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Red Piller goes ballistic over the word “ladyballs”

No balls for you, ladies!
No balls for you, ladies!

As every dedicated Red Piller knows, women are always taking our stuff. Our money, our children, our hobbies, our jerbs jobs, you name it. And now, according to one Red Pill Redditor, they’ve come to take our balls!

Well, the word “balls” anyway.

In a post today on the Red Pill subreddit, a fellow calling himself Rasalom72 complains that he keeps “[s]eeing the term “Ladyballs” popping up around.” Even though LADIES DON’T HAVE BALLS. (Well, if you ignore all those trans women who don’t get genital surgery, but, hey, you can’t expect Red Pillers to think much beyond their own dicks.)

Anyway. ladies are going around saying “ladyballs,” and this causes Rasalom72 to go BALListic. (Did you see what I did there?)

Let’s let Rasalom72 explain this new form of anti-male oppression:

So I keep seeing this term and every time I see it, I shake my head and think about how very much this applies to us. It’s normal for a guy to say “he’s got balls”, when he does something that is risky, or dangerous…. but women have no such expression…. so why not just do what they always do… steal one from the guys and make it work. (and it doesn’t… it always sounds fucking stupid).

Basically. having to listen to women talking about their ladyballs is like a kick in the manballs.

Lesson here: Don’t expect to have anything (even your anatomy), that women won’t try to co-op for there own ends. Women don’t have powerful gendered phrases because WOMEN ARE NOT A POWERFUL GENDER.

And nothing screams MEN ARE THE MOST POWERFUL GENDER than some dude on the internet whining about women saying “ladyballs.”

Better not tell him about “lady boners,” huh?

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8 years ago

Oh grow some ovaries, Rasalom72, and grow up.

Actually I’d love to see him rant about “lady boners,” then get schooled on anatomy like an uneducated dolt who doesn’t get why the term technically does fit. But I guess when you probably can’t get close enough to/with a woman to see how the lady junk works…

8 years ago

The mentions of how sensitive testes are reminds me of what Trevor Noah had to say about some fake wannabe macho man on Fox News calling Obama a Pussy:

“I never understood the logic of using pussy as an insult. A vagina can push an entire human out and still work! You sit on a penis wrong and it’s broken!”

8 years ago

@takshak; strictly speaking, those of us with clitorises do experience erections, they aren’t quite as dramatic as the penis variety though, so they can go unnoticed. …’stealth boners’

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
8 years ago

Agree (obviously) with all the above re: the tenderness and vulnerability of balls. But. They do produce testosterone, which is related to risk taking, for better or for worse. Often worse. I think that’s kind of why it’s said. I wonder if castrati took fewer risks though, it’s entirely possible that they didn’t. I’ve heard they were kind of rock stars of their time, what with those angelic voices and ability to have sex without pregnancies.

Cis women make testosterone too of course, but it’s from their adrenal glands and ovaries. Neither of these organs roll of the tongue that well though, so ladyballs it is! Dan Savage says “ova up,” and I appreciate the sentiment, but still.

I also like spine and guts. We all have those. Gutsy can easily replace ballsy. Plus, it evokes that butterfly feeling when a rush of adrenaline pulls blood away from your guts.

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
8 years ago

Agree (obviously) with all the above re: the tenderness and vulnerability of balls. But. They do produce testosterone, which is related to risk taking, for better or for worse. Often worse. I think that’s kind of why it’s said. I wonder if castrati took fewer risks though, it’s entirely possible that they didn’t. I’ve heard they were kind of rock stars of their time, what with those angelic voices and ability to have sex without pregnancies.

Cis women make testosterone too of course, but it’s from their adrenal glands and ovaries. Neither of these organs roll of the tongue that well though, so ladyballs it is! Dan Savage says “ova up,” and I appreciate the sentiment, but still.

I also like spine and guts. We all have those. Gutsy can easily replace ballsy. Plus, it evokes that butterfly feeling when a rush of adrenaline pulls blood away from your guts.

8 years ago

Is anyone else reminded of one of the earliest internet memes, “______ Ate My Balls!” I remember Chewbacca and Mr. T, but there were a ton of these “ball-eating” sites.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

“Brass” is a pretty good stand-in for “balls.” “That was brassy” = “That was ballsy.” “You don’t have the brass” = “You don’t have the balls.”

It doesn’t work 100% of the time, and it’s apparent to me that this is just a bowdlerization of “balls,” but it’s gender-neutral and worksafe.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago


In England, particularly the North, ‘Brass’ means money (as in the phrase “where there’s muck, there’s brass”).

(Brass is also old criminal slang for prostitute)

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
8 years ago

Also, this from the State.

epitome of incomprehensibility

First thing: Language is metaphor! …I forget who said that. Not Betty White this time 🙂

And if Mr. Rasalom72 is getting all picky about vocabulary, what makes testicles particularly ball-like in the first place? It’s not like they’re two perfect spheres.

8 years ago

I read an apocryphal account of how ‘balls’ came to signify pugnacity. Pawnbrokers hung a sign with three balls over their doors in early modern Europe (a reference to the Lombard seal, showing three gold pieces). The connection – someone trying to press advantage in negotiations would be compared to a pawnbroker bargaining with a client. “What, you think you got balls?”

It’s almost certainly imaginary, but I like it.

In college, I came across the euphemistic equivalent, “testicular fortitude”. The idea that no testicles = no sticking power is deeply rooted, for some reason. I also discovered that, in late Imperial China, eunuchs came* in two classes – those whose testicles had been removed, and those who had, in addition, had their penes amputated. The second group seems to have had a higher rank, which seems only fair.

*Pun entirely intended.

8 years ago

Rasalom here shares his name with a character in the Nightworld series of novels. He’s supposed to be essentially the embodiment of fear, darkness, hatred and all things generally awful in the world, and it’s such an unusual name that I’m assuming this is probably where this Red Piller got his pseudonym from.

Internet misogynists have this bizarre tendency to name themselves after supervillains. See all the Gamergaters pretending to be Bane from The Dark Knight Rises.

8 years ago

Huh, I never found ladyballs problematic cause I always assumed ladyballs = ovaries, ladyboner = clit and the whole works = lady business

8 years ago

Lesson here: Don’t expect to have anything (even your anatomy), that women won’t try to co-op for there own ends. Women don’t have powerful gendered phrases because WOMEN ARE NOT A POWERFUL GENDER.

(Echoing Chaltab)

Wait, wut?! Women are not a powerful gender? So men have the power?


(Echoing Nikki the Bluth Wannabe)

Also, Rasalom72, I’m sure that your balls are powerful. No, really.

But your vocabulary is strictly beta. Learn the difference between “co-op” and “co-opt” before you make sweeping statements about what women (allegedly) want to do with your balls.

8 years ago

A local business has a store dog, a friendly tail wagger with a broad chest and a powerful jaw who always has a smile on his face. He’s the goodwill ambassador (on a leash) for the block.

The owner of the store (and the dog’s human dad) told us that the dog occasionally tries to mount another dog. In fact, he said, “My dog’s balls were reported to the city.” According to city law, this type of “fighting dog” has to be neutered.

They were able to get an exemption, though, because this dog qualifies as a show dog. So now that he’s registered as a show dog, he’s entering shows–and coming in first place. Not only is he Mr. America, he’s also Mr. Congeniality!

Of course, I flashed on the manosphere when he mentioned his dog’s balls being reported. Isn’t that always happening to them? And isn’t it a tragedy? Because let’s face it–these guys could never be Mr. America. And as far as Mr. Congeniality goes, don’t make me laugh!

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

It’s not like they’re two perfect spheres.

Indeed. They’re actually FLAT. Just ask B. o. B. ….

8 years ago

Funny how Red Pillers perpetually whine how women are weak and whiny, isn’t it?

8 years ago

I’ve actually heard the term used, but only about once or twice, and it was used jokingly – in reference to the fact “has balls” or “ballsy” is used as slang for being daring or courageous. Not to mention the “ladyballs” in question were also ovaries.

I thought it was quite amusing, given that, but obviously not this self-pitying asshole…

8 years ago

Did ya’ll know that there is actually a term that DOES apply to lady parts, and the courage associated, in a way similar to the way “balls” applies to the male equivalent?

Year’s ago, I heard a friend use the term “janies of brass” when referring to a woman’s brave action. Apparently, it is an Irish slang term for ovaries. I love having a word that refers to a woman who acts with courage as having her very own brass janies. After all, why should we think of courage as a strictly male attribute?

Paradoxical Intention
8 years ago

Hu’s On First | January 25, 2016 at 11:48 pm

It’s not like they’re two perfect spheres.

Indeed. They’re actually FLAT. Just ask B. o. B. ….

You mother hugger.

8 years ago

This is a women are powerless and weak crank and not a men are ruthlessly oppressed by the Vaginarchy variant of misogynistic crank?

8 years ago

In french, it’s made pretty clear that the association ball = power is due to how they are fragile yet put in plein sight.

Being ballsy in french would be translated by something along the line of “nail your balls on the (negociation) table” with the implication that you’re confident enough to put your weak point in plain view.

I guess it’s an echo to the “grow a vagina” quip, but made by a misogynistic culture instead of an humorist :p

8 years ago

Chops for me always implies a particular skill or general flair.
Guts is ok, but I feel a bit squeamish about it, sometimes, ironically, I guess.
Grit. I like grit.

But what we really need is sisu. Not sure that will ever really get general usage in the English language, but it’s the one I use for self pep-talks.

Sisu is a Finnish word that cannot be translated metaphrastically into the English language, loosely translated to mean stoic determination, bravery, guts, resilience, perseverance and hardiness, expressing the historic self-identified Finnish national character.

8 years ago

I like sisu, too. It might not catch on because it’s too close to “sissy”, but who knows.

8 years ago

I follow Hearthstone closely on Twitch and it’s a meme to yell in chat “[reckless play] OR NO BALLS”. Another one is “[pointless play] to assert dominance” which refers to playing a card that doesn’t really do anything given the current state of the game just because you can. I always have a chuckle at the idea that the manly plays are the showy but obviously wrong ones. I’ll just be over here making the ballsless, i.e. correct, plays and winning my games, thank you very much.