At this point, after five plus years of observing his shenanigans from my roost in We Hunted the Mammoth Manor, there’s very little that Paul Elam could do that would really shock me.
But I have to admit that I was a bit shocked last night when I discovered a little bulletin on the internet garbage heap that is Elam’s A Voice for Men website with the title “Plagiarism discovered and removed from AVFM.” I was even more shocked to discover that Elam actually credited me with this discovery:
Recently, David Futrelle posted a piece on his agitprop site regarding an article published here which was written by Amartya Talukdar. Futrelle makes the allegation that part of Talukdar’s content was plagiarized.
AVFM staff investigated the claim as soon as we became aware of the allegation and found Futrelle’s claim to be true.
That last sentence is a sentence I never would have expected to see on AVFM, quite possibly the first acknowledgement of objective reality I’ve ever spotted on the site.
But evidently Elam is unable to keep up this level of truth-telling for long, and his “bulletin” quickly turns to damage control, minimizing the plagiarism itself and patting himself on the back for thinking about ways to try to keep from being humiliated like this again.
Indeed, even the brief portion of his note I just quoted downplays the extent — and the obviousness — of the plagiarism by now-former AVFM contributor Talukdar.
And the only “investigation” that AVFM would have needed to do to verify the plagiarism was to read my carefully documented post on the subject and click on some of its links.
I mean, the plagiarised post in question was full of paragraph-length, word-for-word “borrowings” from other sources, many of which I quoted verbatim, at length, with links back to where Talukdar got them. They basically had a solved case handed to them, with a little bow on top.
Elam continues, doing his best to downplay the extent of Talukdar’s plagiarism:
Without a doubt, there were passages in Amartya Talukdar’s piece that were directly lifted from the works of another writer or writers.
Not just “passages.” Practically the whole thing.
Elam also neglects to mention that Talukdar’s previous post, as I also showed in detail, was also heavily plagiarised.
Now, Elam, who describes himself on the AVFM masthead as its “Chief Executive Officer as well as its “Founder and Publisher,” is the person who is ultimately responsible for everything that runs on the site.
But instead of accepting the responsibility for posting numerous pieces by a brazen plagiarist on his site, and/or offering his readers an apology, Elam decides to attack me, first for noticing that he had taken down the posts without explanation and second … for being a fat fatty.
“In his fervor to blow this story out of proportion,” the thin-skinned Elam sniffs,
Futrelle followed up his initial piece almost immediately after I removed Talukdar’s material. He was so quick with his follow up assertion that Talukdar’s work had “mysteriously vanished” from AVFM that it appeared as though he was sitting there with a bucket of fried chicken, refreshing the site every ten seconds with a single greasy finger until he saw that the content had been removed.
Dude, if I were refreshing the page every ten seconds while eating fried chicken, I would have carefully kept that one finger grease-free.
Futrelle does his best to make it appear as though our intent was to remove the content and act like it was never there to begin with. In other words, the implication is that we sought to mislead our readers.
I dunno, dude, normally when a reputable media outlet takes down posts due to some egregious violation of basic journalistic ethics, they post a little note saying why. In this case the plagiarism was blatant and extensive, and there was no need for a long investigation. I provided you with all the evidence you needed.
Seems like maybe you should have posted a note.
Ah well, there’s always next time!
And I can only assume there will be a next time After all, this is the third time that AVFM has published plagiarised work in the last two years. In 2014, while apparently digging up dirt on former AVFMer John “The Other” Hembling, the site’s crack anti-plagiarism squad discovered that Hembling had plagiarised big chunks of one of his posts for AVFM.
Then last year, Voice for Men’s fake WhiteRibbon.org spinoff site proudly reposted an article on domestic violence that included some stolen material from other sites, including — irony alert! — a chunk plagiarised from feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list from the start. In this case, AVFM almost certainly knew that it was posting plagiarised work — because the plagiarised piece in question had just gotten its (ostensible) author fired as a columnist for The Australian.
Maybe after another half-dozen plagiarism scandals AVFM will finally get it figured out.
But I don’t hold out much hope for them on the whole Holocaust denial thing. .
What, you ask, what Holocaust denial thing?
Well, as it turns out, AVFM’s latest disgraced plagiarist is also a bit of a Holocaust denier, given to posting Tweets like these here. Well, exactly like these here, since these are a couple of his (now deleted) Tweets. (Click on the screenshots for archived copies of the Tweets.)
When I first presented Elam with evidence of Talukdar’s Holocaust denial Tweets last year, he responded by blocking me on Twitter; AVFM’s then-managing-editor Dean Esmay, meanwhile, freaked out about the polite email I sent him on the subject, calling me a “sociopathic sadist” and a “stalker madman,’ and literally threatening to call the police.
So apparently Holocaust denial isn’t enough to get you canned at AVFM, but really really really blatant plagiarism is — provided that someone outside of their ridiculous website does all the work in ferreting it out and announces it to the world in a way that makes AVFM’s “staffers” look like the incompetents they are.
I guess that technically counts as a plagiarism policy, huh?
Now I’m really hankering for some nice greasy chicken.
At least David isn’t eating that flavorless, dry chicken recipe posted to AVFM a while back.
It might seem odd that a “men’s human rights” site would attack a man based on his weight, rather than his positions on things, especially given that there are, you know, a lot of fat men around. Maybe AVFM might, instead, look at how men are affected by body-image issues, and how this interacts with cultural notions of masculinity. That sort of thing would make lot of sense if they were really interested in helping men deal with issues specific to them, and in making society a better place for men.
But, of course, AVFM is really just a big excuse to call people names. So, mission accomplished!
Actually, I’ve decided it’s high time to let David eat cake! Funnel cake, cupcake, red velvet cake, German chocolate cake, wedding cake, lemon cake, whatever…he’s got to be sick of all that fried chicken, it’s the only thing he supposedly eats! And cake is totally a food group.
Thanks for the tip on Jack Monroe. I will look out for an affordable copy of her 100 Recipes book. For a US audience, I think Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown is terrific. Disclosure: I supported the Kickstarter.
@ zoon
The irony is that there was a really sympathetic documentary about the pressures on men regarding body image.
But it was by Reggie Yates and the MRAs hate him because, well, he let them talk about themselves.
@Alan Robertshaw
Jack Monroe is pretty fascinating. Somehow I ended up on her website about six months ago by clicking through and clicking through…. And there I was, reading about one of my favorite topics: cheap eats!
Dhag85 actually inspired me to try (couldn’t be cheaper!) red beans and rice when he mentioned his pigeon peas and rice (with Scotch bonnet) recipe. It reminded me that I wanted to make red beans and rice. It’s delicious and I feel like I’m showing solidarity with the people of New Orleans when I eat it. (They’ve been through a lot in the past few hundred years.) Thanks, dhag85!
Alan, I remembered some quick tricks that I use for a little burst of energy when I’m up for lots and lots of hours. You may know them all, but here goes:
1. Stop and eat.
2. Take a shower.
3. Go for a walk.
4. Take a 10-minute nap.
5. I’m sure you do this one: Make a cup of tea.
6. Take some ginseng.
Any one of these will re-energize me.
I hope that your work is going well.
Of course Paul Elam attacked David about his weight.
Because everyone knows that a journalist fatter than what Elam deems to be the correct weight has no credibility at all.
And that plagiarism that David found? Fixed. Moving on.
@ kat
Thanks for the tea (suggestion) and sympathy; really appreciate it 🙂 In fact, thanks to all mammotheers generally, it’s dipping in here whenever I’m working that makes the job tolerable.
He, your ginseng suggestion has just reminded me of something. Mind if I bore you with one of my interminable anecdotes?
Twinings used to make a green tea with ginseng and elderflower, but then they discontinued it. I was having a grumble about it when my chambers room mate chipped in that she hated when companies did that but she had a standard letter she used in those circumstances that I could borrow. “You may need to adapt it a bit”
She was right about that, so Twinings *didn’t* get a letter starting “Dear Sirs, as a black woman it is always such a relief to find a skin foundation that I can actually use….”
What I don’t get is why do they even plagiarise? The hard part of writing is gathering source material, choosing relevant facts, checking them, and structuring how they’ll support the text’s message. Once that’s done, connecting the bits with grammatically correct sentences is small potatoes.
These guys are content with ass pulls, they can skip to the easy part, how can they still find that too much work?
@ Dodom
Insecurity, perhaps? Maybe Talukdar wants to come across as intelligent, but believes he cannot do so on his own, so he copies other sources he thinks do sound intelligent?
The weird thing is that Talukdar clearly did some research. Admittedly some of his sources were pretty sketchy — the fundamentalist stuff about the fall of Rome and such. But most of the stuff he plagiarized was really really dull. His original contributions were the only interesting part of the post.
Ironically, I’m about to have some cold rotisserie chicken.
@Alan Robertshaw
Ha, ha! Sometimes one size doesn’t fit all.
I was the rice bowls and curry bowls Japan and India gets. :<
I don’t get it! Perved? Peed? Reeked? Leaked? :p
I’m having a lot of fun and sensory overload on this trip! The liveblogging feels almost unavoidable. The husky adventure is tomorrow afternoon. Today I went to the city of Bodø, and then we had dinner at the site of a viking chieftain house at Borg in Lofoten. I had sooo much mead! Turns out even the vikings had a decent vegetarian alternative for dinner if you let them know in advance. 😉
I’m glad you liked the rice & peas recipe, by the way.
Holy shit, I’d misander someone SO HARD for a good funnel cake right now.
I thought you peed into the fjord.
In other words. let me eat cake!
I do of course enjoy occasional cake, though I tend to go more for the savory snacks.
dhag85, have you seen Trollhunter? It’s fantastic, and pretty funny, if you like horror films even a little bit.
Oh, very much seconding Trollhunter as a brilliant film.
I’m quite spacey at the moment so hope nobody minds if I pose one of my favourite weird facts as a question.
If you hinged Norway at its southern most point, and then flipped it over, where would its northernmost point land?
Wouldn’t it stay in the same place? Or land in Sweden? Like, are you folding south to north or north to south?
Visualise that you put a hinge on the southernmost point, then detach the whole country and swing it over (the south point stays where it is) so what was previously the northernmost point lands somewhere south.
That make sense?
Oooh. Wouldn’t it fit in that sea between France and England? I think that’s right. It soudns right. it might be about something else.
@ pandapool
Ah, the English Channel, as the English insist on calling it. Nope.
I’ll give you a hint. It’s my Norwegian friends who brought this up originally, and it can be summarised as “Norway is surprisingly big”.
He, we should ask Dhag to measure it whilst he’s there.
With swell work like this Elam should be offering to buy Futrelle the fried chicken.
Ah, that must have been something else, then, but by that hint, I’m guessing it reaches the top of Africa or covers several countries beneath it, which if either is true, it’s only surprising because of a stupid map maker’s fault.
I mean, look at this shit:
And then see the actual size of Africa:
Something’s up here.
(What am I thinking of that folds perfectly in some channel of water…)
Looks like it winds up about a third of the way down Italy.