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Scenes from the ongoing Twitter debacle that is #JeSuisMilo

Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter
Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter

History repeats itself. In September 1939, Hitler launched World War II by blocking Poland on Twitter. In December 1941, the United States entered into the war after Japan subtweeted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

This past Friday, according to Breitbart, Twitter “declar[ed] war on conservative media” by taking away the little blue checkmark that used to run next to Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos’ name on Twitter, verifying that he is indeed the real Milo Yiannopoulos.

No, really. Here’s the headline of the piece that ran in Breitbart’s tech section on the terrible injustice done to young Mr. Yiannopoulos, who coincidentally just happens to run Breitbart’s tech section.

Twitter Declares War On Conservative Media, ‘Unverifies’ Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos

Now, Milo hasn’t actually been banned from Twitter. Twitter simply informed him that “due to [his] recent violations of the Twitter Rules” — he’s a bit of a bully — they were taking away his little blue checkmark. So now he has to navigate Twitter without a little blue checkmark, like the overwhelming majority of Twitter users.

Naturally, Milo’s army of fans has responded to this terrible tragedy with wisdom and restraint.

JUST KIDDING! They’re crying bloody murder on Twitter and harassing anyone they can blame for Milo’s de-checkmarking.

Referencing a slogan formerly used to honor journalists and others literally murdered by terrorists, Milo’s Twitter fans launched the hashtag #JeSuisMilo. It was ugly

Here are some scenes from the ongoing debacle that is that hashtag.

Naturally, there were rape jokes.

In a variation on the old “I’m Spartacus” ploy, many of Milo’s fans pretended to be him. (The real Milo posts as @Nero)

It didn’t take long for the Milovians to find women to blame for Milo’s plight. Many — including some of the fake Milos — went after Huffington Post writer Jessie Thompson, who wrote a piece defending Twitter’s actions. Many of her, er, critics seem to be big fans of the c-word.

But she wasn’t the only woman to draw the fire of the Milovians. Some used the hashtag as an excuse to attack familiar #GamerGate targets.

Others — again, including some fake Milos — used the hashtag to promote their own agendas — some silly, some horrific, some a mixture of the two.

One fellow thought he knew the real reason feminists hate Milo.

A few even managed to work their “cuck” obsession into their Tweets.

You can tell something about writers by the fans they attract. Milo’ fans prove with every terrible tweet of their what a wretched bunch of bullies and bigots they are — and why Twitter needs to do more to crack down on the abuse that its platform enables.

Congratulations, Milo defenders, for own-goaling yourself so magnificently.

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9 years ago

Thanks! I enjoyed that 😀

9 years ago

If they’re freaking out over a teeny little blue checkmark, imagine what would happen if the dude got banned. Heads will ROLL!

…but not my head, because I’ll be too busy making stovetop popcorn and sharing it with you fellow Mammothers. 🙂

9 years ago

My cats are less dramatic about meals being late.

Oh man, same here. I was like an hour late today, too, so they were pretty damn dramatic about it.

9 years ago

You know what? Every feminist should admit one thing: They are crazy about you. And you are unattainable. That hurts them.

N-no. On no level is that true. Attraction is mostly a personality thing for me (not least of which because I am a kinky sonofabeesh), and he is a repulsive human being with whom I share no interests. Even on the physical level he looks like every bit the tool I know he is.

9 years ago

“The salt must flow.”

Don’t they realize that they’re the ones sobbing about nothing?

Lester Bangs
Lester Bangs
9 years ago

Other issues aside Twitter really should be more specific as to what triggered the unverification. And anyway as a sanction, it doesn’t make sense. Is Milo now less Milo than he was before?

If Milo’s done something sanction worthy he should be either banned or suspended and the reason should be made clear.

Also critiquing the use of the JeSuis prefix…well that’s kind of selective on David’s part. This isn’t the first, or even close to the first, trivial movement to hijack it.

Alex Rogan
Alex Rogan
9 years ago

Let’s not forget that bastion of ethical “journalism” Milo, ran his own tech news site into the ground and left many (if not all) it’s writers out of pocket for months until the bailiffs came. Frankly, the story should be why twitter is only now doing something about Milo, and why it hasn’t banned him already.

Cerulean (Miss A)
Cerulean (Miss A)
9 years ago

After a zillion attempts, I now answer the Star Wars meme with a TOR GIF:

I also find it amusingly irritating how none of Milo’s followers will broker the idea that he’s a Grade-A asshole. Nope, but be the evil wimmenz and Twitterz keepin’ him down.

9 years ago

@ Lester Bangs

David shouldn’t ‘critique’ a thing unless he’s ‘critiqued’ any similar things that came before?

comment image

9 years ago

Hey, it’s No-Pants Day!

This has got to be misandry in some way:

9 years ago

I know I’ve said this many times before, but I’m loving the random post feature. Not only did I find the genesis of SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES, Peter Andrew Nolan does a drive by in the comments!

9 years ago

O/T again but timely:

As I write this, all across the manosphere, heads are exploding at the sight of the latest Google Doodle, which arrived half an hour ago. It celebrates the 131st birthday of US suffragist Alice Paul. “Votes for Women!” a sign says.

Hapless MRAs are frothing at the mouth. PUAs’ eyes are bulging out of their heads. MGTOWs are tugging at their collars: Air! I need air!

9 years ago

You know what? Every feminist should admit one thing: They are crazy about you. And you are unattainable. That hurts them.

lmao, is this because he’s gay? I’m not too interested in men, and gay men would be incompatible with me, for I am not a man, so I do not give a single fuck.

He looks super douchey, too.

9 years ago

I have a fennec disguising itself as a cat
comment image

9 years ago

But remember, folks, it’s us liberals who overreact to the tiniest, most trivial perceived offences. (#Sarcasm).

9 years ago

You know what? Every feminist should admit one thing: They are crazy about you. And you are unattainable. That hurts them.

This statement is stunning. No, not the message. It’s standard-issue manospherian idiocy.

It’s the colon! A manospherian used a colon correctly!

I am awestruck.

9 years ago

Other issues aside Twitter really should be more specific as to what triggered the unverification. And anyway as a sanction, it doesn’t make sense. Is Milo now less Milo than he was before?

Well, it depends how you look at it. Verification isn’t just a matter of being who you say you are — Twitter says it verifies “highly sought users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business and other key interest areas,” so verification is to some degree an endorsement by Twitter that you’re a possibly interesting person.

But yes; it’s also a stupid sanction. If they don’t want people behaving that way on Twitter, they should ban or suspend offenders, not take away their checkmarks.

9 years ago

I wish these guys would emulate their founder, Andrew Breitbart, more.

And by “emulate” I mean “die sooner rather than later of booze- and coke-induced heart attacks.”

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Nequam, no.

Lester Bangs
Lester Bangs
9 years ago


“Clever” graphics aside, If you read carefully you’ll note I did not say what David should or should not do. However I do think the critique is impotent. #JeSuis____ has moved so far beyond its origins as to be almost completely dissociated from them.

9 years ago

You know, I wasn’t sure I was one Mr. Yiannopoulos’ side, but that “C**t fart” tweet from his follower really showed me the light.

– No One Ever

Ben Cohen
Ben Cohen
9 years ago


I realize you don’t like Milo, but is it really fair to take away his verification? His verification prevents people from confusing him with his various impostors like “Anti-Marxist Milo.”

Ben Garrison’s reputation was seriously damaged by neo-nazi trolls who vandalized his cartoons.

Even if you dislike Milo he doesn’t deserve that.


Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Ben Garrison’s reputation was seriously damaged by neo-nazi trolls who vandalized his cartoons.

I don’t think he need to worry about neo-nazis ruining his reputation.

9 years ago

“Clever” graphics aside, If you read carefully you’ll note I did not say what David should or should not do. However I do think the critique is impotent. #JeSuis____ has moved so far beyond its origins as to be almost completely dissociated from them.

No. The Charlie Hebdo massacre was a horrific attack on the free press and global human rights. I’m aware there are human beings so self-absorbed and callous that, less than a year later, they can blithely co-op the murders of journalists to whine about getting spanked on Twitter, but believe me, they are a tiny minority.