Have we reached Peak Reddit, the point at which Reddit cannot get any Redditer? This comment, from the racist cesspit that is the European subreddit, suggests that we’re rapidly reaching the zenith of Redditry.
Huh. I can’t believe that young Mr. WhitePride_1488 forgot to mention “cucks.” Is this guy not a real Nazi after all?
Oh wait, he called someone a “cuck” in a previous comment. Crisis averted! Everything is under control!
And in case his raging racism and anti-Semitism, the “WhitePower” bit in his Reddit user name, his use of the neo-Nazi dogwhistle “1488,” and his general unpleasantness weren’t evidence enough of his status as a literal Nazi, he has also graced Reddit with his thoughts about a certain Mr. Hitler. For example:
Hitler didnt do anything wrong. He was kicking out the Jews in Germany so he could have his country back.
Oh, and this:
One day the world will know Hitler was right all along.
And, yes, he is of course a Holocaust denier. And a fan of Ann Coulter.
Frankly, I’m not sure which is worse.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture
> Kat
That is a pity. This is going to bring water to the mill of the ones who suggested Emma Watson to go work in refugiees camps.
On the topic, i wonder if he would agree that the Natives kick his ass off America, you know, to have their country back. Ah, no, they are not cis white males, so they are not allowed to do that by cis white males with balls so huge they can not see farther than the tip of them.
I sometimes wonder from where come all this ? Bad education ? Is it only that ?
Have a nice day.
@katz: Yeah, we (as a species) need to do something about Argentine Ants. I believe the technical biological term for them is “that shit’s freaky as hell.”
@ Katz
You could almost argue that crows, ravens, and several other bids are “cheating”, especially when they form huge flocks of several hundred birds and babysit each other’s offspring. Based on my observations, crows in particular get along well with each other even during breeding season, when they’re supposed to be fighting for territory. There’s actually quite a bit of cooperation and reciprocal altruism going on.
Thank you.
I made a comment about this in the non-personal open thread but I don’t think anyone saw it. I could’ve almost put it in the personal thread instead since I’ve previously applied for work in that exact shelter. It’s a very sad thing.
I had a look at your message in the nonpersonal open thread. Yeah, the backlash against refugees is bound to be unpleasant.
And you must be feeling personally traumatized too, given that you applied for work in that very shelter.
Hang in there.
It’s a bit unreal. I’ve never been there and I didn’t know the victim so it feels more distant than maybe it should, but it’s only about an hour away from my home by public transportation. The hospital I go to for my arthritis check-ups is in the same area. Even so, I don’t feel personally affected by this. I just feel bad for the victim and her family, and worried about the backlash I’m already seeing online.
I’m sorry, I had to stop reading at the part that yammers about how historically marginalized people have now “created an unnatural advantage for themselves.” As though disallowing women and non-white people from voting is not somehow an “unnatural advantage.” Gotta love that alt-right hypocrisy.
Why is it so many self-proclaimed “master race” types have such poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar. *sigh* Goes with the poor logic.
@ Sarah & occasional reader
Their morals and values are obviously power-based. We are all indoctrinated into a might makes right -type morality in childhood to some greater or lesser degree. It’s just too sticky historically, and all our societal structures are based on some individuals exercising power over others. Consent has never mattered. We all learn what is supposed to be normal as children, and children are one of the worst oppressed groups of all. Their consent is not required for anything, and they are still implicitly and often explicitly considered their parents’ property. Going through that, it’s impossible not to come out believing using power over others is natural, and often not even appreciate the existence of consent as a concept.
From that perspective, where power is the only thing that matters (and the more power is used, the more accurate that becomes) it IS unnatural for people who have an opportunity to use force to oppress others to abstain from doing that. It IS unnatural for them for politics to be conducted through speech and negotiations, and let those who are not backed up by weapons have a voice too.
Sometimes I feel really sorry for these poor assholes. They have been tricked into making a bargain with the devil: they want everyone to be worse off, as long as others are even more worse off than themselves. There are only losers in a hierarchical power structure: even those at the top live in constant fear of losing their status and being treated in the way they now treat others. Every serious competition is a net loss for mankind, because there are fewer winners than there are losers, and because losing hurts much more than winning benefits.
And they think that’s a good deal. They’re too afraid to even consider the alternative. They come up with ideological paradigms in economics, evopsych, game theory, politics and operations research, that systematically neglect all empirical evidence of cooperation and flat hierarchies in nature and human societies. And then they use these paradigms to prove their world view correct. I often try to imagine what the world would be like if women and had had a strong presence in these fields from their conception. Perhaps not so different, since that would imply they were not an oppressed group, and that might have lead them to learn different lessons about power and its morality.
@ victorious parasol
Because openly bigoted opinions are seen as crude and frowned upon these days, due to “political correctness”. Educated classy bigots know how to be politically correct and disguise their hatefulness into something more polite. Only low-status people express these opinions openly, because they don’t suffer a hit to their status (being a bigot just places them firmly exactly where they already are) and because they lack the education and/or class perspective to understand and value propriety.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are also signs of education and good, class-based sense of propriety. So, you’ll find the same people having all the different kinds of low class markers.
That’s how it is in Europe at least, I can’t make sense of the American system as it emphasizes wealth a lot more than ours. There are similarities of course, but I can’t imagine someone like Trump ever coming from Europe.
For these reasons it makes me feel a little weird when someone’s writing ability is mocked. With good public education class has become somewhat decoupled from education-related markers, but being able to take advantage of public education is still a sign of many different kinds of privilege.
It’s really funny seeing what people think the old days and natural order of things is, and especially trying to tie those ideas to white superiority. But then again they tie European domination to some inherent qualities that aren’t smallpox letting them take over the Americas and we know how inaccurate that is. Anyway, modern concepts of gender are just that, and definitely weren’t around in the 1600s, by which time Europe was starting to get the lead that propelled them to world domination. But then again, what do we expect from people whose greatest achievement was getting born in a certain place and time, not anything they did?
@dust bunny
Yes! It’s a lot more fun to communicate and cooperate. And if certain groups or certain people are shut out of power, their good ideas will never be able to help the larger group. Manospherians really think small.
Maybe Berlusconi, kind of?
We have a murder of over 10,000 crows that congregate at my alma mater at sunset. I always loved when the class starting times were around sunset so I could watch them as I walked to class.
dust bunny: It’s worth noting that, in the U.S., public education has actually become seen as ‘the enemy’ by the Right. This has had two effects:
1: People seeking to present themselves as paragons of right-wing values will often deliberately dumb-down their speech, willfully eschewing any sign of being an ‘intellectual’.
2: Home-schooling, originally launched as a means for dealing with inadequate local schools, has blossomed among right-wing communities as a means of keeping your kids from being exposed to anything that isn’t approved by your ideology, particularly in conservative Christian and Mormon families. Thing is, most parents are, frankly, shitty teachers, so the teens and young adults who have grown up in this environment are often very shoddy at just about everything that would’ve been covered in a traditional education.
It’s all a very self-reinforcing cycle; each generation moves further away from the idea of education (except for their direct indoctrination) as a value.
This, in turn, creates some other effects. Most polls show Americans to actually be moderately liberal, in terms of ‘What policies would you like to see enforced?’ However, this increasingly small minority of conservative religious Caucasians is also increasingly rabid in their intensity–so they speak more than their opponents, vote more regularly, and are more likely to take mob action. This grants them victories far above their actual numbers. And since they have so little interest in outside perspectives, every time they do lose a battle (say, a court case about prayer in schools or other church/state violations), it feels like persecution, letting them take the mantle of martyrdom.
@ freemage
When I used to work for News International, the political editor, Trevor Kavenagh, went off to do a long interview with Bush.
The on the record stuff was as you’d imagine. Lots of ‘good old boy’ homespun simplicity.
Off the record Bush was a consummate expert on domestic policies and world affairs. He spent half the time critiquing De Tocqville.
He knew his constituency though and dumbed it down. That last thing he needed was to remind folks he was from a family of east coast intellectuals; hence all the Texas emphasis.
Love part of that quote: “They have created an unnatural advantage for themselves.”
That’s the thing about authoritarians… they worship authority, but only LEGITIMATE authority. And what “legitimate” means is ultimately entirely arbitrary. So you have authoritarians who range from atheist libertarians to fascists, all deriding the people who took power that wasn’t rightfully theirs based on some weird idiosyncratic definition of what rightfully means.
I don’t want to come across as bigoted against the undead, but Ann Ghoulter is just the WORST.
The point of holocaust denial is that “the Jews” are so rotten that they made everything up for their own benefit, not that Hitler wasn’t so extreme after all. Many Neo-Nazis wouldn’t have an issue with exterminating all Jewish people even though only a few would openly say they support it. Read their literature, especially The Turner Diaries, not just the propaganda they use to try to recruit people and for PR.
@Alan: Bush the elder or Bush the younger?
The last one. Elder Bush seemed to have less of a problem admitting he wasn’t completely thick. Politics was a bit different back then of course; more rational perhaps?
What dust bunny said. I haven’t agreed with anyone that hard all week.
So much fail in a horrific post.
(1) History fail on law and order. Seriously, dude, go do some research and look at the kinds of things that were going on all over beautiful white Europe for all of time or go see what the Puritans were getting up to in colonial times. You might think that it was all law and order because you don’t learn about the daily life of people only battles and rulers and stuff.
(2) As for LGBTQ “freaks”, here’s the things, someone decided it was bad, just ’cause, and so it became something for people to police. Why was it bad? Because someone wanted power over another group and did some kind “I was chatting with my god and he said…”. Why do we need to be policing people’s gender orientations and identities? These are the same people who scream about their liberty, freedom, blah blah blah, and don’t make them contribute money to society (taxes) ’cause it’s theft or whatever, but they want government to police sexuality.
Go do some more research on this, so that maybe you will learn that your idea that these are “freaks” has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with your terrible world view.
(3) And I’ll stop here since I’m in teal deer territory. OP seems upset that all these lesser-thans are banding together to achieve equality – isn’t that what he wants to do with his fellow alpha-idiots? He is not going to be off on his own achieving great things thanks to his great white-cis-masculinity that means he needs no one.
Bonus 3a: how in the world do these douchenozzles not know that white Christian cis-men do not hold most of the power and wealth?
Someone said Argentine ants? I say: leave them be!
They are this awesome example of global cooperation, as well as our super seekrit plan to take over the world.
Phase 1 is already complete, next stage will be spreading the Arginfection: an ant bites you and you start talking very fast in Spanish, then you get an unexplainable desire for mate and dulce de leche, and then you suddenly decide to reunite the farthest branches of your family in a huge asado for 200 people.
Really, Argentine ants are just tiny Argentine people waiting for the signal to take over the world.
Now that you’ve read this I will have to kill you, unless you promise to get bitten by an ant as soon as you finish reading this.
I think someone needs to tell Mr. 1488 that while his views are more popular among white heterosexual men than they are among other subgroups, they are still extraordinary unpopular among white heterosexual men. When he says “when we regain control”, he’s using the word we rather loosely.