antifeminism irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

The Feminsit Menace: As Big a Threat as Correctly Spelled Feminists?

I see what you did there
I see what you did there

Be careful out there, men! There is a terrible new danger I’ve just learned about on Twitter, a group of dastardly man-hating monsters who call themselves “feminsits.”

Apparently they are somewhat similar to those other dastardly man-hating monsters known as “feminists.”

Here’s what I have been able to figure out about them so far.

Feminsits want to make men illegal!


Feminsits are overloading Tumblr servers!


Feminsits are terrible at household chores!


Feminsits probably would not enjoy working in mines!


Tedious concern trolls have some of the same concerns about feminsits as they do about feminists!


Feminsits have a thing against windmills!

sit16Feminsits dumb like woman!


Feminsits hate bikinis!


Feminsits are the ones responsible for rape culture!

sit11Yeah, I think we heard this one about the light bulbs already.

sit10Feminsits will use rape and abuse to silence you, whatever that means!


Feminsits are kind of like One Direction fans in their terribleness!


Wait but it’s not even a real word!


Feminsits think that children should be cared for!


The real goal of the feminsit movement is to walk around topless!


Feminsits have a slogan!


But shouldnt that be “FAT UGLY FEMINSITS UNTIE?”

Damn, you anti-feminsits are really worked up about this lightbulb thing, huh?


Wait, there are “femonists” out there as well?

Damn, these femonists sound as bad as the feminsits!

Correction: Even worse!

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9 years ago

For what it’s worth, I agree with Alan that mocking the spelling errors in and of themselves, such as with some of the commenters using this to discuss the intelligence of the authors, is wrong and should be avoided. I have done some professional editing work and everyone, even the best writers I worked with, makes these kinds of mistakes. Some of them made more mistakes than others, and that was especially common in those with dyslexia or even just those who have more difficulty remembering arbitrary rules. Some of the better spellers were way worse at critical thinking. It had nothing to do with “intelligence” (which is a loaded concept to begin with).

However, I think the original post was fine. To me, it was making fun of the trend of mispelling the word in this particular way, rather than making fun of the individuals. I see it as similar to the alot monster.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Hi David, and thanks for that.

Just to let other Mamotheers know, we’ve discussed in some emails why I perhaps have a bit of a hair trigger on this particular issue and I completely accept that David doesn’t mean any harm or to mock anyone other than our MRA friends.

So carry on mocking MRAs. Remember Feminsits, you have nothing to lose but your chairs.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Making fun of people just because they might not have perfect English literacy is bad enough (you challenge the argument, not the way it’s presented) but this particularly rankles because such letter transposition is one of the symptoms of dyslexia and related conditions.

This is just the written version of mocking so

I’m with Alan on this one. The only people you should make fun of people with messed up grammar are the people who constantly correct grammar or people who make a grammar mistake when correcting you. That’s the only time it’s right.

Feminsit: a feminist who sits around eating bon-bons?
Femonist: a feminist who is also a demon?

But also, I’m a femonist.

EDIT: Ah, people seems to have been talking about this but my point still stands.

9 years ago

But leave the thermos behind.

Lest you end up like Marco Rubio.

9 years ago

Off topic post incoming!

Sarah Palin’s son Track has been charged with domestic violence

Anyone surprised?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool

or people who make a grammar mistake when correcting you.

He, wasn’t that me with you the other night? 🙂


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ rabid rabbit

Apologies to any triangle players out there

I used to play triangle in a reggae band. I didn’t do much. I just used to stand at the back and ting.

9 years ago

My daughter is slim and stacked and beautiful. She wears bikinis and so does her fat mom and we love each other. Both feminists. My ex? He’s a feminist. Her bf? Feminist. Our friends? Feminists. We can even spell the word and some of us are dyslexic.

Feminists are not all alike. We don’t hate each other. Sorry/not sorry, misogynists who stalk this site. We’re actually enjoying each other’s company. I bet you wonder what that’s like.

9 years ago

Am I surprised that Track Palin was arrested for domestic violence?


But I am a sophisticate. I’ve been around the block a few times. Other things that don’t surprise me (at least not anymore):

The sun rising
The sun setting
My cats complaining about their food (inadequate, tiny portions, boring, been sitting on their saucers too long, and so on)

9 years ago

I just called Bailey (the dog) a feminsit. She wagged her tail and licked my face. To be fair, she probably would have done that no matter what I said to her. Still, I choose to believe that the female dogs are in on the ebil feminsit conspiracy too. We already knew the cats were on our side. Katie will be thrilled to learn I’ve been able to confirm that the dogs are with us too.

9 years ago

Re women who work in mines:

Here’s the book that the film, North Country (starring Charlize Theron, whose mother was a victim of domestic violence and who herself recently dumped Sean Penn, known domestic abuser–you go, Charlize!) is based on:

And here’s a review of the book; I found this review on the same Amazon page that has the book:

A collaboration between a journalist and a lawyer, this volume describes in elaborate detail the tortuous path of the first class-action sexual harassment lawsuit, Jenson v. Eveleth Mines. In 1975, the Minnesota mine hired its first four women as the result of a consent decree; Lois Jenson took one of the jobs. Subjected to disgusting and relentless sexual harassment, Jenson went in turn to the company, the union, the state department of human rights, and finally, in 1988, to private counsel. With Title VII expert Paul Sprenger at the helm, the case took another 11 years, as the company’s attorneys waged an intense “nuts and sluts” defense, a strategy that cost the mine $15 million. Although ultimately vindicated, the complainants suffered not only from harassment but from the brutalizing process of the litigation. Jenson herself became disabled by stress from the harassment, the hostility of female co-workers, the length of the legal process, and the invasive interrogations connected with the claim for damages. Excessive detail, compelling though it is, diminishes the book’s utility. Recommended for large public and academic libraries. Cynthia Harrison, George Washington Univ., Washington, DC

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

He, wasn’t that me with you the other night? 🙂


It happens surprisingly a lot, tbh.

9 years ago

Women do all the jobs they claim we don’t and we do it with harassment and sexism. The saying my carpenter friend hated but heard frequently was, “If it was easy, women and n-words would do it”, while she did it.

Another friend got called “Hot pussy” and humped from behind. She worked at a barge company.

I have ex in-laws who work re-shingling church towers on ropes and boards. Grandmas dangle in the hot KY summer and work all day.

I recently saw a farm wife wrestle a professional fighter to the ground and pin him.

We ain’t called the home of beautiful horses and wild women for nothin.

9 years ago


I just commanded Bailey to “feminsit!” and she sat.


What animal should we bring into the feminsit fold next? I submit raccoons and crows. Raccoons can infiltrate any garbage can. This is useful because they can retrieve used condoms for spermjacking purposes. Crows and other corvids are very intelligent. Crows are pervasive even in urban environments. Because they fly, they are useful for spying into the windows of teh menz and gathering vital intelligence for us.

Sorry. I’m having way too much fun with this and it’s probably not entertaining to anyone but me.

9 years ago


Feminists are not all alike. We don’t hate each other. Sorry/not sorry, misogynists who stalk this site. We’re actually enjoying each other’s company. I bet you wonder what that’s like.


And that quality of enjoying each other’s company — and all the good stuff it’s based on — have kept the world alive.

Of course, men have these qualities too.

But the people in the MRM? They’re totally jealous.

9 years ago

Ignore what the author says about roommates. She (Mary Elizabeth Williams) is actually very cool and not at all a classist person.

9 years ago

When I think of the laughs I have with my feminist friends and how dull mrms are, I almost feel sorry for them.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

Remember Feminsits, you have nothing to lose but your chairs.

Are they hard chairs?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Hard chairs are misandry!

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago


No, I’m not surprised about Track. Wonder how Mama Grizzly will spin this latest less-than-positive story about her family.

Thank goodness this country dodged that bullet in 2008. I cannot imagine her as the VP.

9 years ago

I’m not sure if “feminsits” is a typo or they’re trying to call us lazy.

9 years ago

I don’t know if anyone wants or needs an update on the Palin case, but Gawker now has the whole police report up.

TW for description of DV

It looks like he punched his girlfriend and manipulatively threatened suicide. This part was the most chilling to me

911 dispatch also received a call from Track Palin, informing them that the woman who had previously called them was drunk.

He sounds like an experienced abuser to me. This is really manipulative. He’s already anticipating that he can sell law enforcement, the courts, and the media on the notion that is girlfriend is drunk and crazy. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people claiming that he’s probably a good person who just lost his temper. It doesn’t sound like that to me. He sounds like a manipulator and a gaslighter to me.


9 years ago

OMG thank you so much for this post!! I can’t stop laughing!

Also hi, my electricity company left me with no power for three days, meaning the electric pump did not work and I was out of water as well ¬¬

I’m glad I survived to read this.

9 years ago

I get it. Feminsits hate to see women in bikinis because feminsits just want to walks around topless in public!

9 years ago

I’m looking for a few (hundred) good squirrels! Still having the s/o continue training raccoons; his last report from the field stated that they were breaking into homes and hiding in crawl spaces, a group fight over garbage had broken out but this had mostly ended since a large part of the raccoon contingent had gotten bored and smelled cat food on an old lady’s porch.


Argh! Loss of electricity sucks, and longer periods of it (days) means throwing out a bunch of food. Here we at least get credit from the power company for their failure to provide their customers with electricity. 🙂 Hope your electric company is at least that decent.