anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism reddit

Is this comment from WhitePride_1488 proof that we are rapidly approaching Peak Reddit?

Would Hitler have been a Redditor?

Have we reached Peak Reddit, the point at which Reddit cannot get any Redditer? This comment, from the racist cesspit that is the European subreddit, suggests that we’re rapidly reaching the zenith of Redditry.

women should not be allowed to vote for anything. Until recently, all the policy decisions were made by white heterosexual males. White countries had order and discipline and we ruled the world. Thats why everyone who has a grievance against white heterosexual males has to keep us feeling guilty. The crazed feminists, the homosexual freaks, jews and other disgusting minorities, and white beta male faggots who cant make it on their own have now banded together and formed the "left". They have created an unnatural advantage for themselves and they know that they have to keep white heterosexual males down to retain their privileges. They know they will be forced back into the closet once we regain control again.

Huh. I can’t believe that young Mr. WhitePride_1488 forgot to mention “cucks.” Is this guy not a real Nazi after all?

Oh wait,  he called someone a “cuck” in a previous comment. Crisis averted! Everything is under control!

And in case his raging racism and anti-Semitism, the “WhitePower” bit in his Reddit user name, his use of the neo-Nazi dogwhistle “1488,” and his general unpleasantness weren’t evidence enough of his  status as a literal Nazi, he has also graced Reddit with his thoughts about a certain Mr. Hitler. For example:

Hitler didnt do anything wrong. He was kicking out the Jews in Germany so he could have his country back.

Oh, and this:

One day the world will know Hitler was right all along.

And, yes, he is of course a Holocaust denier. And a fan of Ann Coulter.

Frankly, I’m not sure which is worse.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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9 years ago

The only time I ever voted for a Republican was when I was 8 in 1988. We had a mock election in class. I voted for Bush because I didn’t know how to spell Dukakis and we wrote our choices on a piece of paper instead of getting a ballot that looked like a real ballot.

I’m still a little embarrassed about that.

Of course, George H.W. Bush looks like a radical leftist compared to the GOP today.

History Nerd
9 years ago

@katz Certain “top” schools generally only admit outstanding students, so they have very high GPA’s and graduation rates compared to other schools. Many “average” state universities will admit you if you have decent grades and test scores and they think you can do the coursework, so the outstanding students still get good grades but more students get lower grades (many schools want the typical student to get a C+ to B- average).

But it is still pretty embarrassing that Bush got C’s in almost everything.

9 years ago

Oh god, we’re going to have a literal Nazi run in 2024 if Trump is not the worst candidate ever.

lol, I’m a C-B student so I have no room to talk about George Bush’s grades. I usually get just one or two Cs, but still. Not spectacular.

9 years ago

When I imagine a 2024 candidate scarier than Trump, I just imagine a candidate who said the same things as Trump but actually meant them. I wouldn’t discount the cynic factor with Trump. It’s anyone’s guess how he actually believes, or would try to implement, of the stuff he says now.

Actually, forget about 2024 and look at this year. I would take President Trump any day if the alternative were President Cruz.

9 years ago


lol, I’m a C-B student so I have no room to talk about George Bush’s grades. I usually get just one or two Cs, but still. Not spectacular.

If intelligence reports said that Al-Qaeda would strike the United States, would you ignore that? You would not.

If a hurricane hit New Orleans, would you dawdle while people drowned? You would not.

I haven’t known you long, but I feel confident that you would make better decisions than George W. Bush.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

George W. Bush will, in my opinion, go down in history as the last Republican president of the United States. What we are seeing now is the process of the GOP dying: the clown car of candidates and the farcical candidacy of Donald Trump are symptoms of that death, not causes of it. The cause is demographic: the GOP has alienated everyone except uneducated white anglophonic Christians, and now there’s too few of those to make the party electable on a federal level.

They’ll probably be a force in state and congressional elections for decades to come, but unless something weird happens, the white house is going to be blue for a while to come.

This is, you know, pretty great.

9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One)
May it be so!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

To quote my favourite philosopher, Philomena Cunk*

Trump rallies look like footage taken from a future documentary that will be set to ominous music.

[* Check out her piece on the history of feminism]

9 years ago

@ Alan – thanks for confirming it. I thought so but couldn’t remember the name or dates of the law. Google doesn’t work so well if you ask it to find “What it was I was just thinking about but can’t remember: it’s on the tip of my brain.”

The Act was originally about raising the age of consent from 13 years old, after W.T. Stead and Josephine Butler proved there was a bit of a problem by Stead buying a girl of 13 from her mother for £5 – and he was sent to prison for abduction, because he didn’t OK it with the father before taking her to a brothel.

Interesting that the proto-feminist bill was hijacked by a notorious anti-semite, anti-feminist and homophobe to get the “gross indecency” (term undefined) Labouchere Amendment through, and most amusing that what did for Labouchere in the end was share rigging.

Kind of bigots-by-numbers: where you find x you often find y and z and a side order of pure w.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ bluecat

I must confess that I only really remember the Act because it had a significant effect on the rules of evidence (and that’s one of my nerdy areas).

It was the statute that first allowed defendants to give evidence on their own behalf.

Prior to the Act defendants couldn’t give evidence on the grounds that they could hardly be expected to be objective (you can sort of see the logic behind that).

All the other stuff sort of floats in the background as interesting context, but I’d forgotten about the journalists buying the girl bit.

9 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

I have to thank you for introducing me to Philomena Cunk. I have just listened to her on You Tube and her views have had a huge impact on me and have changed the course of my afternoon. Some of what she was saying was a bit too erudite for me but boy did she make me laugh. I’ll be tuning into her again. Thanks again. Happy lunchtime!

9 years ago

I hope so, but there’s still so many gerrymandered congressional districts, both on the state and national level that give Republicans are huge advantage. I don’t see the GOP in its current iteration easily winning the presidency, but they’re not going anywhere yet on other levels.

9 years ago

The Descent of Bush has been a rough ride for me, personally.

Daddums was bad enough, but to see the noxious ideology of the neocons in the White House – not fun. It was like Reagan and Gingrich had a kid, who was 63 at birth, and they raised the brute on a steady diet of “The Bell Curve” and “The Secret.”

But then the real kicker: Not only does it turn out that, no, we actually did elect the smart brother, but Just Jeb! is among the sanest of the current candidates the Grand Ole Party has seen fit to vomit into our shared headspace.

How did things go so far off the rails?

9 years ago


Makes you wonder who will be running in 2024 that will make us nostalgic for Trump.

Bristol Palin?

9 years ago


I always sceptical that someone supposedly so stupid would manage to make so many astute political moves. The folksy style doesn’t just appeal to many conservative voters but also tricks many opponents into underestimating them.

History Nerd
9 years ago

Most actual traditional conservatives would prefer an intellectual with a New England accent. The folksy act appeals to right wing populists who aren’t really conservative.

@Alan I think Victorian sexuality is typically misrepresented. The people who supported raising the female age of consent to 16 wanted to protect younger teenage girls from abuse and prostitution. They didn’t really care about consensual sex between adults.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Amon Bundy.

Your point is an astute one. If the White House becomes permablue, in fact, then Ted Cruz-like congressional tactics might become the new normal. That’s a frightening concept to those of us who believe that human civilisation is a good thing.

9 years ago

@ History nerd
Hogwash. Conservatism is about conserving the wealth, power, and privilege of the wealthy, powerful, and privileged. It has never been about anything else. There is no ‘real conservative’ who isn’t a regressive authoritarian at bottom, and never has been. The accent and word choice are cosmetic; The actual content never varies.

9 years ago

@history nerd

“Most actual traditional conservatives would prefer an intellectual with a New England accent. The folksy act appeals to right wing populists who aren’t really conservative.”

True. I am guilty of conflating conservative with right wing, which is something which frustrates me when others do it, because what is really being referred to is a particularly ugly and mean spirited type of radicalism

9 years ago


I disagree: I would say true conservatism is about preserving the status quo, that being the literal meaning of the word. By contrast right wing populism seeks to reverse gains made by the non-privileged e.g. rights to asylum, economic migration, health care, education have all suffered in my country during the course of my life.

Jon H
9 years ago


Look for videos of Charlie Brooker’s various “wipe” shows. I believe that’s where Philomena Cunk and her counterpart Barry Shitpeas first appeared.

For example, his year-end 2015 review.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ eyesopen

Philomena is wonderful isn’t she?

Trouble is, I am currently watching a very serous documentary, but every time the presenter stares poignantly at some Egyptian bracelets or something, I just see Philomena staring at that guy’s genitals in the ‘femininism’ piece.

@ jon h

Barry is pretty cool too.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
9 years ago

Slightly OT but this link was posted in a discussion on Facebook and I thought it was very insightful: the “Right Man”/ “Violent Man” described could be a pen-picture of every frothing Red-Piller on reddit: