So it turns out that Heartiste — everybody’s favorite white supremacist pickup artist assbag — isn’t just a white supremacist when it comes to dudes.
He is also a white supremacist of the vagina, proclaiming that “white woman pussy” is the finest of all pussy on planet earth. This may be as close as he’s ever come to saying anything positive about women, so, white ladies, savor this moment!
But Heartiste is worried that white women aren’t really behaving like the owners of the greatest vaginas ever should be behaving. “[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,” he writes in a recent blog post.
Now ask yourselves, does it seem like White women are exercising good stewardship of their Golden Gashes? The obesity epidemic, let alone the slow rise in WW-BM interracial dating, suggests White women have fallen down on the job of keeping their down above the mob.
Alas, Heartiste laments, the problem isn’t just that some white women date black men — a practice known to racist peckerheads like Heartiste as “mudsharking.” It seems they aren’t using their magic white wombs to produce a new generation of Aryan babies. Instead, Heartiste reports with horror, white gals are adopting “third world sprogs in place of White children.”
Heartiste quotes with approval one of his commenters, who’s upset that white hottie Charlize Theron isn’t putting
her solid-gold vagina to good use by marrying an Alpha White man and pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children.
Instead, the commenter writes, “she lets her White ova rot and adopts some Black kids. … Madness”
Heartiste has a sad.
Beautiful white woman pussyfruit rotting on the vine. Cucks would have us import millions of dusky malcontents to pick that fruit so that it can be sold on the open sexual market at discount bin prices. But we don’t even need the cucks; too many White women appear ready and eager to spit on their glorious race and culture heritage, and to disavow even the Darwinian Prime Directive.
Heartiste apparently has no clue as to how evolution works.
@ Kat
I have a mental illness (OCD) myself. The aforementioned relatives are certainly on the severe side, and I’m unsure whether they and a few redditors potentially like them choose to behavior.
Anyways, enough of that talk out of me. I’ll be more careful next time, and not post silly things when I should get more sleep, let alone type things on an uncooperative machine.
Quick observation: why does the guy insist on 3-4 kids if he’ll, you know, wind up having to help take care of them? Methinks he has no clue what he’s in for.
Right? “Ladies, you’re not taking proper care of your valuable DISGUSTING precious HORRIBLE SCARY civilization-saving LESIONS.”
Heartiste is more conflicted than the Balkan Peninsula when it comes to vaginas. He can’t decide if they’re worthless, or unobtainium. It rather undermines the argument that women have a holy responsibility to be Sacred Vessels and Saviors of White Purity if, in the same sentence, vaginas are portrayed as freakish, off-putting gashes. Way to rally cishet men to your cause, there.
It’s interesting to observe how, as PUAs age out of the nightclub scene and into a life of lonely irrelevance, they gravitate to Darwinian/fascist biological dogma. The classic midlife crisis involves sports cars and career changes. Heartiste’s response to middle age: turn into Il Douche.
All in all, what he wants is the foundation of a new Lebensborn, mainly because he hopes he could be part of.
Darwin Prime Directive ? There are directives in armies, administrations and robotics, not in evolution. Plus, according to his views about evolution, it is more orthogenesis than darwinism. But, ah, just throw some words that look scientific, and a big part of your readers will be convinced (argument of authority, again and again, even ifit is just a simili).
Have a nice day.
I’m severely icked out by the word ‘pussy’ when it’s used to refer to the vulva, more so than the c-word actually. This Heartiste is a gross, vile person.
Guhhhhh. It’s like they seriously do think that men make vaginas just by slashing women between the legs with their penes, or “popping” a hymen, or some such nonsense. Nope! Vaginae are not wounds. Cis women are born with all the bits already in place, and if they’re normal and healthy, they don’t even hurt! And some are born completely without hymens, even! So there’s nothing to pop, break, or “make woman” out of! Women’s womanhood…is completely independent of men’s manhood! Shocking, I know!
(Also, these pillocks’ alternating between vagina-fetishism and vagina-denigration makes me seasick.)
So only Manly Men ever have self-control, except when it comes to resisting any “urges” to leer at women or commit rape, because Evolution, whatyagonnado, rite?… but women, who are weak-willed and too stupid to advance beyond their “base nature”, are somehow immune to MainEvolutionThingThatWeKeepSayingCannotBeOverridden.
… Except I actually did a Google search for “Darwinian Prime Directive” … and, it isn’t a thing? I assume Fartiste was alluding to “mating/ breeding”… but even animals will not mate if there are other survival needs to be met, like food and safety. And not everyone can or should have children.
But like, if (white) women are having babies, with anyone of any race, they are still passing on their genetic material, which is why anyone yelling “White Genocide” should be made to wear a fool’s cap and sit on a hard stool, on a traffic island, for about 50 straight hours.
For someone so obsessed with genetics, Fartiste knows shit all about how reproduction works. Or anything else for that matter.
Is this another (white) man who refuses to have any children of his own (thank goodness!) because it would interfere with his toootally alpha pick-up Game? Because as much as I would be relieved to know Fartiste had voluntarily removed himself from the gene pool, it would also make him a priggish hypocrite.
@ Alto
I don’t know if Hartisie knows that races/ethnicities’ DNA only differs by 0.1% anyway.
If someone points that out to him, I’d love to see him try to refute it.
Don’t burden him with the science, you’ll hurt his puny little “pure white” brain.
@ Epsilon
All prejudices are daft, but racism has to be amongst the daftest.
Obviously it has horrible real world consequences; but if you know anything about evolution or genetics and what effects melanin distribution, then you may as well discriminate based on the ability to digest dairy products.
(As to your point, there’s more genetic variation within populations in Africa, than between people of recent African origin and the rest of the world)
“[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,”
So…does that make us the Spider-Man of vaginas? (Also, “Golden Gash” is quite possibly the least-sexy metaphor for a vagina that I have ever encountered. Plus, a solid-gold vagina wouldn’t be nearly elastic enough for sex, let alone childbirth.)
@ Alan
You’re correct. There was an experiment done, IIRC, a decade ago. One blond-haired, blue-eyed man’s closest genetic match was a black man in Africa with very dark skin.
Racism makes even less sense if you try to argue that we should segregate people based on the ability to smell cyanide and taste phenylthiocarbamide. I’d be willing to bet that there’s often a greater genetic variance between smellers/non-smellers and tasters/non-tastets than races and ethnicites.
Oh, and it makes even less sense to discriminate on race/ethnicities if one thinks that genetic diversity is good.
So are we just going to ignore the fact that porn is an industry that heavily caters to men? Especially since the Hollywood porn is made in the US for men from the US. Given that white men are the larger demographic than black men, isn’t the whole WW + BM porno genre a thing catering to white men?
I am not going to say that no women of any colour or men of colour like this genre. I don’t know the stats on that. Given that the porn industry is designed to cater to men rather than women for the bulk of it, is it really the fault of white women for interracial porn being popular?
I just want to say that personally, I have no issue with any mixing of race or not mixing as long as both partners respect each other. I am just saying, is there anything that Heartiste doesn’t blame on women?
Oh, I’ve always thought the biggie in racial discrimination is the earwax one. Do you have dry, crumbly earwax or wet, sticky, stinky earwax?
I, for one, have always asked this question of everyone I meet to ensure I’m conversing with only the right kind of people.
@ mildly
That was amazingly fascinating. A quick probe suggests I’m either European or African.
What is a white gene? There is no allele which is exclusive to any group of populations who have the appellation “white”. What we perceive socially as racial differences are due to different allele frequencies in different populations due to natural selection. One particular example which come to mind is the allele SLC24A5. You could refer to it as a “white” allele as it has been found to contribute to “light” skin phenotypes of persons of European ancestry. However, the allele itself originated in what we refer to as the Middle East, and is present in significant, but lower, frequencies in the native populations of India. It is entirely possible that someone “white” may not possess an allele which has significant frequencies in a “white” population, while a so-called mud person may possess it. Ironically, in such cases mud-sharking may in fact contributes to the preservation of so-called white alleles.