empathy deficit gender policing homophobia none dare call it conspiracy transphobia

Infowars: David Bowie’s “death is the capstone on the pyramid of necrotic Anglo-American mass culture”

David Bowie has left us with some big pants to fill
David Bowie has left us with some big pants to fill

Like a lot of people out there, I’m going to miss the magnificent weirdo that was David Bowie. While the rest of us listen to our favorite Bowie songs on repeat, the not-so-good folks at Infowars — conspiracy theory central — are actually celebrating the musician and cultural icon’s death.

In a post titled DAVID BOWIE: A NON-APPRECIATION, Darrell Y. Hamamoto suggests that Bowie, who died of cancer, was himself a symptom of “civilizational cancer.”

After several paragraphs of mostly incoherent throat-clearing, which sort of suggest (among other things) that Bowie was responsible not only for Gary Glitter’s fashion sense but also his sexual abuse and exploitation of children, Hamamoto presents us with his thesis, declaring that Bowie’s

death is the capstone on the pyramid of necrotic Anglo-American mass culture spanning a half-century of civilizational cancer away so fantastic and unreal that leads one to suspect that “Bowie” (Born David Robert Jones) sprang from the twisted, fervid minds of social psychologists residing at the Tavistock Institute.

That was all one sentence.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the Tavistock Institute is a nearly 70-year-old British think-tank that does work in psychology and the social sciences; it’s a favorite bugbear of assorted conspiracy theorists, who blame it for, among other things, the brainwashing of American prisoners of war in Korea, the CIA’s MK Ultra program, and The Beatles.

Anyway, Hamamoto is pretty stoked by the news of Bowie’s passing, declaring that

the Death of David Bowie might presage a new era of spiritual regeneration that is the precondition of civilizational health and advancement.

Skimming through the more than one thousand comments left on Hamamoto’s post so far, it appears that there are not a lot of Bowie fans in the house.

Someone called daf declares that

Bowie was an agent of the NWO, forging acceptance for gender identity politics re: transvestites, transgender, gays… Not to mention furtherance of the ET/ Alien meme that the NWO sought to advance. Listen to the music: is it really that good? Nah.

“The Hebrew Institute,” meanwhile, argues that

David Bowie can kiss my ass… he was a fuckin satanistic edomite who is rotting in the pit for his homosexual acts and overtones to accept that behavior not of God and he is now paying for it….may he keep rotting in the pit of hell to which he deserves AMEN.

Blahblahblah is clearly not a big fan of Bowie’s unique style:

He was a Luciferian puppet, spreading NWO agenda through music like so many others. Look at the lightning bolt on his face.

But not everyone in the comments is quite so enamored of Hamamoto’s analysis. Indeed, one longtime Infowars listener was so appalled by the post, and the responses to it, that they decided to become a former listener:

After years of being a dedicated listener, observer and supporter of this program I just cut ties with you all together. … I’ve stuck up for your articles and it’s caused me a lot of social consternation … your OPINIONS and ASSUMPTIONS in this matter are so far off base it makes me want to vomit on my computer screen. Then reading the hateful comments on this page about homosexuals and FREAKS makes me want to jump this boat and join the illuminated manipulators … The fact of the matter is that this was a talented human being with much love and talent to offer the world and the author ties this in to some “homosexual illuminati occult agenda” … [T]hat I have supported such a bigoted support base here is something I am ashamed of after all these years. 

Good for you.

In case you’re not familiar with Infowars, here’s Alex Jones, the dude who runs the place. And yes, the tantrum in the video is a real one. He’s got some anger issues.

And here are a couple of videos of Bowie performing in 1972.

Yesterday, I put together a little playlist of some of my favorite Bowie songs on Spotify.

Sorry, Alex Jones; you will be remembered, if at all, as an embarrassment to humanity. Bowie will be remembered as a musical and cultural legend, albeit a far from perfect human being.

EDIT: I reworded the ending to take into account Bowie’s reported rape of underage “groupie” Laurie Maddox, which I didn’t know about when I originally wrote the piece. (I say “reported,” because I wasn’t there and he wasn’t charged much less convicted for it, but Maddox’s account is all-too-plausible; I believe her.)


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Jarred H
9 years ago

I’m guessing the “lightning as Satanic symbol” association comes from the fact that it looks very similar one of the “lightning S” marks used by the SS in Nazi Germany. Someone probably heard that the SS got the symbol from Nordic/Germanic occultism (the “lightning S” is really the “sun” rune), and ran with that. But that’s mainly a guess on my part.

9 years ago

I’m with Katz. I think that Bowie still pissing off the right this much at the age of 69 is a tribute to his cultural impact. They are meaningless, he is not.

9 years ago


Not gonna lie, Bowie’s statutory rape is what’s kept me from really getting into the spirit of mourning his passing. Nothing wrong with being sad at the death of a great cultural icon, of course, I’m just not personally feeling it.

It’s a great indicator of their shittiness that these assholes think the decent and progressive things a celebrity might have done are what’s bad about them. Not that reactionary fuckers would ever focus on the actual shitty things celebrities do, since, as you pointed out, they don’t see anything wrong with those specific things. I’d wager many of these asshats would probably like to be celebrities for the sake of being able to do various bad shit with little to no consequence.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

I looked up the word “edomite” and can’t figure why it’s a bad thing. I probably don’t want to know…

9 years ago

If you see a blue triangle at the corner of an ad, it means it’s targeted to you. Unless internet ads are different in different countries. Either way, it’s probably targeted advertising.

So, why am I getting an ad about herpes? I haven’t looked up any info about STIs in recent memory. I’m curious about what algorithm led to that. Maybe it’s just because I’m single?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Well I don’t even have a gas boiler/heater so I wouldn’t read too much into the herpes stuff either.

Speaking of science things, are any other UK bods watching stargazing live?

I like the new horizons lass “Well, we decided to aim the probe at another KBO so now it’s up to NASA to find the funds”. That’s the sort of attitude that gets you a Nobel Prize, or possibly sacked.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


All I can say is that Bowie played a huge part of my life from a young age and he did a lot of good things which no way makes what he did passable or right.

I’m still mourning his passing, because it doesn’t change the past. I’ve seen a lot of justifiable anger over what he did but it would have been nice to have used that anger when he was alive so he could have been punished properly rather than wait until he’s dead to bring it up.

Everyone who’s outraged about him raping a kid are gonna quiet down once everyone is finished mourning in a month or so. And it’s annoying for a bunch of reasons because you aren’t punishing anyone in that situation, you’re just showing that if you’re rich and famous, you can get away with shit and only have it brought up in any real depth until after you’re dead, just like with most other celebrities.

Admittedly, I only learned about the whole deal recently–and it would have been nice to know this shit waaay before he was dead. Would I have liked Bowie as much as I do now if I didn’t learn about what he did until a few days ago? Probably not. I won’t deny or defend him in that aspect, no matter what the good he’s done and how he’s shaped me.

There’s also people defending Bowie for doing what he did which is fucking gross and awful. Those people need to fuck off right now. He was a brilliant musician but he did shit no one should be defending. Let people speak about him and don’t fucking try to defend that shit.

9 years ago


ah … Ah … AhAH

Let’s dance!
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.

Your male tears are delicious.

Rock on past existence, Ziggy.

9 years ago

KAT – for what it’s worth, the sex was fully consensual. That doesn’t make it not statutory rape, but I would have lied, cheated and stolen to get into Jon Bon Jovi’s room at 14 and do teh nasty (or not so nasty!).

Doesn’t mean it’s not a crime, but I don’t think society had really started talking about how power matters in relationships. That a teen who seems totally willing and even eager to have sex, probably should be stopped by the adult she or he is seeking to have sex with. I know that most rock stars had women throwing themselves in their rooms, and anything went. So it’s hard to put what could be argued “more enlightened” views on the day.

That said, Bowie has said that many of the excesses, including drugs and sex, lead to bad choices, and once he realized what he was doing to himself and to others, he stopped.

Also said, I hold reservations taht 14 year old men and women don’t know what they want. I did. most of my friends did. and sometimes that was things that society said were no-no, like sex with hot (adult) men when we were 15 or 16.

9 years ago

There is some (unverified, anecdotal) evidence floating around out there that Bowie’s attitude towards teenage groupies in his later years was very different; I read a story today passed on from a drummer of his who once thought it would be cool to give some teenage fans access to Bowie’s hotel room. The next morning, David confronted the drummer angrily and told him he’d never work again if he pulled a stunt like that again.

Now, who knows if that really happened and if it did, who knows if it was because Bowie felt guilty over the Lori Maddox thing or just because he didn’t want his privacy invaded? But it does make me think …

It always seems to me that it’s men and especially, anti-feminist men, who take this hard line of believing that a rapist (of any variety, including statutory)=inhuman monster worthy of hellish punishment and death. Not hard to see why: this has the effect of doing lip service to the idea that rape is bad while silencing victims anytime a perpetrator is clearly NOT an inhuman monster. Which is, you know, most of the time.

Meanwhile, of course, any man who rapes and then regrets it can’t actually *say* so without facing this same dehumanizing hatred. Even murderers don’t face such stigma. Can you imagine what a blow it would be against rape culture if someone like David Bowie could actually say, “I did this in my youth. It was wrong,” in a place where young men could hear him?

9 years ago

Tanya: It’s not that ’14 year old men and women don’t know what they want’. It’s what the adult in that encounter wants that’s the issue. Specifically, they generally are targeting the underage individual precisely because they are underage, and believe they can control the entirety of the thing–as you did note, there’s an issue of power there that’s just not talked about enough.

On the other hand, we can draw a very sharp contrast between Bowie and, say, Bill Cosby, who has yet to even acknowledge that what he did was wrong, let alone willingly pay any sort of penalty for it.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago


I wish I knew how he felt about it. I was going to say

Those people need to fuck off right now. He was a brilliant musician but he did shit no one should be defending. Let people speak about him and don’t fucking try to defend that shit. Even Bowie wouldn’t defend that shit.

But I wouldn’t know off hand if he really would or not.

KAT – for what it’s worth, the sex was fully consensual. That doesn’t make it not statutory rape, but I would have lied, cheated and stolen to get into Jon Bon Jovi’s room at 14 and do teh nasty (or not so nasty!).

And, also, this was what I was talking about.

9 years ago

“Also said, I hold reservations taht 14 year old men and women don’t know what they want. I did. most of my friends did. and sometimes that was things that society said were no-no, like sex with hot (adult) men when we were 15 or 16.”

There’s a big, big difference between knowing what you like in a broad sense and actually fully understanding the situation you’re in well enough to safely navigate it. The hot adult men that I wanted to have sex with when I was 14-16 are still hot adult men I’d fancy having sex with now, but that doesn’t mean my adult self would want that for my teenage self. My teenage self simply could not have handled it and would have had my emotional growth quite negatively impacted by it.

9 years ago

“Specifically, they generally are targeting the underage individual precisely because they are underage, and believe they can control the entirety of the thing–as you did note, there’s an issue of power there that’s just not talked about enough.”

The power thing is somewhat less of an issue in a case like this where the sex was a one-time thing and not a long-term relationship. However, losing her virginity to Bowie almost certainly helped groom Maddox for her controlling, drug-addled, multi-year relationship with Jimmy Page. How might that have gone differently if Bowie had responded to Maddox’s advances with a responsible, “You’re a sexy girl, but you’re not ready for a man my age. Any man who tells you differently is using you. Talk to me again in five years.”

I don’t think that’s at all too much to ask of men in our society, even 23-year-old men. But it won’t happen without cultural change.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I’d guess that pretty much every rock star is guilty of statutory rape. Gary Glitter ended up getting caught because he’s mainly interested in prepubescent children, which supposedly means it’s much less likely that his arousal patterns will change.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

If the Tavistock Institute is responsible in any way for the Beatles, then hurrah!! **standing O***.

Alex Jones and his minions cannot sully the name of such a great legendary artist as David Bowie. They must know this. Hence, the senseless ranting.

9 years ago

Also – how ironic is this conversation for us children of the 80s who primarily knew Bowie as the Goblin King? I mean, what is that story if not an allegory for how dangerous it is for a young teenager to fall for the advances of a sexy, dangerous older man? I mean, it’s just *perfect* – he’s coercive, powerful, enchanting, offers her this life of seductive captivity, and engages in this standard abuser double-speak, saying things like, “I’ve been generous,” and “Do everything I ask and I will be your slave.”

And his entire spell falls apart when she says, “You have no power over me.”

I think the people doing the casting knew something they didn’t know they knew…

9 years ago

Thanks to this article I now have a bunch of new words for my crank bingo card.

9 years ago

There’s a big, big difference between knowing what you like in a broad sense and actually fully understanding the situation you’re in well enough to safely navigate it.

Adults should not have sex with minors – not because it’s 100% impossible for a minor to give informed consent – but because it’s more than possible that they can’t.

Also, for every exceptionally mature underage person who has the adequate cognizance to consent to sex with an adult, how many are instead groomed and coerced into “consenting”? I don’t want to ignore the voices of the girls/women who are/were in these situations, but it needs to be done in a way that does not legitimize the actions of predators.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Yes, there isn’t anything biologically abnormal about being attracted to 14-17 year olds. But most people are fine with someone 18 or older. Adults almost always go after younger people so they can have control in the relationship. That’s why men have married teenage girls for thousands of years, especially in societies where minors were considered property of their parents.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

@LG Yes, you wrote pretty much what I’d been thinking. Labyrinth DOES show the dangers of granting someone power over you, even if the other person promises that they’ll give you everything you want. “You have no power over me” is a great assertion for a young person–or a person of any age, really–to make in the face of such temptation.

9 years ago

Freemage said:

Specifically, they generally are targeting the underage individual precisely because they are underage…

I don’t think there’s any evidence in Bowie’s case that he was in the habit of targeting the underage. So far there’s this once instance (if there were more, they’ll get dredged up in time I’m sure) where he was approached by an underage girl who well and truly knew – or at least felt that she knew – exactly what she wanted. I agree that he shouldn’t have had sex with an underage girl, absolutely. But I strongly feel that taking advantage (stupidly) of an eager offer is in a different bracket of wrongness to actively targeting or pursuing underage girls in predatory fashion. Also, there’s no proof that he was even aware she was underage. I don’t think she advertised the fact.

If I’m wrong about him being a child predator, I’ll totally own it when the evidence appears. Until then, I’ll continue to love him till Tuesday… and beyond.

9 years ago

Also – how ironic is this conversation for us children of the 80s who primarily knew Bowie as the Goblin King? I mean, what is that story if not an allegory for how dangerous it is for a young teenager to fall for the advances of a sexy, dangerous older man? I mean, it’s just *perfect* – he’s coercive, powerful, enchanting, offers her this life of seductive captivity, and engages in this standard abuser double-speak, saying things like, “I’ve been generous,” and “Do everything I ask and I will be your slave.”

And his entire spell falls apart when she says, “You have no power over me.”

I think the people doing the casting knew something they didn’t know they knew…

I love this observation.

9 years ago

infowars conspiracy theorists (and right-libertarians in general) are honestly as bad as fascists. not only do they spread hatred and condone mass violence (the NAP is a sick joke; it is opposed only to individual violence, not systemic violence, or the violence inherent in capitalism) they distract from the actual horrors that the US and other nation-states have committed. They would likely hand-wave something like the United Fruit incident in Guatemala (which actually happened and which actually caused mass suffering) as a fluke of “crony capitalism” (read: capitalism) and instead fret and scream about something like 9/11 conspiracies, UFOs, or how bigfoots are taking our jobs.

Alex Jones, himself, is a fundamentalist far-right “libertarian” who believes in free market bullshit and allies himself with every sort of twisted hate group under the sun.

You can see one of his greatest moments here:

He and every other alt-right shitstain are lower than cockroaches.

9 years ago

Oh, and David Bowie is the queer messiah. Alex Jones wishes he could be as relevant.