alpha males creepy cuckolding heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism vaginas

Racist PUA: Are white women “exercising good stewardship” of their nether regions?


So it turns out that Heartiste — everybody’s favorite white supremacist pickup artist assbag — isn’t just a white supremacist when it comes to dudes.

He is also a white supremacist of the vagina, proclaiming that “white woman pussy” is the finest of all pussy on planet earth. This may be as close as he’s ever come to saying anything positive about women, so, white ladies, savor this moment!

But Heartiste is worried that white women aren’t really behaving like the owners of the greatest vaginas ever should be behaving. “[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,” he writes in a recent blog post.

Now ask yourselves, does it seem like White women are exercising good stewardship of their Golden Gashes? The obesity epidemic, let alone the slow rise in WW-BM interracial dating, suggests White women have fallen down on the job of keeping their down above the mob.

Alas, Heartiste laments, the problem isn’t just that some white women date black men — a practice known to racist peckerheads like Heartiste as “mudsharking.” It seems they aren’t using their magic white wombs to produce a new generation of Aryan babies. Instead, Heartiste reports with horror, white gals are adopting “third world sprogs in place of White children.”

Heartiste quotes with approval one of his commenters, who’s upset that white hottie Charlize Theron isn’t putting

her solid-gold vagina to good use by marrying an Alpha White man and pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children.

Instead, the commenter writes, “she lets her White ova rot and adopts some Black kids. … Madness”

Heartiste has a sad.

Beautiful white woman pussyfruit rotting on the vine. Cucks would have us import millions of dusky malcontents to pick that fruit so that it can be sold on the open sexual market at discount bin prices. But we don’t even need the cucks; too many White women appear ready and eager to spit on their glorious race and culture heritage, and to disavow even the Darwinian Prime Directive.

Heartiste apparently has no clue as to how evolution works.


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Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

You know, there’s not much of a remove from Heartiste’s openly racist and misogynistic dribble, and your typical Daily Mail dog whistle whinge about [white middle class] career women not having enough [white] babies [because those bloody Muslims are outbreeding us].

9 years ago

It seems they aren’t using their magic white wombs to produce a new generation of Aryan babies.

Well my kids are white, but they’re a quarter Jewish, so no continuation of the Aryan race going on here. That’s right Hartiste. It’s not just the brown men you have to worry about, but the white ones who don’t fit your profile of perfect whiteness. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ saphira

Your post reminded me of the Groucho Marx response when he was told he couldn’t use the swimming pool at a country club because he was Jewish.

“My daughter’s only half Jewish; can she go in up to her knees?”

9 years ago

Trey tried to dream up a way forward that would honor the harm that had been done but prioritize healing over vengeance. In Trey’s vision, the coffee shop would stay open, with all profits going to nonprofits that combated violence against women. The Waking Life men would organize community circles — groups of men and women who would get together and talk, vent their frustrations, and, he hoped, learn from one another.

You know, I simply cannot imagine a single reason why women who have recently found out that their friendly local coffee shop in their lovely friendly community was in fact a nest of manipulative predators shitting on them and encouraging each other to do it some more, would not simply jump at the chance to talk over some intense and personal stuff with those very predators – in a space controlled by them, in dialogues controlled and chaired by them, with profits going into their hands (oh, but for charidee, naturally).

I dunno – what’s wrong with us women?

Who wouldn’t want to hang out with these guys on their terms, eh?

Reminds me a bit of the John Finnemore sketch about zebras and antelope and giraffes going to a seminar on protective coloration run by lions…

9 years ago

What an imagination he has. It’s especially fatastic that he thinks his douchey projections are revelations about anything other than his own rather extensive issues.

They can’t stop talking about themselves, can they? Even when they think they aren’t.

9 years ago

Stuff like this makes me want to encourage as many people as possible to have so called “interracial” families as possible so we can put an end to this nonsense in a generation or so. But who am I to tell people who to love and have kids with?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

£10 says that if an Asian woman comes up to him and pretends to be all meek and submissive, he’ll drop his entire racial-purity schtick and chase after her like Wile E. Coyote.

9 years ago

I asked him if he still wanted to follow the plan he’d written about in his pre-reflection-and-repentance era: fuck around as much as possible until age 38, then marry a 24- or 25-year-old. “Yeah,” he said without hesitation. “Derek Jeter’s doing it.” I must have looked incredulous. “It’s kind of a double standard, right?” he said. “Because everyone’s okay with him doing it, nobody has a problem with that.”

Yes, clearly the double standard in evidence here is the one between Jared and Derek fucking Jeter, not between Jared and his would-be young wife.

9 years ago

(vague almost-retching sounds in background)

Sorry, had to get past the initial response to reading this post from the ever-more-repugnant blogger Heartiste. I remember when he went 100% silent on the blog-front for a while; his ‘fans’ began to proffer their best guesses as to the reason, various commenters wrote lamenting tributes, and elsewhere a few expressed relief at what they took as a sign of the end for a blog written by such a deplorable individual with so many disgusting opinions/beliefs. Then the blog posts began again. If I felt the need to punish myself (which I don’t) I’d spend some time going back comparing the pre- and post- break in blog posting; the content has been different from my recollections, not that it matters – the posts are still disgusting – nor does it mean the rumors on the change in writers are true. It does make me wonder what a “Where are they now, what is their life like” on the many not-so-routinely-mentioned aging PUAs would reveal…we already know what rapist Roosh and ‘white women aren’t interested in meeeeeeeeeeee’-Heartiste are up to.

on to the Jared/Jacob and Trey-

The part where Trey yelled at them whenever they tried to rationalize and excuse what they did was where Trey did good. I have to wonder if Trey and his ‘enlightened male’ aesthetic is a cleverly designed show he uses to get women into his bed not so different from the hipsteresque show put on by Jared. The difference being that Jared was dumb enough to completely miss how risky going online with his shit was – given that most people have internet access and some even have the spare time to eventually happen across his shit unintentionally, then passing the info on. For this failure to come from a guy who said women were stupid, the irony is delicious beyond measure when mixed with the sad-boner-having-males’ tears. Jared might need someone to tell him the obvious: move out of Asheville area, maybe out of North Carolina entirely – avoid moving to any of the major metropolitan areas in the U.S. and Canada, too many people with internet and interest in the news who might remember the story about the douchey coffee shop owning guy from NC. Even if he does move he shouldn’t count on the redemption of a fresh start – if he’s still doing the same things and thinking the same way, it only takes one person in his new locale going online and discovering what he did in Asheville and with that set his second chance aflame. But then he’ll probably whine about why he deserves another chance and another – which is why he needs to prepare himself for being run out of towns by a mob or perhaps do some real changing instead of expecting to be handed someone’s ‘hot 24 year old’ daughter when he’s 38 and spent years behaving badly which he’s openly admitted he intends to continue doing.

P.S. So since Jeter has 25 y/o’s willing to be with him that has nothing to do with the millions Jeter made as a pro athlete that Jared doesn’t have….

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

It always amazes me how ignorant and stupid some people can be. Before the days of “race” based slavery, human beings tended to mate with whomever was around regardless of their “race” and it didn’t hurt society, or our species in any way.

Oh and yes, how dare white women adopt black or brown children, instead of getting pregnant when they don’t want to. Its so horrible that white women wouldn’t judge a child as worthless and want to keep them out of their home for simply not being white.

9 years ago

I like how he’s sad that white women are too fat to turn him on and those horrible fatties are having sex, families and lifestyles that make them happy instead of him. How dare we?

Sour grapes.

9 years ago

When he said “WW-BM dating,” I read it as “World War Bowel Movement dating.” That sounds like a terrifyingly uncomfortable date.

9 years ago

@Miss Andry: Liquid gold, huh? Like this?

9 years ago

I think I’ve been on that date. *shudders*

9 years ago

Wow, great article on the Jared and Jacob. I’m glad they got what was coming to them, most PUA’s never do since they’re anonymous. They might still get run out of town, they are definately unwelcome. They picked the wrong town to try that in.

Three Snakes
9 years ago

@Bernardo Soares

I see what you’re getting at. Thanks for the info. I was trying to show how amusing Heartiste’s racism is. Racist white men like Heartiste are scared to death of the evil black boogeyman who mysteriously pops out of dark inner city alleyways to rape white women to make nonwhite babies.

But, as you and I both posted, history shows ironically the opposite. Colonialism is rife with white men raping black women and creating nonwhite babies. It’s almost as if racist white people are scared that one day black people will treat them exactly the same way they treated black people.

9 years ago

…history shows ironically the opposite. Colonialism is rife with white men raping black women and creating nonwhite babies. It’s almost as if racist white people are scared that one day black people will treat them exactly the same way they treated black people.

Bingo. And just as PUAs, MRAs, MGTOWs, and the whole alphabet soup of Red Pillocks all fear that gay men would treat them the way they treat women.

9 years ago

The part that I find heartbreaking? The women who had (what they thought was) responsible, mature, mutually enjoyable sex with another adult human being, and then discovered the distasteful truth. I wish for them to find in reality what J&J tricked them into believing they had found. I wish for J&J to learn just how abominably they imposed upon their partners goodwill and repent/atone for their transgressions.

9 years ago

Sometimes, I wonder if Red Pill redditors are even remotely aware whether their highly racist and sexist “philosophy”, or whether they even care.

But I suppose regardless of the response from more sane, logical people it would call for more proselytizing of “The Manly Truth” TM.

9 years ago

Some Ashevillians took a boys-will-be-boys attitude, arguing that Jared and Jacob were just talking the way men talk when women aren’t around.

See that’s a lot of bullshit. I haven’t heard any “guy talk” like that since I was in High School. And not everyone I know is exactly “progressive” on gender and stereotypes, this is the kind of talk that only goes on among woman hating axe grinders.

I also found it amusing that “Jared” had everything PUA’s claim to want going for him and yet he was so bitter and angry that he constantly lashed out like that and ruined his own life.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Epsilon | January 26, 2016 at 12:13 am
But I suppose regardless of the response from more sane, logical people it would call for more proselytizing of “The Manly Truth” TM.

Misogynistic Asshole/PUA/TRPer/MRA/Manospherian is not a mental illness, Epsilon.

Some of these people are perfectly sane. I know you want to believe otherwise, but it’s the truth.

9 years ago

@ alan

Always loved Groucho Marx. The quips he came up with, even in the most negative of circumstances . . . .

9 years ago

@ Paradoxical Intention:

I admit that “insane” is probably the incorrect word. It’s just that some of those comments on Reddit frankly reminded me of what my intelligent and truly insane aunt would say.

Though, I do wonder how many are in a similar state of deep mental illness like her and the other mentally unstable people I personally know. Some of them are fairly normal people trying to blow of steam or point at an enemy to make themselves feel better, sure. It’s just that reading through several of those comments are eerily similar to the remarks/ramblings and rationalizations some of my aforementioned relatives have done.

9 years ago

On this website, we don’t call sexism, racism, or anything else that’s negative “crazy.” Some of the commenters have mental illness and point out that it’s not mental illness that drives this kind of behavior. No, the offending person chooses to behave this way.

If you scroll down to the yellow-highlighted text and click, you’ll see the comments policy.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

@ Three Snakes

Oh, I think your point is perfectly valid; of course there’s a lot of projection going on. I just think it goes even further: white supremacists (and male supremacists) might claim that their ideology mirrors a natural order of things, but they seem to be perfectly aware that their racist hierarchies are not natural at all, because they need to be upheld at all times, and with considerable force. All kinds of contradictions and insecurities have to be chased and corrected and suppressed constantly, which makes their worldview extremely vulnerable and precarious – the slightest contradiction can bring the whole racist card house toppling down, and social reality contradicts it constantly. That leads to these bizarre obsessions like the ones I described. It’s also, I think, one of the reasons why the only solution they can think of is violence.