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Red Piller goes ballistic over the word “ladyballs”

No balls for you, ladies!
No balls for you, ladies!

As every dedicated Red Piller knows, women are always taking our stuff. Our money, our children, our hobbies, our jerbs jobs, you name it. And now, according to one Red Pill Redditor, they’ve come to take our balls!

Well, the word “balls” anyway.

In a post today on the Red Pill subreddit, a fellow calling himself Rasalom72 complains that he keeps “[s]eeing the term “Ladyballs” popping up around.” Even though LADIES DON’T HAVE BALLS. (Well, if you ignore all those trans women who don’t get genital surgery, but, hey, you can’t expect Red Pillers to think much beyond their own dicks.)

Anyway. ladies are going around saying “ladyballs,” and this causes Rasalom72 to go BALListic. (Did you see what I did there?)

Let’s let Rasalom72 explain this new form of anti-male oppression:

So I keep seeing this term and every time I see it, I shake my head and think about how very much this applies to us. It’s normal for a guy to say “he’s got balls”, when he does something that is risky, or dangerous…. but women have no such expression…. so why not just do what they always do… steal one from the guys and make it work. (and it doesn’t… it always sounds fucking stupid).

Basically. having to listen to women talking about their ladyballs is like a kick in the manballs.

Lesson here: Don’t expect to have anything (even your anatomy), that women won’t try to co-op for there own ends. Women don’t have powerful gendered phrases because WOMEN ARE NOT A POWERFUL GENDER.

And nothing screams MEN ARE THE MOST POWERFUL GENDER than some dude on the internet whining about women saying “ladyballs.”

Better not tell him about “lady boners,” huh?

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9 years ago

Excuse me, I believe the proper term is Thatchers.

9 years ago

I’ve never liked the term “lady balls”, and I wonder how it can be used as an empowering term.
When we use the word “balls” to mean powerful, tough, or strong, then we’re saying that balls (or testicles) represent these characteristics, and by extension, those with testicles are inherently imbued with these characteristics.
Why should we say “lady balls” as if we somehow having testicles, or — if we unwrap the analogy — being more masculine, would make women more powerful? (I acknowledge that not all people who have testicles identify as male).
So, let’s say what we mean to say!
What we say: “Wow, that CEO has lady-balls!”
What it implies: “Wow, that lady-CEO really has characteristically masculine traits that make her a good leader!”
What we actually mean to say: “Wow, that CEO is a great leader!”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

I prefer “huevas” to “ladyballs,” though I have been known to say, “I just got ladywood.”

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
9 years ago

I wouldn’t put too much stock in the opinion of a guy who doesn’t know the difference between “co-op” (a business, residential community, etc. jointly owned by residents or community members) and “co-opt” (to appropriate as one’s own).

Note: all definitions from

9 years ago

My preferred equivalent of “grow some balls” Is “grow some chops”.

The ladyboner, I believe, is best expressed by the running gag from the excellently funny show Archer: The SPLOOSH!

9 years ago

Is there really nothing left for manbabies to whine about that one of them has to whine about a figure of speech? Imagine if these manbabies put the energy spent on man tears into solving actual issues. We might actual solve some of the world’s problems.

9 years ago

Count me as another reader who’s never heard the term ‘ladyballs’ – is it popular somewhere I don’t frequent?

I’d use it to annoy rasalom72, but as it’s an ugly and somewhat problematic term, I think I’ll drop ‘mansplain’ into conversation a few times instead.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

Actually, the whole “He’s got balls” thing does make sense. They’re the most vulnerable part of the male anatomy, as Paul says, but that’s the whole point. The guy with balls thrusts his out and dares others to kick them. So to have balls is to be a posturing buffoon (aka MRA), as well as displaying courage or bravado.

As for “He’s got guts,” I always assume the sentence goes on, “and we’ll all see them in a moment when he walks up to the angry guy with a sword without anything to defend himself.”

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
9 years ago

The phrase ‘he’s got balls’ is inherently sexist anyway, cos men and boys have them and women and girls don’t, so it just means that someone is biologically male. To use it to mean ‘courage’ is to imply that men and boys have courage and women and girls don’t. They hate *anything* that questions that.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Yeah, count me among the people who aren’t fond of “ladyballs” either.

I’ve just never been fond of the idea of attributing “courage” or “strength” or whatever to genitalia. I prefer “guts” or “spine”. I also like “chops” though, RGBvsCMYK. (And your username makes me SO HAPPY as a graphic designer. Also, if you’re new, here’s your Welcome Package!)

To quote a song I heard recently called “Skeleton” by Ghost Town: “Your skeleton forgot to bring its backbone” has become (one of) my new favorite insult(s).

However, if some transladies want to claim “ladyballs” for themselves, I’m for that.

9 years ago

I usually tell people to grow a spine if they’re lacking in fortitude…or get them some guts, which are also strong and muscular. Balls, as has been abundantly pointed out here already, are sensitive and fragile, just like the RedPillock male ego, and if kicked there, a guy will curl up like a grub and be out of commission for a good while. So telling somebody to get some makes absolutely no sense from a buck-up standpoint.

And on that note…

Rasalom72, grow a fucking spine already, you gutless cockwomble!

PS: Ovaries are also damn strong and resilient, as well as shit-disturbing as all hell, and it takes no small courage to own a pair. Y’all can keep your “ladyballs”, thanks.

9 years ago

I usually hear the phrase as “grow a pair”, which is nice and generic because it can mean anything people normally have two of – testes, ovaries, breasts, lungs, kidneys… Okay, most people know what that really refers to, but the point is that it doesn’t have to. I suppose that if you want to keep it down to sexual anatomy, you could say “grow some gonads”. I’ve never heard of anyone saying that, though. I did jokingly say “grow some ovaries” once. That was in regards to the subject of self-described “sissies” appropriating stereotypes of femininity in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Red Pillers seem strongly offended by anything that contradicts reducing everything to biological essentialism. Everything about their relationship advice and self-help ideas depends on men and women being radically and innately different from each other psychologically. So if you’re a guy and you suck at relationships because you’re an asshole, you can continue being an asshole and blame female nature.

Plus, some of them are probably deeply afraid that they might become attracted to a transwoman who hasn’t had genital surgery.

9 years ago

But remember, we’re the easily offended ones.

9 years ago

I usually just say “ovaries,” or, often, “guts.”

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

MRAs must have a lot of freedom since they have time to find so many inconsequential things (that most of us would just shrug off) to rant and rave about. It’s almost amusing how sensitive they are about every dang thing involving women.

If they’re “going it alone”, why do they care so much about women (in particular White women)?

9 years ago

Don’t mind me. This is a test post from my new phone.

9 years ago

Reminds me of an old L7 line:

“got so much clit she don’t need no balls” :p

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Rasalom72 seems really worked up about this. He seems like a very emotional and delicate flower who should probably stop hanging around with the folks who are using this term, since it affects him so deeply.

9 years ago

I’d be happy to agree to not use “ladyballs” if they agree to not use “cuck”.

as for:

Women don’t have powerful gendered phrases because WOMEN ARE NOT A POWERFUL GENDER.

Yeah, well, when you define a gender and being not-powerful, therefore anything referring to that gender would refer to a lack of power, therefore the gender isn’t powerful. Circular reasoning can prove anything donchakno!

Slightly off-topic, I’ve been looking at what sort of final project i should be doing for my degree, and am considering some sort of tool to help block offensive twitter users, or to help lookup of facts for when some internet douchenozzle opens their yob about REEL SIENCE FAX, or whatnot. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, or the like?

9 years ago

Since this guy’s whole hissy fit is so silly, I feel no shame in being silly back by pointing out that Rasalom here shares his name with a character in the Nightworld series of novels. He’s supposed to be essentially the embodiment of fear, darkness, hatred and all things generally awful in the world, and it’s such an unusual name that I’m assuming this is probably where this Red Piller got his pseudonym from.

But I have to wonder if he knows that Rasalom is ultimately defeated when people decide to just… stop being afraid of him. When they choose to stand up for themselves and go on living their lives in spite of all his (admittedly dangerous and frightening) bullshit, his power weakens so much that it leads to his downfall. Thinking about it in that light just tickles me to no end- the parallels are just too perfect.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scildfreja

When you were educating me about neuro science stuff you know I had to Google a few things.

Imagine if there was some sort of application that automatically inserted hyper links into your post and I could hover over them and an explanation popped up in a separate window.

That way I could follow an online discussion without having to stop to go look up what ‘neuro’ meant every two minutes.

If it could do pop culture references too that would be great.

Is there anything like that?

9 years ago


Wouldn’t be too tough I don’t think. Map text to a semantic network, connect to wikipedia/wikia/urbandict. I imagine it’s been done before, but don’t know! NLP stuff is still sort of new to me. It’s a neat idea though!

9 years ago

Incidentally, Betty White did not say that. It’s from a stand-up comedy routine by Shen Wang.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scildfreja

Make the first hyperlink to “semantic network” 😉