a voice for men anti-Semitism drama gross incompetence irony alert johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever MRA paul elam plagiarism

A Voice for Men Admits it Published a Plagiarist, Then Calls Me a Fatty

Mmmmm, chicken!
Mmmmm, chicken!

At this point, after five plus years of observing his shenanigans from my roost in We Hunted the Mammoth Manor, there’s very little that Paul Elam could do that would really shock me.

But I have to admit that I was a bit shocked last night when I discovered a little bulletin on the internet garbage heap that is Elam’s A Voice for Men website with the title “Plagiarism discovered and removed from AVFM.” I was even more shocked to discover that Elam actually credited me with this discovery:

Recently, David Futrelle posted a piece on his agitprop site regarding an article published here which was written by Amartya Talukdar. Futrelle makes the allegation that part of Talukdar’s content was plagiarized.

AVFM staff investigated the claim as soon as we became aware of the allegation and found Futrelle’s claim to be true.

That last sentence is a sentence I never would have expected to see on AVFM, quite possibly the first acknowledgement of objective reality I’ve ever spotted on the site.

But evidently Elam is unable to keep up this level of truth-telling for long, and his “bulletin” quickly turns to damage control, minimizing the plagiarism itself and patting himself on the back for thinking about ways to try to keep from being humiliated like this again.

Indeed, even the brief portion of his note I just quoted downplays the extent — and the obviousness — of the plagiarism by now-former AVFM contributor Talukdar.

And the only “investigation” that AVFM would have needed to do to verify the plagiarism was to read my carefully documented post on the subject and click on some of its links.

I mean, the plagiarised post in question was full of paragraph-length, word-for-word “borrowings” from other sources, many of which I quoted verbatim, at length, with links back to where Talukdar got them. They basically had a solved case handed to them, with a little bow on top.

Elam continues, doing his best to downplay the extent of Talukdar’s plagiarism:

Without a doubt, there were passages in Amartya Talukdar’s piece that were directly lifted from the works of another writer or writers.

Not just “passages.” Practically the whole thing.

Elam also neglects to mention that Talukdar’s previous post, as I also showed in detail, was also heavily plagiarised.

Now, Elam, who describes himself on the AVFM masthead as its “Chief Executive Officer as well as its “Founder and Publisher,” is the person who is ultimately responsible for everything that runs on the site.

But instead of accepting the responsibility for posting numerous pieces by a brazen plagiarist on his site, and/or offering his readers an apology, Elam decides to attack me, first for noticing that he had taken down the posts without explanation and second … for being a fat fatty.

“In his fervor to blow this story out of proportion,” the thin-skinned Elam sniffs,

Futrelle followed up his initial piece almost immediately after I removed Talukdar’s material. He was so quick with his follow up assertion that Talukdar’s work had “mysteriously vanished” from AVFM that it appeared as though he was sitting there with a bucket of fried chicken, refreshing the site every ten seconds with a single greasy finger until he saw that the content had been removed.

Dude, if I were refreshing the page every ten seconds while eating fried chicken, I would have carefully kept that one finger grease-free.

Futrelle does his best to make it appear as though our intent was to remove the content and act like it was never there to begin with. In other words, the implication is that we sought to mislead our readers.

I dunno, dude, normally when a reputable media outlet takes down posts due to some egregious violation of basic journalistic ethics, they post a little note saying why. In this case the plagiarism was blatant and extensive, and there was no need for a long investigation. I provided you with all the evidence you needed.

Seems like maybe you should have posted a note.

Ah well, there’s always next time!

And I can only assume there will be a next time After all, this is the third time that AVFM has published plagiarised work in the last two years. In 2014, while apparently digging up dirt on former AVFMer John “The Other” Hembling, the site’s crack anti-plagiarism squad discovered that Hembling had plagiarised big chunks of one of his posts for AVFM.

Then last year, Voice for Men’s fake spinoff site proudly reposted an article on domestic violence that included some stolen material from other sites, including — irony alert! — a chunk plagiarised from feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list from the start. In this case, AVFM almost certainly knew that it was posting plagiarised work — because the plagiarised piece in question had just gotten its (ostensible) author fired as a columnist for The Australian.

Maybe after another half-dozen plagiarism scandals AVFM will finally get it figured out.

But I don’t hold out much hope for them on the whole Holocaust denial thing. .

What, you ask, what Holocaust denial thing?

Well, as it turns out, AVFM’s latest disgraced plagiarist is also a bit of a Holocaust denier, given to posting Tweets like these here. Well, exactly like these here, since these are a couple of his (now deleted) Tweets. (Click on the screenshots for archived copies of the Tweets.)



When I first presented Elam with evidence of Talukdar’s Holocaust denial Tweets last year, he responded by blocking me on Twitter; AVFM’s then-managing-editor Dean Esmay, meanwhile, freaked out about the polite email I sent him on the subject, calling me a “sociopathic sadist” and a “stalker madman,’ and literally threatening to call the police.

So apparently Holocaust denial isn’t enough to get you canned at AVFM, but really really really blatant plagiarism is — provided that someone outside of their ridiculous website does all the work in ferreting it out and announces it to the world in a way that makes AVFM’s “staffers” look like the incompetents they are.

I guess that technically counts as a plagiarism policy, huh?

Now I’m really hankering for some nice greasy chicken.

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9 years ago

Dave’s clearly missing out on some compensation for being one of their editors.

9 years ago

Their fatphobia makes my food taste better.
Fear me!

9 years ago

Reading all this I found myself thinking, how strange, I’d rather read articles plagiarized from a credible writer than the alternative, the articles they mostly publish, which are original contentless rants.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Policy of Madness is my go to expert on sniffing out racist dog whistles

lolwut? I had no idea. I’m no expert. My non-expert opinion is that it’s probably not intended that way (although it certainly is one), but rather intended in the way NiOg and others have interpreted it:

Fried chicken is very very cheap, nourishing food (read: a lot of protein and fat) that poor people (and, historically, southern black people) have access to. It’s what the poors eat, basically.

Fried chicken is a trope in the US associated with poor people, and people with poor self-control (which, in the trope, amount to the same thing) including so-called “white trash.” A poor, overweight white man living in a mobile home with a greasy shirt riding up over his huge belly, stuffing his face with fried chicken straight out of the KFC-style bucket is an image that leaps so immediately to my mind that I tested it by typing “white man eating fried chicken” into google’s image search. While the search bar tried to correct it to “black man eating fried chicken,” it did produce a number of hits that more or less matched. (Note: I do not recommend you attempt to replicate my results, because the results are all racist, classist, or both, and most of them fat-shame as well. That’s literally 60 seconds of my life I’ll never get back.)

I have no doubt that this is the cultural narrative upon which Elam is drawing, especially given how he always positions himself in his selfies in that one room with the bookcase behind the computer desk.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
9 years ago

Damn, now I want some fried/ broasted chicken.

I’m sure the cat does too.

Then again, she thinks she wants everything I’m eating.

9 years ago

I thought that Elam knew that all feminists were vegan.

9 years ago

I don’t get it. Do they think we read this blog because the writer is some lean mean fat-burning machine? You can insult David’s weight all you want but that doesn’t change the fact that you got caught posting plagiarized articles.

9 years ago

@Scaly Llama

(*There must be a better word than this for fat-shaming discrimination – any suggestions?)

I see the word sizeist used a lot.

9 years ago

Didn’t Katie give you the memo? We’re supposed to pretend to be vegan. This is so we can oppress men by making them take us to vegan restaurants and buy us expensive organic and vegan groceries. When we’re alone, we’re supposed to stuff ourselves with fried meats so we can further oppress men by getting fat and making their boners sad.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | January 16, 2016 at 1:41 pm
Is anybody else now contemplating a 20 mile drive to the nearest KFC?

Alright y’all, lean in real close, because I’m about to share some corporate espionage shit my mom shared with me.

A long time ago, before I was even born, my mom dated a guy who worked at KFC. He bestowed upon her the secret behind the secret herbs and spices. (Which, I would think, is really my mom’s greatest act of misandry second only to giving birth to yours truly, because OBVIOUSLY he wouldn’t have given it to her if she wasn’t sleeping with him, so she must have used her FEEEEMALE WILES to get it.)

So, here it is.

Yes, that’s all it is. Just mix that in the flour and fry the chicken. BOOM. Insta-KFC.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Let me thank you quickly, before the 3:00am knock at the door and we never see you again!

9 years ago


We are all fatties too, and uggos and no man would ever want to approach us. We like this site because of David’s weight.

And the fact that all of us are fat and ugly means (and never get laid) we can never have a meaningful life or make a valid point.

This is all to distract, obvs, from the plagiarism and overall crappiness of AVfM’s pages and the character of the people who write for the site and those who read it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Let me thank you quickly, before the 3:00am knock at the door and we never see you again!

(Was it Futurama that revealed the ingredients as “salt, pepper, grease”?)

9 years ago

I should add that lesbians don’t exist and basically anyone LGBTQ should just go back in the closet… you don’t figure into this world view.

The manuresphere is only about young, beautiful, straight, cis-women.
I myself don’t exist as I am well past my “wall”.

9 years ago

@Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the term “New Sincerity” before. It sounds like some code for “being an asshole”, but there’s probably a huge chunk of theory attached to it that I’m not aware of.

9 years ago

I’ve just passed and peered inside the manosphere’s favorite fjord – Trollfjorden. 🙂

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | January 16, 2016 at 4:22 pm

Let me thank you quickly, before the 3:00am knock at the door and we never see you again!

(Was it Futurama that revealed the ingredients as “salt, pepper, grease”?)

If they haven’t found me by now, then, Katie willing, they never will.

I don’t know if you can get that in the UK (specifically the Hidden Valley brand is the one I was told) however. I suppose you could find a substitute?

Which brings up the question of if UK KFC tastes the same as KFC States-side. I’ve heard that a lot of fast-food places change their menus and ingredients depending on the country they’re in.

ScarlettAthena | January 16, 2016 at 4:24 pm
I should add that lesbians don’t exist and basically anyone LGBTQ should just go back in the closet… you don’t figure into this world view.

The manuresphere is only about young, beautiful, straight, cis-women.
I myself don’t exist as I am well past my “wall”.

*Young, beautiful, straight, male-subservient, anti-feminist, naive, usually devoutly Christian, virgin, yet still knowledgeable about boners and how to please them, no kids, yet still knowledgeable about babies and how to raise them by themselves, no job skill-having cis-women.


9 years ago

The problem with craving fried chicken is that unless I’m willing to have someone else cook it for me, I have to go to the store now, buy chicken and buttermilk, and soak those bird pieces overnight for fried chicken tomorrow. By which time I might be exhausted or have lost interest. I find an active fantasy life helps me here: contemplate the joys of fried chicken while eating a peanut butter jam sandwich. (Also terrifically nutritious “poor people” food. But you can’t beat a good peanut butter sandwich with all the caviar and oysters in the sea.)

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago
Reply to  kupo


@Scaly Llama

(*There must be a better word than this for fat-shaming discrimination – any suggestions?)

I see the word sizeist used a lot.

Oh, of course! Thank you!

I guess that word doesn’t really capture it for me either, though. A person could be the same size/weight as another, but due to muscle rather than fat, or just due to their genetic makeup for height or breadth, and these jokers wouldn’t discriminate against them.

It’s the shape caused by excess fat and the appearance that seems to bother them.* Maybe ‘morphist’ would be a more accurate term? Hmm…

(*as a fat nearly-forty y.o. woman, I know all about this shite. The fact I’ve managed to lose forty kg means nothing. For many cis straight men, young and old, fat=invisible, especially in women. Add in the age factor and I might as well be a ghost. All I can say is their loss – and my gain in not having to deal with them!)

9 years ago

Thanks, Paradoxical! That is a more complete profile!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

People who want healthy but cheap food recipes may want to check out Jack Monroe.

For the full mammotheer experience she also writes a lot about gender fluidity.

9 years ago

I’ve just passed and peered inside the manosphere’s favorite fjord – Trollfjorden. 🙂

So I misread “peered” and was wondering what kind of vacation you were on.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

@Banananana dakry

Damn, now I want some fried/ broasted chicken.

What is “broasted” chicken? Is it chicken cooked by bros? Or possibly by the band Bros? I thought they’d split up, but maybe they just went into the fast food business.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
9 years ago

@Scaly Llama

It’s a portmaneau of “broiled” and “roasted”. I cannot remember the entire specifics of it now (and me spending my college summers brining/ breading the things for cooking), but pressure cookers/ fryers are involved. Very moist n’ tasty if done right. A lot of supermarket deli counters in the US offer chicken, at least in the Midwest where I come from.

9 years ago

Trollfjorden sounds delightful.

How were the huskies? (Apologies if you covered this elsewhere and I missed it.)

Thanks for live-blogging your adventure! I feel as though I’m in the Arctic circle too.