The Trump-loving, “cuck”-obsessed, alt-right racist wing of the manosphere hates immigrants and loves blaming things on women. So it’s not really a surprise that they’ve found a way to combine these two hobbies of theirs, blaming the Muslim “invasion” of Europe on evil slut women.
But I have to give them credit for how deftly they’ve managed to combine their bigotries into one big bigotry.
In a blog post yesterday, the semi-Nazi “pickup” guru who goes by the name of Heartiste blamed Europe’s alleged surrender to the Muslim “invaders” on “women’s redirected desire.”
That’s the nice way of putting it. Elsewhere in the post he described this theory as the “’White women desire swarthy refugee cock’ hypothesis.”
Heartiste starts off his post with an extended quote from a commenter on another alt-right blog, reflecting on the “sexual appeal of strutting military age young men” to (straight) women. The commenter, who goes by the name “Werner,” seems to think that all of the Muslims entering Europe are part of this “sexy” demographic, and thus wildly appealing to European women.
Watch with amazement how Werner pulls the, er, proof for this theory out of his ass. Is the “invasion of these Muslims … appealing to women?” he asks.
The smart answer seems to be No. But if the sexual appeal is not to women, then there is no sexual appeal, but we know and we feel there is a sexual appeal. Therefore the correct answer has to be YES. And the smart answer has to be wrong.
The sexy men are invading because the women want it.
European women don’t necessarily know, or won’t admit, that this is why they really support immigration, but luckily Werner is here to mansplain it to them.
[W]omen do not understand their own desires, so they would be less able to articulate this than I am. What woman would say, “I know it is stupid, but I need to see if these sexy, strong foreigners might make better lovers and rulers.”
But that’s the answer.
Heartiste, himself a regular mansplainer of female desire, is as taken with this hypothesis as Werner is. According to Heartiste, white women’s alleged secret lust for sexy Muslim men is simply another example of an eternal truth: “Men invade, women invite.” Thesaurus in hand, Heartiste explains that
there is something real and profound to the general observation that invasion – the storming of beaches, the colonizing of foreign lands – is a male thing, and invitation – the throwing open of borders and homes to alien peoples, the coddling and sanctification of wretched refuse – is a female thing. And just as it is with intimate consummation, so to does Woman find her purpose opening her nation’s thighs (and sometimes her own thighs) to receive the impudent cock of a dusky totem.
Emphasis mine.
As Heartiste sees it, White women are essentially cuckolding Western Civilization itself, and need to close their legs, literally and figuratively, before it’s too late!
Whatever the psychological motivation of refugee-loving White European women, it has to stop, or be stopped, soon. The survival of Western civilization is at stake.
You know how this goes.
Oh, Nina, that quote is priceless. Shows exactly how the new misogyny is never really new; it only comes in a slightly different package.
Dust Bunny,
No I wasn’t saying I think you endorse Heartiste. I just can’t stand how creeps and trolls like to pass off their assholish behavior as an experiment. Martin Shkreli just tried that shit too.
If trolling is an experiment, I’d them to tell us what the hypothesis is. Where is the data and methodology. What is the experiment trying to accomplish. Where is the data going to be published. Etc.
It just seems like they want to be assholes and think calling it an experiment or a satire will give turn their behavior into something intellectual. Does that work? Does that impress anyone but fellow trolls? Probably not.
Dumb question (since I know very little about who’s who in German politics): who is that guy with the beta label in that pic? Merkel’s husband, her bodyguard, someone else?
Just wondering if the meme makers were just assigning that label to a Random White Guy, or making a ‘statement’ about her “cheating on” her husband by allowing a stranger to take a selfie with her.
Inquiring minds want to know.
So, from the MRA POV, doesn’t this mean European white men are all a bunch of ‘beta cucks’ unworthy to keep their women or their continent? Shouldn’t they all be outn lifting weights and practicing ‘keeping frame’ so they can save Europe?
Re: Satire and Trolling
I really like a line from Ken White at Popehat on the topic. That “if you’re fucking goats ironically, you’re still a goatfucker.”
Or a similar thought that can be used in polite company, the stated moral of Kurt Vonnegut’s “Mother Night”:
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
I think the whole “women don’t know their own desires” crap is at least partially due to our* patriarchal society telling women not to let on that they *have* desires lest they be labeled “sluts.” When I was younger and sexually active in the 80’s this was always in the back of my mind and I constantly checked my behavior accordingly. It was a continual balance of desiring lots of sexual activity while striving not to appear that way.
IOW, Farty doesn’t know what he’s yammering on about. Neither do the rest of the mensers.
*mainly North American.
Also, being an old married broad, things might be a bit different nowadays. In reality I mean, not in the fevered imaginations of redpill/MRA/PUA/miggytoes.
“The smart answer seems to be NO, but that’s not the answer we want, so we’re going with the stupid one.” <<Pretty much what he said.
This is a fantastic quote.
What about me? Am I allowed to lust after middle eastern men too? Or does one need a vagina?
@dust bunny
Yeah. Even Roosh’s legalisation of rape on private property essay was – I do believe – genuinely meant to be some sort of Swiftian satire. He even set it up with some reference to a modest proposal. But it doesn’t READ like satire, because if he’s kidding, he’s kidding on the nose as he’s certainly acted that way with women who he gets behind closed doors. Also he’s just not gifted enough to pull off the satire even if he didn’t, deep down, believe it – though probably in much more limited circumstances.
Ironically, if someone else (Heina, say, or Rebecca Watson) were to write that piece as a satire of Valizadeh, it would work perfectly, and might actually have been pretty funny. However, the fact that it came from Valizadeh’s pen means that it isn’t funny, isn’t satire, and is deplorable.
Haven’t a clue, myself. The pic’s blurry and the top of his head’s cut off. Also, the angle is kind of crap.
I don’t think it really matters, though; they just picked a random photo showing Merkel, a white guy, and a Middle Easterner side by each. And the white guy’s expression, which could be read as pained, might just be him holding in a fart in public, or something equally banal, but they choose to read it as “I’m a beta cuck and he’s stealing my alpha feeeemale, boohoohoo.” When, in fact, it’s probably just a random shot of some harmless random Middle Eastern guy taking a harmless selfie with the chancellor of Germany while some random white guy in the background tries not to fart.
At least, that would be MY interpretation. But what would I know? I’m not troubled by a raging combination of paranoia and Teh Stoopid.
The Impudent Cock of a Dusky Totem.
If there’s not already a bodice-ripper romance novel with that title, there needs to be.
@EJ (t.o.o.) yes – you’re right. It actually made me smile a little thinking of that piece as a satire of Roosh. I mean, if he were written as a piece of fiction, he might be funny.
@Bina – I read white guy on the left of the photo as a civil servant who probably is upset by the innocent selfie-taking because 30 seconds of stoppage upsets the WHOLE rest of the day and he’ll be calling and re-arranging for an hour because of it. Or maybe the camera just caught him wrong.
I read Background Guy’s facial expression as “Please move out of the way, I’m already late for work.” It’s the same mildly-annoyed face as I make when my path’s blocked.
To the people who commented saying ableist things like “cr*zy” and referring this person and the manosphere to teens or children please stop.
I don’t think Heartiste is satire. Sure, he trolls sometimes, and engages in a lot of rather silly rhetorical flourishes. But these days he’s as much about racism as misogyny, and he seems to take the racism stuff really really seriously. He’s got a separate blog devoted to photos that he thinks show how the US is falling prey to the evil non-white masses.
And he gets really testy when challenged about anything directly, especially so if anyone challenges the claims he regularly makes about his blog’s alleged vast influence.
Everything he writes is pretty much in line with standard manosphere ideology, and his fans certainly see him as the real deal.
LOL, I can’t help but think, with the way they are describing these swarthy, sexy men, that they themselves are lusting after them. 😛
If Angela Merkel were Alan Merkel, the manosphere (at least the less virulently racist segment of the manosphere) would react differently to his (alleged) attraction to young, dark-haired, olive-skinned beauties (as long as the beauties in question weren’t refugees):
Chancellor Merkel works hard. He deserves to spend his free time however he chooses. And the woman in the selfie is hot, hot, hot!
Yes, indeed, Heartiste. Everything about Angela Merkel’s life points to her having a passion for young, dark-skinned men.
Of course, this wouldn’t be obvious to the average observer. No, it takes the intellect and insight — not to mention the profound psychic powers — of a Nazi-leaning manospherian to see this.
Thanks for illuminating this issue!
I wait with bated breath for your next profound thoughts.
PS: Heartiste, I’ve given this more thought and now I’m confused.
Much of the manosphere loathes and detests Brad Pitt, noted blond man. Your followers allege that sexy guy Brad Pitt could treat a woman badly and still be loved and desired, while they — less sexy but more deserving — are dumped for an errant belch or mismatched socks.
Mr. Heartiste, help me out: How, how, how can a blond man be sexy?
Please hurry with your answer. My bare bedroom walls need posters of sexy guys. And I need to know — blond or dark?
Maybe his underwear got bunched and he couldn’t un-bunch it because cameras were clicking? Could also be a possibility.
I did think Frau Merkel’s face looked kind of awkward, though. Like “Oh shit, another Middle Easterner wants to take a selfie with me? What will PEGIDA say?”
@boost You’re overthinking. Whenever you go too far down the path one of these dudes wants to send you down, you run smack into another MRA coming the other way. Some commenter here recently asserted the MRA ideology is internally consistent but I don’t see it myself. It’s like pieces of several jigsaw puzzles mixed together: it looks at first like it can be made into a coherent picture and groups of pieces hang together, but no matter how long you try, you’ll never get a unified whole.
They’re definitely not internally consistent. In fact, they are flagrantly inconsistent and seem to be proud of it.
Consistency = misandry
Hmm, does this mean that when so-called “westerners” had invaded and colonized other continents, it was because they were appealed by the native women of those continents ?
I am still wondering how this kind of ludicrous theories, with absolutly no formal/official historic backgrounds and studies, can be believed by some people. Is it charisma ? Reputation/notoriety side effect ?
If ridiculous theories can be so easily accepted, then i give you another one. Remember of the copuline which allow women to control men ? But there are also men who are controling other men. Let me introduce you to outofmyassine. Thanks to this hormone, men can control other men by making them believe theories they just put out of nowhere. And they will gladly accept it without questions, thanks to outofmyassine. And thanks to that, i will rule the world soon. Mwahaha ! (TM)
Have a nice day.