cuckolding evil SJWs misogyny racism red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Return of Kings With A More Manly Version of The Force Awakens

A big congratulations is in order for odious Red Pill dirtbag Roosh Valizadeh and all his equally odious followers: Return of Kings is now not only the laughingstock of the internet but of television as well!

(And, yes, Return of Kings isn’t a Men’s Rights site per se, bla bla bla; they just agree with MRAs on about 90 percent of everything.)

Naturally, Roosh’s fanboys are crying “cuck!” And making even bigger idiots of themselves by trying and failing to get a #CuckKimmel hashtag trending on Twitter.

Great work, fellas! I’m sure these HILARIOUS and not at all incomprehensible tweets will win the masses over to your side.

H/T — Several people tipped me off to this one; thanks especially to ND Hall, who pointed me to the Roosh fanboy tweets as well.

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9 years ago

OT: The latest episode of This American Life is “545: If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, SAY IT IN ALL CAPS”

About internet comments and trolls, including the Lindy West story where she talks to her worst troll, and men being angry at women’s voices, etc.

Dark Statistic
Dark Statistic
9 years ago

No! Not Alberta again, dammit!

At least it’s not Edmonton this time.

#notallEdmontonians #CalgaryisokaytooIguess

9 years ago

I expect much anti Semitism and misogyny to emerge as a result of Kimmel’s previous relationship with Sarah Silverman.

Roosh has got it sewn up hasn’t he – every man who disagrees with him has some kind of defect, and the publicity, however bad. he sees as drawing more men to his ’cause’ – ie undermining women the world over.

I do want to see an end to this – Roosh needs to fade into obscurity – he is the epitome of the mundanity of evil.

9 years ago

I found myself wishing this were a more accurate parody of RoK and similar man-o-sites but it would probably be too obscure for mainstream TV. Nobody would understand the lingo and nonsense memes.

9 years ago

“What the hell are cologne rapes??” Do I even want to know???

Here Kitty Kitty! (@Layla_In_SoCal)
Here Kitty Kitty! (@Layla_In_SoCal)
9 years ago

Off topic, but Jimmy Kimmel looks really GOOD with a beard.

Ben (not that one)
Ben (not that one)
9 years ago

Thanks for putting in those tweets! Normally that sort of thing is region blocked, so here in Australia you have to do some tiresome thing to see it, but thanks to that guy’s mantrum I could actually watch it straight up.

Here Kitty Kitty! (@Layla_In_SoCal)
Here Kitty Kitty! (@Layla_In_SoCal)
9 years ago
9 years ago

Cologne is a place in Germany. Some women were attacked there on New Year’s Eve.

Right wing conspiracy buffs think that the “liberal media” is not covering it enough because the attackers may be muslims and/or immigrants and/or refugees.

edit: Ninja’d, of course. 😉

9 years ago

More and more I hope the next film has Poe/Finn be canon on top of Rey being an asexual badass…

9 years ago

Possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen come from Kimmel’s show. I think I might have woken up my landlord laughing.

Re:Cologne rapes

Yeah, it’s basically the perfect dream for European populists to seize on: a large-scale spree of sexual harassment, molestation, and at least one possible case of rape alleged at a mob of mostly Maghreb men. German officials are handling it pretty well and aren’t jumping to any conclusions yet, but that hasn’t stopped anti-immigration shits from dogpiling on Merkel and her policies.

9 years ago

“Cuck Kimmel” sounds like the name of a really crappy and inane Star Wars character who’s only in it for the comic relief. Just sayin’.

Re: the sexual assaults in Köln (which I guess most non-German speakers can’t pronounce, seeing as it’s an Umlaut sammitched between three consonants, so it has to be stretched into two syllables), I’ve been following and blogging/translating about this. The police are now saying most if not all of the attacks are by “repeat offenders” already known to them, and that the perps have “nothing to do with refugees”. Some accounts claim it’s an organized purse-snatching ring, and that the assaults are a distraction aimed at making the woman forget whatever she’s carrying. If true, that’s still shitty and sexist as hell, because when’s the last time you saw a man get his ass purposefully groped as a distraction in the act of pick-pocketing? Yeah, women get a SPECIAL form of sexist distraction leveled at them while thieves make off with their wallets and cellphones. Lovely.

Also, UGH, the racism. Refugees from Afghanistan and Syria, getting blamed for things that a bunch of other guys are doing. White German dudes are just as capable of raping as anyone else, hello. And anyway: Aren’t Roosh & Co. all bullish on rape? Or is it only okay (and therefore, not-rape) when white (and in Roosh’s case, Iranian) dudes do it, with “seduction” as their euphemism?

9 years ago

Dark Statistic, I had that exact same reaction. Endless Albertan headpalming.

Edit: but also Cowtown 5ever

9 years ago

#CuckKimmel tries to demonize normal masculinity but won’t say anything about #Cologne rapes.

Um – what?

(ETA – yes, I’m aware of the alleged sexual assaults in Cologne over New Year’s weekend. That non sequitur hurt my brain.)

9 years ago

PS: There were also mass sexual assaults in Hamburg and Stuttgart on NYE. In particular, in Hamburg on the Reeperbahn, the (in)famous red-light district. And Stuttgart, like Köln, has become (in)famous in recent years for its megabrothels and the human-trafficking rings that provide the girls (and they ARE, in many cases, under-age, as well as poor and from Eastern Europe) to staff them. The brothels advertise openly on billboards in many places, and much of what they advertise deserves a hefty dose of side-eye: no condoms, no limits, flat rates, cheap. STDs and drug use abound. And the cops don’t get called unless there’s a corpse in one of their sleazy little rooms. Meaning, the girls have to put up with a hefty dose of men’s shit for very little cash, and what they do make is largely eaten up by the room rent, which is extortionate and reminds me of the scrip system that used to prevail in coal mines in the bad old days. You’d have to be pretty blinded by ideology to call that “sex-positive”. It’s capitalism at its very ugliest. And the girls bear the brunt of it all.

So color me totally unsurprised that three of the German cities most strongly associated with overt prostitution also have a sex-assault problem. The young guys who did it probably don’t have the money to pay 50 or 100 euros for flat-rate brothel creeping, so they grab women on a public street on a night when there’s lots of noise and mass confusion, and get their ugly jollies for free that way. Still a form of organized robbery, since the women are being stripped of their sense of security and their dignity, and that quite systematically. And an object lesson in how pervasive rape culture is in Germany. It’s that, not immigration, that’s the real problem there.

9 years ago

Aaand I’m getting furious just thinking of all that, and how these sleazeballs are using it to score what they think are points in some kind of fucking game. So I’ll just show myself out before I start yelling and throwing things. ‘night all.

9 years ago

Dem boobs…niiiiiiiice

I like the video except the “crazy” part.

People will get upset when someone will “demonize masculinity” but will make femininity inferior compared to masculinity aka “emasculating”

And I’m tired of what women should do to be feminine and men should do to be masculine. Women will always be feminine and men will always be masculine no matter what they like or do.

Nighty night

9 years ago


I feel you. Internet hugs if you want them.

Also, we were mocking internet misogyny before it was mainstream!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Bina

From the description you give it sounds very similar to a brief phenomenon we had in London in the 90s. It was called “steaming”.

Same sort of MO. A large group would suddenly rush into a crowd, sometimes outdoors, sometimes in places like restaurants. They’d grab people either to molest them or hit them and in the chaos make off with property.

There was a big panic about it but it just fizzled out. There are some theories as to why that was; greater use of the doctrine of joint enterprise to prosecute being one. According to my clients though it was mainly economic. Takes a lot of organising, rows about divvying up the proceeds and doesn’t net as much as you can get operating in smaller groups and just engaging in standard street robberies or distraction thefts.

9 years ago

J. K. Rowling tweeted this about the Cologne sexual assaults (which were news to me):

The best comment I’ve read on the Cologne attacks, written by a black man of African descent living in Germany.

Musa Okwonga is a poet who studied law at Oxford. He certainly knows his way around words!

9 years ago

The way these clowns use the word “cuckold” renders it absolutely meaningless.

9 years ago


Also, we were mocking internet misogyny before it was mainstream!

Yes! Because we — imbued with the spirit of Katie and led by our dark lord, David — are damned edgy!

9 years ago


The way these clowns use the word “cuckold” renders it absolutely meaningless.

Torturing words? It’s what they do. It’s who they are.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Everyone knows cocks don’t tweet. They just stand around going “Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!”

#CuckKimmel tries to demonize normal masculinity but won’t say anything about #Cologne rapes.

Yes, because everyone knows that humans are simple creatures who are only capable of caring about one thing at a time, and if we’re only talking about one thing, we must stop caring about all other things immediately, or our brains will explode!

Wait…what? What’s that? That’s not actually true? We’re actually perfectly capable of caring about more than one thing at a time, but there’s a time and a place to discuss things, and Kimmel’s show is more about comedy?

What about the “demonizing masculinity” thing? What? Making fun of stereotypically “bro” behaviors isn’t demonizing masculinity at all?

Well, alright then, carry on.

9 years ago

I don’t know if I like the idea of “Return of Kings” getting publicity on a nationally-known TV program. For those bottom-feeders, any publicity is good publicity. I also saw “RoK” mentioned in “Glamour” magazine, negatively of course.

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