a voice for men anti-Semitism drama gross incompetence irony alert johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever MRA paul elam plagiarism

A Voice for Men Admits it Published a Plagiarist, Then Calls Me a Fatty

Mmmmm, chicken!
Mmmmm, chicken!

At this point, after five plus years of observing his shenanigans from my roost in We Hunted the Mammoth Manor, there’s very little that Paul Elam could do that would really shock me.

But I have to admit that I was a bit shocked last night when I discovered a little bulletin on the internet garbage heap that is Elam’s A Voice for Men website with the title “Plagiarism discovered and removed from AVFM.” I was even more shocked to discover that Elam actually credited me with this discovery:

Recently, David Futrelle posted a piece on his agitprop site regarding an article published here which was written by Amartya Talukdar. Futrelle makes the allegation that part of Talukdar’s content was plagiarized.

AVFM staff investigated the claim as soon as we became aware of the allegation and found Futrelle’s claim to be true.

That last sentence is a sentence I never would have expected to see on AVFM, quite possibly the first acknowledgement of objective reality I’ve ever spotted on the site.

But evidently Elam is unable to keep up this level of truth-telling for long, and his “bulletin” quickly turns to damage control, minimizing the plagiarism itself and patting himself on the back for thinking about ways to try to keep from being humiliated like this again.

Indeed, even the brief portion of his note I just quoted downplays the extent — and the obviousness — of the plagiarism by now-former AVFM contributor Talukdar.

And the only “investigation” that AVFM would have needed to do to verify the plagiarism was to read my carefully documented post on the subject and click on some of its links.

I mean, the plagiarised post in question was full of paragraph-length, word-for-word “borrowings” from other sources, many of which I quoted verbatim, at length, with links back to where Talukdar got them. They basically had a solved case handed to them, with a little bow on top.

Elam continues, doing his best to downplay the extent of Talukdar’s plagiarism:

Without a doubt, there were passages in Amartya Talukdar’s piece that were directly lifted from the works of another writer or writers.

Not just “passages.” Practically the whole thing.

Elam also neglects to mention that Talukdar’s previous post, as I also showed in detail, was also heavily plagiarised.

Now, Elam, who describes himself on the AVFM masthead as its “Chief Executive Officer as well as its “Founder and Publisher,” is the person who is ultimately responsible for everything that runs on the site.

But instead of accepting the responsibility for posting numerous pieces by a brazen plagiarist on his site, and/or offering his readers an apology, Elam decides to attack me, first for noticing that he had taken down the posts without explanation and second … for being a fat fatty.

“In his fervor to blow this story out of proportion,” the thin-skinned Elam sniffs,

Futrelle followed up his initial piece almost immediately after I removed Talukdar’s material. He was so quick with his follow up assertion that Talukdar’s work had “mysteriously vanished” from AVFM that it appeared as though he was sitting there with a bucket of fried chicken, refreshing the site every ten seconds with a single greasy finger until he saw that the content had been removed.

Dude, if I were refreshing the page every ten seconds while eating fried chicken, I would have carefully kept that one finger grease-free.

Futrelle does his best to make it appear as though our intent was to remove the content and act like it was never there to begin with. In other words, the implication is that we sought to mislead our readers.

I dunno, dude, normally when a reputable media outlet takes down posts due to some egregious violation of basic journalistic ethics, they post a little note saying why. In this case the plagiarism was blatant and extensive, and there was no need for a long investigation. I provided you with all the evidence you needed.

Seems like maybe you should have posted a note.

Ah well, there’s always next time!

And I can only assume there will be a next time After all, this is the third time that AVFM has published plagiarised work in the last two years. In 2014, while apparently digging up dirt on former AVFMer John “The Other” Hembling, the site’s crack anti-plagiarism squad discovered that Hembling had plagiarised big chunks of one of his posts for AVFM.

Then last year, Voice for Men’s fake spinoff site proudly reposted an article on domestic violence that included some stolen material from other sites, including — irony alert! — a chunk plagiarised from feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list from the start. In this case, AVFM almost certainly knew that it was posting plagiarised work — because the plagiarised piece in question had just gotten its (ostensible) author fired as a columnist for The Australian.

Maybe after another half-dozen plagiarism scandals AVFM will finally get it figured out.

But I don’t hold out much hope for them on the whole Holocaust denial thing. .

What, you ask, what Holocaust denial thing?

Well, as it turns out, AVFM’s latest disgraced plagiarist is also a bit of a Holocaust denier, given to posting Tweets like these here. Well, exactly like these here, since these are a couple of his (now deleted) Tweets. (Click on the screenshots for archived copies of the Tweets.)



When I first presented Elam with evidence of Talukdar’s Holocaust denial Tweets last year, he responded by blocking me on Twitter; AVFM’s then-managing-editor Dean Esmay, meanwhile, freaked out about the polite email I sent him on the subject, calling me a “sociopathic sadist” and a “stalker madman,’ and literally threatening to call the police.

So apparently Holocaust denial isn’t enough to get you canned at AVFM, but really really really blatant plagiarism is — provided that someone outside of their ridiculous website does all the work in ferreting it out and announces it to the world in a way that makes AVFM’s “staffers” look like the incompetents they are.

I guess that technically counts as a plagiarism policy, huh?

Now I’m really hankering for some nice greasy chicken.

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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Yeah, actually someone did say that. Kat was talking about Riane Eisler. I wasn’t referring to you at all. Go back to the last page and read the quote Kat gave and tell me how I misinterpreted that.

I don’t remember this, and I’m sorry. I don’t remember a lot of shit from yesterday and I read that yesterday. I think I need to not do stuff when I’m tired.

Sorry if I sounded like I was talking down to you or anything. It probably did, looking back at what I wrote

It was condescending, but I accept your apology. I figured you didn’t mean it that way so I kept the snark back.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool

Glad you sort of enjoyed it!

As to ‘unattractive’, we use that in a more generally sense to mean ‘unappealing’, it’s not just an appearance thing.

(So we might say “That’s an unattractive argument ” for example)

With regard to this tv episode the point was that it’s a principle of the English Bar that even the most ‘unattractive’ people are entitled to our full efforts.

So in this case, even though Rumpole is a committed anti-fascist, he is honour bound to represent even his virulently racist client to the best of his abilities (although he does enjoy winding him up by getting the Indian lad to assist on the case)

This attitude is reflected in our “cab rank” rule. Barristers cannot pick and choose clients. Like taxi drivers, we must accept work from anyone who wishes to employ our services.

Make sense now?

9 years ago

@Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur

No problem. Although I think there are parts of the whole “New Sincerity” thing that are valuable – namely, pushing back against the most cynical parts of postmodernism. Especially since cynicism, snark, and grimdark deconstruction seems to be seen as inherently more “mature” & valuable than anything positive, regardless of how well those devices are actually used. Postmodernism seems to have been overwhelmed by that idea, at the expense of *actually* making good art and thinking critically about things.

Also, genuinely and wholeheartedly enjoying things (as opposed to liking things “ironically”) has gotten something of a bad rap from postmodernists. Which may have once related to criticizing things, but has gotten less nuanced and more about slamming people for *enjoying* things.

9 years ago

@Policy of Madness

re: matriarchal cultures being so peaceful

I would be super-cautious about advancing this as a cause->effect relationship without solid proof that 1. these cultures really were both matriarchal and peaceful; and, 2. there is really a cause->effect relationship in that, and that the null hypothesis that the peacefulness was caused by other factors has been reasonably rejected.

Riane Eisler doesn’t believe that woman = peaceful, man = warlike. Not at all. And neither do I. If I did, I’d just avoid men altogether, the way I try to avoid any extremely dangerous creature.

Although I’m not a scholar on this subject, I do appreciate the arguments that Riane Eisler advances. And I think that there’s something to her assertion that ancient history did include woman-centered, largely peaceful societies. If you read what Riane Eisler has to say, you might also appreciate her thoughts.

Also recommended: Monica Sjoo, Marija Gimbutas, and Elizabeth Gould Davis. Sjoo and Davis, if I recall correctly, do believe that woman = peaceful, man = warlike. I don’t agree with this argument, but I admire these authors’ passion for feminism and good intentions.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

So in this case, even though Rumpole is a committed anti-fascist, he is honour bound to represent even his virulently racist client to the best of his abilities (although he does enjoy winding him up by getting the Indian lad to assist on the case)

This attitude is reflected in our “cab rank” rule. Barristers cannot pick and choose clients. Like taxi drivers, we must accept work from anyone who wishes to employ our services.

Make sense now?

Ah, yes, it does make sense. I believe in the US, court-appointed lawyers can’t pick and choose but private lawyers can, although I think it’s required for lawyers to do court-appointed work sometimes? I’m not sure. I’m sure you might already know what’s up, being a lawyer yourself and enjoying learning about different legal systems. I think you even brought up the subject of pro-bono lawyers in the US who horrible work loads which makes their clients suffer with an article you posted several months ago. Although it could have been someone else, possible somewhere else. I associate any law-related tidbit and fact I learn with you so eh.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool

I do like American law. I’m a member of something called the Society of English and American Lawyers so we do a lot of cross-Atlantic stuff (and also the military stuff involves a lot of International Law).

In the US the different states have different codes of conduct, and there’s a separate Federal one, but generally there are some common features. Just about every state employs the Multi State Professional Responsibilty Exam.

In the US lawyers can pick and choose unless, as you point out, you’re court appointed. But that’s more of a ‘if you want public funded work you take what we give you’ thing rather than ethics.

Even in the UK solicitors (our legal profession has two main branches) can pick and choose. The Cab Rank rule is specifically a barrister thing.

Not sure it was me who posted the over worked pro bono thing, but it is true. A few of my friends do pro bono death penalty stuff and it’s knackering.

Oh and thanks for your use of “fact”‘ that’s very flattering,but I think tidbit is more accurate. 🙂

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


Hey, if it’s true, it’s fact. 😛

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ah, but what is ‘truth’?

As a great philosopher (Homer Simpson) once said:

“Phh, ‘facts’; you can use those to prove anything that’s even remotely true”


9 years ago

@David Futrelle

Cake, pancakes, bacon and chocolate ice cream, a Wendy’s frosty with an order of fries to dip in it – lots to choose from, so you have a balanced diet*. Life is too short to only eat fried chicken! But yes, let you eat cake!**

*Katie’s ‘balanced diet’ may or may not conform to the dietary standards set forth by the medical community, dietitians, or any government agency. It should not be considered medical advice, and has no scientific basis; you are hereby notified that Katie is not responsible for any health concerns that may arise from its use by any individual.

**Beheading with a guillotine not included.

9 years ago


Sorry, I should have clarified what I was responding to. I actually have no comment on the widow-burning issue, which I really know nothing about. I was responding to this post from earlier:

It only takes the most cursory reading of the most easily accessible Hindu scripture to realize this. . . . Also, the vast, vast majority of characters in Hindu scripture are men, and the women only exist in relation to one of the male characters, which kind of says it all.

I don’t know enough Indian history or anthro to tell you whether there was ever a true matriarchy anywhere in India. I’m skeptical myself. I just felt it worth noting that “the most easily accessible Hindu scripture” is almost all Northern in origin, and became “accessible” to the West in large part because its patriarchal, authoritarian values suited the English occupiers tastes. Also, because it was in fact written scripture.

Again, I have no idea whether there was ever a true matriarchy in the South, but I can tell you that South Indian writings and especially the orally-transmitted stories of some of the most marginalized groups have more, and more interesting, roles for women. My old professor, Wendy Doniger, spent years transcribing and translating stories from Dalits, and the people up on the mountains or in the jungles, and has long been hated by right-wing Hindus in part because she is presenting womens’ stories as an important part of India’s religious traditions.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

“Let them hunt mammoth!”

9 years ago

I do family law predominately and DV pro bono.

The district attorney/prosecutor’s office (county, state; or city prosecutor) assigns cases to a deputy/assistant DA more or less according to experience.

“Under a public defender system, salaried staff attorneys render criminal indigent defense services through a public or private non-profit organization or as direct government employees. In 1994, 68% of State court prosecutors reported that a public defender program was used to defend indigents in cases they prosecuted.
In an assigned counsel system, courts appoint attorneys from a list of
private bar members who accept cases on a judge-by-judge, court-by-court, or case-by-case basis. About 63% of prosecutors in State criminal courts reported an assigned counsel program in their jurisdiction. In contract attorney systems, private attorneys, bar associations, law firms, groups of attorneys, and nonprofit
corporations provide indigent services based on legal agreements = with State, county, or other local governmental units. Approximately 29% of prosecutors indicated that in their jurisdiction contracts were awarded to attorney groups to provide indigents with legal representation.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ msexeption

I admire you, I hate family law. It’s so hard to stay detached where kids are involved.

And thanks for the info!

9 years ago

I blocked Dean Esmay for anti- semitic comments he made to me in a pm. I wasn’t surprised by them. Racism and misogyny tend to go hand in hand.

I’m also not surprised by how the reacted to you on the Holocaust denial issue. That was back around when they started that stupid “Ask a “Jew!” column, in their attempt to prove that they weren’t a bunch of bigoted asshats by getting token blacks and Jews to post material on their site. So of course they’d react violently to the presentation of evidence that showed all the bigotry that happens on their site.

9 years ago

Dean Esmay calls *everyone* who disagrees with him on twitter a stalker. If you contact him once he’ll go into full-blown paroxysms of terror.

Ironic, considering MRAs claim they’re the level-headed people calling out the shrill feminists for being “hysterical.” I’ve never seen someone so completely hysterical and weak-minded as that greasy old misogynist.

It’s pretty hilarious watching him melt down every other day. He couldn’t even keep a job at that shit-rate AVFM site without fucking it up. What a total loser.

9 years ago

I’m surprised none of us made this joke sooner. (Also, like most Morrissey songs it’s weirdly affectionate.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Argh Morrissey!

Even if he wasn’t a racist he’d be annoying.

9 years ago

Oh and Alan, to extend a conversation across four threads, I did read the bit about felony murder from the one thread, I just didn’t have much to say about it and forgot to post a thank you.

9 years ago

@Alan: Pity. Still, wouldn’t be the first racist who’s done work I like in spite of that:

[Don’t let’s rehash the problematic artists business here. It’s a perfectly fine conversation– one we’ve had quite a few times– but might be better suited to its own open-type thread sometime.]

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

You’re very welcome 🙂

Speaking of cross thread conversations I’ve just posted a response to one of your posts on yet another thread!

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

@Alan & Pandapool

We were watching RUMPOLE and I didn’t KNOW ABOUT IT?!

Argh! One of my favourite court procedurals. I must find some eps now…brb!

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I find myself struggling with remaining detached at times, and it’s difficult, but not as difficult as my experiences with the male lawyers my parents’ age demographic tend to be – condescending, sometimes making comments bordering on the edge of sexual harassment, and generally a pain in the rear. Oh, and they think that it’s ok for them to be late without bothering to call, but only they’re ‘allowed’ that. 😛 Jerks should retire already. 😉

And you’re quite welcome!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ scaly

There’s one up thread to start with! Deals with some interesting points that often crop up here.

@ msexception

Speaking of Rumpole, I think there are a few episodes that deal with exactly the experiences you describe .

David N-T
David N-T
9 years ago

Hmmm, maybe my joke idea of making a random mysogynist essay generator isn’t so far off. All I’d have to do is get enough mysogynist texts, splice out the sentences to a databank, select enough of them at random and voilà, a new grand intellectual masterpiece that gets touted as the be all and end all text to stump the eville feminists is born. Mind you, I have to wonder whether it’d work, not so much because the end result would be a jumbled mess, but because it would be indistinguishable from the actual texts that AVfM publishes. However, I get a sense that my overhead would be far less.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Is it weird that the word/name “Rumpole” makes me think of how awesome it would be as a drinking game? 😛