alpha males creepy cuckolding heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism vaginas

Racist PUA: Are white women “exercising good stewardship” of their nether regions?


So it turns out that Heartiste — everybody’s favorite white supremacist pickup artist assbag — isn’t just a white supremacist when it comes to dudes.

He is also a white supremacist of the vagina, proclaiming that “white woman pussy” is the finest of all pussy on planet earth. This may be as close as he’s ever come to saying anything positive about women, so, white ladies, savor this moment!

But Heartiste is worried that white women aren’t really behaving like the owners of the greatest vaginas ever should be behaving. “[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,” he writes in a recent blog post.

Now ask yourselves, does it seem like White women are exercising good stewardship of their Golden Gashes? The obesity epidemic, let alone the slow rise in WW-BM interracial dating, suggests White women have fallen down on the job of keeping their down above the mob.

Alas, Heartiste laments, the problem isn’t just that some white women date black men — a practice known to racist peckerheads like Heartiste as “mudsharking.” It seems they aren’t using their magic white wombs to produce a new generation of Aryan babies. Instead, Heartiste reports with horror, white gals are adopting “third world sprogs in place of White children.”

Heartiste quotes with approval one of his commenters, who’s upset that white hottie Charlize Theron isn’t putting

her solid-gold vagina to good use by marrying an Alpha White man and pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children.

Instead, the commenter writes, “she lets her White ova rot and adopts some Black kids. … Madness”

Heartiste has a sad.

Beautiful white woman pussyfruit rotting on the vine. Cucks would have us import millions of dusky malcontents to pick that fruit so that it can be sold on the open sexual market at discount bin prices. But we don’t even need the cucks; too many White women appear ready and eager to spit on their glorious race and culture heritage, and to disavow even the Darwinian Prime Directive.

Heartiste apparently has no clue as to how evolution works.


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9 years ago

I can highly recommend hot yoga, even if you are like me, old and not very flexible. It is amazing. AMAZING.

9 years ago

I think this is my favorite part of that article

Some Ashevillians took a boys-will-be-boys attitude, arguing that Jared and Jacob were just talking the way men talk when women aren’t around.

Wow. Way to miss the point. That men so frequently talk about this way when we’re not around is exactly why we need feminism still. It’s why Jared’s actions should be so thoroughly stigmatized and shamed. So that maybe, some day, men will stop thinking of us this way.

Just in case any red pillers or men who wish they could get laid more or men who don’t consider themselves feminists or anti-feminists and want us all to just get along civilly are reading this, if you respect us more, WE WILL FUCK YOU MORE. When we read this kind of misogyny, especially when it comes from men like Jared who didn’t outwardly seem like a raging misogynist, it gives us pause. Why would we want to fuck you when we know that you might turn around and tell your friends or the whole internet that we’re stupid, ugly whores, fucksocks, cum dumpsters etc. I’d bet you anything that after this controversy, women in Asheville started being a lot more discerning with their partners.

You want to get laid, guys? Stop being sexist little shits and start telling your friends to stop being sexist little shits too. Contribute to a culture where having casual sex is fun, not scary.

Ugh, and this

“Nobody reached out to us to say, ‘What do you need to heal, to be better men?’

Cry me a fucking river. You’re a grown ass man. Figure out how not to be a raging asshole yourself.

That evening, Trey tried to dream up a way forward that would honor the harm that had been done but prioritize healing over vengeance. In Trey’s vision, the coffee shop would stay open, with all profits going to nonprofits that combated violence against women. The Waking Life men would organize community circles — groups of men and women who would get together and talk, vent their frustrations, and, he hoped, learn from one another.

And fuck Trey too. How nice for him that he has the privilege of not being personally harmed by misogyny. How dare he act like the women who are personally harmed by it have any kind of obligation to forgive these fuckers and make nice with them. What can we possible have to learn from them? Other than that you apparently can’t trust progressive and enlightened seeming men any more than you can the blatant douche bro types. Kiss my ass, Trey!

But when the men floated their plan publicly, they found that the community was not receptive. Trey approached a number of local organizations, but none wanted to be part of his gender forums.

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because women are sick of being told we have to be sweet and compassionate to men who hate and dehumanize us?

Oh, for fucks sake

“But I didn’t, because I’m terrified of saying anything to a woman in a flirtatious way in Asheville right now.”

Poor baby. Life is soooooo hard. Let’s see, getting judged for your sex life? Being afraid to talk to strangers of the opposite sex in public because you don’t know if it will be entirely safe? Welcome to what it’s like for women every day. Welcome to the culture that you took part in maintaining.

I asked him if he still wanted to follow the plan he’d written about in his pre-reflection-and-repentance era: fuck around as much as possible until age 38, then marry a 24- or 25-year-old. “Yeah,” he said without hesitation. “Derek Jeter’s doing it.” I must have looked incredulous. “It’s kind of a double standard, right?” he said. “Because everyone’s okay with him doing it, nobody has a problem with that.”

“Why do you want to marry a 25-year-old?” I asked.

“Hotness, absolutely,” he said.

Guess what, fuckface? You’re not Derek Jeter. You never will be. Do you think you’re the only man out there who is banking on having a hot 25 year old agree to marry you and have your babies when you decide to settle down. You’re not. Guess what, you waste of space? Young women laugh at the pathetic 40 year men who try to hit on them. Why do you think any beautiful 25 year old who is presumably hot, but still classy enough to bring home to mom is going to want to some creepy aging PUA. Sorry, bro. You and Roosh are going to have to marry each other because the young women won’t want you.

“I’m open to change,” Jared was saying. “Maybe I’ll be 38 and I’ll marry a beautiful 50-year-old CFO that can just kick my ass and ties me up.

Nope! She can do much better too!

If anything, they said, it was Jared who wasn’t able to take the sex casually. Now they know that when a woman turned him down or canceled a date or otherwise didn’t live up to his expectations, he lashed out online.

Oh, so he’s an insecure little man-baby? Of course he is! Guess what, sweetums? If you want to have casual NSA sex, that’s fine. But it goes both ways. Those women did not owe you ANYTHING. Pathetic. He sounds like he didn’t want a commitment, but in order to feel good about himself, he wanted his partners to be insecure. He wanted them to pine for him and want more than just a fuck buddy situation. When his partners didn’t comply, whiny little man child got soooooo cranky. His boner got so sad. Awwww. Tiny violins.

Sorry for the rage filled teal deer. I think this just really hits home for me because Minneapolis, like Asheville is full of hipsterish and hippieish types of men. I just know there are hundreds, if not thousands of single men just like Jared and Jacob here. So yeah, see the beginning of the post. It really makes me reluctant to put myself out there and try online dating like I’ve thought of doing but been too nervous to really do.

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention:

This guy literally thinks he’s owed forgiveness for what he’s done because he feels kind of sorry about it, but wants to continue to do it, just not where everyone can see this time.

He can seriously fuck off forever.

And what really got me is that he clearly doesn’t understand the problem.

“Here’s the thing,” he said. “There’s scientific evidence that when a male commits to somebody, in his brain they’re always as attractive — I’ll send you the study.” You can’t tell from the recording, but I’m pretty sure I put my head in my hands. “Why does that provoke such an emotional response in you?” Jared asked.


9 years ago

*is a white person sitting here currently trying to get a date with a black person I can’t reproduce with unless if a certain technological advancement becomes accessible to me because I assume we both have a female-assigned reproductive system*

lol, fuck this guy.

Also, who thinks “pussyfruit” is an appropriate and acceptable thing to put in semi-professional writing? Heartistie, apparently.

What if Charlize Theron doesn’t want to give birth? What if she can’t? Or maybe she thinks there are already too many people on this planet and too many children who need permanent homes and parents, so she’s helping to solve that problem? I didn’t know she adopted kids, that’s awesome!

9 years ago

“If you’re going to say you’re a loving, supportive community and then just kick out everybody that does something fucked up — I think that’s wrong,” Jared told me. “You don’t get to say, ‘We’re loving and supportive and inclusive’ and not put in the work to be that. ”

Just…no. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to treat half of the community like they’re less than human and then get mad at them for not being supportive enough of you.

9 years ago

TW for abuse.

The use of the ‘mudshark’ might be related to what is described as an ‘escapade’ involving musicians/roadies and a ‘groupie’.

The racist term ‘mud people’ might have created this link.

9 years ago

If obesity, miscegenation, and pissing off Heartiste are wrong… I don’t want to be right.

9 years ago

I guess what really gets me here, is that those guys crapped all over their “loving, supportive community” and then expect that same community to embrace them. No. What the community did was extend that loving support to the people who were harmed, and NOT the people who did the harm.

9 years ago

You can’t tell from the recording, but I’m pretty sure I put my head in my hands. “Why does that provoke such an emotional response in you?” Jared asked.

That’s such an obvious canned PUA response: if your awful behavior pisses a woman off, call her “emotional” and pretend she’s the one with the problem. He has not changed one goddamn bit. Gross.

“Nobody reached out to us to say, ‘What do you need to heal, to be better men?’

He’s just a little cockroach, isn’t he?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

The coffee shop logic will eventually go full circle.

“We’ve offered you an olive branch but you’ve refused to take it. That actually makes you the bad guys. So we were right in the first place to abuse you.”

Abusive relationships 101

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago

This guy literally thinks he’s owed forgiveness for what he’s done because he feels kind of sorry about it

Have I explained Tara’s Rule before? Here it is:

When you’re doing something crappy to another person, the issue is not how you feel about it. The issue is that you’re doing something crappy to another person.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

My sister’s a yoga instructor in the Asheville area. I really don’t want to ask if she was offering “forgiveness poses.”

A. Random Potterhead
A. Random Potterhead
9 years ago

“Stains of dishonour, filthy half-breeds, blood traitors, children of filth!” – Walburga Black, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

9 years ago

Mudshark? Ugh, gross.

My favorite racist word for demonizing interracial sex was definitely “coal burning.” It just sounds so quaint and cozy. Took me forever to get the “joke” but I still don’t think I’d be offended to be called a “coal burner.”

9 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger; it’s a rule prohibiting finches from interfering in the development of pre-warp civilizations.

9 years ago

If anything, they said, it was Jared who wasn’t able to take the sex casually. Now they know that when a woman turned him down or canceled a date or otherwise didn’t live up to his expectations, he lashed out online.

Well, of COURSE he did. Because his whole identity was tied up in gettin’ some, apparently. So tied up in it that he forgot to be a worthwhile person. What a pathetic sadbonerboy.

You can’t tell from the recording, but I’m pretty sure I put my head in my hands. “Why does that provoke such an emotional response in you?” Jared asked.

The emotion, in this case, being a mix of disgust and disbelief, and not what he’d like to think it was.

9 years ago

“If you’re going to say you’re a loving, supportive community and then just kick out everybody that does something fucked up — I think that’s wrong,” Jared told me. “You don’t get to say, ‘We’re loving and supportive and inclusive’ and not put in the work to be that. ”

When what you do is deliberately antisocial, and runs counter to the character of the community, you don’t get to whine and kvetch about how they’re ostracizing you, shithead. What about the women you fucked over? What are THEY, chopped liver?

9 years ago

it’s a rule prohibiting finches from interfering in the development of pre-warp civilizations.


That’s what I was wondering. Was that supposed to be a Star Trek reference? If so, it makes no sense because Heartiste and his ilk would love nothing more than to interfere with women’s reproductive choices.

I’m betting he knew that was a Star Trek reference, but isn’t familiar enough with it to know what it actually means. He just thought it sounded cool, so he went with it.

Three Snakes
9 years ago

Racist white men are scared black men will treat white women the way they treated white women for centuries. White men raping black women and begetting ““third world sprogs” is a centuries old tradition.

9 years ago

I read that piece on Jared ‘n’ Jacob the other day when another commenter posted the link.

I was pretty surprised that Jared would consent to an interview. I guess that he can never get too much attention!

Pro tip: After you’ve been rightfully vilifed by your community — not to mention the world — you might want to lie low for a while. A long while. Do some volunteer work. Try to earn the title Decent Human Being.

More from Jared ‘n’ Jacob:

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
9 years ago

Good news, Fartiste! I married a proud white Aryan man over a year and a half ago! My Golden Gash is in use and not lying fallow!

Except I’ll never be pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children. Because huge fibroids and haemorrhaging from them meant surgically getting my damn uterus OUT of me was of more interest to me than using it.

And I would make a lousy parent.

And I’m overweight and post-wall.

Also, my husband thinks you’re a rancid diarrhea squirt too.

There goes that Darwinian Prime Directive. Woopsie.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
9 years ago

“Waaaa! White women won’t fuck us on demand, prove our sperm works, and look pretty for us too! WAAAHHHHHH bloo bloo bloo”

There, Fartiste, I tightened up your screed for you.

9 years ago

It actually makes me love humanity (slightly) that all these PUAs are growing old and slowly realizing nobody wants to come near them, much less be their partners. And Juicebro has been reduced to desperately trying to flirt with celebrity wives on Twitter.

EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

What dhag85 said. Valizadeh seems to be the poster boy for this: his attempts to settle down into a relationship, or to become a political leader, are morbidly hilarious. He’s built his own private hell which he very richly deserves. I hadn’t followed Cernovich’s adventures but that sounds hilarious.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

@Three Snakes:

(I guess you meant “…treated black women…”?)

White men raping black women was actually seen as a problem in colonizing countries (of course, the raping part wasn’t the problem). Kolonialvereine (“colonial clubs”) in Germany specifically propagated to send more white women in the colonies, so that white men, whose “urges” were, of course, understandable, wouldn’t be “seduced” by black women.

In some British colonies, the judiciary was completely tangled up in the question of how to deal with mixed-race children, because they were a constant question mark on the neatly drawn racial boundaries in the colonies. Some white men actually wanted their children to go to white schools (while often trying to get rid of the mothers, who tried to use the kid to leverage for more power in the household or money). After a while, a “Euro-African” community formed that lobbied (unfortunately by separating themselves from the rest of “couloured” and “African” colonial subjects) for a better position in the racial hierarchy.