antifeminism antifeminist women Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism red pill

The Worst Twitter Conversation in History (This Week)?

My feelings exactly
My feelings exactly

Well, ok, it’s probably not literally the worst Twitter conversation ever — you’ve seen Twitter, right? — but you have to admit it’s pretty awful all around.

In one corner, we have @apurposefulwife, “alt right” racist and defender of “Traditional Family Life and White Culture.”

In the other, manosphere clown @aaron_clarey, a dude who proudly identifies himself as an “asshole.”

Let’s get ready to rumble:

Wife With A Purpose ‏@apurposefulwife European women deserve protection from violent, raping Arabs who see them as subhuman #SaveEurope from #rapefugees Aaron Clarey ‏@aaron_clarey · Jan 7 @apurposefulwife No they don't. They vote left and pro-multiculturalism all the time and spit in their men's faces. They deserve it.

I hereby declare both combatants in this ideological battle huge losers.

The screenshot isn’t mine; I ran across it on Twitter, but unfortunately lost track of who originally posted it. Nonetheless, the tweets are real, and you can find the full discussion between @apurposefulwife and Mr. Clarey archived here.

Here are a few other recent Tweets from both of them. Such charmers!

That last one is a warning to anyone tempted to buy one of his ebooks, not that anyone here will be.


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Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago


Wife With A Purpose is most assuredly not a basement-dwelling male without much purpose in life beyond race baiting over the internet. Not at all.

I used to have a satirical character I would play online who was female, and it always annoyed me when people would argue that there’s no way an actual woman would be saying these things so it had to really be a man behind the character. Yes, an actual woman could say those things. That was the point behind the character. Just as there are awful, awful men, there are also awful, awful women. I’ve no doubt that Wife With A Purpose is a very real racist woman, just like the plenty of other very real racist women out there. Have you not read the Honey Badger stuff David posts here?

9 years ago

@ Nequam: I love the Deluxe Transitive Vampire! It’s informative, easy to read, and fun! At the risk of being a little TMI, it’s my usual bathroom reader.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

This is a twitter war, in which no matter which side wins, we lose, and by “we” I mean decent people.

9 years ago

Some searching has confirmed that wifewithapurpose is in fact a woman and has a youtube show associated with a holocaust denial site, introduced as “Ayla, or wifewithapurpose”. Voice is female and does not sound like any quality synthesized voice I am familiar with.

9 years ago

Real authors don’t fret over punctuation or grammar. Only worthless English majors do that.

This computer science major would like to inform you you’re an idiot. Codified grammar rules reduce ambiguity and allow clarity of communication. Good authors break them intentionally for literary effect, bad authors break them unintentionally.

And of course if you’re programming getting grammar wrong means the compiler is very displeased with you. Or worse, there is exactly one possible interpretation of what you wrote and it isn’t what you meant.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Just as there are awful, awful men, there are also awful, awful women. I’ve no doubt that Wife With A Purpose is a very real racist woman, just like the plenty of other very real racist women out there. Have you not read the Honey Badger stuff David posts here?

True enough, and it doesn’t really matter either way regardless, but MRAs pretend to be women almost as often as they threaten to murder women, so (even though Wife really is who she says she is) it wasn’t the worst assumption in the world. “The MRA Who Cried #NotYourShield.”

And now I feel dirty for defending Bryce. =P

9 years ago

Computer scientist high-five! I’m constantly arguing with my compiler to do what I meant to type rather than what I actually typed. And I even have tools like ReSharper that highlight all of my really bad grammar.

I lived a past life writing and editing copy, and I wouldn’t say I fretted over grammar (what’s to fret over?), but when writing or when editing I read it over at least 3 times and cleaned up the errors, because stream-of-consciousness style is ineloquent and often conveys meaning you didn’t intend. Not to mention that in some cases what I wrote could potentially be held against my company in court if someone was misled by it. Language and grammar are pretty important.

9 years ago

‘if my Cornish friends are to be believed, the aeroplane’

Dude, that would be Yorkshire:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ guest

He, printing that out as we speak. I am sooooooo looking forward to the pub now

Thank you.

9 years ago

Trevithick was pretty awesome though.

Cayley is one of my three favourite Yorkshiremen (here are the others should anyone be interested:)

I once saw someone give a lecture as George Cayley at York, and it was absolutely charming.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Trevithick Day in Camborne is awesome.10,000 pissed up Cornish folk + loads of badly driven 20 ton traction engines. Difficult to see what could go wrong really.

It’s hard to pick a fave Yorkshireman, but I have a special fondess for Fred “Outer space is only half an hour’s drive if your car could go straight up” Hoyle.

Perhaps the most Yorkshire thing he did was write ‘A for Andromeda’. That was a fictionalised account of Jodrell Bank; the only fiction being placing it in Yorkshire instead of Cheshire.

9 years ago

🙂 thanks, I’ll check that out. I made the long long trip from York to Camborne a few years ago for Trevithick Day and had a blast. The locals taught me how to say ‘shut up’ and ‘go away’ in Cornish.

9 years ago

I always think of 2000 as being the Turn of the Millennium. Sounds much more impressive.

9 years ago

Aaron Chaney, insufferable douchebag extraordinair, looks a hell of a lot like Mac from Always Sunny in that twitter pic.

Oh, those people make me so mad. “Einstein had white skin. I have white skin, so I must be as smart as Einstein!” “Beethoven had white skin. I have white skin, so I must be as musically gifted as Beethoven!” It. Does. Not. Work. Like. That. Let’s see your scientific theory or your symphony. Oh, you don’t have one, but you say your skin colour gives you free membership into the talented people club anyway? Get bent.

It’s the race equivalent of “we hunted the mammoth to feed you”. Make it ‘We colonized the new world to house you!”

9 years ago

Why do we have a president who speaks like a ghetto rat instead of one who uses proper English?

I’m not sure if this is more racist or confusing. Barack Obama talks basically the way I’d expect a Harvard law grad to talk.

We can boost economic growth by making women thinner and hotter. Men will worker longer and harder.

Wat. How is the attractiveness of women in any way linked to how hard men work? I’m a gay man, I’m not motivated to work any harder because muscly guys exist.

A wife getting fat is not just a violation of contract, but spousal abuse as well.

… “Asshole” is clearly too polite a word to describe this man.

9 years ago

As for Obama’s use of language, I think our friend has forgotten George W. Bush’s “creative” use of English. I know which of those two spoke more “properly”.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Fred Hoyle, Fred Trueman, Judy Dench, Emily Brontë and JB Priestley were, in my opinion, the greatest of Yorkshirefolk. An honourable mention must also go to Alcuin, who was born in York but spent most of his life away from that land.

9 years ago

OK, am wasting my time listening to Aurini…what’s the deal with him having to gulp down his scotch on the rocks every couple of minutes?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ EJ

Fred Trueman, a man who presented a sports programme whilst drinking a pint and smoking. Classic.

9 years ago

Haha and lighting up every couple of minutes. Isn’t it possible to just get through a 20 minute talk without having to take a hit?

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

All we need is Milo Filo Pilo, Roosh the Doosh, and Paul Elam the human enema to make this the worst twitter conversation to make it into the history books. Or not, considering how they’re so forgetful. I only remember they exist when I come to this site.

Though from what I’m reading, these two vomit bags are doing a good job stinking up the place on their own.

9 years ago


I believe that’s to show that he’s a real man because real men drink scotch in big gulps (and then wince but keep drinking).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


If it’s anything like his earlier videos, he’s only pretending to drink the scotch and the cig is fake. It’s all for show.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

I can’t watch Aurini. Just this smug grin and the fake LaVey-skull-pseudo-whiskeygulping, awkward-cigarette-holding is too much for me, nevermind him actually opening his mouth to utter some stupid, heinous crap.

Also, I’ve you have to wince when drinking Scotch, you’re doing it wrong. If it’s too sharp, just put some water in until it fits your tastes, or is that not manly enough for you?

Btw, recently had the best glass of Scotch I ever drank. Smokehead 18 years, hadn’t even known the brand before. No water needed there, yum.

9 years ago

Well, I mean, I give a lot of talks, and I can usually manage to get through between half an hour and an hour without having to satisfy my physical needs in front of my audience. I try to remember to pee first, and have a drink before I go onstage, and I’ll usually have a drink after the talk and before the Q&A. Oh, and my colleagues always ask if I’ve eaten before they allow me to interact with strangers….

I once gave a talk in Glasgow, and just before I went onstage the prep person handed me a pint of bitter. That was fun.