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In PurplePillDebate — that surreal subreddit in which Red and Blue Pillers seek common ground — one alleged woman offers a rather original solution to the problem of acquaintance rape, telling women who are afraid of being raped by someone they know that they should only hang out with guys they think are hot. Because then if one of them decides to rape you, hey, at least he’ll be good-looking!
Here’s the, er, logic that led lauren_collins to this conclusion:
i haven’t read any rape stats and never met anyone who was raped as far as i know, but from what i understand, stranger rape is pretty rare. like a guy dragging you into an alley way. i’d imagine its especially rare in urban (city, not black) areas where there is a lot of foot traffic so stuff like that is harder to get away with. because the chances of someone walking by, seeing it, and intervening are much higher.
Today I Learned that stranger rapes only happen in dark alleyways, and also that women never have to walk through dark alleyways.
anyway, i’m assuming that most rapists are actually acquaintances / friends / relatives of the victim.
Well, ok, at least that bit is true.
so my question is why do you hang out with people you don’t wanna have sex with?
Oh dear. This isn’t going anywhere good.
like if you’re more likely to be raped by someone you socialize with rather than a stranger, doesn’t it make sense to only socialize with attractive men? so that if you are forced to have sex, it will at least be with someone you like.
How does that even
this question is specifically for women who think all men are potential rapists.
Yeah, that doesn’t really help.
edit – imagine if you were forced to work construction because your education level prevented you from getting an office job, wouldn’t it make more sense to live in a city with warm weather? like ya, you’re doing work you don’t wanna do, but it could be worse. i don’t wanna work outdoors, but i’d rather work outdoors in san diego than anchorage. just like forced sex is bad, but its not as bad if the guy is good looking.
Yeah, that doesn’t really help either.
To their credit, most of the commenters in the PurplePillDebate thread are at least vaguely horrified by Lauren’s er, logic, though it is perhaps a little telling that the only person in the discussion who openly proclaims himself to be a Red Piller thinks that “this would be a sensible policy for women to follow. But of course ‘muh freedoms’.”
I honestly can’t tell if Lauren is a troll or not. She’s posted a bunch of rather boring and non-trolly comments in other threads, which suggests she’s either real, or a very dedicated troll.
Of course, she also posted this thing that totally really happened yeah sure:
one time my ex and i were smoking a joint in his backyard when his neighbor smelled it, came up and yelled at him for it, and later told his mom about what happened. his mom grounded him for a few weeks, he more or less got over it, but i was furious. his neighbor was an older guy, kind of fat, poorly groomed. and i thought basically “how dare this 3 raise his voice to an 8?”
Uh, really?
so i defecated in my hand and rubbed it all over the neighbor’s car windshield.
You did what now?
Ok, maybe Lauren is a troll. Or a monkey.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Is no one going to mention the casual racism as well the whole ‘city not black’ part which I’m sure is supposed to subtlety imply that in urban black areas you are obviously going to get raped. What a sickening mess of bigotries.
Valentine: Funny thing, I bet he thought he was being not-racist, because he was saying he wasn’t using the word “urban” in the usual dog-whistle meaning of “black, poor and lives in a city”. If you can’t say the word “urban” without your audience assuming you mean “black”, then it’s safe to say your audience is shit.
The horrible ”logic”(extreme quote marks)in her advice combined with her other post, especially the last part of it, makes me think she is a troll.
The stupid confounds me. Also, MST3K GIFs are always appropriate.
Really. By that token, Ted Bundy would have to have been unspeakably hideous in order for his crimes to be “justified” in their little minds, because he not only raped women, he murdered them and then raped their corpses repeatedly — and when they were too decomposed for that, he wanked over the bones.
Only, of course, he was actually a very normal-seeming, nice-looking guy (some even considered him handsome!) who had no trouble getting dates and even getting married, so…so much for THAT hypothesis.
(And yeah, what you said about how forcing people even makes good-looking guys unattractive. I had that happen to me…)
I think Lauren’s a teenage or young adult troll.
Well, at least the forum mostly downvoted her … So progress*?
*No, not really.
Flip the genders and this thinking is why men can get ridiculed when they say they’ve been raped by a woman. “How could you NOT want sex with her, she’s hot!”
Granted Red Pillers are exactly the type to laugh at a man if he reveals he was assaulted. They screech that men are oppressed then go right ahead and contribute to a problem. Nice job guys. 😐
I also like that little smidgen of bigotry she threw in there at the beginning, about how stranger rape doesn’t occur in cities, except in the areas with black people.
Okay, I am deeply deeply confused. I’ve been black my whole damn life, I’ve even been around strange black men , and a few of them who weren’t…
Do white women (although this is an assumption that the writer is white of course) really think like this? That if they’re merely in the orbit of black men, they will get raped? Not that I’m not concerned about the issue, but is this what’s going through white women’s heads, all the time?
If so, the white women I hang out with, hide their fear remarkably well.
I don’t find men attractive. Should I take care to only interact with women at all ? That might be a lot of work.
There was a teenage girl who was assaulted and left on the street – I think it was in Chicago maybe? It happened a few years ago and people did nothing to help her. But I guess that would be in an urban city environment and there was no dragging her into the alley that took place so I have no idea where I’m going with this or what my original point was. I just know I had one…whatever it was.
But in any case…
“Lauren” admitted on the internet that “she” defecated in her *hand* and smeared it on the neighbor’s windshield…if in fact it happened. Even if it didn’t WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!? It’s disgusting! And pooping anywhere but in a bathroom equipped with a working toilet is just…ugh. WTF “Lauren”!?
“Lauren” has to be a trollmonkey, one who – in their real life identity – believes that women are filthy beasts who smell and aren’t even civilized or anything. “Lauren” and whoever they are really can go step on ALL THE FREAKING LEGOS. Without ever putting their hands on stuff because there’s no way to know if they’ve been shitting on them and not washing thoroughly then following up with a bleach bath.
So basically,
“I haven’t read anything or looked at any stats but I still have an opinion about it and I’m going to pull a massive bit of WTF*ery out of my bee-hind.”
The media climate white people in the US (like myself) evolve in definitely equates “black male under 40” with “violent mugger who might also rape you.” Also, “black” is a type of stranger, because we’re all white.
It takes some effort to peer around that curtain. I didn’t quite notice exactly how pernicious it was until (a) I lived in the south side of Chicago and never got mugged, robbed, or threatened by anything other than my own fears, despite there being rather a few black people around. Then (b) I left the US.
This white woman does not, but I know some white women in my parents’ generation who are genuinely afraid of black people because of their (the white people’s) upbringing. You know, thugs and all that. That’s at least becoming less common now, but it’s sadly still there.
It looks like “Lauren” took a massive shit on their hands and smeared it all over Reddit.
“just like forced sex is bad, but its not as bad if the guy is good looking.”
Yes it is as bad.
Could you imagine Lauren sitting on a jury trial where the accused rapist is “good looking” to her? Sigh.
Re: bystander effect
I think it’s been covered that the best strategy is to identify a particular person (“Hey, you there in the blue jacket and the red scarf, help me”).
Then once that person helps, others join in for some reason.
(There’s a related phenomenon with fires. Lots of buildings burn down whilst people watch because everyone assumes someone else has called the Fire Brigade.)
@JonB: You should cross streets in the richest part of town because if you get hit by a car it’ll at least be a fancy one.
LOL. Don’t give Lauren any more bright ideas.
I am speechless. What in the hell did I just read? Now, a woman just being an acquaintance, friend, or relative of a man falls into the category of “asking for it”?
Something that I find interesting though: the Red Piller who chimes in to say that this would be a sensible policy for women to follow…assuming he has (or at some point will have) a girlfriend, would he want her to follow this “sensible policy”?
In Red Pill la-la-land, does your girlfriend lose less value or something if she’s raped by a guy she finds attractive? (My guess is: no.)
Also, how does a woman avoid guys she does not find attractive while still being a social person? Employ a mean-girl, “Ew, are you talking to me?” response to any guy she doesn’t find attractive who tries to talk to her ? Don’t RPers/MGTOWs hate this?
Isn’t this “sensible policy” what RPers would describe as “hypergamy”?
@ Patricia
Sadly this sort of thinking does play a part.
There was some research that examined factors that needed to be present to obtain a conviction in a rape trial (where the issue was consent)
A disparity in ‘attractiveness’ was a factor.
(As was a disparity in social status/income)
Perhaps related to that is the fact that it’s generally the case that most defence work in rape cases is undertaken by very attractive younger women.
That’s partly because women barristers can cross examine complainants harder without alienating the jury; but there’s also a vicarious attractiveness thing going on. The defence is the ‘good looking’ team so why would they need to rape?
You’d be surprised. Red Pillers seem to fall under that category of “if she’s not a virgin who doesn’t have any hangups about sex and can perform all the sex acts I desire when I desire them then she’s worthless”.
In fact, we had a thread just the other day where one TRPer on the Purple Pill said that “dating a rape victim is just like dating a pedophile”, and I still can’t make heads or tails of whether he is saying that no one wants to date rape victims or we should suddenly make allowances for pedophiles.
Fucking hell. I know that “being judged by your looks” is a thing in this world but I had no idea it was so insipid when it comes to a court. Oh God we have a long way to go…
Last time I checked James Deen was considered pretty hot by many people’s standards, but somehow I don’t think that was a mitigating factor for the people he (allegedly) harmed.
@Ikeke35: Yeah, that was a big-ol’ whopping pile of racism. Not subtle at all.
I recently overheard a co-worker (middle-aged Southern white woman) describe being robbed by two black men. It was a con-artist, sneak-my-way-into-a-back-room-then-grab-a-cheap-kitchen-appliance kind of thing, rather than any sort of violent hold-up. But it was told quite differently.
And of course, there was “…and then another black guy comes in, and I hate to say ‘black guy’, but…he was black!”
That’s terribly depressing.
@Snork Maiden
Yet somehow it was a mitigating factor in many peoples’ out-of-hand assessment of whether or not he did it.
It’s almost as if Lauren’s opinion is deeply rooted in a bunch of victim blaming bullshit.
Wait did I say “almost?” I meant “exactly.”