a woman is always to blame alpha males cuckolding dark enlightenment evil sexy muslims heartiste Islamophobia mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny projection PUA racism red pill

Racist pickup artist asks: Are Muslim “invaders” too sexy for Western Civilization?

Detail from meme posted on Chateau Heartiste
Detail from meme posted on Chateau Heartiste

The Trump-loving, “cuck”-obsessed, alt-right racist wing of the manosphere hates immigrants and loves blaming things on women. So it’s not really a surprise that they’ve found a way to combine these two hobbies of theirs, blaming the Muslim “invasion” of Europe on evil slut women.

But I have to give them credit for how deftly they’ve managed to combine their bigotries into one big bigotry.

In a blog post yesterday, the semi-Nazi “pickup” guru who goes by the name of Heartiste blamed Europe’s alleged surrender to the Muslim “invaders” on “women’s redirected desire.”

That’s the nice way of putting it. Elsewhere in the post he described this theory as the “’White women desire swarthy refugee cock’ hypothesis.”

Heartiste starts off his post with an extended quote from a commenter on another alt-right blog, reflecting on the “sexual appeal of strutting military age young men” to (straight) women. The commenter, who goes by the name “Werner,” seems to think that all of the Muslims entering Europe are part of this “sexy” demographic, and thus wildly appealing to European women.

Watch with amazement how Werner pulls the, er, proof for this theory out of his ass. Is the “invasion of these Muslims … appealing to women?” he asks.

The smart answer seems to be No. But if the sexual appeal is not to women, then there is no sexual appeal, but we know and we feel there is a sexual appeal. Therefore the correct answer has to be YES. And the smart answer has to be wrong.

The sexy men are invading because the women want it.

European women don’t necessarily know, or won’t admit, that this is why they really support immigration, but luckily Werner is here to mansplain it to them.

[W]omen do not understand their own desires, so they would be less able to articulate this than I am. What woman would say, “I know it is stupid, but I need to see if these sexy, strong foreigners might make better lovers and rulers.”

But that’s the answer.

Heartiste, himself a regular mansplainer of female desire, is as taken with this hypothesis as Werner is. According to Heartiste, white women’s alleged secret lust for sexy Muslim men is simply another example of an eternal truth: “Men invade, women invite.” Thesaurus in hand, Heartiste explains that

there is something real and profound to the general observation that invasion – the storming of beaches, the colonizing of foreign lands – is a male thing, and invitation – the throwing open of borders and homes to alien peoples, the coddling and sanctification of wretched refuse – is a female thing. And just as it is with intimate consummation, so to does Woman find her purpose opening her nation’s thighs (and sometimes her own thighs) to receive the impudent cock of a dusky totem.

Emphasis mine.

As Heartiste sees it, White women are essentially cuckolding Western Civilization itself, and need to close their legs, literally and figuratively, before it’s too late!

Whatever the psychological motivation of refugee-loving White European women, it has to stop, or be stopped, soon. The survival of Western civilization is at stake.

You know how this goes.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The smart answer seems to be No. But if the sexual appeal is not to women, then there is no sexual appeal, but we know and we feel there is a sexual appeal. Therefore the correct answer has to be YES. And the smart answer has to be wrong.

In other words, Heartiste’s answer is the dumb answer. And it’s true because he said so. He feels the sexual appeal, so therefore there is yes sexual appeal, because we know there to be sexual appeal, because sexual appeal is appealing, sexually. Bla bla Ginger bla bla bla sexual appeal.

This doesn’t even attain the level of “because reasons”. It’s one of the dumbest paragraphs I’ve ever seen on the internet. And that includes “MORANS” and “how is babby formed”.

impudent cock of a dusky totem

Never mind, scratch that. We have a new winner.

(“Impudent”? Is that the new “uppity”?)

@Victorious Parasol:

“Men invade, women invite”? This sounds like a geopolitical version of “She was asking for it.”

Maybe if Poland had had tattoos and shorter hair, Hitler wouldn’t have been so tempted.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Is there such a thing as non-stochastic terrorism?

Lord Stoneheart
Lord Stoneheart
9 years ago

So if I’m reading that word salad Werner wrote, he’s saying “I’m right because I’m right!”

Also that word salad is confusing me, but he insists that sexual appeal towards women must be a thing here, because if it’s not towards women it doesn’t exist and it does exist so therefore he’s right. This sounds like the word salad version of “No homo!”

9 years ago

Ah yes, women‘s first thought is “How can I possibly sexually exploit terrified people in an awful situation?”

The projection is strong with this one.

9 years ago

My cat literally plopped her head down and started snoring when I started reading this Heartiste stuff.

She’s no dummy.

9 years ago

These guys really will make anything about shallow feeeeemales and “cuck.”

Star Wars. Mad Max. North Korea. Nickelodeon. The apocalypse. Hurricanes. Grape jelly. Munchkin cats. The Big Crunch Theory.


9 years ago

Weird interracial erotica between personification of nations?

The Pornographic School of Geopolitics, soon to rival the Realist school?

Women of Europe: I love these Dusky Totems but do they have to be so impudent?

Heavy use of florid synonyms in descriptions of naughty bits? Isn’t that usually the advice given for dirty talk and not political polemics?

Okay okay I’m done.

This whole post is gold though.

9 years ago

Is there such a thing as non-stochastic terrorism?

Not sure if you’re serious or joking. But yes, there is. It’s just called ‘terrorism’. As in, plotted, planned for and executed by those in control or those who answer to them directly via communication methods that are personal.

Stochastic terrorism is relying on the knowledge that there are any number of unhinged contingent of followers who will vehemently “further the cause” by using violence and then simply ‘suggesting’ that “something needs to be done”, maybe with some bullseye’s painted on the ideological opponents.

While terrorist acts are stochastic by their nature, the ‘stochastic’ in ‘stochastic terrorism’ is mainly about how the one calling for violence can suggest someone be ‘taken out’ in any number of ways, but they cannot predict that anyone will actually follow through with anything more than a candlelit dinner.

9 years ago

Leda Atomica – I seriously hope that polar bear was okay!!

Reminded me of when I was a little kid and got my head stuck in a pot…. My aunt teased me that it would never come off – they would just have to drill eye holes and a hole for a feeding tube and I would have to remain like that for the rest of my life!
Gawd… was I scared…..

9 years ago

The “women don’t know what they want” theme is very, very popular among those men who hate and fear women.

In this case, what with women betraying their own country by sleeping with foreign invaders, no prevention — or punishment — is too great.

You know, that guy taking the selfie with Angela Merkel is cute! They’d better tie me up and lock me in a closet too, to be let out only at their pleasure — to make sandwiches and be raped and such.

9 years ago

Are we doing animal playing brain bleach?

One of my old favorites

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Are these guys even capable of thinking about things without relating it to Sex in some way?

9 years ago

Holy ridiculous, ignorant, projections of white, male fragility, Batman!

9 years ago

If the women in Swarthier parts are so submissive and perfect, why would the men want to leave?
Are western women not repulsive anymore?
I sense a paradox in the doodlogix.

Garen Truscott
9 years ago

Why doesn’t Heartiste just kiss the muslim boys and get it over with?

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

If there’s one upside to the emergence of this whole “cuck” nonsense, it’s certainly pinpointed where the neuroses of right-wing men lie. It’s all about their fear of being treated the way they’ve institutionally treated women and POC. For anyone with a skerrick of self awareness, that would prompt some reexamination of one’s views, maybe even some empathy. But not these guys, no sir.

9 years ago


You are welcome.

9 years ago

I thought we women crave for a pure white rich influential man, not for refugees who barely own anything and cannot support our spoiled consumerist feminine lifestyle.
Ok, so now I must focus on exotic strangers…

Anyway. I barely ever think about sex. It has low priority in my life because there are a lot of things that must come first. But according to manospherians, I must be living so well all day I can allow myself to think about sex most of the time. It is not strange that this comes from those who think about sex all the time…

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

Oh and I see Milo’s ongoing meltdown over losing his precious blue tick continues apace. I really hope Twitter takes the next step and bans him. So tired of purveyors of hate speech screaming freedom of speech – which doesn’t apply on a privately owned platform anyway – when their odious bullshit is called out.

9 years ago

I just….this is…..NO. Just NO.

Time to break out the serious brain bleach stuff.

But there’s just this oneeeee lasssssssst thing…..
NO! NO NO NO NO! And WHYYYY?? There will be none of that mansplaining thing or assuming they know what women want because they feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels they know what women want. NO I SAY!

9 years ago

I am still under impression.
I really thought I was trying to help someone…

I have saved many animals from the street. I never knew I was doing it in hope to have sex with them.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
9 years ago

Just got back from my night shift at the homeless shelter (7pm – 8am) and about to crawl into my bed for a nap so I was thinking my reading comprehension had taken a hit when I read:

W]omen do not understand their own desires, so they would be less able to articulate this than I am.

But then I see the comments and I have not misunderstood. Now I’m thinking that because women reject PUAs and other manosphere shitheads, they have come up with theories in order to avoid self evaluation. “It’s not that I’m repellent, it’s because those terrible, shallow women only want refugees/rich men/black men/bad boys.”

Anyway, nap time for me. Taking my son bowling this afternoon and don’t want to be exhausted.

9 years ago

@Dr. Hoveiny

I know this sounds absurd, but, I have a (feminist, politically active) friend who has said that Chateau Heartiste is a collective who are all writing satire, and she has met these people.


Can you wangle an introduction? Inquiring minds need to know more about this assertion.

9 years ago

Ellesar: a pre-Nazi intellectual whose work was widely circulated did indeed advocate something very similar. While he didn’t mention Jews in this passage, he harped upon the same notion, that of pale women’s unruly desire for dark-skinned men.

“Dear ladies, tell me honestly, whose wives would you be today if noble men, if god-like Siegfrieds, had not torn you away from the Sodomite monsters, if they had not put you in warm nests, if they had not defended you — sword in hand — throughout thousands and thousands of years against Slavs, Mongols, Moors and Turks? Choose between us and those sons of Sodom, have yourselves sexually serviced on the mound of corpses of your husbands who fell in battle — as so many of your mothers’ mothers did! Take them to your husbands’ houses, so they can make harem slaves of you, so you can become the mother of a brood of lascivious, bloodthirsty beasts, who know no motherly or wifely love! What woman is today she has become thanks to the sword and power of man. Man wrestled woman from the apes of Sodom, and for this reason she is his property! -”

This is from a famous pamphlet “Theozoology” by Lanz Von Liebenfels, who accused Hitler of stealing his ideas after falling out of favor with the Fuhrer. He wrote that the non-Aryan races are the result of sex with animals.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Mortarius | January 9, 2016 at 10:52 pm
Weird interracial erotica between personification of nations?

Lea | January 10, 2016 at 1:08 am

You are welcome.

And yet, America isn’t nearly as much of an asshole as the racist, sexist, homophobic manosphere (Though he does have a bit of a hero complex).

Go figure.