a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males entitled babies evil old ladies heartiste hypocrisy irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

“Bitter Spinsters Will Be The Death Of The West,” Unmarried Middle-aged Man Proclaims

Ugly post-wall woman faces her fate
Ugly post-wall woman faces her fate

Woman-hating skirt-chasers love to imagine the women who won’t sleep with them — and any other woman who offends their delicate male sensibilities — growing old alone and unloved, except by their small armies of cats.

In a recent post rehashing — and expanding on — this perennial misogynist fantasy, pickup artist and self-proclaimed lady expert Heartiste explains that “unmarried, unloved, childless, aging, bitter White spinsters” have only themselves to blame for their lonely later years, having pissed away “their prime fertility years riding the cock carousel (or riding its close cousin, the social media attention whore carousel).”

This argument, if it can be called that, may sound awfully familiar to long-time readers of this blog.

But Heartiste isn’t done yet. Instead of merely ruining their own lives, he warns, these sluts-turned-spinsters may well end up destroying Western civilization itself — or at least the white parts of it — by welcoming non-white “rapefugees” and other immigrants into their country.

Why are these white spinsters allegedly so bent on what the alt right laughably calls “white genocide?” Heartiste, himself an unmarried middle-aged man, explains that some of these sad and bitter spinsters will inevitably

react to their dispossession and displacement from the sexual market – and the maternal market – by exacting revenge on their outer world (homogeneous White Europe) with a summoning of succubi from their inner world. These … loveless rejects [are] throwing open their butthurt hearts to trashcanistan migrants, expressing through their imbecilic kumbaya chanting a dual longing for sexual and maternal satisfaction.

Did I mention that Heartiste is a white supremacist as well as a self-proclaimed connoisseur of the vagina?

Let’s continue:

[German Chancellor Angela ] Merkel falls into this category, but unfortunately her psychological spinster distress could mean the destruction of Germany. 

Merkel is what one might call a rather atypical spinster, as she is in fact married. (“Spinster,” in case anyone has forgotten, means an “an unmarried woman who is past the usual age for marrying and is considered unlikely to marry.”)

But as Heartiste sees it, even though singleton status is a rather crucial component of the dictionary definition of “spinster,” women don’t literally have to be unmarried to be psychological spinsters. Marrying a

[w]eak, enfeebled, sycophantic beta male husbands can trigger this crisis of femininity just as assuredly as unmarried solitude, for the resentful wife of a pathetic beta feels as isolated as the single woman with her cats.

But presumably these spinsters still need to be old, right? I mean, that’s also pretty central to modern usage of the word?

Apparently not to Heartiste.

In a followup post later the same day, Heartiste quotes from an evo psych paper that directly contradicts his “Spinsterism Leads to the Death of the West” thesis. The paper, by the infamous eve-psycher Satoshi Kanazawa, reports that young women, not old spinsters, are the most welcoming to foreigners, turning xenophobic only in their 40s.

Instead of tossing out his old thesis, Heartiste simply uses Kanazawa’s paper as an excuse to bash younger women for their “ignorant xenophilia,” telling us that

I have heard far more support for rapefugees, and more generally for open borders, from young White women than I have from any other group of people.

Heartiste apparently forgot about this when writing his spinster post only a few hours earlier.

I hope that I’m getting a skewed impression of women’s true feelings regarding border control and White demographic displacement, because if I’m not then the fate of our White nations is sealed, barring repeal of the 19th Amendment.

So there you have it: Old, unmarried women will be the death of the West —  if by “old” you mean “young” and by “unmarried” you mean “well, possibly married too.”

Heartiste has all his bases covered.



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9 years ago

Where did that *cartoon* come from? It looks very 1958, but I doubt the thought balloon is authentic.

9 years ago

Victorious parasol,
Right? I wonder what the hold up is?

9 years ago


Pffft, they won’t actually build any. Eventually they’ll just start whining that feminists aren’t doing it for them. ACTIVISM!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


Parts are all on back order?

Oh, wait. We’re clouding their manly logic brains with our zombifying goo, right? Or are we flashing our ankles in a provocative manner and derailing their choo-choo trains of thought?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


We’re stealing their robot-building funds to buy bon-bons, obviously. Except for me. I’m stealing their robot-building funds to buy wool so I can make misandrist yarn. It has a special itching factor triggered by alpha-male cooties.

9 years ago

To the literal spinsters here:
I have a mini loom, maybe we can combine our powers, then we’d be unstoppable!!!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Fiber art meeting at Katie’s next Tuesday?

9 years ago

I’m stealing their robot building funds by buying video games and therefore invading a “safe space” for all the poor menz that are apparently oppressed in today’s society. Double misandry points for me? If I save up enough I can buy a scented candle on the Feminist Loyalty Program.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


I applaud your method of earning double misandry points. I bet Katie is pleased with you and will give you a very special scented candle at the next quarterly gathering.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ rubiyogi

Much of our fruit is very different than it used to be

Very much so, same with veg. We can thank the Dutch nationalists for orange carrots.

As to fruit, it’s funny when people use bananas as evidence of intelligent design. Bananas indeed were intelligently designed, by banana growers.

(Oh, and to pick up on our love of all things Icelandic, I was surprised to hear that Iceland was a major banana producer. Is that true or is it another ‘dogs can’t look up’ thing?)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I am pretty sure that the shopping “spinster” lady in the comic snippet is wearing what she’s wearing because that’s what (white) women were legit expected to wear while doing housework and shit. Not to say that they all did it, but the expectation was there.

The early twentieth century saw the Western world move from a model where middle-class families could afford to hire cheap labor (usually provided by poor, frequently nonwhite, women) to do all their domestic chores and the (white) lady of the house was able to dress in very fancy clothes all day because she did very little manual work, to a model where middle-class (white) women did their own domestic chores but were still expected to dress like they did none. The “spinster” is white and dressed like she’s at a party to go grocery shopping. That’s exactly what was expected of white middle-class women during the interbellum period and the postwar years, and for a while following those periods before second-wave feminism started to step up for white middle-class women to call bullshit on the entire model.

9 years ago

‘Of the seven deadly sins, the “religious right” seem to enthusiastically embrace hate, greed, avarice and pride, although to be fair they do carp about other (poor) people’s perceived sloth and envy and are really, really obsessed with punishing the perceived lust of others, so maybe they think their overall score is good. Then there’s the condemnation of compassion towards the poor and dispossessed as the destruction of Christian Western society: that shows a singular lack of either faith, hope or charity. They whine about taking the Christ out of Christmas while their busy taking the Christ out of Christianity. I don’t know how these people get described as “extremely religious” or “devout” when the reverse is true. SMH /rant over


9 years ago

What is it with racist Americans like Heartiste, and their portentous obsession with the doom of white Europe? Why does shared whiteness automatically give them ownership over European issues? Moreover: why can’t they just fuck off and mind their own bloody business?

There must, I suppose, be a tipping point, a day of reckoning for Europe: when one last refugee too many will pollute our sacred white soil, and the entire continent will as one turn brown and submit to IS. For the false prophet of feminism has sealed Europe’s doom: we are to be cuckolded by the Caliphate.

On that fell day, the once proud nation of White America, like a second Westernesse, will sink into the sea. But Donald Trump, forewarned by the Manosphere, will build an ark, and with the righteous white faithful sail over the waters to take refuge with Vladimir Putin against the swarthy hordes. Meanwhile the unbelieving mass of liberals, betas, sluts, spinsters and cuckservatives, will be left to drown under a Mexican wave of rape and also water. Amen.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

I would love to be a spinster but my carpal tunnel monsters forbid it. 🙁 Something about the hand movements required is very pain-inducing. But I would be happy to knit/crochet stuff for 30 min. at a time at the meeting! Knitting socks is my current obsession.

9 years ago

Bravo Meonware. A+ would read again.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

I’d rather deal with second-sock syndrome than some of the socks who come round here.

Hambeast, maybe you could be a sous-spinster? You could blend fiber for those of us with spindles or wheels.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Heartiste certainly has an interesting way of using words. But James Joyce he ain’t. “Butthurt hearts”?!

Also, the bathos of “But now I walk alone, my yearning arms embracing only groceries” is glorious.

9 years ago

Scented candles for all! No really, I’ve got a stack of them multiplying in a cabinet (I swear every time I open that cabinet there are more, can scented candles divide like amoebas??) so it’s only a matter of time until they take over half the house.

I’m no good at knitting but I can sew and I even know how to operate a serger (fancy sewing machine for use with knit t-shirt like materials) which I have as well as the regular style machine. When not sewing clothing or doing mending I quilt. I tried crocheting but the best I can do is a whole ball of yarn crocheted into one long chain. I do cross stitch from time to time…that I’m ok at but not great. It’s important to have hobbies to fill the lonely hours that ladies over 35 apparently have oodles of. *snork*

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

When western civilization finally takes that fall we keep hearing about, I plan to trade my hobby-honed skills for food and shelter.

9 years ago

@Policy of Madness

I am pretty sure that the shopping “spinster” lady in the comic snippet is wearing what she’s wearing because that’s what (white) women were legit expected to wear while doing housework and shit. Not to say that they all did it, but the expectation was there.

Yes . . . and no. That was the image in the movies and on the soap operas, for sure. A (perfectly coiffed) woman might wear high heels while vacuuming.

But in reality, women of that era who did their own housework, even the middle-class ones — at least the ones that I observed — wore more sensible clothing. Housecoats, aka house dresses, were a thing:

These were loose, comfortable, and machine washable. They were also inexpensive, so if you ruined one doing dirty work you might not care too much. A woman might wear one outside the house or she might change into something slightly more formal before she did her grocery shopping and such.

Or a woman might wear shorts or slacks while doing housework.

And curlers! These were seen everywhere — in the grocery store, on the street, at the drive-in bank. But I think that this was more the norm for working-class women. There was even a joke about a bride who wore curlers — so that her hair would look good at the reception.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago
Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Yes . . . and no. That was the image in the movies and on the soap operas, for sure. A (perfectly coiffed) woman might wear high heels while vacuuming.

But in reality, women of that era who did their own housework, even the middle-class ones — at least the ones that I observed — wore more sensible clothing.

Yes, that’s what I was saying. She’s dressed that way because that was the societal expectation. That doesn’t mean all women dressed that way by any means, but society did expect it of them.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

Victorious Parasol:

I love mixing things but I tend to go overboard with it, as in “who’s up for spinning cotton/silk?” I’ve actually looked that up and there are a few brave souls that are dedicated to spinning cotton; apparently it’s a bit different from animal fibers and uses some different tools.

When western civilization finally takes that fall we keep hearing about, I plan to trade my hobby-honed skills for food and shelter.

My plan is to have a collective of fiber artists and other skilled artisans (candle/soap makers, cheese makers, gardeners, canners, etc.) so come and join us! We will live well because we have mad skillz that are indispensable to civilized life. As a former craft store employee, I have amassed an amazing stash of yarn, fabric and paper.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


Yep, cotton’s usually spun from punis rather than straight from the fluff. I haven’t spun cotton (yet!) but I’ve played around with other short-staple fibers.

I like the idea of your collective and would be happy to accept your invitation for membership.

9 years ago

Oooh, count me in with the crafts.

I don’t spin but I knit – and I’m experimenting with natural plant dyes, foraged at the moment but as soon as we get to the spring planting on the allotment I have madder and weld to go in. I also do patchwork and bead making, and am working on a bunting project.

Oh and I’m a storyteller. The plan with the bunting is for each flag to be printed or embroidered or appliqued with something that relates to a story in my repertoire – get audience to pick a flag and tell the story that it relates to.