antifeminism antifeminist women Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism red pill

The Worst Twitter Conversation in History (This Week)?

My feelings exactly
My feelings exactly

Well, ok, it’s probably not literally the worst Twitter conversation ever — you’ve seen Twitter, right? — but you have to admit it’s pretty awful all around.

In one corner, we have @apurposefulwife, “alt right” racist and defender of “Traditional Family Life and White Culture.”

In the other, manosphere clown @aaron_clarey, a dude who proudly identifies himself as an “asshole.”

Let’s get ready to rumble:

Wife With A Purpose ‏@apurposefulwife European women deserve protection from violent, raping Arabs who see them as subhuman #SaveEurope from #rapefugees Aaron Clarey ‏@aaron_clarey · Jan 7 @apurposefulwife No they don't. They vote left and pro-multiculturalism all the time and spit in their men's faces. They deserve it.

I hereby declare both combatants in this ideological battle huge losers.

The screenshot isn’t mine; I ran across it on Twitter, but unfortunately lost track of who originally posted it. Nonetheless, the tweets are real, and you can find the full discussion between @apurposefulwife and Mr. Clarey archived here.

Here are a few other recent Tweets from both of them. Such charmers!

That last one is a warning to anyone tempted to buy one of his ebooks, not that anyone here will be.


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8 years ago

Wife With A Purpose is most assuredly not a basement-dwelling male without much purpose in life beyond race baiting over the internet. Not at all.

8 years ago

Not weird at all. I often get a little gleeful when I realize that something I do pisses these fart weasels off.

8 years ago

so I recently gained a bit of weight and have been feeling really self conscious about it, but this dodo bird claiming that I’m abusing my boyfriend because of that is so ridiculous that it’s making me feel better, is that weird?

You can also take heart in the knowledge that because you aren’t married, you’re not breaking any contract. You’re merely committing garden variety misandry.

Don’t you just love how if a woman ages, gains weight, or in some other way fails to fit into rigid beauty standards, she’s oppressing men but if a woman isn’t attracted to a man because he’s not her type, she’s a shallow bitch?

8 years ago

I’m white. Can I thank myself for making the very good decisions to order a pizza and to not leave the house at all today because it’s as of now -9 outside?

8 years ago

We can boost economic growth by making women thinner and hotter. Men will worker longer and harder.

I believe that Mr. Clarey is making a joke.

“Longer” and “harder” — get it?

So amusing.

Real authors don’t fret over punctuation or grammar. Only worthless English majors do that.

Ooh, another quip from Mr. Clarey!

Once these authors are done not fretting over punctuation or grammar, they turn their manuscripts over to copy editors, who don’t fret over that stuff either, but they do make the necessary corrections.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


Sadly, I think you can attribute that more to being sensible than being white. On the other hand, sensible is something neither of these two fartknockers have.

8 years ago


Once these authors are done not fretting over punctuation or grammar, they turn their manuscripts over to copy editors, who don’t fret over that stuff either, but they do make the necessary corrections.

Thank heaven for proofers. Yep, I usually don’t fret, as I know it will get picked up. But I once had a client ‘correct’ my punctuation in a very long, very complicated piece using a style guide known only unto herself. I was definitely fretting.

And my workplace has more than once been the scene of brutal disagreements over split infinitives.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago


And my workplace has more than once been the scene of brutal disagreements over split infinitives.

Ah, the split infinitive! It has nearly caused my father to disown me, especially when the opening credits of ST:TNG were playing. He’d nearly have an apoplexy just thinking about Patrick Stewart declaiming what he, my father, considered a sin worse than murder.

After reading David Crystal’s books however, I’m much more relaxed about these things. These days, when people start arguing about grammar around me I’m like “hand me the popcorn!”.

That doesn’t mean I’m happy for communication to be lax, however. There is precision available in English which should be used as appropriate. But yielding all one’s usage to rules that are largely fabricated (like the split infinitive “rule”), well, that’s not how I like to do things.

8 years ago


Welcome! Have a welcome package.

8 years ago

I’m going to select a ‘write in’ option for what I think of when hearing the phrase “turn of the century”:

The Louisiana Purchase (1803), or The first subway (underground) passenger system in the United States opens in Boston Massachusetts (1897).

8 years ago

I intend to boldly split infinitives whenever I like.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

What u call a reign of terror brought the world from mud huts & starvation to what we have today

She’s talking about Middle Eastern people, right?

8 years ago

Yes, I like to split infinitives, when called for. Sometimes it just works and provides additional subtlety that we English speakers can and should take advantage of. Just because many other languages can’t split them, doesn’t mean we oughtn’t.

The infinitives want to cosily hug their adverbs.

8 years ago

I love the way racists hate on the Middle East, but ignore everything they learned in history about the Middle East being the cradle of civilization.

8 years ago

I really hope that Wife With a Purpose account is some sort of troll or bizarre performance art or something. Something about it sets off a ‘you can’t be real’ alarm in my head.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
8 years ago


Kinda on topic:
David, have you watched Aurinis new video called “Equality, Sharia and Western Marriage”?
Besides all the other huge historyfails in it, he specifically mentions men’s mammoth hunting abilities. x)

8 years ago

I thought they only hated feminists, not all women. So why harass this woman?

What is the goal here? Other than the abuse giving him some jollies, that is. He is an abuser in search of a target.

8 years ago

Tyra Lith,
Is it Christmas again already?

8 years ago

“Yes I do look like Charlie Sheen… minus the AIDS.”

A. No you don’t, that profile pic bears literally NO resemblance to Charlie Sheen.

B. AIDS isn’t a part of someone’s appearance, you silly man. Charlie Sheen looks pretty much the same with AIDS as without.

I know that punctuation and grammar aren’t his strong suits, but apparently coherency isn’t one either.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

To me, the turn of the century was 2000. 1900 was the fin du siècle. 2100 will probably be in Mandarin or something.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ EJ

Wow, now there’s a phrase I haven’t heard since one of my friends was doing her masters at art college! 🙂

(It is a good phrase though)

8 years ago

When I think of “turn of the century” I think of this guy:

8 years ago

It’s probably good that I can’t read the archived conversation, since it’s “Unavailable For Legal Reasons”.


Are you proud that you take inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide? Because that’s more of an achievement than “is white.”

But not much more well informed, considering that both what we inhale and exhale tends to be a mixture of both.

8 years ago

#ThankAWhitePerson? Well . . . ok . . . . but I think if I just go up to some random person of European descent and profusely shake his/her hand while enthusiastically saying, “Thank you,” I’m going to get some strange looks.

Some days, it’s just easier to make fun of these people rather than take them seriously. There’s only so much stupidity I can handle without resorting to humor to make myself feel less depressed about the state of humanity.