cuckolding evil SJWs misogyny racism red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Return of Kings With A More Manly Version of The Force Awakens

A big congratulations is in order for odious Red Pill dirtbag Roosh Valizadeh and all his equally odious followers: Return of Kings is now not only the laughingstock of the internet but of television as well!

(And, yes, Return of Kings isn’t a Men’s Rights site per se, bla bla bla; they just agree with MRAs on about 90 percent of everything.)

Naturally, Roosh’s fanboys are crying “cuck!” And making even bigger idiots of themselves by trying and failing to get a #CuckKimmel hashtag trending on Twitter.

Great work, fellas! I’m sure these HILARIOUS and not at all incomprehensible tweets will win the masses over to your side.

H/T — Several people tipped me off to this one; thanks especially to ND Hall, who pointed me to the Roosh fanboy tweets as well.

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9 years ago

I agree with the notion of prosecuting pimps and johns but not the act of selling sex yourself. If it’s made law it would be interesting to see, and side eye, the number of men who start whining on Twitter about how unfair that is. Side eye them indeed.

9 years ago

I read the Wikipedia talk page. Especially the ShadowKomet thread. Oh myyy. He certainly had a lot of free time and nothing useful to fill it with.

The idea of buying sex being illegal while selling it is not was a bit of a puzzle for me at first, but the more I think about it the more least-bad it looks. Women having options for supporting themselves and their families with non-exploitive occupations would be better – but then, I think we all knew that already.

9 years ago

I call them sex workers because, as far as I know, they want to be called sex workers.

There are some groups of sex workers here who are pretty organized, conforming unions and cooperative working. I have no problem calling them sex workers because that’s in fact how they identify -even if I disagree with the expression in itself.

At first I totally bought into their discourse: these were -at least apparently- strong independent women, and also as a Peronist I simply can’t bring myself to be against any union of workers, however exploited they be (in fact, the more exploited, the more urgent it is for them to have a union).

But when I met feminists who went beyond the mere “working benefits” discourse, I couldn’t help but notice that the sex-workers would never, ever -like EVER- join sides with people who were trying to rescue women kidnapped for trafficking and bring down pimps and brothels (most of these people are friends and families of victims, who had to do the work themselves while the State looked away or was an accomplice).

In fact, the discourse from sex workers in Argentina is way more anti-abolitionist than it is anti-exploitation They made anti-sexual exploitation feminists their chosen enemy, instead of the mafias behind sex trafficking networks.

I can’t help but give them the side-eye since then. I do think some of the work they do (as an organization) is legitimate and bring some advances, but when I put it in context, they don’t seem to be bothered by sex trafficking at all. In fact, they insist in every space they speak, that human trafficking has “NOTHING” to do with sex work, which is a big fallacy at the very least.

But really, their would-be naive stance on sex trafficking is between overtly creepy and downright disturbing.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

RE: Publicity for RoK

For a long time I’ve had the problem of engaging my otherwise very tuned-in friends in a conversation about modern misogyny, that they aren’t aware of ‘movements’ in the first place. If internet misogynistic groups are too obscure to discuss in public media, why is it that they have a silencing effect (sorry if I use that incorrectly, damn my English) on people who bring up feminist ideas in public media? If people are bombarded with online threats by these groups or like-minded people, why should it not be discussed (or mocked) openly?

I agree that their ideas should not be taken seriously enough to actually DEBATE them in public discourse, but why not make them the butt of the joke to drive in the point that we don’t want to accept their abusive views as a society?

To me it’s important to both take them seriously as an unequalist bunch, and to diminish their egos by dragging them out into the daylight from their echo chambers so they’ll know where people stand. Or to translate a Finnishism into English: So they’ll know which hole the chicken pisses out of. (I never understood what that meant either.)

RE: Prostitution

Thanks so much everyone for discussing this, I’m learning and this is an important topic I’m going to bring up in discussions about feminism in the context of modern capitalism.

9 years ago

On topic for the blog, but not this thread, did anyone else hear about the doofus here in Chicago who thought it would be peachy-keen to tell the women on the local morning talk-news show that they should no longer wear hats when doing on-the-scene news stories outside.

In Chicago.

In the winter.

Because he thought they would look better with their hair out.

He kindly did suggest that an exception could be made for days when it hits 20 below zero, though, so he has some shred of human kindness (not enough sarcasm tags on the internet for that one).

Anyone surprised this guy works for a local FOX affiliate?

Fortunately, the resulting pushback was strong enough that the idiot policy has been completely rescinded.

9 years ago

Someone with actual legal knowledge might have something more or different to say, but I think there may be a distinction in most places between “legal” and “decriminalized”.

I’m not sure that, in the US, a case could be made for the legalization of prostitution (even if it’s solely prostituting onesself) while arresting and prosecuting those who enable it (pimps/madams – “enabling” isn’t quite the right word, but it’s probably how they’d characterize their activities) and utilize it (johns…are women who use prostitutes called janes?); but you could probably decriminalize selling sex as a singular person (“This isn’t exactly ‘legal’, but you, yourself will not be arrested for engaging in it,”) while still prosecuting those who indirectly profit it from it as well as those who legalize it.

As others have said, it’s not quite like talking about legalizing vs decriminalizing pot because the “product being consumed” is a person with consciousness and agency (of some degree, anyway, though it may be severely stifled under untold layers of abuse and coersion in many cases).

And I realize that some may rejoinder with, “The prostitute’s not the product – the sex is!” in much the same way that it can be argued that your employer is buying your time rather than you in any bog-standard job in a capitalist system.

But it remains that sex is a singular thing to many people. I was going to modify “singular _______ thing” with something, but I couldn’t think of a broad enough word – intimate, personal, invasive…these all are potentially accurate but not sufficient.

Arguing otherwise (and I have heard people argue otherwise) is as tone deaf to the experiences of others as is an MGTOW arguing that sex-on-demand should be instituted because “it’s just something going into an orafice” or an MRA arguing that rape should be classed the same as any other physical assault.

9 years ago

Or to translate a Finnishism into English: So they’ll know which hole the chicken pisses out of.

FYI – It’s the same hole for everything, at least by the end 😉


9 years ago

@Freemage – Because having ears that haven’t succumbed to frostbite is soooooooo passé.

I’ve never been to Chicago but lived in the upper Great Lakes region of New York for a while…
…Fuck that guy.

Actual internal dialogue I had while up there in early March:

“Today’s not so bad, really. Just kind of crisp…and I just realized that I’m praising the weather because it’s above -5°F and doesn’t hurt to breathe while walking between my car and the library.”

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


Thank you! I’m glad to get the avian view on this. 😀

9 years ago


I always felt like Jimmy Kimmel was using the show to mock ridiculous masculinity. Adam Carolla on the other hand… I’m not sure he understood the mockery part.

9 years ago

Anyone surprised this guy works for a local FOX affiliate?

My mind immediately recalls the clip of Fox News where three old white men make comments on the leggings worn by high school girls that are paraded in front of them in the studio. Creepy As Fuck.

Now another old white man (haven’t read the story but I just know it’s an old white dude, right?) is trying to tell women what he thinks they should wear. Is this going to become a pattern for Fox News affiliates?

9 years ago

I think, in an ideal world, sex work would be legal and socially acceptable, though it would need to be heavily regulated and need to have a lot of protection for the sex workers.

But I’m not really sure about how to get from here to there. A lot of people seem to want to legalize it and then just let “the invisible hand of the market” fix everything that’s wrong with it, and I kinda doubt that would work very well.

What I do know, is that the current situation is unacceptable. Currently sex workers can’t get help with anything because they’ll be arrested for prostitution if they try. The current system is basically designed to protect abusers, and to give their victims no way out. That’s unacceptable.

Zelda P.
Zelda P.
9 years ago

I was watching TV for the first time since moving into a new area six months ago (wasn’t room for our old TV on the truck) and there was one horrible moment where we realized we’d been watching a local Fox affiliate and I said “This can’t be Fox. The woman on camera is clearly over 30. She might be – gasp – over 40.”

Seriously, I thought all Fox affiliates banned females of over 25 from being on-screen….

9 years ago

I made a post that seems to have been eaten by the spam filter. I was replying to SFHC, asking what my point was. Basically, I’m wary of attempts to explain the Koeln attacks because they strike me as over-explaining the already-explicable. Racists say it’s because of refugees and immigrants, feminists say it’s because of the red light district — or in other words, everyone blames whatever they’re already opposed to. I think we should consider the possibility that this is just a random fluctuation in the already-appalling baseline level of gendered violence which happens to have gotten an international spotlight. I spent 30 minutes looking for crime stats on Koeln or Germany overall that might prove me wrong and/or back me up, but didn’t find anything useful.

9 years ago

This is the most epically hilarious thing I’ve seen all day! Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel, for being awesome.

John Williams is also awesome for The Star Wars theme.

David Futrelle is awesome for this awesome website.

Also; This constant “cuck….cuck….cuck….” makes these Male Supremacist boogers sound like a bunch of chickens….or cuckoos…..both which are very fitting….and anything BUT awesome.

9 years ago

Additional reading for those amused by the MTGOW Wikipedia talk stuff:

The original creator of the MGTOW page plus some random cheerleader strongly recommend deleting it because the WP editors aren’t letting them use it as a brochure.

History Nerd
9 years ago

The “cuck” thing doesn’t make sense unless you’re a racist alt-right asshole who thinks liberal betas are letting racial minorities steal your women.

9 years ago

Cuck a doodle doo

9 years ago

Also; This constant “cuck….cuck….cuck….” makes these Male Supremacist boogers sound like a bunch of chickens….

“Cuck cuck cuck BGARRRRRK!!”

It does rather, doesn’t it. I reckon we should spam ROKers with chicken pics every time they tweet the word cuck.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Oh God, the MRA on that page with (if I’ve counted correctly) 36 confirmed socks, all with hyper-stereotypical usernames like “Fearless Speaker Of Truth,” “Conspiracy To Tell The Truth” and “Heil Trump.” He’s almost as dedicated as some of the trolls here.

History Nerd
9 years ago

It’s easy to mock Manosphereans for their ridiculous views, but their views are internally consistent and appeal to a lot of people. RoK and Aurini actually believe this stuff.

9 years ago


Ha, wow, I completely missed that. I mostly skipped that user’s comments because they looked like a bunch of white noise. I guess my bullshit detector is working!

9 years ago

@History Nerd – Firstly, I’d hardly call manospherian beliefs “internally consistent”–they contradict themselves all the time. For starters, women cannot simultaneously be the shadowy cabal ruling everything, and also be brainless leeches who have never accomplished anything in their lives.

Secondly–the number of people who like it really has no bearing on how ridiculous it is. And RoK and Aurini are goofballs whose judgment no one should put too much stock in.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago


He kindly did suggest that an exception could be made for days when it hits 20 below zero, though, so he has some shred of human kindness (not enough sarcasm tags on the internet for that one).

Anyone surprised this guy works for a local FOX affiliate?

Because the discomfort of women is less important than how they look even though the same can be said of men? All the nope.

But the FOX affiliate dig isn’t fair, so far as I can tell. The affiliates don’t have the reputation of the FOX corporate news entities from what I have heard. As a data point, the FOX affiliate in the L.A.* market is in no way different from the other networks’ affiliates. That being said, I quit watching all local news years ago because there was so little actual news aside from weather and sports, just lots of fluff pieces and stuff that functions as advertising. And shootings. Lots of shootings, though that’s probably an L.A. thing.

*I don’t live there anymore, but still get those local channels along with San Diego local channels in my cable package.

9 years ago

Heil Trump?

Once again, you can’t even Godwin Trump and his fans anymore. Not when they’re literally Nazis.