a voice for men antifeminism bullying Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies gross incompetence hypocrisy imaginary backwards land internet tough guy irony alert lying liars mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats playing the victim post contains jokes post contains sarcasm projection rape rape culture the c-word twitter

Men’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay fights “rape hysteria,” “snotty c**ts,” “c**ty t**ts”

Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a "hatemongering bigot" or a "bigoted hatemonger."
Dean Esmay tries to decide whether to call someone a “hatemongering bigot” or a “bigoted hatemonger.”

So it’s been a while since I checked in on the heroic Twitter activism of the legendary Men’s Rights Twitter Activist Dean Esmay, formerly the Number Two at A Voice for Men, currently either the “Online Activism Director” or the “online outreach director” for the National Coalition For Men — the first according to him, the second according to the NCFM.

In any case, Mr. Esmay is actively outreaching on Twitter like it’s going out of style.

Let’s look at some recent examples of this outreachy activism, shall we?

Not that long after accepting his prestigious position — or positions — at NCFM, he offered these thoughts on the delicate subject of  murdering judges.

Huh. What other topics, you may wonder, has Mr. Esmay been addressing recently? Well, how about the issue of women in science?

As it turns out, Mr. Esmay has quite a few opinions about feminism and feminists.

But he doesn’t only take on feminists. He has some most interesting thoughts on “feminsits” as well.

Esmay boldly stands up against both “snotty cunts” and “cunty twats.”

And he seems to really hate one poor fellow named “David Futrelle.”

defut2 defut1

Huh. Turns out he’s actually got a lot more Tweets on the subject of this “Futrelle,” but it might be more appropriate to send them to a lawyer than for me to post them here.

So what issue has Esmay really worked up at the moment? The rapes in Cologne.

I’m sorry, I meant to say the “rape hysteria” in Cologne.

Oh, but looking at his timeline today I see that Esmay has changed his mind. Sort of. What convinced him that there’s more than “hysteria” behind the reports? The sterling reporting of … Breitbart.

Now, we still don’t know exactly what happened in Cologne, and in the other cities in which similar attacks have been reported. And it’s certainly true that racists are actively spreading misinformation and disinformation about the assaults in an attempt to demonize Muslims in general and Muslim refugees in particular.

But it’s one thing to say, hey, don’t believe all of the obvious propaganda put forth by white nationalists and other racist assholes, and another to dismiss what Esmay called the “supposed mass rape attacks” as “classic rape hysteria and no more.”

Again, while there are still a lot of questions that remain unanswered about the attacks, it’s clear that there were multiple sexual assaults in Cologne on New Year’s. Standing up against racist lies is a good thing, Dean, but hysterically crying “rape hysteria” kind of makes you a rape apologist.

But, hey, for what it’s worth, Esmay calls a lot of things “hysteria.”

It’s weird to find myself agreeing with Esmay about anything. No, I don’t agree that concerns about sexual harassment at work are “hysteria.” But I do think that, yes, it might be better if Mr. Esmay were to work someplace where no women would have to encounter him. Or men, for that matter.

I also found myself agreeing with half of what Esmay seems to be saying here. (The second half.)

I think he means that no matter how often AVFM denies that they’ve said violent things, people don’t believe them. (Presumably because they are lying about this.)

But maybe he realizes that AVFM’s endless huffing and puffing about the evils of feminism has accomplished absolutely nothing good for men.

That would be … interesting, huh?

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9 years ago

Feel free to quote me: sooner or later fathers are going to decide it makes more sense to kill family court judges rather than themselves.

And when it happens, I will say “we tried to tell you, and you mocked.” It’ll be tragic, but I’ll sleep just fine.

The above are most emphatically not self-righteous threats of violence with only the thinnest, most whisper-light of gossamer veils to cloak them.

Nor are they a poor-pitiful-me incitement to violence for fathers already purple-faced with anger.

No, they are public service announcements.

You’ve seen them in subway stations:

Get checked for diabetes, you stupid twat!

You lying feminist whore, donate blood!

Hey, pathetic feminist bigot: How about joining the PTA!

9 years ago


And that is apparently what counts for activism in the MRA playbook. Instead of, you know, actually fighting for legal changes that would rectify any of their complaints, they make vague online threats that they don’t plan on fulfilling themselves.

9 years ago

Isn’t Dean Esmay the one who falsely accused a couple of women of pedophilia and abuse? Or is that another Misognist Rapey A**thug/terrorist I’m confusing him with?

9 years ago

Esmay is a hate-obsessed crackpot.

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

@ Fruitloopsie:

Isn’t Dean Esmay the one who falsely accused a couple of women of pedophilia and abuse? Or is that another Misognist Rapey A**thug/terrorist I’m confusing him with?

Their pronouncements of stupidity, bigotry and general assholery really do blur together, don’t they?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

First Python: Hiss
Second Python: Hiss
First Python: Hiss?
Second Python: Hiss!
First Python: Hiss Hiss (Beat) Hiss
Second Python: Hissssssssss
Third Python (VO): Hiss Hiss Hiss
First and Second Pythons: Hiss
Third Python enters
Third Python: *Rattle*
First and Second Pythons: HIIIIIIISSSSSS!!!!

The original allegations were just from women, but now a man has said it happened.

Ah, but how could they be sure that they’d sent the real Milo?

You’re on form today, Alan.

9 years ago

I don’t know about Dean never getting office work. There’s ample proof here that he could work for the office of the Department of Redundancy Department Offices.

occasional reader
occasional reader
9 years ago


Hmm, being so self-centered-minded appears to me like some kind of obsession. And as this kind of obsession bans any self-awareness and introspection, it is likely to never end. As weirwoodtreehugger says, that is quite an ouroboros. And if we had the loop logic of his rant, that is a double ouroboros, a crossed ouroboros, like the infinite symbol in maths. Seems logic.

On a less pseudo-mystical view, i wonder if he can do anything else than look all day at his own navel.

Have a nice day.

9 years ago

Dean Esmay is a father.

Frantic Caps
Frantic Caps
9 years ago

If you discover a woman in #STEM is a #Feminist, you should assume her to be an incompetent, dishonest, abusive bully til proven otherwise.

Dean Esmay, bestowing upon us the benefit of his many years’ experience working in STEM. I bet that back when he was a professional HIV denialist, he must have read the abstracts of upwards of four journal articles.

9 years ago

Dean Esmay is probably the manospherian I feel the most genuinely sorry for. He’s very hateful and toxic, of course, but I don’t think he’s in a happy place at all. I really wish he would find a healthier hobby.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ha EJ, thank you, you’re very kind.

Just more diversionary behaviour. As a general rule, if you see me on Mammoth it means I’m meant to be working. Very busy at the moment. Ironically, I’d be very grateful if I could snatch 4 hours sleep, with or without pancakes.

(It’s perhaps relevant that if you don’t allow an interrogation subject at least 4 hours sleep a day, you’re in war crimes territory. I’m almost at the hallucination stage, but luckily you can catch up with your “sleep deficit”, so I’m hoping for an all day snooze some time in the next few days)

9 years ago

formerly the Number Two at A Voice for Men

He still seems like a number two to me.

9 years ago

What is a “pack attack”?

9 years ago

@LadySunami- I’d imagine people r/ting w/ snark or responding to him…on a platform explicitly designed to facilitate that.

@David – Why do you keep cherry picking this poor man’s quotes?

I’m sure he’d seem perfectly even keeled and rational if you included the appropriate context.




9 years ago

Also, WTF is with his fixation on putting ‘feminist’ and ‘whores’ together? He uses it so many times over all those tweets it becomes a bit bizarre

Because feminists are frigid whores who won’t have sex with him.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

They call us terrorists. *issues grandiose, Biblical threat of punishment*

Presented without comment.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

She’s a bully period.

… wat

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

@ LadySunami

My guess it’s like wolves ravaging a helpless deer, only change wolves to women and that helpless deer to the helpless, put upon, straight white cis dude. Now that’s a sight I can’t get out of my head!

Esmay sounds like that snot nosed little brat we all knew at school who learned a naughty word and uses it to appear edgy but comes off more like a dipshit with every sentence. Seriously? Is this the best he can do? Yawn. Bored already. Stay boring, Esmay.

9 years ago

Dean Esmay is using the word c*nty? Leave it to an obliviously privileged dude to misuse gay/drag slang.

9 years ago

January 13, 2016 at 7:36 pm
An interesting development of events. I hear that feminists are in love with refugees and now I also see that in order to hate feminists, Dean will adore refugees (I am not saying refugees did anything in Germany, but many people believe they did), even though people of his kind tend to dislike them. Hierarchy of hate right there, with feminists as winners…

Oh, don’t worry. Dean, like most manospherians, is fully capable of holding multiple contradicting views so long as they all entail the ability to hate. So soon, he’ll be simultaneously be arguing that the attacks never happened AND that they represent the great threat posed by non-white immigration.

Paige Hamilton
9 years ago
Reply to  Freemage

…they represent the great threat posed by non-white immigration

I’m surprised it hasn’t already gone there yet. If it was in the US it certainly would have.

9 years ago

I’m assuming women pack attack is meant to refer to cliques of high school girls who bully people. They of course assume adult women act just like high school girls. The mean girls at that. Never mind that plenty of high school girls are nothing like Regina George, feeemale = evil meanie pants bully.

9 years ago

I thought the premise of the movie was that there is a little Regina George in all of us.

9 years ago

They’ll reap the whirlwind sown by their mocking & indifference.

Yah, what he just doesn’t understand is that the “they said I was mad” shibboleth is reserved for smart people, like Morticia and Spock. (And even they can only voice it ironically.) Not only does it make dumb guys sound dumber, it also makes them sound kind of lost, like little kids adrift in the deep woods. It’s time for him to find another line.