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Scenes from the ongoing Twitter debacle that is #JeSuisMilo

Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter
Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter

History repeats itself. In September 1939, Hitler launched World War II by blocking Poland on Twitter. In December 1941, the United States entered into the war after Japan subtweeted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

This past Friday, according to Breitbart, Twitter “declar[ed] war on conservative media” by taking away the little blue checkmark that used to run next to Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos’ name on Twitter, verifying that he is indeed the real Milo Yiannopoulos.

No, really. Here’s the headline of the piece that ran in Breitbart’s tech section on the terrible injustice done to young Mr. Yiannopoulos, who coincidentally just happens to run Breitbart’s tech section.

Twitter Declares War On Conservative Media, ‘Unverifies’ Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos

Now, Milo hasn’t actually been banned from Twitter. Twitter simply informed him that “due to [his] recent violations of the Twitter Rules” — he’s a bit of a bully — they were taking away his little blue checkmark. So now he has to navigate Twitter without a little blue checkmark, like the overwhelming majority of Twitter users.

Naturally, Milo’s army of fans has responded to this terrible tragedy with wisdom and restraint.

JUST KIDDING! They’re crying bloody murder on Twitter and harassing anyone they can blame for Milo’s de-checkmarking.

Referencing a slogan formerly used to honor journalists and others literally murdered by terrorists, Milo’s Twitter fans launched the hashtag #JeSuisMilo. It was ugly

Here are some scenes from the ongoing debacle that is that hashtag.

Naturally, there were rape jokes.

In a variation on the old “I’m Spartacus” ploy, many of Milo’s fans pretended to be him. (The real Milo posts as @Nero)

It didn’t take long for the Milovians to find women to blame for Milo’s plight. Many — including some of the fake Milos — went after Huffington Post writer Jessie Thompson, who wrote a piece defending Twitter’s actions. Many of her, er, critics seem to be big fans of the c-word.

But she wasn’t the only woman to draw the fire of the Milovians. Some used the hashtag as an excuse to attack familiar #GamerGate targets.

Others — again, including some fake Milos — used the hashtag to promote their own agendas — some silly, some horrific, some a mixture of the two.

One fellow thought he knew the real reason feminists hate Milo.

A few even managed to work their “cuck” obsession into their Tweets.

You can tell something about writers by the fans they attract. Milo’ fans prove with every terrible tweet of their what a wretched bunch of bullies and bigots they are — and why Twitter needs to do more to crack down on the abuse that its platform enables.

Congratulations, Milo defenders, for own-goaling yourself so magnificently.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Rosa

I do indeed; thank you! 🙂

And cheers again to panda pool for all your help and digging out those instructions for me.

9 years ago
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

Cheers for that but I’m currently using an iPad (client got me it so I couldn’t have any more excuses for not responding to emails when I’m out and about) and it might as well work by spell casting.

Well, for future reference, pressing a picture in browser on the tablet would act as right click, although I don’t know about whatever browser Apple products use.

9 years ago
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ kupo

And thanks to you too!

@ panda

It’s a version of Safari but if you hold down it just gives the option to save or copy the picture, but copying and pasting didn’t appear to work. I obviously suck at iPads, but being a bloke, only I suck, not every bloke 😉

9 years ago


This may or may not help. I don’t have an iPad to verify the instructions work.

Tap and hold, and the 2nd option will be to open it in a new page. Tap that, and you’ll get a new window. Tap the URL bar, and Copy.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ kupo

I’m clearly a lost cause, leave me behind, I’ll only slow the rest of you down. 🙂

9 years ago

One more thing that I find viscerally disturbing: People who treat any form of disagreement as trolling. My initial post was completely polite and civil, and for it I got called a troll. People who respond to disagreement that way are close-minded, stupid, and bigoted, and they piss me off. Do you like bigots? Because I don’t.

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

To Ben:

I’m just not going to talk to you anymore, because the urge to drag your sorry, ignorant sealion ass is too great.

So, I will ignore the temptation today. Mostly because I’d be repeating myself, and mostly because I can sit back and watch everyone else do it for me.

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9 years ago

@Ben Cohen

Now that you’ve had some rest, perhaps you can answer the question that we’ve posed many times:

What do you expect us to do about the fact that Twitter took away Milo’s blue checkmark?

9 years ago

I need to put my contacts in…
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9 years ago

I’m clearly a lost cause, leave me behind, I’ll only slow the rest of you down.

That’s not a very manly and alpha thing to say. Shouldn’t you be likening yourself to Gandalf heroically staying behind to fight the Balrog while the rest of us flee in terror, clutching our Bowie and drag queen gifs?



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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Well my masterplan was that I’d let you think I was dead and let you struggle on on your own. Then in the final act, when you’re all surrounded by the baddies and think there’s no hope, I’d miraculously appear over the horizon and save the day.

You’d all be so relieved and amazed you wouldn’t stop to think how I’d actually managed that until a few hours after the movie.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his, she/her pronouns)
9 years ago

You’d all be so relieved and amazed you wouldn’t stop to think how I’d actually managed that until a few hours after the movie.

I’m guessing the part were it’s explained in the movie is from the extended cut.

9 years ago

First of all I must say that David Bowie is a goddamn inspiration. I wish I had that level of charisma. Also, I very much enjoyed listening to ‘The man who sold the world’ at the opening of MGS5.

Also I missed the sealion, but boy was this one predictable

One more thing that I find viscerally disturbing: People who treat any form of disagreement as trolling. My initial post was completely polite and civil, and for it I got called a troll.

Actually, no you didn’t. Literally everyone just said ‘No, you’re wrong’ or felt zero sympathy for Milo. In other words, no, people here do not treat “any form of disagreement as trolling”, they just disagreed with you. But when you said condescending shit like this:

Above perfectly exemplifies anti-intellectualism. You don’t like Milo, ergo you think that random trolls impersonating him is funny and cute. When someone points out the downside to encouraging this type of behavior, it makes your brain hurt and you tell them to leave.

then you got treated as a troll.

Not to mention, you are being treated far more nicely here than anywhere else on the internet. Try disagreeing with fans of Milo, see how well that works for ya

People who respond to disagreement that way are close-minded, stupid, and bigoted, and they piss me off. Do you like bigots? Because I don’t.

I’d like to call this “The Dean Esmay Defense”, for “I will call my ideological opponents bigots/misogynists/racists without bothering to look those words up in the dictionary. Checkmate Feminists!”

9 years ago

Also, I very much enjoyed listening to ‘The man who sold the world’ at the opening of MGS5.

I even like how the mercenary group you manage are called the “Diamond Dogs.” 😀

9 years ago

Somehow my comment didn’t make it through, take 2!


Yes! And wow *dramatic feigned surprise*, there are so many David Bowie references throughout the series that he’s got his own page on the metal gear wiki!

9 years ago

Well, as long as he’s still here, at least I have an excuse to continue posting gifs.

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9 years ago

Yes! And wow *dramatic feigned surprise*, there are so many David Bowie references throughout the series that he’s got his own page on the metal gear wiki!

Given part of it takes place in Afghanistan – I was expecting some mention of “Aladdin Sane” in there…

9 years ago


Not to mention, you are being treated far more nicely here than anywhere else on the internet. Try disagreeing with fans of Milo, see how well that works for ya

You showed up late but your point is a convincing one.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Did anybody else notice that Benny Boy only responded to the two people he knows are dudes and ignored the rest of us? Gee, I wonder where I’ve seen that one before.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@SFHC: He did respond directly to me once or twice. He just ignored the bulk of what I had to say.

User name subject to change
User name subject to change
9 years ago

I think taking away his tiny blue tick is great. It totally invalidates his online persona, diminishes his celebrity. I like it

User name subject to change
User name subject to change
9 years ago

And make no mistake Milo deserves zero validation . His career is a joke

9 years ago

Is anyone in the UK watching The Big Questions on BBC 1 right now, guest starring Milo?