alpha males creepy cuckolding heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism vaginas

Racist PUA: Are white women “exercising good stewardship” of their nether regions?


So it turns out that Heartiste — everybody’s favorite white supremacist pickup artist assbag — isn’t just a white supremacist when it comes to dudes.

He is also a white supremacist of the vagina, proclaiming that “white woman pussy” is the finest of all pussy on planet earth. This may be as close as he’s ever come to saying anything positive about women, so, white ladies, savor this moment!

But Heartiste is worried that white women aren’t really behaving like the owners of the greatest vaginas ever should be behaving. “[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,” he writes in a recent blog post.

Now ask yourselves, does it seem like White women are exercising good stewardship of their Golden Gashes? The obesity epidemic, let alone the slow rise in WW-BM interracial dating, suggests White women have fallen down on the job of keeping their down above the mob.

Alas, Heartiste laments, the problem isn’t just that some white women date black men — a practice known to racist peckerheads like Heartiste as “mudsharking.” It seems they aren’t using their magic white wombs to produce a new generation of Aryan babies. Instead, Heartiste reports with horror, white gals are adopting “third world sprogs in place of White children.”

Heartiste quotes with approval one of his commenters, who’s upset that white hottie Charlize Theron isn’t putting

her solid-gold vagina to good use by marrying an Alpha White man and pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children.

Instead, the commenter writes, “she lets her White ova rot and adopts some Black kids. … Madness”

Heartiste has a sad.

Beautiful white woman pussyfruit rotting on the vine. Cucks would have us import millions of dusky malcontents to pick that fruit so that it can be sold on the open sexual market at discount bin prices. But we don’t even need the cucks; too many White women appear ready and eager to spit on their glorious race and culture heritage, and to disavow even the Darwinian Prime Directive.

Heartiste apparently has no clue as to how evolution works.


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John McKay
9 years ago

“Dusky Malcontents” would make a good band name.

9 years ago

I don’t know which is worse, the opinions or the writing. I’m kind of impressed in a way.

9 years ago

does he… does he know we are all the same species?

9 years ago

As a white woman in a relationship with an Indian man, I do get a certain amount of pleasure from knowing that all I have to do to really irritate bumflaps like Heartiste is keep loving the person I love. Arsehole.

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
9 years ago

Dood probably thinks purebred pups are the pinnacle of dog health, too. People who poopoo “miscegenation” really are grossly misinformed as to how genetics work.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I … hadn’t thought I could be offended by Heartiste anymore, and yet … and yet I am. “Golden gashes.” Wow. Wow.

9 years ago

@Michael Brew:
Such people have a tendency to be grossly misinformed about …well, life, in general.

Query: How does another person’s thoughts go so horribly fecking wrong and he’s still alive? Wouldn’t someone like that have just sort of Darwined themself after they reached a certain level of malignant stupidity?

9 years ago

He isn’t as stupid as his opinion would show I think.

What often happen with extrem racists, bigots, and extremist is that they pretend to be much more extrem than they actually are, because of the associated status, but are pragmatic enough to ignore their belief when it would cause too much troubles.

That’s why in Daesh, there are women soldiers (and on other non femine tasks) among other things. They correctly asset that their ideals aren’t worth the trouble in a given situation, and correctly asset that nobody important to them will call them out as long as it’s not too obvious and that it’s for a good reason.

Mary Contrary
Mary Contrary
9 years ago

Charlize, being South African and all, probably knows a good handful of things that our Hurtiste doesn’t.

9 years ago

I knew from the headline alone that this was going to be a Heartiste post.

Somehow I don’t think that someone who refers to my vulva as a “golden gash” is not someone I would trust with stewardship of it. Did it ever occur to these guys that if they want women to have their babies, it might be a good idea to try and be a half decent partner? No white woman, or any other woman is going to look at the drivel of Heartiste and his commenters and think “now, there’s some fellas I want to mate with!

And what the hell is the Darwinian Prime Directive? I don’t remember Darwin obsessing over the partner choices of white women.

9 years ago

So gross on so many levels.

It would take all day to respond to this baloney, but I have other things to do, so I’ll just note that MORE MEN ARE OBESE THAN WOMEN.

9 years ago

@John McCay: Yes, actually. Perhaps a group who’s a fusion of gangsta rap and chap-hop.

9 years ago

I also have the suspicion that people like Roosh, Heartiste, Milo, Juicebro, etc, are in constant competition as to who can be the most racist and most misogynist one. I don’t know whether they believe everything they write (maybe they do), but there are no limits to how much racism and misogyny will be accepted by their readers. They have nothing to lose by becoming more terrible, but they will lose status among the readers if they become less terrible. That’s why they all keep getting worse all the time.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,” he writes in a recent blog post.

(I know it wasn’t quite “With great power comes great responsibility,” but close enough.)

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

So they are once again having a sad because they can’t literally treat women like cattle. they are crying their eyes out because women will not just nod along and spread their legs when those guys basically declare that women are nothing more than holes to fuck and wombs to carry the babies of men chosen by racist assholes?
Do they not see how pathetic they are?

snork maiden
9 years ago

No way is that shit for real. I’m inclined to believe the rumors that CH is now just a trolling site.

9 years ago

I hesitate to ask, but why the term “mudsharking”? I mean, I get the usual racist crap of “mud”, but why “shark”? Are the women supposed to be the sharks, or the men? And what about the actual mud shark, aka spiny dogfish? How is it fair to have it tagged with such a stupid racist connotation for its actual name?

Heartiste apparently has no clue as to how evolution works.

Yep — and apparently what he thinks women are doing somehow doesn’t count as “natural” selection.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

Who the hell has Heartiste been sleeping with (if anyone)? Because if their vaginas are golden, I suggest seeking medical assistance immediately. Likewise if they’re white.

That, or he really needs to adjust the color settings on his screen when watching porn.

9 years ago

I don’t know why, but this one really hit me. Absolutely nauseating. I don’t care if Heartiste is a trolling site or not – at this level of hate, there’s no distinguishing between a troll and someone who believes it as sincerely. “Intent isn’t magic” works here, too. I don’t care if his intent is to have fun at other peoples expense or to express sincerely held opinions. He needs to be … I don’t know. He needs to be not talking anymore. That ideological effluvia needs to be stoppered.

Buttercup Q. Skullpantswho
Buttercup Q. Skullpantswho
9 years ago

to disavow even the Darwinian Prime Directive

Which is what? “Survival of the whiniest”?

If Heartiste’s delicate weak white genes are being overrun by stronger, fitter, “duskier” genes, well, that’s just natural selection in action.

[instead of putting]her solid-gold vagina to good use by marrying an Alpha White man and pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children…she lets her White ova rot and adopts some Black kids. … Madness

I didn’t think anyone could be stupider than Heartiste, but this is drowning-in-a-rainstorm-with-your-mouth-open levels of stupid.

Women who adopt aren’t “letting their ova rot”. What an idiot. Age and infertility aren’t the result of carelessness and ignorance. Many women are infertile from a very early age, and it wouldn’t make a difference whether they tried at 19 or 26. Lots of people who adopt have tried and tried to have a biological child, often after going through expensive and painful tests and procedures. Then they get flak from the other side – “Why are you going through all this, when there are so many unwanted babies out there who need parents?”

And hey, guess what – sometimes it’s the man who’s infertile.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Whoops. I don’t know how “who” got added to the end of my name.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Now ask yourselves, does it seem like White women are exercising good stewardship of their Golden Gashes?

So. “Stewardship” means to take care of something you don’t own. One is a steward of a trust, or of public lands, etc. The proper term in the above sentence is “OWNERSHIP,” you vile shitheel. Women own their bodies, they’re not just looking after something really owned by Men, or The White Race. And, since “ownership” means “to dispose of in whatever way you see fit,” asking if women are exercising “proper ownership” of their bodies is nonsensical. The whole thing only gets off the ground if you start with the assumption that women’s bodies are owned by someone else, and they’re just looking after them.

grr! arrgh!
grr! arrgh!
9 years ago

But…but…I did produce a lovely Aryan baby. With her Marathi father. What’s more Aryan than that? I mean, my people are white, but mostly from Spain and Southern France so really, any claim to Aryan-ness would derive from my lovely Indian husband.

I mean, I know that I’m horrible due to my very femaleness. But tell me Heartiste, did how does this factor in terms of evolutionary improvement?

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