antifeminism irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

The Feminsit Menace: As Big a Threat as Correctly Spelled Feminists?

I see what you did there
I see what you did there

Be careful out there, men! There is a terrible new danger I’ve just learned about on Twitter, a group of dastardly man-hating monsters who call themselves “feminsits.”

Apparently they are somewhat similar to those other dastardly man-hating monsters known as “feminists.”

Here’s what I have been able to figure out about them so far.

Feminsits want to make men illegal!


Feminsits are overloading Tumblr servers!


Feminsits are terrible at household chores!


Feminsits probably would not enjoy working in mines!


Tedious concern trolls have some of the same concerns about feminsits as they do about feminists!


Feminsits have a thing against windmills!

sit16Feminsits dumb like woman!


Feminsits hate bikinis!


Feminsits are the ones responsible for rape culture!

sit11Yeah, I think we heard this one about the light bulbs already.

sit10Feminsits will use rape and abuse to silence you, whatever that means!


Feminsits are kind of like One Direction fans in their terribleness!


Wait but it’s not even a real word!


Feminsits think that children should be cared for!


The real goal of the feminsit movement is to walk around topless!


Feminsits have a slogan!


But shouldnt that be “FAT UGLY FEMINSITS UNTIE?”

Damn, you anti-feminsits are really worked up about this lightbulb thing, huh?


Wait, there are “femonists” out there as well?

Damn, these femonists sound as bad as the feminsits!

Correction: Even worse!

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

How many MRAs does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, they’re too busy complaining that it won’t screw.


Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

Feminsits almost sounds like a kink, but most likely its a workaround to avoid being spotted by the evil Feminazis who control everyone and everything in existence despite being too lazy to do anything. It’s an impressive skill to have! No wonder MRAs are angry about feminsits.

As for “Lying bullies attacking windmills” I bet they sure as hell ain’t interested in renewable energy or granaries, where does that even come from anyway?

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

Maybe “the act of feminists sitting.”

No, that’s a “fem-sit-in”.

I would call myself a humansit, but then I do like to walk. And communism.

9 years ago

Feminsits strive against manspreading, of course.

9 years ago

Light bulb, how many MRAs does it take, etc:

1 to complain about how feminism isn’t working to solve light bulb related issues
~10 to whine about how they’re really PUAs, TRPs, MGTOWs, etc, rather than MRAs
Elam would explain how his goal is talking about light bulbs online, rather than to actually screw in a light bulb
1 more to declare victory when the light bulb never gets screwed

9 years ago

How many MGTOW does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None, their hands are too tired to screw anything else.

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
9 years ago

I’m not sure which one is more fun at parties, the Feminsits or the Rouge Angles of Satin.

Of course, both are more fun than MRAs or PUAs are…

9 years ago

lying bullies attacking windmils

…and chasing waterfells.

9 years ago

As for women working in mines, they used to back in the days before middle class people took an interest in the trials and tribulations of the working classes.

What did they find? Down in the hot and sweaty confines of coal and other mines, women and men alike took off their shirts. Can’t have that!

Lord Ashley deliberately appealed to Victorian prudery, focussing on girls and women wearing trousers and working bare breasted in the presence of boys and men which “made girls unsuitable for marriage and unfit to be mothers”.

I’m sure all the feminsits here will be shocked — amazed — to learn that women were still mining, bare breasts and all, in countries that don’t have such legislation until much more recently.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago

Yeah I’m sure Stephen Colbert will listen to a guy named Jack Shyte and be a MANN!!1 and not some feminsit manga drone, yessire. Not.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago

How many Paul Elams does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: None, he’s too incompetent to even do that.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ cointelpro


moron who simply refuses to learn

Maybe I’m showing my age here, but these were exactly the phrases that were thrown at people with disabilities at school .

Dyslexia, and other learning disabilities, just weren’t recognised then. Punishments were handed out until pupils stopped their “sloppy spelling”; and we had the cane back then.

None of us like MRAs; but unless we can be sure that they’re deliberately mis-spelling, this particular mockery just seems wrong.

Even if it’s not a disability and just a learning thing, people on this site are generally pretty bright and have had the benefit of a decent education. Mocking people on the basis they haven’t had the same advantages feels like “punching down”

I hate to seem like I’m ‘sticking up’ for MRAs but on this one, very narrow, issue I think we’re being way out of order.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

How many MGTOW does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

1. None, LIGHTBULBS SUCK…why is it so dark in here…who cares…we don’t need light anyhow…light is overvalued in our society…@&%*& DARKNESS I CAN’T SEE A THING

2. None. In the future, we’ll have realistic $40,000 lightbots that will completely replace lightbulbs. Then you non-light-bulb-changers will be sorry! Ha ha ha!

3. If they were screwing, they wouldn’t be MGTOW.

There is nothing feminsits hate more than seeing a slim sexy woman in a bikini

Why do I get the feeling Robbie James is really the one who hates this, because it reminds him of his perpetually unfulfilled entitlement?

@cointelpro and Alan

Alan, I get the feeling most, if not all, of these people are just intellectually lazy. There’s making fun of someone for speaking ESL or having cognitive/learning issues and then there’s making fun of someone for being a moron who simply refuses to learn. We’re doing the latter.

It’s also pretty common, on the right, to demonize enemies by misspelling the name of their group or organization. It’s partly contemptuous disrespect, and partly being unable to form the word “feminist” because it pains their fingers to type it. It’s an emotionally loaded word for them. I’d be surprised if dyslexia or ESL were common contributing factors in this group of tweets. People who can spell “skyscraper”, “accidental”, and “confronting” ought to be able to spell “feminist”.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I think what cointelpro meant was that the people quoted above are willfully ignorant and (more than likely) do not have actual learning disabilities. If anything, I would guess that they came up with a silly name for feminists that they think is clever, but is really not.

AJ Milne
AJ Milne
9 years ago

If it femins I sits?

9 years ago

For what it’s worth, I’m with Alan on this one. If we were mocking Esmay, Roosh V, or Elam about this, for example, that would be one thing; we know for sure they know how to spell the word. This seems like bad form at best.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

[…] this particularly rankles because such letter transposition is one of the symptoms of dyslexia and related conditions.
This is just the written version of mocking someone for a speech impediment.

Nope. A speech impediment affects real-time live vocal communication, and can’t be corrected on the fly (and in some cases not ever). So it’s completely unfair to mock a person with a speech impediment for just trying to communicate through spoken language the way anybody else would.

Posting on Twitter, on the other hand, is not real-time live communication. People can take as much time as they like to proofread their (voluntary, completely optional) contributions before posting. And there are innumerable built-in tools available to help writers in any electronic medium avoid typographical errors, whether they happen to be dyslexic or not.

There’s a reason that written language is generally evaluated more formally and strictly than spoken language. And that’s because written language is something that the writer has ample time to inspect and correct before putting it out in public to address random unknown audiences in perpetuity as long as literacy shall endure. If the writer chooses not to invest that minimal effort in the quality of their output, then their careless mistakes are fair game for mocking.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Several women I know do trail crew in wilderness in the summer (clearing downed logs with crosscut saws and mules). I know one female smokejumper (she jumps out of planes to fight wildfires in remote areas.) My feminist friend Katie (uh, my actual feminist friend Katie, who is a real person) is a former wilderness ranger and carries a 70 lbs. pack for about 500 miles teaching courses in the wilderness every year.

9 years ago

@Alan, cointelpro, etc

I have to admit I’m a bit hesitant to make fun of someone for spelling errors. I really doubt that the typos are due to some sort of a disability or whatnot – people make typos all the time after all. I make’m all the time! That’s why I don’t really like to tease people about it. It’s common and it mistakes the signal for the substrate. I’m all about the signal.

Unless I know you. Then Im’a tease you for your typos.


9 years ago

Personally, I think if you’re going to condemn an entire group of people as being stupid and useless, you’d better do some basic proofreading before you post. Since these twitter users are presenting themselves as superior and women and/or feminists as inferior, it’s fair game to mock spelling and grammar fails.

Anyway, how many MRAs does it take to screw in a light bulb? Trick question! Nobody knows the answer because MRA hands are constantly too busy rage wanking on the internet to do anything productive.

9 years ago

I found this post amusing, but I also understand the uneasiness about teasing people about their spelling.

I didn’t even come to think of dyslexia or anything of the kind, I’ve just seen so many instances where people in Internet discussions don’t take into account that not every participant has English as a first language and just pick at every little thing that’s not perfectly correct.

Because whenever you spell something wrong, you’re ten years old, tops.

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Interesting point about misspelling to demonize. I wasn’t aware that was a thing.

9 years ago

I take it the new refrain is now ‘we screwed in the lightbulb for you’? I like it.

9 years ago

I’m sure feminsit is a typo and femonist is a misspelling. Either that or there was a major schism!!!

@Alan – I think it’s fine to make fun of fundamental spelling or grammar, or better yet malapropism errors in a larger piece, especially when the author claims to be erudite. Personally, I tend to treat tweets like txts and don’t judge too harshly on spelling, I know they’ve often been done in haste.

Alan (and others) I do definitely get where you’re coming from. But for me it’s all about the hubris. Hubris displayed? Fair game. Is this the most nuanced counter-attack? No. But these tweets were full of the hubris. Hubris, please meet Nemesis.

However, those light bulbs jokes… Bloody hell, much deserving of the taunting.

9 years ago

MildlyMagnificent – you got there before me, about women working in mines.

Yes, the Victorian reformers were particularly concerned about women working topless – in fact they were often near naked, as were the male miners, because it was incredibly hot underground and if their clothes caught on anything they might well get stuck in the narrow mineshafts and tunnels. A blockage might not only result in loss of life – it might even lose the mine money.

Another thing that scandalised them was that the young women who pushed the coal wagons in the tunnels did so on all fours, pushing with their heads (no room to stand up, of course). They often had bald patches on their scalps as a result. The idea of young women working semi-naked in the dark *and losing their hair* made middle-class parliamentary investigators blow their minds.

This song is based on the verbatim testimony given by Patience Kershaw, a 17 year old “hurrier” – a mine worker who dragged or pushed the coal wagons to the lift, to a Parliamentary committee on the Employment of Children in 1842.

They outlawed the employment of women and girls in mines – which must have caused considerable hardship