a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism literal nazis lying liars misogyny MRA paul elam

Plagiarised posts on A Voice for Men mysteriously vanish without explanation or apology

Now you see it, now you don't!
Now you see it, now you don’t!

UPDATE: Elam has belatedly posted an acknowledgement of (some of) the plagiarism. Then he called me fat. See my take here.

Earlier today, I pointed out that two recent posts on A Voice for Men were plagiarised, constructed almost entirely with cut-and-pasted chunks of text from an assortment of sources ranging from Wikipedia — the classic plagiarist resource — to weird little right-wing blogs.

Both posts — by marital rape legalization advocate and Holocaust denier Amartya Talukdar — have now disappeared from A Voice for Men, along with the rest of Talukdar’s posts on the site.

In a new post, AVFM head cheese Paul Elam took full responsibility for publishing Talukdar’s brazenly plagiarised posts and …

JUST KIDDING! Elam deleted the posts with no explanation or apology. And he hasn’t sent me a note of thanks for uncovering his site’s journalistic failure.

Reports of Elam stomping around his condo with steam coming from his ears have not been confirmed.

This isn’t the first time I’ve brought Talukdar’s, er, problems to AVFM’s attention. Not that they did anything about it; AVFM kept publishing him even after I informed them that he was a Holocaust denier. Indeed, Dean Esmay (who was still on “staff” at that point) declared me a “stalker madman” for pointing him to evidence of Talukdar’s troubling views.

But I guess Talukdar’s blatant cut-and-paste plagiarism was harder to ignore than his numerous Tweets suggesting that the Holocaust was “a Russian fabrication to hide allied war crimes.” (He is also, for what it’s worth, under the impression that Hillary Clinton is a “Jewess.”)

I’ll continue to check the site and Elam’s Twitter account to see if he posts anything about the deletions or the plagiarism.

But as of right now the only interesting things I’ve seen on Elam’s Twitter feed recently are these tweets (recently pointed out by the indefatigable @TakeDownMRAs).


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9 years ago

Welcome AbigailGen! 🙂

9 years ago

AVFM head cheese Paul Elam took full responsibility for publishing Talukdar’s brazenly plagiarised posts and… JUST KIDDING!


Got me good, shame on me for thinking the male so backward even his name is “male” spelled backward would be honest about anything.

9 years ago

What Sunnysombrera said. I’m by no means a fan of kids being spoiled and treated like special snowflakes. But Paulie thinks any woman who isn’t a submissive sammich make and blow job giver who doesn’t work or have independence but still somehow doesn’t live need her partner’s money to live is a princess, a cupcake, a bitch, a whore, a cunt. Etc.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Hi, AbigailGen!

I’m just going to laugh scornfully at Paul Elam’s tweets. It’s faster.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

So plagiarizing in a blog post is serious but being a holocaust denier and marital rape apologist isn’t?

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
9 years ago

“CHANGING THE CULTURAL NARRATIVE” one revoked post at a time! That is the blow-hardiest subtitle ever!

9 years ago

you are setting her up to drive a man to even worse abuse.

After my earlier post re the above Paul Elam quote, I remembered that Elam used to be a substance abuse counselor.

That means that he learned about the blame-somebody-else mindset and how dishonest it is. That an addict can’t get better until that individual takes responsibility for his or her own choices.

So Elam is taking what he learned and using it for evil.

This reminds me of an ex-boyfriend of mine. I insisted that he take a ten-week anger management course. (Ten weeks is a really short course when it comes to anger management.) After he’d attended class for a few weeks, he told me that I was escalating an argument by responding to him in a flat tone. He’d learned that in class. What I didn’t say — but should have — was, Dude, I’m not the one in an anger management class.

PS: The ten-week anger management class didn’t work at all. And my therapist told me that even the fifty-two week, court-mandated anger management classes often don’t work.

9 years ago

It seems telling that the subtitle (or whatever you all it in this context for AVFM is “Changing the Cultural Narrative” and not, you know, something about helping men.

9 years ago


Thanks for posting that cached version, it’s newer than the one David links to and has my fave top comment.

Wouldn’t it be something if feminists actually used biology, math, stats, and other methods to take a real good look in the mirror…to see what their shortsightedness and selfishness is really doing to our species? The thing is though, would they even care?

I have said for a very long time that our species is malfunctioning under feminism.

First and foremost, we are just another species. Nature has rules, you know?

Yup, Biology, math, stats and other methods all agree that feminism ruins everything. This one shitty plagiarized article proves that fact. Thanks again Science, Logic, Facts and Reason!

9 years ago

Did you do a post about them changing their slogan, David? Because now that you remind me, that sounds familiar…

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Wouldn’t it be something if feminists actually used biology, math, stats, and other methods to take a real good look in the mirror…to see what their shortsightedness and selfishness is really doing to our species? The thing is though, would they even care?

Would you like that on 35mm, 70mm or IMAX, Mr Elam?

9 years ago

Heh, Dave runs this website alone and manages to actually write original and witty articles and has standards for commenters – misandry!

9 years ago

Wasn’t Dave accused by a feminist of lying about the funding of The Red Pill Movie? Plagiarism and holocaust denying is unacceptable, but surely as a writer claiming the moral high ground, being publicly branded a liar by a fellow feminist is a fairly bad stain on one’s reputation.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


If you mean Cassie Jaye – she’s a feMRA, not a feminist, and we have a War And Peace-length record of her making shit up as she goes along. So.

EDIT: Ninja’d by the Dark Lord!

9 years ago


Wasn’t Dave accused by a feminist of lying about the funding of The Red Pill Movie? Plagiarism and holocaust denying is unacceptable, but surely as a writer claiming the moral high ground, being publicly branded a liar by a fellow feminist is a fairly bad stain on one’s reputation.

Yes, yes, plagiarism and holocaust denial are “unacceptable.”

But good grief, being publicly branded a liar by a fellow feminist?

That stain will never come out of David’s reputation!

9 years ago

Wow, that plagiarised stuff sure disappeared fast. Didn’t the Tom Ball manifesto take way longer to remove? And the articles about rapist acquittal and other unsavoury stuff, they’re still up.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Slightly off topic but one of my friends has just sent me this! 🙂

comment image

9 years ago

omg I actually agree with something Elam said! I hate the ‘Daddy’s Little Princess’ thing. But I expect that it is for quite different reasons. And I do not think that every time a man is violent to his female partner it is because she ‘drove him to it’. Why do men not have to take any responsibility for their violence or other abuse in Elam’s world?

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Probably Elam is the only site editor or proofreader. He’s embarrsssed that he didn’t notice the plagiarism or basic grammar errors and he’s out of expendable people to blame.

9 years ago

Changing the cultural narrative? Well, regression is a kind of change I guess.

Those tweets should be grounds for a restraining order against Paul for all women, everywhere. ‘Sorry Paul, you’re not allowed within 100 feet of 50% of the human race, because, have you heard yourself?’

9 years ago

Oh yes let’s all take advice on raising a daughter from you know what, I can’t even finish that. It’s too obvious.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I believe most of the older MRA’s are divorced because they were abusive and they’re angry about having to pay child support (almost nobody gets ordered to pay alimony now even if they were abusive and many get away with paying much less child support than they’re supposed to). They’re likely the worst people to ask for advice on parenting skills.

The “princess” or “spoiled kids” arguments sound like excuses for not paying child support. The classic “father’s rights” excuse is that the father should decide how much to spend on his kids.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

All this talk of plagiarism has given me a Tom Leherer earworm! This:

Let no one else’s work evade your eyes,
Remember why the good lord made your eyes,
So don’t shade your eyes,
But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize –
Only be sure always to call it please ‘research’.

keeps running through my brain!