a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males entitled babies evil old ladies heartiste hypocrisy irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

“Bitter Spinsters Will Be The Death Of The West,” Unmarried Middle-aged Man Proclaims

Ugly post-wall woman faces her fate
Ugly post-wall woman faces her fate

Woman-hating skirt-chasers love to imagine the women who won’t sleep with them — and any other woman who offends their delicate male sensibilities — growing old alone and unloved, except by their small armies of cats.

In a recent post rehashing — and expanding on — this perennial misogynist fantasy, pickup artist and self-proclaimed lady expert Heartiste explains that “unmarried, unloved, childless, aging, bitter White spinsters” have only themselves to blame for their lonely later years, having pissed away “their prime fertility years riding the cock carousel (or riding its close cousin, the social media attention whore carousel).”

This argument, if it can be called that, may sound awfully familiar to long-time readers of this blog.

But Heartiste isn’t done yet. Instead of merely ruining their own lives, he warns, these sluts-turned-spinsters may well end up destroying Western civilization itself — or at least the white parts of it — by welcoming non-white “rapefugees” and other immigrants into their country.

Why are these white spinsters allegedly so bent on what the alt right laughably calls “white genocide?” Heartiste, himself an unmarried middle-aged man, explains that some of these sad and bitter spinsters will inevitably

react to their dispossession and displacement from the sexual market – and the maternal market – by exacting revenge on their outer world (homogeneous White Europe) with a summoning of succubi from their inner world. These … loveless rejects [are] throwing open their butthurt hearts to trashcanistan migrants, expressing through their imbecilic kumbaya chanting a dual longing for sexual and maternal satisfaction.

Did I mention that Heartiste is a white supremacist as well as a self-proclaimed connoisseur of the vagina?

Let’s continue:

[German Chancellor Angela ] Merkel falls into this category, but unfortunately her psychological spinster distress could mean the destruction of Germany. 

Merkel is what one might call a rather atypical spinster, as she is in fact married. (“Spinster,” in case anyone has forgotten, means an “an unmarried woman who is past the usual age for marrying and is considered unlikely to marry.”)

But as Heartiste sees it, even though singleton status is a rather crucial component of the dictionary definition of “spinster,” women don’t literally have to be unmarried to be psychological spinsters. Marrying a

[w]eak, enfeebled, sycophantic beta male husbands can trigger this crisis of femininity just as assuredly as unmarried solitude, for the resentful wife of a pathetic beta feels as isolated as the single woman with her cats.

But presumably these spinsters still need to be old, right? I mean, that’s also pretty central to modern usage of the word?

Apparently not to Heartiste.

In a followup post later the same day, Heartiste quotes from an evo psych paper that directly contradicts his “Spinsterism Leads to the Death of the West” thesis. The paper, by the infamous eve-psycher Satoshi Kanazawa, reports that young women, not old spinsters, are the most welcoming to foreigners, turning xenophobic only in their 40s.

Instead of tossing out his old thesis, Heartiste simply uses Kanazawa’s paper as an excuse to bash younger women for their “ignorant xenophilia,” telling us that

I have heard far more support for rapefugees, and more generally for open borders, from young White women than I have from any other group of people.

Heartiste apparently forgot about this when writing his spinster post only a few hours earlier.

I hope that I’m getting a skewed impression of women’s true feelings regarding border control and White demographic displacement, because if I’m not then the fate of our White nations is sealed, barring repeal of the 19th Amendment.

So there you have it: Old, unmarried women will be the death of the West —  if by “old” you mean “young” and by “unmarried” you mean “well, possibly married too.”

Heartiste has all his bases covered.



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9 years ago

My English marriage certificate listed me as a spinster at the ripe old age of 26 – meaning simply never-before-married. I think they’ve only recently done away with that now.

I’d probably fall into their married-but-spinster category now, since I only managed to produce one (nearly-all) white baby. But it wasn’t my husband’s Beta-ness that put me off, but his new-found MRA philosophies, his declaration that I must work (and I earned more than him) but child care and most house work was my responsibility because I was “the mother” – and also his refusal to have sex with me unless I eschewed all birth control. And I wanted another kid… though I’m very glad I didn’t breed twice with that asshole.

9 years ago

“… throwing open their butthurt hearts”?!? I just can’t get past this image….

dust bunny
dust bunny
9 years ago

I actually wish this made sense. White western global hegemony can’t fall fast enough.

Too bad immigration to the west has the opposite effect in reality.

9 years ago

Dearie me. You gave that charmer the flick?

Whatever next?

Aaaanyway, I must be one of those married spinsters. Married to one really bad man for a few years. One really good one for the rest of my life. Next month mrmagnificent and I will have been sharing our lives for 40 years – married for 38 of them. I presume he must be some kind of beta loser according to these guys, though being a feminist-in-love, I just don’t see it. I see a good person, wonderful husband, marvelous dad who is also a kind and loyal friend.

Clearly I’m mistaken in all of this but I’m happy, he’s happy, our daughters are both happy and their partners are happy.

9 years ago

Oh dear. That first comment was a reply to rugbyyogi.

Dark Statistic
Dark Statistic
9 years ago

I am eternally grateful for alpha males who use their powers of logic to make sense of these complex issues for me.

Just not in the way they intend.

9 years ago

As a a recently single middle aged fat woman with issues on her issues I can tell you I’m not bitter and getting laid is not a problem. Making friends? Not a problem.

But I am single after 20 years of mostly housewifing. I’m about to move in with another woman, all our dogs and cats and my kids. It’s ideal. I’m so happy. Financially , I’m fine. But most women in my position would not be. Marriage and being a nurturer and domestic will not ensure you are not single at 40.

For reals though, its a good thing to be. Am I sad we had to face facts and separate? Yes and no. Break ups are sad, but they happen for a reason and that makes them a good thing that ultimately makes you a happier person. If I wanted to be bitter, I’d have stayed in a dead relationship. Single is better for me. Single me is better. Single ex is better too. Marriage does not fix you or make you happy ever after. Its just a commitment between people.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

A good accompaniment to a moral compass: Ask yourself what Heartiste would want, then reconsider your choices if it matches what you were about to do.

9 years ago

Being afraid of refugees because ladies might like them better than you is not alpha.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop looking at the ugly post-wall woman in the image at the top and wondering why she dressed up so much to go buy groceries.

Doubtless it’s because she’s trying to eye-rape innocent men with her naked back when they’re just trying to buy a can of pasta or something. Oh, who am I kidding? Real men wouldn’t be in the grocery store anyway. So her vile plan is going to fail, because wimminz are dumb, amirite?

Or something.

Note: post may contain sarcasm.

9 years ago

I’m so entertained that women can’t do anything right, but we rule the world and must be seen as a serious threat to all things good and penis-y.

Which is it to be young feller? Ifn I’m helpless and foolish, I can be all powerful and frightening.

9 years ago

Being afraid of refugees because ladies might like them better than you is not alpha.

Bingo. It’s like they admit that these swarthy masculine specimens from exotic climes are far superior sexually to their pasty doughy selves. How beta of them.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Lea, I have missed the hell out of you.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Thanks EJ. I’m always lurking.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Also: James “Heartiste” Weidmann continues to be my most loathed manospherian. Perhaps it’s his use of the word “rapefugee.” Perhaps it’s him squawking “cuck” like an alarmed chicken. Perhaps it’s his insistence on trying to teach his disgusting views to others. Whichever it is, it’s foul and deeply unbecoming.

9 years ago

unmarried, unloved, childless, aging, bitter White spinsters

Best example of manosphere projection I’ve ever seen. This is literally, word for word, a description of the author himself.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
9 years ago

“Trashcanistan?” Ok, I think we can make a case for sending Heartiste to the time-out corner because he is clearly a seven year-old.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

The maternal market? What ever the hell…

snork maiden
9 years ago

Could it also be that Fartiste observes people behaving compassionately towards the refugees, and the only way he make sense of this is to project some evil agenda?

9 years ago

Small armies of cats? With little suits of armour and tiny banners?


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

EJ – I agree, Heartiste is especially loathsome. For me, it’s his preening violet prose, coupled with his wildly incoherent thought processes and disgusting racism/misogyny. It turns my stomach. Reading his writing is like boarding a half-finished, uninspected roller coaster filled with spoiled scallops. Ugh.

Guys like Heartiste are always yammering on about how all-important “SMV” is for women. Then they devote their entire lives to tearing down the perceived SMV of women, whether they’re post-wall, pre-wall, conventionally attractive, or what have you. Even on the rare occasion when they do manage to get into a relationship, they spend every second trying to undermine their SO’s SMV so they can maintain the upper hand. If it’s so very important to attract women with high SMV, why would you deliberately sabotage that? Wouldn’t it be to their (alpha) advantage to inflate their partner’s SMV and brag about what a great catch she is, instead of focusing on how overvalued she is and how fast she’s depreciating? If women really are overvalued, then it makes them look like idiots to spend so much time and energy pursuing them.

Just more evidence that SMV is complete and utter bullshit, even by their own logic.

I’m unmarried, in my 40s, and surrounded by…well, my sweet children, my fwuffywuffy cat, my wonderful family and lots of dear lifelong friends. Clearly, whatever my “market value” is, it’s irrelevant.

Heartiste seems to have forgotten that men grow old, too. No amount of hanging around nightclubs sucking the life force from college-age girls is going to stop that process.

a summoning of succubi from their inner world

Yes. Spinsters created the Syrian crisis by spelling out ‘C-H-A-D-T-H-U-N-D-E-R-C-U-C-K’ backwards on a Ouija board, which opened a hole into our world from the Refugee Dimension. That is exactly what happened. Immigrants are just the hallucinations of single ladies, responding to their mating calls.

Does Heartiste even listen to himself?

my yearning arms embracing only groceries

1. Ahaha. Do married women not grocery shop?

2. Don’t knock it. Parsley and tortilla chips can be a great emotional support in your sunset years. Way more, actually, than these insecure Great White Alfalfa shitlords. I’d rather turn to an inanimate cement block for a sense of comfort, security, and self-esteem.

9 years ago

‘by exacting revenge on their outer world (homogeneous White Europe) with a summoning of succubi from their inner world. ‘

I recently had occasion to write about this, so happen to know that succubi are female demons, and incubi are male demons.

9 years ago

*dies laughing*

9 years ago

I never grocery shop. My hellish femdemon minions bring me bonbons and cups of fresh man tears to soak my feet in.

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