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Scenes from the ongoing Twitter debacle that is #JeSuisMilo

Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter
Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter

History repeats itself. In September 1939, Hitler launched World War II by blocking Poland on Twitter. In December 1941, the United States entered into the war after Japan subtweeted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

This past Friday, according to Breitbart, Twitter “declar[ed] war on conservative media” by taking away the little blue checkmark that used to run next to Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos’ name on Twitter, verifying that he is indeed the real Milo Yiannopoulos.

No, really. Here’s the headline of the piece that ran in Breitbart’s tech section on the terrible injustice done to young Mr. Yiannopoulos, who coincidentally just happens to run Breitbart’s tech section.

Twitter Declares War On Conservative Media, ‘Unverifies’ Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos

Now, Milo hasn’t actually been banned from Twitter. Twitter simply informed him that “due to [his] recent violations of the Twitter Rules” — he’s a bit of a bully — they were taking away his little blue checkmark. So now he has to navigate Twitter without a little blue checkmark, like the overwhelming majority of Twitter users.

Naturally, Milo’s army of fans has responded to this terrible tragedy with wisdom and restraint.

JUST KIDDING! They’re crying bloody murder on Twitter and harassing anyone they can blame for Milo’s de-checkmarking.

Referencing a slogan formerly used to honor journalists and others literally murdered by terrorists, Milo’s Twitter fans launched the hashtag #JeSuisMilo. It was ugly

Here are some scenes from the ongoing debacle that is that hashtag.

Naturally, there were rape jokes.

In a variation on the old “I’m Spartacus” ploy, many of Milo’s fans pretended to be him. (The real Milo posts as @Nero)

It didn’t take long for the Milovians to find women to blame for Milo’s plight. Many — including some of the fake Milos — went after Huffington Post writer Jessie Thompson, who wrote a piece defending Twitter’s actions. Many of her, er, critics seem to be big fans of the c-word.

But she wasn’t the only woman to draw the fire of the Milovians. Some used the hashtag as an excuse to attack familiar #GamerGate targets.

Others — again, including some fake Milos — used the hashtag to promote their own agendas — some silly, some horrific, some a mixture of the two.

One fellow thought he knew the real reason feminists hate Milo.

A few even managed to work their “cuck” obsession into their Tweets.

You can tell something about writers by the fans they attract. Milo’ fans prove with every terrible tweet of their what a wretched bunch of bullies and bigots they are — and why Twitter needs to do more to crack down on the abuse that its platform enables.

Congratulations, Milo defenders, for own-goaling yourself so magnificently.

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9 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Great. Now I’m imagining MRA bacteria chemosynthesizing nutritious projection to live off of. Quite frankly, I’d prefer regular bacteria.

9 years ago

And he’s just made a distasteful tweet about David Bowie. What a desperate trolling arse of a man he is.

9 years ago

My first thought when I saw that “wallet-rape” meme was “The guy who wrote this totally scams restaurants for free meals and harasses the wait staff all the time.”
What do you wanna bet that I’m right?

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

Wonder how soon Twitter will capitulate to Milo and his horde’s bullying and give him back his blue check mark. Seems like that’s what they tend to do with such Tweeters.

9 years ago

@Andzzz: Remember, this is the turd who felt the need to let everyone know he thought that “Malala Yousafzai Is Becoming a Bit of a Bore”.

9 years ago

All these human horseapples should be awarded a red checkmark. Red checkmarks should do two things:

1 It locks down your current ‘nym permanently. (Like being Milo? Now you’re him forever!)
2 it aggregates all offenses against the twitter TOS across the ‘nym and applies them to all red-checkmarked accounts with that ‘nym, and

(…wait. Three things! It should do three things!)

3 If you block a red-checkmarked account, all other red-checkmarked accounts with that ‘nym are also automatically blocked, and

(Four things! I meant four things!)

4 If you attempt to make a new account with an alternative email and use a red-flagged address as backup/emergency retrieval, the new email address is helpfully also red-checkmarked.

(and a fanatical allegiance to the Pope! )
(I hope this comment isn’t redundant, I haven’t gotten all the way through the comments yet. >_>)

9 years ago

“The guy who wrote this totally scams restaurants for free meals and harasses the wait staff all the time.”
What do you wanna bet that I’m right?

His entire wallet.

I also bet that he’s the type to throw a tantrum if the date he (deliberately) paid dinner for says no to sex. He probably accuses her of fraud, or even “financial rape by fraud.”

This is the point where I just can’t even with assholes taking feminist terms, using them in ways they certainly don’t apply, and expecting to be validated because what? They severely misappropriated a word or two? WORDS MEAN THINGS, IDIOTS.

Deborah Hitchens
Deborah Hitchens
9 years ago

Do you think some folks in Hollywood are in a panic?

here Milo talks about an incident that occurred in Hollywood 8 years ago with very young boys
Milo is aged 31yrs , so he was aged 23 when it occurred.. he wasn’t a young boy…

9 years ago

Hard to know what to think of Milo. The Bowie tweets were in bad taste (including ‘Nice try upstaging me’) but some people seem to love him. It’s like a weird cult. He is completely different from the usual MRA losers but then he’s so obviously putting on an act.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

More things I just noticed: Didn’t the #Gits pull this exact same act after RogueStar was banned from Twitter? Name changes, matching avatars, “I am Spartacus,” the whole nine yards?

History Nerd
9 years ago

Milo was probably committing Twitter offenses almost every day. Verifying a troll account pretty much defeats the purpose of verification.

9 years ago

There really is nothing the manurespherians won’t be raging assholes about. They said shitty things when Robin Williams died and now they’re being assholes about David Bowie? Going after fans of two beloved entertainers, both of them men. So men’s human rightsy!

9 years ago×350/poster/2015/01/3040870-poster-p-2-the-faces-of-bowie.gif

David Bowie’s too absolutely spectacular to give two chits about what someone like Milo has to say about his life.

Gods, I’m way more saddened by his death than I usually am by a celebrity’s passing.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago


David Bowie pushed for more PoC artists to get airplay on MTV. He was married to the same woman for 25 years or so, and by the reports I’ve seen, they were still very much in love.

David Bowie may’ve died too soon, but he still had a better life than Milo or any of his followers.

snork maiden
9 years ago


and nice red uniforms! (oh bugger!)

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

Look at their astounding vocabulary, which amounts to nothing more than gendered slurs and crude sexual humor. Yup, these are Milo’s fans, alright.

Milo and his fans are made for each other. It’s a match made in heaven (more like hell). Dickheads of a feather really do flock together.

9 years ago

David Bowie’s too absolutely spectacular to give two chits about what someone like Milo has to say about his life.


Today is a hard day.

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

Oh, also, how classy of them to use a hashtag like that for their childish little tantrum over a hack “journalist.” It really shows how sheltered they are and how they more than likely haven’t faced any amount of real hardships in their pathetic over-privileged lives.

It’s actually about ethics in how to be a shitty person. Fuck Milo and his fans, and fuck goobergloop (I’m not going to mention their little shit movement by name).

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago

Meanwhile, on Twitter, Milo and his fanboys are claiming credit for Twitter’s declining stock price. People who sold their stock in the company to protest this blatant attack on the freeze peaches are urged to get in touch!

9 years ago

These people really enjoy the word cunt, but you’d think for being such free speech warriors that they’d switch it up now and then. I don’t think there’s a war on conservative media, but with turds like this, there needs to be one.

9 years ago

He is completely different from the usual MRA losers but then he’s so obviously putting on an act.

After his appearance on that Reggie Yates documentary, it all clicked. He reminds me of the tedious hacks from student arguing societies, that I keep encountering in pubs: Unflappable, self-assured and calmly saying something ridiculous just for the debating practice. Which is all harmless entertainment when they’re talking about abstracts, but a lot of them think that other people’s lived experiences are abstract concepts too.

Ben Cohen
Ben Cohen
9 years ago


Wah wah, get over it Ben. Actions have consequences. Besides, I have a hard time imagining how a troll account could generate viler tweets than Milo himself.

Milo is responsible for the things he says not the things other people impersonating him say.


9 years ago

Milo is responsible for the things he says not the things other people impersonating him say.

And he’s being held accountable for the things he has said which violate the TOS he needs to follow if he wants to be Twitter verified. If he wants that checkmark, he need to follow the TOS.

9 years ago

No, he doesn’t have control of what is his fans say, but if he has a fan base full of racist, misogynistic assholes, that says something about him. And as Kupo said, he didn’t get his blue check taken away because of anything his fans did. He violated the tos, and if his account didn’t get suspended or deleted he got off pretty light.

9 years ago

Off Topic but RIP Mr. Bowie. You were an amazing act to follow.

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