a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males entitled babies evil old ladies heartiste hypocrisy irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

“Bitter Spinsters Will Be The Death Of The West,” Unmarried Middle-aged Man Proclaims

Ugly post-wall woman faces her fate
Ugly post-wall woman faces her fate

Woman-hating skirt-chasers love to imagine the women who won’t sleep with them — and any other woman who offends their delicate male sensibilities — growing old alone and unloved, except by their small armies of cats.

In a recent post rehashing — and expanding on — this perennial misogynist fantasy, pickup artist and self-proclaimed lady expert Heartiste explains that “unmarried, unloved, childless, aging, bitter White spinsters” have only themselves to blame for their lonely later years, having pissed away “their prime fertility years riding the cock carousel (or riding its close cousin, the social media attention whore carousel).”

This argument, if it can be called that, may sound awfully familiar to long-time readers of this blog.

But Heartiste isn’t done yet. Instead of merely ruining their own lives, he warns, these sluts-turned-spinsters may well end up destroying Western civilization itself — or at least the white parts of it — by welcoming non-white “rapefugees” and other immigrants into their country.

Why are these white spinsters allegedly so bent on what the alt right laughably calls “white genocide?” Heartiste, himself an unmarried middle-aged man, explains that some of these sad and bitter spinsters will inevitably

react to their dispossession and displacement from the sexual market – and the maternal market – by exacting revenge on their outer world (homogeneous White Europe) with a summoning of succubi from their inner world. These … loveless rejects [are] throwing open their butthurt hearts to trashcanistan migrants, expressing through their imbecilic kumbaya chanting a dual longing for sexual and maternal satisfaction.

Did I mention that Heartiste is a white supremacist as well as a self-proclaimed connoisseur of the vagina?

Let’s continue:

[German Chancellor Angela ] Merkel falls into this category, but unfortunately her psychological spinster distress could mean the destruction of Germany. 

Merkel is what one might call a rather atypical spinster, as she is in fact married. (“Spinster,” in case anyone has forgotten, means an “an unmarried woman who is past the usual age for marrying and is considered unlikely to marry.”)

But as Heartiste sees it, even though singleton status is a rather crucial component of the dictionary definition of “spinster,” women don’t literally have to be unmarried to be psychological spinsters. Marrying a

[w]eak, enfeebled, sycophantic beta male husbands can trigger this crisis of femininity just as assuredly as unmarried solitude, for the resentful wife of a pathetic beta feels as isolated as the single woman with her cats.

But presumably these spinsters still need to be old, right? I mean, that’s also pretty central to modern usage of the word?

Apparently not to Heartiste.

In a followup post later the same day, Heartiste quotes from an evo psych paper that directly contradicts his “Spinsterism Leads to the Death of the West” thesis. The paper, by the infamous eve-psycher Satoshi Kanazawa, reports that young women, not old spinsters, are the most welcoming to foreigners, turning xenophobic only in their 40s.

Instead of tossing out his old thesis, Heartiste simply uses Kanazawa’s paper as an excuse to bash younger women for their “ignorant xenophilia,” telling us that

I have heard far more support for rapefugees, and more generally for open borders, from young White women than I have from any other group of people.

Heartiste apparently forgot about this when writing his spinster post only a few hours earlier.

I hope that I’m getting a skewed impression of women’s true feelings regarding border control and White demographic displacement, because if I’m not then the fate of our White nations is sealed, barring repeal of the 19th Amendment.

So there you have it: Old, unmarried women will be the death of the West —  if by “old” you mean “young” and by “unmarried” you mean “well, possibly married too.”

Heartiste has all his bases covered.



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9 years ago

Our entire society buys into the myth that a miserable single person will suddenly become happy once they marry. Don’t ask how, it’s magic. Dozens of Disney movies couldn’t be wrong!

It’s really cute when a PUA pictures himself as the knight in shining armor sweeping the damsel off to happily ever after instead of being the evil predator lurking in the woods. I thought service to others was for beta chumps?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I always grocery shop, despite being male, because my adoring nubile impressionable disposable young women are too busy obsessing over selfies and instragram to know which type of fresh stem ginger to buy. A man’s place is in the kitchen, dammit, because food matters.

I do not in fact have any adoring nubile impressionable disposable young women at present, either, because I’m early in a relationship with someone who can converse knowledgeably about T S Eliot, which is way more important.

9 years ago

Heartiste and others like him are just so pissed off that women have agency and white women aren’t “their women” anymore.

9 years ago


The armor and banners are fine and good, but I, for one, would prefer cats not to be armed any more than they already are. They are quite well outfitted to be sharp and pointy from birth!

9 years ago

Anyone with a “small army of cats”, will NEVER be lonely and unloved 🙂

My most loathed Manospherian is Dalrock, hiding behind God and the Bible, or his interpretation of them.

There really is no way for a woman to please these guys, not that I’d ever want to try.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

Reading his writing is like boarding a half-finished, uninspected roller coaster filled with spoiled scallops. Ugh.

Your use of imagery is simultaneously amazing and also sickening. Please remind me never to get on your bad side.

9 years ago

Holy crap, that
I took a look at that Satoshi Kanazawa paper. Oy vey.

His abstract starts of with this bold claim.

The evolutionary psychological perspective on wars suggests that the ultimate cause of all intergroup conflict is the relative availability of reproductive women.

Now I was skeptical that someone could explain the ultimate cause of all intergroup conflict in a 28 page paper, but it turns out Kanazawa can do it in one paragraph.

How would evolutionary psychology explain war and intergroup conflict? Recall that EP avers that the ultimate motive for all human behavior is reproductive. While modern nations go to war on philosophical, moral, political and economic principles, such as “the defense of democracy,” or even vaguer “the protection of national interest,” the primary motives for engaging in warfare in the EEA must have been reproductive.

Note: Kanazawa had established that “the ultimate motive for all human behavior is reproductive” is a fact by pointing out that we wouldn’t exist without reproduction, so therefore it’s “the ultimate goal of our existence”. Anyone suggesting alternate impulses like “self preservation” or “happiness” should just shut it because they’re wrong.

There are two important principles of EP. First, from the evolutionary psychological perspective, the ultimate (albeit unconscious) goal of all biological organisms, including humans, is reproductive success. Humans, just like all other species, are designed by natural and sexual selection to reproduce. The fact that many of us do not think that’s the ultimate goal of our existence or that some of us choose not to reproduce is irrelevant. We are not privy to the evolutionary logic behind our design, and, no matter what we choose to do in our own lifetimes, we are all descended from those who chose to reproduce. None of us inherited our psychological mechanisms from our ancestors who remained childless. Everything else in life, even survival, is a means to reproductive success.

Seriously, for real, the drive for reproductive success explains everything including wars because it just does, OK?

While my evolutionary psychological theory of war attributes its ultimate cause to the reproductive needs of humans, Thayer’s (2004) competing theory from the same perspective attributes it to their material needs. Thayer argues that humans engage in wars in order to gain and defend resources (pp. 97-115). On the theoretical grounds, Thayer’s logic appears to be backwards, because, from the evolutionary psychological perspective, men need material resources in order to gain access to reproductive resources (women), thus reproductive resources are more primary than material resources.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Seconding EJ’s comments (once again, don’t let this go to your head 😉 )

You have such a way with language and metaphor.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Brooked

Ah yes, I remember the Stop the War demos.

You couldn’t move for people waving banners saying “It’s all about the relative availability of reproductive women!”

9 years ago

I’m gonna nominate this:

Yes. Spinsters created the Syrian crisis by spelling out ‘C-H-A-D-T-H-U-N-D-E-R-C-U-C-K’ backwards on a Ouija board, which opened a hole into our world from the Refugee Dimension. That is exactly what happened. Immigrants are just the hallucinations of single ladies, responding to their mating calls.

for a Shiny Beautiful Internet.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

we are all descended from those who chose to reproduce.

Helpers at the nest? Kin selection? Social reproductive strategies? Allele selection? What are those? Everything I need to know about biology, I learned in my sophomore year.

9 years ago

I recently had occasion to write about this, so happen to know that succubi are female demons, and incubi are male demons.

Yeah, I had a hard time parsing that as well. I think he’s implying that the succubi come from inside the women, but that doesn’t make much sense as he also seems to be saying that the refugees have excessive sexual attraction, like incubi presumably would, and certainly wouldn’t need women to have magic powers in order to pull them in.

I figure it’s probably not worth spending too much time and attention trying to work out how it’s suppose to go together.

9 years ago

David, where do you get these 1950s comic panels from? I really want to know what the context was for this one.

It makes me think of the “Comics With Problems” that used to get handed out to kids to teach them about V.D. and Communism.

Everything the manosphere puts out is exactly on that level of cringe-worthiness.

9 years ago

It’s all converging. MRAs, racists, ”traditionalists”. I’m predicting a bigotry singularity sometime in the future if things continue like this. I dread that day.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

‘by exacting revenge on their outer world (homogeneous White Europe) with a summoning of succubi from their inner world. ‘

I recently had occasion to write about this, so happen to know that succubi are female demons, and incubi are male demons.

So, like, lesbians?


9 years ago

Heartsie, if misogynist neo-Nazi PUAs like you are what represent European culture, it can’t die soon enough.

9 years ago

TW: Trigger warning for violence against the defenseless.

@snork maiden

Could it also be that Fartiste observes people behaving compassionately towards the refugees, and the only way he make sense of this is to project some evil agenda?

I haven’t read much of Heartiste, so I don’t know his personality well. But much of the manosphere that I have read and observed does see this compassion as an evil agenda because the attention is aimed at someone other than themselves.

That kindness women show toward refugees who must leave their home if they are to live? It should’ve gone to the manospherian.

The attention women give to their cats? Ditto.

And if the manospherian is in a relationship and the woman gets pregnant? That could trigger (or trigger worse) domestic violence:

The WHO recently published its findings from a large multi-national study of women and abuse.10 The prevalence of physical violence in pregnancy was reported by women at between 1–28% in 15 different countries. Between a quarter and a half of these women experienced direct trauma to the abdomen during pregnancy. Over 90% of the assailants were the biological father of the unborn child.

Violence against the unborn? Yes! That’s just how jealous, manipulative, and malicious these guys can be.

TW: Trigger warning for violence against the defenseless.

9 years ago

I can’t decide if Roosh or Heartiste are my least favorite. Sorry, Dean-o. You’ll have to try a lot harder.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I don’t grocery shop, I have robots to do it for me. I’m also contemplating building myself a robot that can peel grapes for me.
comment image

And when it comes down to it, hell, I could get and/or build robots that also satisfy my sexual desires too! (Don’t Google it if you’re at work/school/don’t want to see people in compromising positions in varying levels of nudity. I know you’re tempted, but don’t.)

So, remind me why we need Heartiste again when we can build robots? I mean, he can’t even build robots.

[This post contains slight hints of sarcasm. It would be cool to have an awesome robot spouse to help with anxiety and such tho.]

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ altofronto

He, I love all those old comics. I also like those public information films in a similar vein.

I wonder why they put “Get Tough” on there though. It’s still a well respected H2H combat manual today and there doesn’t seem to be anything problematic about it.

In fact Fairbairn was quite the feminist (even though he might not have recognised the term). He produced a version of GT especially for women. It’s pretty much the same as the commando version but with different pictures and examples of scenarios.

The manual was called “Hands Off!” There’s an interesting article about it here.

9 years ago


It’s all converging. MRAs, racists, ”traditionalists”. I’m predicting a bigotry singularity sometime in the future if things continue like this. I dread that day.

Luckily, there are always power struggles between authoritarian groups (see, for example, the mighty clashes between the MRAs, PUAs, and MGTOWs, small groups whose philosophical differences are–tiny? Or maybe never existed?).

Just as luckily, there are always contradictions in the thinking of an authoritarian. So a racist man might love his own wife. Or a white MRA might date someone of a different race. Or a traditionalist dad might look the other way when his children flout his rules. That’s because authoritarianism is a very crude philosophy; it doesn’t take real life into account. If you take authoritarianism to its extreme, all those with views that oppose the Big Guy’s views would get wiped out. That would leave one alpha guy, and he wouldn’t live long all alone on planet Earth.

I heard author Jane Smiley being interviewed the other day. She said this (I’m paraphrasing): “Liberals are curious about the way things work. Conservatives crave power. So conservatives grab a lot of power. But then, because they don’t know much about how things work, they run out of ideas. That’s what’s going on right now with the US Congress.” So maybe the work of liberals (or progressives) can now come to the forefront because conservatives (aka authoritarians) have run out of intellectual steam.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

Meanwhile for your further amusement:

It’s almost not satire. It’s also clearly Edmonton’s apology for being the home of Canada’s worst MRAs.

C. Thundercock
C. Thundercock
9 years ago

Considering they’ve already tortured “cuck” into meaning “man I don’t like or disagree with”, it’s hardly surprising that “spinster” should get the same treatment.

dust bunny
dust bunny
9 years ago

@ EJ

I used to feel the same way about Heartiste back when he was coherent and intelligent, in a white guy economist kind of way. But he’s dumb now, and feels relatively harmless compared to the rest of the lot. If he used to actually be able to pick up women, I suspect that’s over now too.

@ RoscoeTCat

Dalrock gives me the creeps too, as does Rollo Tomassi. Every manospherian who has a family horrifies me. I don’t even want to think about it, my skin crawls.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

This may be a stupid question, and I apologize for it, but why would Wonder Woman want to peel grapes, never mind having a robot do it for her? :O I mean, I have eaten many a grape in my day and have never had problems with biting through the peel on them. In fact, apart from the produce from the melon family, I find grapes to be the easiest fruit to chew through. o.O [sarcasm] Ah, but of course I’m a manly alpha male with a strong jaw… [/sarcasm]