cuckolding evil SJWs misogyny racism red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Return of Kings With A More Manly Version of The Force Awakens

A big congratulations is in order for odious Red Pill dirtbag Roosh Valizadeh and all his equally odious followers: Return of Kings is now not only the laughingstock of the internet but of television as well!

(And, yes, Return of Kings isn’t a Men’s Rights site per se, bla bla bla; they just agree with MRAs on about 90 percent of everything.)

Naturally, Roosh’s fanboys are crying “cuck!” And making even bigger idiots of themselves by trying and failing to get a #CuckKimmel hashtag trending on Twitter.

Great work, fellas! I’m sure these HILARIOUS and not at all incomprehensible tweets will win the masses over to your side.

H/T — Several people tipped me off to this one; thanks especially to ND Hall, who pointed me to the Roosh fanboy tweets as well.

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9 years ago

If you think Jimmy Kimmel is edgy or relevant, I guarantee you are a total wuss.

Well, OK. Stopped clock and all that, I guess.

9 years ago

Dark Statastic:

We have a Honey Badger infestation here in Cowtown so we’re not much better.

9 years ago

Hey, as it turns out, jimmy is a ‘cuck’!!

Biot (yet again!)
Biot (yet again!)
9 years ago

@Kat, thank you for the link to Musa Okwonga’s article that placed the Köln assaults in a greater societal context.
@Bina, thank you, too, for filling in more of the details about the other assaults that happened on New Year’s Eve, and the gender/sexual dimensions behind the assaults. I kinda-sorta remembered that Germany had legalized prostitution to a degree, but I didn’t know that the red-light districts in Stuttgart and Hamburg, and their clientele, may have stoked these incidents.
And @Terrabeau, that’s probably the funniest thing I’ve heard this week. I hope your landlord will understand if (s)he come knocking!

9 years ago

Apparently the MGTOW wikipedia article* originally written and approved by MGTOWs (which caused an uproar over at Wikipedia because it didn’t fit any standards) just ended up in a whinefest about feminism. Like every other conversation MGTOWs have. SHOCK.

Scroll down to “How to improve this article” to drink in the delicious, delicious schadenfreude.

*written and approved by MGTOWs! Argued over by all because it didn’t fit standards!

9 years ago

Viscaria — We gotta stick together. It’s the only way our desks and our heads will make it through intact and undented.

HeinzD — I see you one flock/swarm/colony/plague* of honeybadgers and raise you a Don’t Be That Girl.

*The collective noun of badgers is evidently “cete” but it doesn’t seem fitting somehow…

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago


STDs and drug use abound. And the cops don’t get called unless there’s a corpse in one of their sleazy little rooms. Meaning, the girls have to put up with a hefty dose of men’s shit for very little cash, and what they do make is largely eaten up by the room rent, which is extortionate and reminds me of the scrip system that used to prevail in coal mines in the bad old days. You’d have to be pretty blinded by ideology to call that “sex-positive”. It’s capitalism at its very ugliest. And the girls bear the brunt of it all.

Thank you.

9 years ago


The way these clowns use the word “cuckold” renders it absolutely meaningless.

Considering what it actually means, that’s almost a good thing.

Some concepts simply don’t deserve a specific and “legitimate” word of their own.

9 years ago

Okay, I have officially had enough of talking/hearing about Star Wars. Can we move on to something else now, please?

9 years ago

That MGTOW wikipedia article-

Criticisms of MGTOW

How can a valid criticism of MGTOW be that it doesn’t concern itself with women? It’s “MEN” going their own way, nor it is some sort of social advocacy group that concerns itself with the plight of anyone. It’s a lifestyle a very hard to define life style that mostly consists of men who think the current social system is not in their favor.

Ha, if feminism can have a criticism section, then the fucking MGTOW movement can have one! And yeah, it looks like a movement/lifestyle. Like living in communes. Except I consider communes a good thing.


This article is good. I will start a separate section talking about ways to improve it, but first wanted a praise section for all who’ve worked on it, as they’ve filled a sorely needed lacuna on Wikipedia with a very good start.

This isn’t how Wikipedia works.

9 years ago

How fragile does your ego have to be if you can’t even write a gorram Wikipedia page without someone patting you on the head and telling you what a good job you did?

9 years ago

Honestly, I would have assumed that *every* city probably has a lot of assaults on New Year’s Eve. Mass intoxication, crowds, people out late at night, etc. One of the Koeln stories mentioned 8 women being attacked, but I bet they could have written that about any city that night.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

What LadyMondegreen said.

Dark Statistic
Dark Statistic
9 years ago


Holy crow, that Wikipedia talk page was a rollercoaster from start to finish. Reminded me of talking to a toddler that won’t give up with the “Why? Why? Why?” until you finally lose patience and just revert to, “BECAUSE I SAID SO!”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


What’s your point? That makes things worse, not better.


Is there a collective noun for MRAs yet? If not, it should be “Barnyard.” They’re all filthy shit-slinging pigs* and there’s a constant cry of “CUCK CUCK BLACK CAWK.”

*No offense meant to actual pigs, which are clean, intelligent and adorable.

9 years ago

I’m not familiar with Jimmy Kimmel, but are rapes in Germany the sort of thing people would expect him to joke about on his show?

9 years ago

@theartfulman @QuintusCurtius His bosses commanded him to read from the screen. He’s a good boy, that @jimmykimmel

Why is it that MRAssholes always seem to think that any time a man mocks them they’re just following the orders of some nefarious overlord? Maybe Kimmel came to the conclusion that those guys are ridiculous of his own accord.

*No offense meant to actual pigs, which are clean, intelligent and adorable.

And delicious. Whereas the thought of eating an MRA/GTOW is even less appealing than cannibalism normally is.

Okay, I have officially had enough of talking/hearing about Star Wars. Can we move on to something else now, please?

There’s another Star Wars movie coming out this year and every year for the foreseeable future. If you’re not on board… best find a way to tune it out, because God help you otherwise..

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Apparently the MGTOW wikipedia article* originally written and approved by MGTOWs (which caused an uproar over at Wikipedia because it didn’t fit any standards) just ended up in a whinefest about feminism. Like every other conversation MGTOWs have. SHOCK.

And be sure to read ShadowKomet’s talk page – where the soon-to-be-banned MRA was outed as the sock of a previously banned MRA. DOUBLE SHOCK.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Why is it that MRAssholes always seem to think that any time a man mocks them they’re just following the orders of some nefarious overlord? Maybe Kimmel came to the conclusion that those guys are ridiculous of his own accord.

Siege mentalities and the belief in conspiracies are classic hallmarks of extremist politics, because as the extremists diverge from reality everyone who’s still clinging to it seems to be in league.

MRAs know that they aren’t ridiculous; therefore the fact that everyone else finds them ridiculous must be due to orders from a shadowy cabal somewhere. Precisely who this shadowy cabal happens to be tends to differ from extremist to extremist, but depressingly often it comes back to Jewish people.

9 years ago

@dhag – It’s actually an older episode, I think from about this time last year. I’m not chiming in here to be picky, but just in case someone wanted to look for it but tried to do so by date.


Here’s the link:

It really a good episode, even by TAL standards.

9 years ago


Hmm. Are they doing reruns right now? I don’t get it.

Yeah, seems like reruns. Sorry about that.

EDIT: Yup, it’s from Jan 23, 2015.

9 years ago

@Bina – I was actually in favor of legalizing and regulating prostitution before I did more research into what legalization generally ends up looking like (as you detailed in your post above).

I’m still for decriminalization, but I’m not smart enough to know how to make that work without encouraging abuse and trafficking to spring up around it.

9 years ago

@dhag – Don’t be sorry!
I don’t think that they usually say one of their show’s is a rerun even over here.

I only knew that it had aired before because I’m ADD AF* and have found that listening to an audio book or podcast is just about the only way I don’t abandon a chore midway through because 12 other things popped into my mind. This American Life is one of my oft-used crutches.

*That’s not said to be ablest. I have a diagnosis and medication.
I’m not sure that my low-dose, orally administered speed actually addresses the issue in question (my hypothesis: that those who might be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD have brains / physiologies exceptionally maladapted to our current lifestyles; evidence: I felt clear and focused throughout US Army Basic training, an environment in which I was running/jumping/moving during nearly every waking moment), but it helps me focus on the more routine bits of life.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I’m with Roscoe, I have mixed feelings about publicizing RoK. The public should be made aware of how awful it is, but Roosh’s head only swells with every mainstream media mention, as he imagines all the new traffic getting driven to his site.

The RoK Star Wars crawl was pretty funny, although it was unfortunate that they had to pull their punches for a mainstream audience. It reads more like a fist-bumping frat bro version of Star Wars and less like a fearful reactionary racist garbage site.

Here, let me try:

A long long time ago, in a poosy paradise far far away…

It has been 6 months since the battle of TORONTO ended with the defeat of Roosh and the rise of SHORT HAIRED WOMEN WITH AGENCY, now reorganized into the SJW CUCK ALLIANCE and firmly entrenched in Hollywood. Bros who DON’T EVEN LIFT are now emboldened to make movies.

Despite that, a small band of rebel hold outs has established a base on the planet ROOSHESBUTTKRAK, and continues to send defiant racist, misogynist transmissions. There are rumors that the ALLIANCE is planning to wipe out the DINGLEBERRIES and establish a peaceful society that sometimes caters to people other than white men. A grave new threat called MELANIN has arisen to challenge the galactic order. General ROOSH has sent several brave keyboard warriors to investigate from the smug confines of their bedroom…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I just realized: is this where MRAs get their RANDOM CAPITALS style of writing from?