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Scenes from the ongoing Twitter debacle that is #JeSuisMilo

Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter
Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter

History repeats itself. In September 1939, Hitler launched World War II by blocking Poland on Twitter. In December 1941, the United States entered into the war after Japan subtweeted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

This past Friday, according to Breitbart, Twitter “declar[ed] war on conservative media” by taking away the little blue checkmark that used to run next to Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos’ name on Twitter, verifying that he is indeed the real Milo Yiannopoulos.

No, really. Here’s the headline of the piece that ran in Breitbart’s tech section on the terrible injustice done to young Mr. Yiannopoulos, who coincidentally just happens to run Breitbart’s tech section.

Twitter Declares War On Conservative Media, ‘Unverifies’ Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos

Now, Milo hasn’t actually been banned from Twitter. Twitter simply informed him that “due to [his] recent violations of the Twitter Rules” — he’s a bit of a bully — they were taking away his little blue checkmark. So now he has to navigate Twitter without a little blue checkmark, like the overwhelming majority of Twitter users.

Naturally, Milo’s army of fans has responded to this terrible tragedy with wisdom and restraint.

JUST KIDDING! They’re crying bloody murder on Twitter and harassing anyone they can blame for Milo’s de-checkmarking.

Referencing a slogan formerly used to honor journalists and others literally murdered by terrorists, Milo’s Twitter fans launched the hashtag #JeSuisMilo. It was ugly

Here are some scenes from the ongoing debacle that is that hashtag.

Naturally, there were rape jokes.

In a variation on the old “I’m Spartacus” ploy, many of Milo’s fans pretended to be him. (The real Milo posts as @Nero)

It didn’t take long for the Milovians to find women to blame for Milo’s plight. Many — including some of the fake Milos — went after Huffington Post writer Jessie Thompson, who wrote a piece defending Twitter’s actions. Many of her, er, critics seem to be big fans of the c-word.

But she wasn’t the only woman to draw the fire of the Milovians. Some used the hashtag as an excuse to attack familiar #GamerGate targets.

Others — again, including some fake Milos — used the hashtag to promote their own agendas — some silly, some horrific, some a mixture of the two.

One fellow thought he knew the real reason feminists hate Milo.

A few even managed to work their “cuck” obsession into their Tweets.

You can tell something about writers by the fans they attract. Milo’ fans prove with every terrible tweet of their what a wretched bunch of bullies and bigots they are — and why Twitter needs to do more to crack down on the abuse that its platform enables.

Congratulations, Milo defenders, for own-goaling yourself so magnificently.

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Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

I wonder if this continues, they’ll just ban him. That would be great.

9 years ago

I honestly don’t find milo attractive and I am a male straight feminist. He might be confused that there are many straight male feminists.

9 years ago

Well, it’s jsut a picture of the Stormfron- I mean, Stormtroopers.

Seriously, though, I don’t get how these people rattle about free speech when talking about a private company’s policies, especially since I thought conservatives were supposed to be all for private companies having freedom.

9 years ago

Does anyone feel like some off topic fennec fox gifs?

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How about a fennec and a kitty?

Sorry. It just feels like a fennec kind of evening.

9 years ago


They only like corporate freedom when it is convenient.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I need to go to bed, so I’m just gonna preemptively dump these two JPGs for the benefit of any trolls that might show up while I’m offline:
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(Also, I’ve just been informed that “Mensa” is not an acronym and is not written in all caps. Whoops. Irony! =P)

9 years ago

I asked him on twitter why ‘unverifies’ is in scare quotes in the Brietbart headline, but ‘declares war’ is presented as a fact. LOL

9 years ago

Exactly. “I only support things when they serve me/my agenda” would be a much more honest position, but they are only just smart enough to know they’re not supposed to say that.

9 years ago

This is too goofy. I’m going back to following the Twitter fight between Lonely Luke Skywalker and Emo Kylo Ren.

9 years ago

You got a link to that? I’m not too good at this twitter thing.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

“You can tell the size of the man by the size of the thing that makes him mad.” – Adlai Stevenson

What a petty thing to rage about. Scrolling down through those tweets, it all started to blur together into cartoon swearing: @#%@#*#. What would they ever do if a real muzzle was put on their right to speak?

It figures they’d try to appropriate the JeSuis hashtag. Whenever there’s something decent and good, these guys always have to rush in and crap all over it. The closest they can ever get to a noble cause is parodying and diminishing it.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | January 10, 2016 at 6:34 pm
Would one of the social media savvy folks on here be so kind as to indulge me? I’m a bit confused as to why removing the blue thing is a sanction.

My understanding, from David’s post, is it just guarantees the tweeter is who they say they are. If someone has broken t&cs why don’t they just get kicked off or suspended or something? Presumably all Milo’s followers know it’s still him, so what’s the detriment and why the fuss?

That’s pretty much what it does. It’s also a protection against people making false accounts and pretending they’re you, and it gives you some sort of legitimacy, because not only do you have to apply for verification, other people have to vouch for you in order for Twitter to verify you.

It’s also a way for Twitter to promote “celebrities”, and in doing so, it’s similar to condoning the actions that “celebrity” might take using their platform. So, if someone who is verified is being shitty, then Twitter has every right to revoke that verification.

So, pretty much what Twitter has done by revoking Milo’s verification is stating he’s “broken their rules”, and they’re also kind of just giving him a slap on the wrist for his shitty behavior via their site. Unfortunately, he’s still allowed to post there, and many people have also made the point that Trump’s easily just as bad as he is, but he’s not being banned either.

So, it’s a baby step, but a baby step in the right direction.

Not to mention that Milo getting swarmed by impersonator accounts is exactly what verification is supposed to protect against.

9 years ago

Now everyone that isn’t an Beta cuck or Brainwashed Feminist is rising up with #JeSuisMilo

Holy SHIT, there are a lot of Beta cucks and Brainwashed Feminists!

Anyway, this is really the biggest issue facing you today? A shitstain excuse for a journalist you like got a tiny checkmark removed from next to his name? And you say we’re easily offended?

9 years ago

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Wow! Just, wow! I am kinda lost for words. All that because of Milo being denied a little blue thing next to his name on Twitter?!?! WTF?!?!?!?!? It just shows what manbabies they are! And they go on about how feminists ‘whine about first world problems’ and ‘how people in the Middles East have it so much worse’? Their hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is showing.

9 years ago

LindsayIrene-Yep, they are TOTAL manbabies!!


Thanks LindsayIrene and weirwoodtreehugger for the brain bleach, those fennec foxes are adorable!

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Now they’re saying Twitter is blocking #JeSuisMilo from autocomplete. It’s a feminist conspiracy! Who knows how far this goes! Soylent Green is people!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

I’m boggling over how a minor loss of status is being spun as a horrifying injustice. This is the MRAs being logical rather than emotional, is it?

My cats are less dramatic about meals being late.

Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
9 years ago

Let’s say your dinner companion sits back and waits for you to pay the whole bill, when you didn’t offer to and don’t want to. Here’s how to deal with it like a grownup:

1. Give them a hint, e.g. “So, how do you want to split up the bill?” Most people will realize they were being presumptuous and take the hint.

If that doesn’t work, either:

2a. Ask them nicely to pay their share (awkward but probably effective).


2b. Pay for the whole thing (unfair but less awkward).

If they didn’t take the hint at step one, maybe don’t go out with them again because they’re probably a clueless jerk.

(EXCEPTION: If you have a high-salaried job and your companion is a broke student, just offer right away to pay the fucking bill because you can afford it. I don’t care what gender you are. That’s not being wallet-raped, that’s being a normal, polite, considerate person.)


1. Pay the bill without attempting to deal with the situation like a grownup, stew in toxic resentment, make a meme comparing being out the cost of one dinner to being raped. Then go stick your head in a toilet. Dumbass.

9 years ago

‘Middles East’? Where did that come from? Sorry, I obviously meant Middle East

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Now they’re saying Twitter is blocking #JeSuisMilo from autocomplete. It’s a feminist conspiracy! Who knows how far this goes! Soylent Green is people!

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago

“We’re ready to march”. Above a screenshot of stormtroopers.

Well, at least they’ve correctly identified that they are on the side of the brainwashing fascists.