

Yup, that’s why there are so many videos out there of us beating on men.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

@ Alan

Am I the only person slightly disappointed that this post turned out not to be about lady assassins?


9 years ago

“White knights ready to… beat you to a pulp if you so much as smart off to a female”

From what I see of our culture, it’s mostly MEN who promote the “value” of cold-cocking anyone who dares to disrespect “their” woman.

ETA: Yeah, I guess that’s what he was saying. Where he still goes wrong is attributing this behavior to “white-knight” type men. It’s always the alpha male, Brad-Paisley-I’m-Still-A-Guy types that *I* see pontificating about how they must defend their woman’s honor.

Cerulean (Miss A)
Cerulean (Miss A)
9 years ago

I think MRAs conveniently forget that murder is still against the law, no matter who you are and what sex you identify as. Anything to paint feminists in a negative light, even if it’s totally nonsensical. WTF.

9 years ago

@LindsayIrene — Sorry, but I think your comment there is pretty shitty. It almost sounds like you’re a clever troll trying to subtly stoke the fire of misogyny by suggesting tacitly in your comment that meh, it’d be a-ok if women DID, in fact, turn around and subjugate women when, in fact, feminism is not about dominance but about egalitarianism. Probably you didn’t mean it to sound that way, but I could see how it would easily come across as suggesting that feminism = women doing to men what men have historically done to women, in which case yea, obviously men are going to be opposed to that.

We have to be careful with our wording if we ever hope to shut down the nonsense that is the MRM. Just sayin’.

But yea…this guy’s comment is way over the top. I’ve personally been in a situation where a “magnolia” (as opposed to a “Georgia Peach”) co-worker of mine (loud, pushy, bully of a woman whose fiancee dropped a couple thousand to fly out to Hawaii where she was working at the time, get a nice diamond ring, and propose to her only to have her say “Nope, ring’s not big enough” and send him packing, insisting that he come back a second time with a bigger rock; ug) accused me of assaulting her after she had been in my face yelling at me and I yelled back at her because she was being a pushy asshole.

Our manager was a woman, and she sat us both down, asked us to tell her what happened, heard both sides of the story, and decided from that and from what she knew about us what had happened. There was no evidence of assault (the lady had accused me of shoving her around, not like beating her or anything severe) and she just told us to cool our jets and give each other a wide berth. I thought it was a very fair decision, not at all a situation in which the “feeeeemale” got to treat me like a “piece of shit” and get away with it.

To be sure, the woman in question was a bully and she was treating me like a piece of shit, but she didn’t just get away with it, she got a pretty stern talking to from her female boss. So yea, I have firsthand anecdotal evidence that speaks to the contrary of what this d00d is saying, but then again, 95% of the stuff MRAs say is bullshit. The 5% that is true is usually quoting the story of what happened before doing a jacknife dive into total malarkey.

9 years ago

Aw! I could have been getting away with murder and nobody told me?! Thanks for nothing feminism!

This is why we need MRA sites. They are soooo informational! /sarcasm

9 years ago

DS – I totally did not read LindsayIrene’s post that way. It’s a pretty common analysis, actually, that privileged types can’t get out of a zero-sum headspace and are convinced that marginalized people just want revenge.

9 years ago

I think LindsayIrene’s comment was very clear on the idea that MRAs fear–FEAR–that women would treat them as badly as they’ve treated women all these years. Not that women would do it. MRAs have a knack for projection, as we all know.

berdache in a previous life

Think the reddittors are confused, they’re thinking of Trump being able to kill and get away with it.

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