a voice for men anti-Semitism drama gross incompetence irony alert johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever MRA paul elam plagiarism

A Voice for Men Admits it Published a Plagiarist, Then Calls Me a Fatty

Mmmmm, chicken!
Mmmmm, chicken!

At this point, after five plus years of observing his shenanigans from my roost in We Hunted the Mammoth Manor, there’s very little that Paul Elam could do that would really shock me.

But I have to admit that I was a bit shocked last night when I discovered a little bulletin on the internet garbage heap that is Elam’s A Voice for Men website with the title “Plagiarism discovered and removed from AVFM.” I was even more shocked to discover that Elam actually credited me with this discovery:

Recently, David Futrelle posted a piece on his agitprop site regarding an article published here which was written by Amartya Talukdar. Futrelle makes the allegation that part of Talukdar’s content was plagiarized.

AVFM staff investigated the claim as soon as we became aware of the allegation and found Futrelle’s claim to be true.

That last sentence is a sentence I never would have expected to see on AVFM, quite possibly the first acknowledgement of objective reality I’ve ever spotted on the site.

But evidently Elam is unable to keep up this level of truth-telling for long, and his “bulletin” quickly turns to damage control, minimizing the plagiarism itself and patting himself on the back for thinking about ways to try to keep from being humiliated like this again.

Indeed, even the brief portion of his note I just quoted downplays the extent — and the obviousness — of the plagiarism by now-former AVFM contributor Talukdar.

And the only “investigation” that AVFM would have needed to do to verify the plagiarism was to read my carefully documented post on the subject and click on some of its links.

I mean, the plagiarised post in question was full of paragraph-length, word-for-word “borrowings” from other sources, many of which I quoted verbatim, at length, with links back to where Talukdar got them. They basically had a solved case handed to them, with a little bow on top.

Elam continues, doing his best to downplay the extent of Talukdar’s plagiarism:

Without a doubt, there were passages in Amartya Talukdar’s piece that were directly lifted from the works of another writer or writers.

Not just “passages.” Practically the whole thing.

Elam also neglects to mention that Talukdar’s previous post, as I also showed in detail, was also heavily plagiarised.

Now, Elam, who describes himself on the AVFM masthead as its “Chief Executive Officer as well as its “Founder and Publisher,” is the person who is ultimately responsible for everything that runs on the site.

But instead of accepting the responsibility for posting numerous pieces by a brazen plagiarist on his site, and/or offering his readers an apology, Elam decides to attack me, first for noticing that he had taken down the posts without explanation and second … for being a fat fatty.

“In his fervor to blow this story out of proportion,” the thin-skinned Elam sniffs,

Futrelle followed up his initial piece almost immediately after I removed Talukdar’s material. He was so quick with his follow up assertion that Talukdar’s work had “mysteriously vanished” from AVFM that it appeared as though he was sitting there with a bucket of fried chicken, refreshing the site every ten seconds with a single greasy finger until he saw that the content had been removed.

Dude, if I were refreshing the page every ten seconds while eating fried chicken, I would have carefully kept that one finger grease-free.

Futrelle does his best to make it appear as though our intent was to remove the content and act like it was never there to begin with. In other words, the implication is that we sought to mislead our readers.

I dunno, dude, normally when a reputable media outlet takes down posts due to some egregious violation of basic journalistic ethics, they post a little note saying why. In this case the plagiarism was blatant and extensive, and there was no need for a long investigation. I provided you with all the evidence you needed.

Seems like maybe you should have posted a note.

Ah well, there’s always next time!

And I can only assume there will be a next time After all, this is the third time that AVFM has published plagiarised work in the last two years. In 2014, while apparently digging up dirt on former AVFMer John “The Other” Hembling, the site’s crack anti-plagiarism squad discovered that Hembling had plagiarised big chunks of one of his posts for AVFM.

Then last year, Voice for Men’s fake spinoff site proudly reposted an article on domestic violence that included some stolen material from other sites, including — irony alert! — a chunk plagiarised from feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list from the start. In this case, AVFM almost certainly knew that it was posting plagiarised work — because the plagiarised piece in question had just gotten its (ostensible) author fired as a columnist for The Australian.

Maybe after another half-dozen plagiarism scandals AVFM will finally get it figured out.

But I don’t hold out much hope for them on the whole Holocaust denial thing. .

What, you ask, what Holocaust denial thing?

Well, as it turns out, AVFM’s latest disgraced plagiarist is also a bit of a Holocaust denier, given to posting Tweets like these here. Well, exactly like these here, since these are a couple of his (now deleted) Tweets. (Click on the screenshots for archived copies of the Tweets.)



When I first presented Elam with evidence of Talukdar’s Holocaust denial Tweets last year, he responded by blocking me on Twitter; AVFM’s then-managing-editor Dean Esmay, meanwhile, freaked out about the polite email I sent him on the subject, calling me a “sociopathic sadist” and a “stalker madman,’ and literally threatening to call the police.

So apparently Holocaust denial isn’t enough to get you canned at AVFM, but really really really blatant plagiarism is — provided that someone outside of their ridiculous website does all the work in ferreting it out and announces it to the world in a way that makes AVFM’s “staffers” look like the incompetents they are.

I guess that technically counts as a plagiarism policy, huh?

Now I’m really hankering for some nice greasy chicken.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Pandapool

Yey; correct! A special ‘no prize’ is winging its way to you! 🙂

It actually plonks down in Morocco.

I was surprised at that, but a globe and a bit of string confirmed my friends weren’t just bragging.

As for the distortions on the map, that’s because most maps use something called Mercator projection. That distorts the size of the countries (hence Greenland appearing to be the same size as Africa) but it means you can draw straight lines on maps for navigating. You can get Southern versions of Mercator projection maps that make the Southern Hemisphere countries disproportionally big.

If you want a map that shows countries as their actual sizes, get a Philips projection one, but you can’t use that for navigation.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

Elam sounds like such a nice guy. He should have acknowledged that Dave was right and left it at that.

But his ego just couldn’t let him do that.

I could do with some veggie, greasy fried chicken myself just about now.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


That’s weird because the Mercator map seems to be the standard map in school in America and you’d think they’d use true to scale versions since they’re pretty much just used to memorize country names and point out where wars and events happened. A navigation-special map seems like it should only be used for people who actually need to navigate the world, not just learn about it.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I don’t know how you get Morocco. I rotated Norway in ArcGlobe and got this:

ArcGlobe is a 3-D program so projection is not a problem here.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Cool image! But the challenge was to flip it, like a mirror image, not rotate like the hands of a clock. Hope that helps – if you can get arc to do that, Please share the image!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Oh, that is different from my globe experiments. The plot thickens!

@ Pandapool

Firstly I should have said Peters Projection rather than Philips (knew it was a boys name). As to why Mercator is so ubiquitous, there was a great documentary a little while ago here that went into all the history of maps and why Mercator became standard (in summary, maps used to be expensive to print and most people used them for navigation so it was a market forces thing) but now peters projection is easily available so there’s no excuse.

We’ll probably stick with Northern Mercator in the UK though because it puts us in the centre. 🙂

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


….Gull-Peters looks like Mercator but…strecthed. I am disapointed in this.

But also, look at this neat thing I stumbled upon.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Arc has (or I believe it has) a Mirror Feature option, but it’s not enabled on my copy. Rotating the feature 180 degrees should have the same effect as flipping it, for these purposes at least. Even if I didn’t rotate it to quite the desired spot, you can see that (what was) the northernmost point is going nowhere close to Africa.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


Maybe the scaling is off? I mean, map makers seems to like to scale shit all wrong.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool

Wow, that is neat. And those photos are amazing.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Here’s a more zoomed-out view for perspective. It’s not rotated precisely 180 degrees because I was trying to get it lined up as straight north-south as possible.

It’s coming nowhere near Africa.

ETA: @ Pandapool

ArcGlobe is a 3-D program. Shapefiles don’t receive a projection when used in ArcGlobe, because projections are only for displaying the 3-D earth on a 2-D page.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool and POM

I wonder if it’s because globes are perfect spheres whereas the real Earth isn’t (oblate spheroid as I’m sure we all know)

Amazingly, the actual shape of the Earth is still uncertain . There’s even a dispute about whether the equator is a circle or an ellipse.

There are certain standard models for the shape of the earth used in navigation programmes and things like GPS, but there’s no agreed one, so it might depend on which version that software uses.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


I don’t think curvature is being accounted for? (Ninja’d, kinda.)


Likely one of the few places in the world where misandry is a real thing.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


??? This is a 3-D program. Yes, curvature is being accounted for. It is literally 3-D, like the Earth.

ETA: If it were off by a few miles, I could buy that this is an issue with how far I rotated it, or something to do with the oblate shape of the Earth. But this is a huge gap between Norway and Africa. I would need a really good explanation for this enormous deviation.

9 years ago

Yep, Mercators in America are just arbitrary tradition now that we don’t do much maritime navigation, and politically unfortunate.

It is, of course, impossible to depict a glob on a flat page with complete accuracy. The Peters projection keeps areas the same but Squashes the shapes all funny. Classrooms should really be required to have at least 2 maps with different projections, cause looking at maps side by side is the best way I’ve found to get a feel for the real deal.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool and POM

I think we need air tickets to Norway, a rubber dinghy and a *really* big ball of string.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


So, like, you took a picture of Norway at its full size then moved it to the angle it’s at now because it’ll be shorter if it’s curved, I should say.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Elam sez:

Futrelle does his best to make it appear as though our intent was to remove the content and act like it was never there to begin with. In other words, the implication is that we sought to mislead our readers

Mean ol’ fried chicken eating David! Elam would totes have acknowledged the (extensive) plagiarism–eventually!

Just as he did the LAST time David pointed out that Talukdar had plagiarized content on AVFM!


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


ArcGlobe is literally a sphere, as if you had an actual spherical globe in your hand. If you cut a piece out of the globe and rotate it around the globe’s surface, the size and shape of it does not change. It’s not a flat image.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago


Likely one of the few places in the world where misandry is a real thing

I hear the misandry is really bad in Rand McNally.

9 years ago

I loved Trollhunter! I read somewhere that an American remake was in the works. Thankfully, I haven’t heard anything else about that lately.

I think an English language remake of Dead Snow might work out fine, but Trollhunter just seems like it needs to be in Norwegian.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


So, like, it’s a program you can manipulate the actual countries in to turn and stuff??? Neat! See if you can fit the United States and China in Africa! Move England to New Zealand! PLAY GOD! MUAHAHA!

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


I’m late to the fried-chicken party, but if you walked back from your local KFC you could at least feel virtuous about having eaten there. Though you might want to get a takeaway of nuggets to keep your energy up on the road.

In other news, the obsession with David’s weight is making me wonder what they’d do if, for whatever reason (typhoid, crash diet, super-magic alien visitations in the middle of the night), David pulled a Peter Jackson. Would they ignore it? Start referring to him as “former fatty?” Insist a woman made him do it and attack him for being tyrannized by her?

Anyhow, back to the maps, they’re much more interesting.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ pandapool

Maybe you should highlight that article to David. I know it’s not our usual subject matter but a discussion about a real life matriarchy would be really interesting.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ rabid rabbit

Hmm, a 37 mile round trip might be pushing it a bit, even with spare nuggets.

Funnily enough I used to do that in London. I’d walk to my favourite bagel shop which was quite some distance away, on the grounds that the walk cancels out the bagel. But then they opened an annex at the bottom of my street!

As to maps, did you know that originally European maps used to be centered on Jerusalem with East at the top.

In those days the word for East was “Orient” so that’s why we use the word to mean line something up in a particular direction.