
A Red Piller Wonders: If You’re Having Sex With Someone Who Hates You, Is There Kissing?

Apparently unnecessary, in Red Pill land
Apparently unnecessary, in Red Pill land

Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, one of the stranger outposts in Reddit’s Red Pill empire, one aspiring alpha has a rather plaintive question about the proper etiquette when one is, er, making love with a woman who hates you.

Explain hatefucking to me (self.asktrp) submitted 13 hours ago by redthrowawaypill Can someone with experience tell me how it is when a girl hates you but you still fuck her. Does she kiss at all? It's weird because I could never fuck someone I hate.

The obvious answer to this little conundrum is: don’t have sex with people who hate you, or that you hate. Alas, this is not the adviceΒ given to youngΒ redthrowawaypill.

No, the adviceΒ he’s given is a lot more rapey.

A fellow calling himself toolatebutnexttime fondly recalls the lovely times he used to have with his hated first wife. Well, they were lovely for him, in any case.

F**king someone you hate can be really fun. My first wife cheated one me while I was deployed. I grew to hate her, to this day I hate her with every ounce of my being.

When I would come back to the states for vacation, I would pick up the kids from her, go hang out with them, take them back to her house put them to bed and then f**k the hell out of her.

Everything I wanted to do during the marriage but was too beta to just go ahead and do, I did. The fact that I hated her made me not give a shit about if it caused I fight afterwords.

Huh. You’re doing things to herΒ without her consent and that make her angry. That’s not sex any more; it’s rape.

The advice given by Truckyouinthebutt seems almost reasonable by comparison, at least at first.

So hate F**k isn’t f**king someone you hate. Its more of a feeling that you don’t see anything ever happening with this person and all you do is F**k. You don’t date, you don’t text, you don’t talk about the weather, you just F**k. It can be you both hate each others personality but are sexually,attracted to each other and both need a release.

Sort of a friends-with-benefits kind of deal but without the “friends” part. That can actually work if both people are ok with it.

But thenΒ Truckyouinthebutt starts sounding rapey as hell too:

I f**ked a girl who was friends with my friends gf but couldn’t stand to hang out with her.

He means that he couldn’t stand to hang out with her, not that the girl couldn’t stand to hang out with her own female friend.

We would all go out for drinks. Us guys would talk, the girls would talk, then at the end of the night we would go after party at my friends place. Him and his,gf would go in her room to F**k and I would keep bitch girl on the couch and F**k there.

Wait, you’d keep her there? How, exactly? This is starting to sound a bit rapey.

No kissing, no sex talk, just whip it out and put it in.

A lot rapey.

You get to pull the hair more, pinch the nipples, slap her ass harder because you,don’t give a F**k what she thinks.

Ok, here’s the thing: when you’re having sex with someone you have to give enough of “a F**k what she thinks” to ensure that she is actually, you know, consenting to sex. Rough sex is fine, if she’s into it too. But sex without consent, well, thatΒ isn’t actually sex any more.

Normally if they are hate fucking you they are freaks and totally get off to this so if you do,it right they come back every time.

And if it turns out that, you know, you actually raped her? To Truckyouinthebutt, evidently, it’s no harm, no foul because, hey, he didn’t even like her anyway.

The Ask the Red Pill subreddit is basically the world’s worst advice column.

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9 years ago

“I f**ked a girl who was friends with my friends gf but couldn’t stand to hang out with her.”

So wait, He couldn’t stand hanging out with her but was still willing to hang out with her? How does that work? Also The only place where people who hate each other have consensual sex is in the movies. Most of the time very stupid movies.

9 years ago

Ugh. The idea of sex without any emotional connection, with someone who can’t stand me doesn’t appeal. (Aside from the obviously nasty, not caring if you happen to be committing rape part of this.)

9 years ago


It is known.

9 years ago

Message to redpillers and people in general: Any piece of advice that takes the form of “How to make [person] do [action], or have [action] done to them, against their will.” is advice nobody should give or follow.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ dhag

I agree with your general sentiment but I’d make an exception where ‘person’ = ‘teenager’ and ‘action’ = ‘decontaminate bedroom’.

9 years ago

Arrrghhhhhh my eyes!! So much NOPE!!

Look, a kitty climbing Mount Freezer!

9 years ago


There might actually be many exceptions, now that you mention it. It seemed so clear when I said it, but now I see it’s not that easy. It needs better/more words, definitely, because there are people who refuse to do things that need to be done, and people who want to do things they shouldn’t be doing.

Dammit, morality, stop being so difficult.

9 years ago

Just change advice to dating /sex advice.

9 years ago


Good idea. The rule still works but the scope is limited. πŸ™‚

Lisa C
Lisa C
9 years ago

How can anyone follow this ‘advice?’

Kitten/sheep brain bleach

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

The kitten on the left looks like he’s just seen an assassination and the kitten in the middle looks like he planned it.

9 years ago


You get to [X] because you don’t give a F**k what she thinks{my emphasis}

OOOOOkay, what else you got?

Normally if they are hate f**king you they are [Y] and totally [Z] so if you do it right they come back every time.  {also my emphasis}

So let me get this straight.  You don’t care what women think, yet you magically conclude they are β€œY” and like β€œZ” because … you’re a magic mind reader (that doesn’t actually care about the minds and bodies of the women you use)?


Own it, shitbag.  You’re a rapist.

9 years ago

I just tried to reblog EJ’s elephant pic.

I’ve been on Tumblr too long.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I’m a little confused. Is the OP wondering whether a person who falls somewhere on the reluctance spectrum between (at best) vaguely callous indifference and (at worst) rape is going to kiss him while he’s doing sex at them? This was actually a question he needed to ask?

Can someone with experience tell me whether people I shove aside on the sidewalk will display enthusiasm? Will they buy me gum?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

He, one of my friends has used “it’s about ethics in journalism” completely unironically. It’s in relation to the BBC and Jeremy Corbyn.

I made a Gamergate reference but nobody got it (“Eh, I didn’t think you played computer games” etc.). I’ve tried to explain but now we’re all just feeling old and out of touch πŸ™‚

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ buttercup

people I shove aside on the sidewalk

You are Richard Ashcroft and I claim my Β£5!

9 years ago

F**king someone you hate can be really fun. My first wife cheated one me while I was deployed. I grew to hate her, to this day I hate her with every ounce of my being.

When I would come back to the states for vacation, I would pick up the kids from her, go hang out with them, take them back to her house put them to bed and then f**k the hell out of her.

Translation: He got cheated on and dumped, but didn’t get over his wife for years and kept coming back to beg for sex. Now he’s spinning it to feel less awful about himself.

9 years ago

Let me contribute to the brain bleach.

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History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Rapists and other abusers usually put a “spin” on events to make it sound like someone behaved in a way that invited their behavior. Saying they “hate” someone helps them feel justified in giving an inaccurate one-sided view of what happened.

9 years ago

Any commentary on the German New Years’ Eve sex attacks upcoming, David?

9 years ago

Whoa, I totally just realized today is my birthday. Weren’t we discussing some sort of party?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Happy birthday!

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
9 years ago

The initial question sounds like he had sex with a woman who didn’t kiss him and he now feels paranoid about why she didn’t kiss. And instead of acknowledging his insecurities he twists it to make it about “hatefucking” and puts it out there to a bunch of rapists in order to feel better.

9 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

Thank you. πŸ™‚
