cuckolding evil SJWs misogyny racism red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Return of Kings With A More Manly Version of The Force Awakens

A big congratulations is in order for odious Red Pill dirtbag Roosh Valizadeh and all his equally odious followers: Return of Kings is now not only the laughingstock of the internet but of television as well!

(And, yes, Return of Kings isn’t a Men’s Rights site per se, bla bla bla; they just agree with MRAs on about 90 percent of everything.)

Naturally, Roosh’s fanboys are crying “cuck!” And making even bigger idiots of themselves by trying and failing to get a #CuckKimmel hashtag trending on Twitter.

Great work, fellas! I’m sure these HILARIOUS and not at all incomprehensible tweets will win the masses over to your side.

H/T — Several people tipped me off to this one; thanks especially to ND Hall, who pointed me to the Roosh fanboy tweets as well.

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9 years ago

Long time viewer, first time commenter. Don’t watch Jimmy Kimmel that much but this was pretty good. Also funnny how guys like Roosh are the first to jump to a comedians defense whenever they make a rape joke and yet here they are getting offended because a comedian made fun of their little “movement”. Classic example of can dish it out but can’t take it.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

Good for Kimmel but MRAs are such a rich source of comedy (as proved by this very website) that I’m surprised that their ideology hasn’t been spoofed before on a late show. Come on, Colbert, you can do it.

9 years ago

Welp, they finally did. They’ve turn the term cuckold, or ‘cuck’ as they use it, into a word devoid of all meaning.

9 years ago

About the conversation on the consequences of legalized prostitution: yes it gets SO ugly and depressing and it’s been proven time and time again and we still have people advocating for it without getting informed – even feminists. That’s why it pisses me the fuck off when people call prostituted women “sex workers”, as if it’s JUST like any other job – it’s really not and the vast majority of these women are trapped and didn’t have a better choice in the first place. It’s called exploitation and rape.

There is NO way, and i mean none, like 0, to turn human beings/bodies into commodities and have that be a safe and good thing for society. Absolutely none. It’s so bad on so many levels. It’s basically slavery. It also has not a damn thing to do with “sex positivity” or prudeness. ARG

(Sorry this gets me worked up because i researched a lot about this to write a big paper for one of my sociology classes, really depressing topic)

Oh and i believe the solution is to decriminalize prostituted women, criminalize pimps and buyers, and create social programs to help women exit prostitution.

9 years ago

“Cuck”, when used by the far right weirdos, now means simply “anyone who isn’t one of us”.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


See also: “Communist,” “Socialist,” “Liberal,” “SJW.”

9 years ago


Yup. All their terminology eventually devolves into shorthands for “us/them”. It’s sad, really.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

Bravo. Can’t believe this guy used to be one half of The Man Show.

9 years ago

I just want to say that the video is hilarious. +1 for Axe Body Spray reference.

9 years ago

I tried reading that part and after a while all I could garnish from the MGTOW’s arguments was “Biasbiasbiasbiasbiasbiasbiasbias!!!!” Seriously. That’s what they sound like.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

Joining LadyMondegreen and EJ in saying: Thank you, Bina.

@Sally: Did you publish that paper in any way? Because it sounds interesting. I share your frustration, btw…

9 years ago

I’m with you. I’m so tired of being called a sex-negative prude by other feminists when I make the same argument as you, or a similar one with regards to porn. That industry is known to be highly problematic (read: rapey) but it keeps getting defended.

And on the sex trafficking thing, EVERY TIME there is a blog post by someone about what we can do to stop it there is at least one post in the comments from someone who claims to be a prostitute that a) went into it out of choice and b) has never had any problems thankyouverymuch so WHHYYYY must the author make it seem like all hookers are victims when “the actual number is small and most do it willingly”. It’s not faaaaair because then legal restrictions will stop “legit sex workers” like her from having the career they want! Waaah!

Now I’m starting to think that those comments are actually written by traffickers in disguise who obviously don’t want anyone placing restrictions on the sex industry. Like when MRAs brigade articles about rape to try and shut discussion down.

9 years ago

I’m definitely staying out of the sex work/prostitution discussions but I’d like to just say I greatly appreciate hearing arguments from both/all sides in this. So, thanks, everyone.

9 years ago

I am an ex sex worker (v short time 25 years ago) and I do not defend prostitution. I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones in that I never had a dodgy client or worked in a dodgy place , but I saw enough to know that even if you are not making that choice out of desperation, or having it forced on you, you are still living an unhealthy life.

The women who had been doing prostitution for a while (a year +) mostly hated men and saw them as walking wallets. Drug and alcohol abuse was rampant. Childhood sexual assaults were very common. Some of them hooked up with clients, and this usually ended badly as of course men despise us even more than regular women.

The autonomous free spirited prostitute is so rare as to be a myth. I am sure if I had done it for longer than 2 months I would have my personal horror story to tell.

9 years ago


See also: “Communist,” “Socialist,” “Liberal,” “SJW.”

“Cuck” is an extra level of wrong, though – or perhaps “not even wrong”. As ridiculous as it is that the right treats communist/socialist/liberal as synonyms, at least they usually level those terms at people who are left of centre. “SJW” betrays a horribly mean-spirited view of society, but at least the targets do tend to care about social justice. You can see that these terms of abuse are not 180 degrees away from reality. But “cuck” is different. Right from the start, their use of it as an insult has seemed utterly divorced from its conventional meaning. You might as well try to insult people by calling them “daffodil” or “solenoid”: the reaction would mostly be bafflement: ok, I can tell I’m supposed to be offended, but I don’t know why.

9 years ago

At this point, i think the word “cuck” is just a gross-sounding word that means “pathetic” or “spineless looooser.”

Just, you know, with an extra heapin’ helpin’ of misogyny and racism in there because these are people who waddled up to the Hate buffet. They’ve been back to the line a few times now so their gullets are distended enough with hate for their fellow man that just one flavour of hatred isn’t enough anymore. Gotta pile a bit more on to get that savoury “I’m right and everyone is wrong” taste they need to have.

Sorry if you were eating at the time of reading this. And sorry to the English language for those poor tortured words.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Whether prostitution should be legalized is really a different type of issue than, for example, whether recreational pot use should be legalized. From what we know about prostitution as an industry, there’s pretty much no way to regulate it to simultaneously make it sustainable and create livable conditions for sex workers. There are always a few individual people who got lucky and had a good experience, but they’re the exception rather than the rule.

Fixing the entire industry hasn’t worked and it would probably involve a Utopian level of social engineering and behavior modification (in which case it would probably be easier to just eliminate prostitution).

9 years ago

Fixing the entire industry hasn’t worked and it would probably involve a Utopian level of social engineering and behavior modification (in which case it would probably be easier to just eliminate prostitution).

…not to defend how sex traffickers have exploited the legalization in Germany by any means but… how does one eliminate prostitution?

9 years ago

I agree that it feels wrong to give media attention to those in the manosphere because that is what they really want; however, I really believe that it is a good thing. There has been regular, negative press for a while now about them, and it’s probably what is slowing down traffic to AVfM and other places, forcing them to come up with other alliances to try to make money. They may think that any attention is good attention, but I doubt that is the case. Their messages sound good to them when they’re high-fiving each other in their echo chamber, but they don’t look so good in the harsh daylight of the national media, and they know it.

My guess is that people have started using the term sex-workers in order to be open minded and not offend those in the sex trade who may really want to be there. It’s another guess, but those numbers are probably very low, and I too am skeptical that most of the people posting about it’s awesomeness are true workers. I’d be open to prostitution’s legalization if it were a good deal for the workers, but I know that will never happen. The focus would be on the pimps and buyers, as usual. The explosion of the sex trafficking industry tells me that the real agenda is to expand the side of the industry where the workers are enslaved with all the money going to the pimps.

9 years ago

Whether prostitution should be legalized is really a different type of issue than, for example, whether recreational pot use should be legalized.

For starters, women are neither plants nor substances.

Or, which is pretty much the same, plants are not sentient (that we know).

how does one eliminate prostitution?

As Antisocialite said, we focus on pimps and buyers.

Making buying sex socially unacceptable will reduce most of the demand (remember, women are kidnapped because there are men willing to pay for them).

The complex thing is, in order to get to that point you pretty much need to modify culture to the point in which women are not seen as objects, or subhuman, or lesser than men.

In terms of politics, punishing buyers and pimps, and rescuing and empowering victims, are the two most urgent and effective actions.

9 years ago

Re: kimmel-
So I’m guessing that the guys at RoK never figured out that the Man Show was also making fun of them, as well. Or maybe it’s just me, but I always had the feeling they were subtly mocking the idea of a “Man Show” at all.

Re: sex work and prostitution
Eh, I’ve had a couple really good friends who did it for quite awhile at the higher level, and a couple of them seemed to get along (though for one of them it wrecked her relationship with her husband eventually), and I feel like there’s a way to do it right, but there’s too much other shit wrong in our rapey, misogynistic culture for it to ever actually happen “right”. Like, there’s so much ancillary shit to be fixed before it can even have the slightest chance of happening that I don’t think there’s any hope of us actually doing it “right” any time soon, so I’m also leery of the idea of just blanket legalization.

Does that make sense?

9 years ago

Chaltab: As noted by Sally, the best results we’ve seen so far are to make it illegal to be a purchaser or a pimp, but decriminalize the act of prostituting yourself. It means the men have a stronger incentive to NOT abuse the women, because the women can go and report them, and they will get busted for both the abuse and the solicitation charge. This creates a balance with the economic power, which is all on the side of the customer.

January 7, 2016 at 11:57 am

Re: kimmel-
So I’m guessing that the guys at RoK never figured out that the Man Show was also making fun of them, as well. Or maybe it’s just me, but I always had the feeling they were subtly mocking the idea of a “Man Show” at all.

The Man Show was ‘satire’, but it was also guilty of falling into the trap that often hits people who are not quite adept enough to pull off satire, being too easily taken at face value.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Doing some research on the definition of “cuck” (used as a noun), it seems to describe (in PUA lingo) a beta who derives pleasure out of sexual humiliation and letting his wife or girlfriend have sex with alphas. There are often racial undertones since it can imply that the beta and woman are white and the alphas are black. I think they’re trying to say that geeky (white) betas who like films with interracial relationships like The Force Awakens are cucks.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

That’s why it pisses me the fuck off when people call prostituted women “sex workers”, as if it’s JUST like any other job …

I’m not going to get into the rest of the discussion – as much as I joke otherwise, I don’t have all the answers – but I call them sex workers because, as far as I know, they want to be called sex workers.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

“I just realized: is this where MRAs get their RANDOM CAPITALS style of writing from?”

Vodka costs money and does not clean laptop screens when mixed with tomato juice and spit. I’ll write you an I.O.U.