At this point, after five plus years of observing his shenanigans from my roost in We Hunted the Mammoth Manor, there’s very little that Paul Elam could do that would really shock me.
But I have to admit that I was a bit shocked last night when I discovered a little bulletin on the internet garbage heap that is Elam’s A Voice for Men website with the title “Plagiarism discovered and removed from AVFM.” I was even more shocked to discover that Elam actually credited me with this discovery:
Recently, David Futrelle posted a piece on his agitprop site regarding an article published here which was written by Amartya Talukdar. Futrelle makes the allegation that part of Talukdar’s content was plagiarized.
AVFM staff investigated the claim as soon as we became aware of the allegation and found Futrelle’s claim to be true.
That last sentence is a sentence I never would have expected to see on AVFM, quite possibly the first acknowledgement of objective reality I’ve ever spotted on the site.
But evidently Elam is unable to keep up this level of truth-telling for long, and his “bulletin” quickly turns to damage control, minimizing the plagiarism itself and patting himself on the back for thinking about ways to try to keep from being humiliated like this again.
Indeed, even the brief portion of his note I just quoted downplays the extent — and the obviousness — of the plagiarism by now-former AVFM contributor Talukdar.
And the only “investigation” that AVFM would have needed to do to verify the plagiarism was to read my carefully documented post on the subject and click on some of its links.
I mean, the plagiarised post in question was full of paragraph-length, word-for-word “borrowings” from other sources, many of which I quoted verbatim, at length, with links back to where Talukdar got them. They basically had a solved case handed to them, with a little bow on top.
Elam continues, doing his best to downplay the extent of Talukdar’s plagiarism:
Without a doubt, there were passages in Amartya Talukdar’s piece that were directly lifted from the works of another writer or writers.
Not just “passages.” Practically the whole thing.
Elam also neglects to mention that Talukdar’s previous post, as I also showed in detail, was also heavily plagiarised.
Now, Elam, who describes himself on the AVFM masthead as its “Chief Executive Officer as well as its “Founder and Publisher,” is the person who is ultimately responsible for everything that runs on the site.
But instead of accepting the responsibility for posting numerous pieces by a brazen plagiarist on his site, and/or offering his readers an apology, Elam decides to attack me, first for noticing that he had taken down the posts without explanation and second … for being a fat fatty.
“In his fervor to blow this story out of proportion,” the thin-skinned Elam sniffs,
Futrelle followed up his initial piece almost immediately after I removed Talukdar’s material. He was so quick with his follow up assertion that Talukdar’s work had “mysteriously vanished” from AVFM that it appeared as though he was sitting there with a bucket of fried chicken, refreshing the site every ten seconds with a single greasy finger until he saw that the content had been removed.
Dude, if I were refreshing the page every ten seconds while eating fried chicken, I would have carefully kept that one finger grease-free.
Futrelle does his best to make it appear as though our intent was to remove the content and act like it was never there to begin with. In other words, the implication is that we sought to mislead our readers.
I dunno, dude, normally when a reputable media outlet takes down posts due to some egregious violation of basic journalistic ethics, they post a little note saying why. In this case the plagiarism was blatant and extensive, and there was no need for a long investigation. I provided you with all the evidence you needed.
Seems like maybe you should have posted a note.
Ah well, there’s always next time!
And I can only assume there will be a next time After all, this is the third time that AVFM has published plagiarised work in the last two years. In 2014, while apparently digging up dirt on former AVFMer John “The Other” Hembling, the site’s crack anti-plagiarism squad discovered that Hembling had plagiarised big chunks of one of his posts for AVFM.
Then last year, Voice for Men’s fake WhiteRibbon.org spinoff site proudly reposted an article on domestic violence that included some stolen material from other sites, including — irony alert! — a chunk plagiarised from feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, who’s been on AVFM’s enemies list from the start. In this case, AVFM almost certainly knew that it was posting plagiarised work — because the plagiarised piece in question had just gotten its (ostensible) author fired as a columnist for The Australian.
Maybe after another half-dozen plagiarism scandals AVFM will finally get it figured out.
But I don’t hold out much hope for them on the whole Holocaust denial thing. .
What, you ask, what Holocaust denial thing?
Well, as it turns out, AVFM’s latest disgraced plagiarist is also a bit of a Holocaust denier, given to posting Tweets like these here. Well, exactly like these here, since these are a couple of his (now deleted) Tweets. (Click on the screenshots for archived copies of the Tweets.)
When I first presented Elam with evidence of Talukdar’s Holocaust denial Tweets last year, he responded by blocking me on Twitter; AVFM’s then-managing-editor Dean Esmay, meanwhile, freaked out about the polite email I sent him on the subject, calling me a “sociopathic sadist” and a “stalker madman,’ and literally threatening to call the police.
So apparently Holocaust denial isn’t enough to get you canned at AVFM, but really really really blatant plagiarism is — provided that someone outside of their ridiculous website does all the work in ferreting it out and announces it to the world in a way that makes AVFM’s “staffers” look like the incompetents they are.
I guess that technically counts as a plagiarism policy, huh?
Now I’m really hankering for some nice greasy chicken.
I really don’t understand why any of them bother to plagiarize anything. They can just put quotes around the paragraphs they stole and add a link to the source and I’m sure none of their readers would be any less impressed. It’s not as if they’re being marked. I’m assuming Talukdar borrowed whole paragraphs because he’s not very good at English grammar, which is understandable (and a website run by competent editors would be able to help him fix errors), but dude just cite your sources, christ.
So, for once, it really was about ethics in journalism?
I wonder: does Elam think that, if this was indeed the case, that would make him somehow less incompetent?
Because he would be wrong.
Why fried chicken? I swear, this is one of many times they’ve characterized David as always scarfing down fried chicken. Why not pizza, ice cream, donuts or burritos?
@WWTH Or burgers? Say, a burger with bacon, cheese, and fried onions on top, aka “heart attack on a bun.”
They could’ve just kept the article, it’s not like AVFM has standards anyway.
People that read them don’t care, as they too, have zero standards.
The only positive thing about the site is that it serves us with endless mocking material.
And all of them paid editors…Pfff..What a joke they are!
Really getting under their skin, David. It’s amazing how a blog run by one single person can be more productive, more professional, and more accurate accurate than a website with a million people on staff.
@weirwood: Maybe it’s a cryptic attempt to call him a ni– *CLANG!* ?
Aside: Finished the Poe book! Dunno if I should post about it here just yet…
My theory? They want to inspire visceral disgust. Ice cream can be associated in our culture with weight gain, poor emotional regulation, or lack of discipline, but people don’t generally think of ice cream itself, or the process of eating ice cream, as disgusting. Fried chicken works better because it can be very greasy, people eat it with their hands, and there are bones left over afterward. A man with sticky hands surrounded by empty ice cream cups is a little gross, but a man with greasy hands surrounded by buckets of bones is way grosser.
I’m still reeling from reading that sentence.
“AVfM staff investigated the claim” = Elam read David’s post and decided, inexplicably, that he would not let this particular ugliness stand as there was no plausible way to deny or minimize it. Although he still gave it a try.
Isn’t Elam from TX? That may be why he tends to go with fried chicken
I have my own theory on this, but Policy of Madness is my go to expert on sniffing out racist dog whistles, so I’d like to hear his/her take on this if they’re around.
I typed the word “accurate” twice in a row and never noticed until now. Such irony.
Fried chicken is def. also a racist dog-whistle, dating back to the 1800s at least. Since using the ‘fried chicken and watermelon’ trope – accusing David of being black – would swoosh right over most of Elam’s readership’s heads (I mean, yes, they’re racist but for the most part they’re under the age of 95, I’m guessing), this sad attempt at a dogwhistle is probably more classist than racist.
Fried chicken is very very cheap, nourishing food (read: a lot of protein and fat) that poor people (and, historically, southern black people) have access to. It’s what the poors eat, basically.
When people you like eat fried chicken, it’s a guilty pleasure they need to ‘atone’ for with diet and exercise. When people you dislike eat it, it’s a sign of their filth/grossness/poverty/etc. and therefore (insert dubious propaganda here).
Or Elam is using a slur without actually understanding what it means, but I’m sure he’d never do anything like thaaaat.
(Note: post contains a moderate amount of sarcasm. Please atone with diet and exercise after reading!)
Actually, 4Channers are still very much into the ridiculous “Fried chicken and watermelon” stereotype. The 4Channers in his audience will get it, by which I mean they all will.
Yeah, I figured it was a racist dog whistle thing too but wondered if I was over thinking it.
Blah blah blah fried chicken whatever. Paulie needs a new shtick.

I’m still trying to figure out the obsession these guys have with David eating fried chicken… Yeah, it’s stupid 4chan culture crap, but I’m just another Post-Modernist living in a New Sincerity world…
But anyways, plagiarism is plagiarism, you’d think that people with a high school education at least would know better, but I guess these guys just don’t get it.
Alternative Paul Elam: “Even though David Futrelle is disgusting and super fat, he was right that there was some teensy-weensy plagiarism, but he was wrong that we weren’t going to explain, so that makes him a poopoo head as well as a fattie, and we were totes going to tell everyone no matter what David said (did I mention he was fat?) and we are really and truly going to do something. And holocaust denial? What holocaust denial? ps David Futrelle is fat!”
Edit: AVfM: focusing on important issues. /sarc
I don’t think it’s a racist dog whistle for Elam or the older MRA’s. But you can assume any fried chicken or watermelon reference on 4chan has racist undertones.
Is anybody else now contemplating a 20 mile drive to the nearest KFC?
Wow, the folks at AVfM are so horrible that whenever they try to do something with a modicum of dignity (it’s beyond microscopic), they can’t help but be themselves in the end: classless assholes.
Way to take the high road, Elam. By the way, I’ve heard kindergarteners tell better insults that didn’t involve fat shaming. Damn, this guy is such a massive piece of shit.
Well, fried chicken is delicious, cheap, and nourishing (according to my fellow Mammotheers – I’m still having trouble convincing my dietician on this one). If anyone’s earned a fried chicken treat today, it’s you. Racist, classist, and fattist* dog whistles shall not keep us from enjoying food we love!
20 miles seems excessive when my nearest KFC is a five minute drive away, although I guess I could go the long way around… ;D
(In other words, yes! If only they were open at 7am!)
(*There must be a better word than this for fat-shaming discrimination – any suggestions?)
@ scalyllama
One of the things I miss about London is the easy accessibility to shops etc. In Cornwall even going to Tescos is like an expedition to the source of the Nile; still, I voluntarily chose the country existence.
Having checked on Google maps, KFC is only 17.5 miles away but it still looks like I’m fated to eat healthy crap for tea.