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Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff: January 2016 Party Girls Edition

Get this party started on a Thursday night
Get this party started on a Thursday night

An open thread for non-personal stuff (there’s another one for personal stuff). As usual, no trolls, no MRAs here!

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9 years ago

Mammothhunters (or are you the Mammotheaters?) I have a question.

My local government has a women’s initiative group. I’m pretty lukewarm to it, because frankly it seems like a place for rich white women to congregate and network and get each other jobs at city hall. That said, I didn’t have a serious problem with the whole thing until they “opened a dialogue” on social media with a certain video game related movement/gang of misogynists that happens to target and attack women on a regular basis, because dialogue with abusers is more important than actually advocating for women, I guess.

I spoke up about the… eh… disconnect, and the initiative people pretty much told me to take a hike for “spreading hate” against the poor gamers who just care about ethics in journalism. They’re currently being lovebombed by the video game people who are going on about professional victims and how we hurt feminism and free speech — the usual talking points. (Odd that they’re currying favor with predominantly men who are predominantly from outside the city, given their mandate… my tax dollars at work.) I know in my bones that the gamers are laughing their butts off somewhere about how they got a feminist organization to embrace them whilst telling off another feminist who tried to warn them of the mistake they were making. Buuut, there doesn’t seem to be much I can do.

Any ideas? I love my city. I don’t want it to become either a laughingstock or to actually ally itself with a hategroup, but I’m not sure what to do. I don’t really know who to even ask, but I thought you folks might be able to give me some suggestions.

9 years ago

Maybe link them to some of the posts David has written on the subject. If you browse the archives you can find everything from the irc logs that prove “ethics in journalism” was a cover to the happy merchant cartoons redesigned to look like Anita Sarkeesian.

9 years ago

Yeah, I could try that. I mean, even the Wikipedia article is reasonably clear on the whole issue.

I’m also thinking about trying to contact my city councillor, but I don’t know what’s going to make the situation worse, you know? For me or for the city. I’ve been blocking people all day on account of having drawn attention to myself, while the initiative people don’t seem to have written me off as being a “hater”. The manipulation is really disheartening.

9 years ago

I’ve just started listening to the Reply All podcast, and their most recent show starts with three guys attempting to decode an utterance of the manosphere (one that David has already given us the background for):

Haven’t heard the whole thing yet but the main story in this show is also worth a listen.

9 years ago

@darkstatistc: maybe try to talk to one person from the initiative in a more private setting, if you haven’t done that already? People often can be more reasonable and open if not confronted in public.

That being said, I feel for you there.

9 years ago

Interesting article at the SMH

9 years ago

Apparently South Carolina is trying to pass a Personhood amendment.

Seriously, don’t they have anything better to do?

9 years ago

Sorry, News.

9 years ago

Is that Ayn Rand in the left there?

9 years ago

And here I’d forgotten all about Jared ‘n’ Jacob!

I was fascinated to read that Jared still lives in Asheville and apparently has learned nothing! Although he would have you believe that he’s Learned a Lot and Is a Better Man for It. Pfft. He’s what he most likely has always been: a nasty piece of work. And Jacob is the same.

9 years ago


I wouldn’t know how to solve this, really. When an organization like that wants to do something, they usually push it through regardless of any objections.

I’d just try distancing yourself from the group as much as possible for now. The initiative will collapse inevitably and they’ll forget about it.

9 years ago

Want to bitch- I was in a taxi the other night (late) with a guy I’m seeing who happens to be Indian. He got out at his condo and I proceeded to take the taxi to mine. As soon as he got out, the taxi driver began making comments about how beautiful he thought I was and asking really personal questions about the status of my relationship with the Indian guy. At one point he asked why someone like me would be with someone so dark skinned. I live in a city where mixed race relationships are common so I was very taken aback and offended but because it was late and I was alone I was polite and distant. Got out of the taxi furious. I’m furious that another human being would feel the need to get so personal with a stranger and I’m also furious at the male entitlement of making a woman so (visibly!) uncomfortable by making multiple comments about my looks. I told him to stop at one point and it persisted. Now I’m beating myself up for not sticking up for what was right more. I should have told him to go straight to hell but I (like many women!!) was worried about a nasty response. I’m sure his defense would be that you just can’t compliment a woman these days. No- you just shouldn’t be a creepy fucking racist asshole!

9 years ago

My bad! Wrong thread! I’ll delete & repost where it belongs 🙂

9 years ago

Anyone else getting damned sick of the Bernie Sanders fanboys? Getting so tired of conversations about race, sex and gender getting derailed with “this is why Bernie 2016 ‘cuz he’ll fix everything through the magic of class reductionism!”

9 years ago

And in good news Daniel Holzclaw (the Crybaby Cop) sentenced to 263 years.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Yeah. Even if Sanders gets elected and there’s a federal health service, zero university tuition, and retirement at age 55, there would still be problems related to race, sex, gender, and class. Socialism can be great, but it isn’t of logical necessity a just and equal society.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I was very disappointed in Sander following his comments on slavery reparations. I thought Ta-Nehisi Coates said it best:

Last week Bernie Sanders was asked whether he was in favor of “reparations for slavery.” It is worth considering Sanders’s response in full:

No, I don’t think so. First of all, its likelihood of getting through Congress is nil. Second of all, I think it would be very divisive. The real issue is when we look at the poverty rate among the African American community, when we look at the high unemployment rate within the African American community, we have a lot of work to do.

So I think what we should be talking about is making massive investments in rebuilding our cities, in creating millions of decent paying jobs, in making public colleges and universities tuition-free, basically targeting our federal resources to the areas where it is needed the most and where it is needed the most is in impoverished communities, often African American and Latino.

For those of us interested in how the left prioritizes its various radicalisms, Sanders’s answer is illuminating. The spectacle of a socialist candidate opposing reparations as “divisive” (there are few political labels more divisive in the minds of Americans than socialist) is only rivaled by the implausibility of Sanders posing as a pragmatist. Sanders says the chance of getting reparations through Congress is “nil,” a correct observation which could just as well apply to much of the Vermont senator’s own platform.

Sanders made his name by being willing to speak plainly and to say things which violate political taboos. For him to suddenly forget that when it becomes awkward is to admit that his honestly has only ever been tactical – in which case, the man deserves no support.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

The Sanders fanboys aren’t really on the left. At most they’re center-left. They seem more like very traditional liberals (equal legal rights only, only prima facie discrimination exists, government should be hands off on social issues) who happen to like limited socialism.

9 years ago

So I’m in the middle of applying to co-op jobs toward my degree. I’ve secured two interviews, but mostly silence. Can somebody more familiar with MRA Facts(TM) tell me how I can invoke those magic woman Quotas(TM) they keep insisting exist so that I can get any job I want? Thanks.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Today’s the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Here’s to hoping SCOTUS doesn’t screw it up.

9 years ago

Sarkeesian recently uploaded her newest Tropes Vs. Women video. This time it’s titled “Strategic Butt Coverings,” and it’s about how video games tend to have the (Het) Male Gaze.

Before watching the video, I thought the title was going to mean developers trying to cover their own butts about how they portray (or don’t portray) women. Like Kojima giving an insultingly ridiculous “justification” for why Quiet from the latest Metal Gear Solid game is dressed for fanservice.

9 years ago

So I’d like people’s opinion on a matter of cultural appropriation that came to my attention this week. On IG I follow a lot of feminist accounts and make up ones (I’m a makeup artist myself) and the two interests seemed to collide massively. Basically a lot of people are getting really pissed at white people wearing fake tan and that much darker foundation and bronzer is a form of racism. I’m kind of the opinion that most of the people I know who wear makeup that’s way too dark for them are generally younger people who are just not confident enough to show their paleness. We called it oompa loompaism in school because people looked orange! I mentioned this in a group discussion and got a lot of schtick for it. I’m wondering now am I being ignorant because I had my realised or is this kind of a non issue?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

Crap. The first criminal harassment case via Twitter in Canada ended up with a not guilty verdict. Manosphere gloating will ensue.

Bernie Sanders has a lot of fangirls, too, and the really dedicated ones are equally obnoxious. When I’ve said anything even slightly critical about Bernie and race issues I’ve been called a paid Hillary shill (aka Shillary) and one guy accused me of trying to influence a U.S. election. White supremacy is on full display with these people. Bernie’s worst enemy in this election is his own fans. Some of them literally act like right-wing zealots.

I loved that article by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

9 years ago

Yeah, it was the Coates article on reparations that had me annoyed ATM. Posted it to my Facebook wall and got almost nothing in response but white boys either dismissing the need for reparations or just writing mini-novela about why Sanders is better than Clinton.

That, plus I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been dealing with some racist, sexist asshatery on FB and he has a Sanders campaign banner as his userpic.

The biggest fanboy I know actually claims to be an anarchist most of the time.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Re: Bernie Sanders

Some of my friends are involved in his campaign. We’ve been discussing a lot about electability issues (I’m not particularly ‘political’ but I’m interested in the mechanics of politics). We’ve been looking a lot at the analysis of the last general election over here for instance.

One factor that seems to crop up is this (I’d be interested in your thoughts and my friends will be too)

One difference between right leaning voters and left leaning voters (to use a convenient shorthand) is that right voters will vote for a party or candidate even if they have some policies that the voter doesn’t like so long as, overall, they prefer that manifesto.

Whereas left voters adopt a “black ball” approach. I.e. If there’s even one policy the candidate has that they don’t like, they won’t vote for them, even if they like the rest of the platform.

The suggestion is that this is down to a “not in my name” philosophy.

Left voters believe that if they support a candidate’s general platform they are also endorsing the parts they find distasteful. Whereas on the right a voter might say “well of course I don’t support him on (x), my vote was because of his policy on (y & z)”

There are some very politically astute people on here, anyy thoughts on this?

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